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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'd say what would be the point, but this is Ron, so of course he'd do something so anti-climactic. I'd bet money that Sam and Patrick find out who owns the car, but it won't be the owner of the car who ran Patrick and company off the road. Logically, I know that it strains even a reasonable amount of "it's a soap, weird shit happens" to think that someone could have your car long enough to take it for a joyride, cause an accident, and get the damage from the accident repaired, but I'm sure that the reason that the car owner didn't know where their car was for that length of time will be revealed on Ron's Twitter feed when the time comes.
  2. Well, sure, I mean, Steffy's not even in town. Hope has Liam's undivided attention now, because Steffy took herself out of the running.
  3. Milo's apartment was part of the old Fusion set. (Also, oddly, I've seen part of the Fusion set used on a Disney Channel show. Disney's getting their money's worth on that set.) I paused today, and it happened to be during a Morgan/Kiki scene. When I looked back at the TV, it was stopped on Morgan. I said to my son "OK, what does he look like?" "A werewolf."
  4. I don't know why, but I kind of loved when Jessica was talking about (OK, and now I'm blanking out on his name, whoever the guy was that she thought she was getting involved with during the show), and Bananas started patting her on the shoulder, and she said "don't comfort me!" It just cracked me up for some reason. Also, I'm really surprised that Laurel and Jordan are still together. I would have thought he was done the second he left. He strikes me as a "love the one you're with" kind of guy, more than engaging in actual relationships.
  5. You know what occurred to me in both instances (LeBron and Zach)? Steroid use can make it easier to dehydrate (thus leading to cramping). And steroid use wouldn't shock me in either guy.
  6. Maybe Scott is good at inappropriate chemistry. When he was on OLTL, he played a teacher, and he had (to some of us anyway) a lot of chemistry with one of his students (in a story line about the student having a crush on him). Not that it's the only kind of chem he's capable of, since I loved Dillon/Georgie on GH. But, yeah, Rena's done a great job at creating chemistry all over the place here. And she just seems like she's generally having a blast in this role.
  7. Sam must have been watching that and cheering. I mean, I liked Zach this year, but, yeah, he and Frank were total shits to Sam, so karma came calling. And, yeah, the two I least wanted to win won. Of course. Did Laurel use her money to get some work done? She looks different on the reunion.
  8. If it leads to Franco snapping and killing them both before turning the gun/knife/ax on himself, I'm in.
  9. That's my impression as well - Lulu was never dead or "dead," she was just frozen. (Oh the weird shit you can write when talking about soap plots...)
  10. I'm betting that's part of it. With LG going on maternity leave, they need to do something with Rick while Caroline's off screen. (Although you'd think Caroline should be involved in a story like this...) Maybe the plan is to do something along the lines of Caroline being out of town for a while and Rick has to deal with Maya constantly popping up in his face?
  11. I'm assuming the issue is that, while Lulu was just frozen, Jason was shot and kicked off the dock, presumably to be fished out later by some O/Cassadine/Faison associate, so he was likely "mostly dead" when frozen. Also, Ron is pulling most of this out of his ass.
  12. I agree - they make Kelly Thiebaud look like crap on a regular basis on this show. Whoever does her hair and makeup should be fired. But, that's largely what contributes to my feeling that Britt is not even in Liz's league - the character looks like crap, and kind of frumpy, most days. OK, and there's the teeth. She's much prettier when the teeth aren't fully exposed.
  13. Yeah, but it's the worst of her kids. It's like telling a kid "oh, wait, there is one more piece of candy in your Halloween stash! But it's a piece of candy corn."
  14. I don't think it's even necessarily who he's in scenes with. I think the combination of KMc being gone and the whole shitfest the show has become is just wearing on him. Even at the Emmys, he looked like he'd rather be getting a simultaneous colonscopy, root canal, and full body waxing than be standing on that stage.
  15. Why doesn't he just throw the damn bottles at the wall? Is he afraid she'd drop to her knees and try to suck the booze from the carpet after they break? Further proof Dr O is batshit crazy - I can get my husband laughing for a good 20 minutes that any man would find Britt hotter than Liz.
  16. .Is that plan "leave the room"? I'd love if KMc was coming back to usher Patrick off the canvas into a happily ever after for Robin/Patrick/Emma. Instead, I'm sure she's being brought back to usher in a new Jason, get trashed a little more for being gone, then shrink back into oblivion. Meanwhile, JT will remain to continue looking like he's in the midst of a hostage situation. I expect him to start blinking S.O.S when the cameras are on his face any day now.
  17. I could totally see a Liam/Quinn hook up. I see a ton of sexual tension in their scenes. A little part of me will be disappointed if it never happens.
  18. This is Hope we're talking about. Would it be surprising if, even though they've already had sex again, she backed off and told him she wants to wait to do it again?
  19. To me, there was a difference between Wyatt hopping on board the plane with Hope and Brooke and Liam showing up when Hope thought she was pregnant. That difference being - Hope was involved with Wyatt. They had a relationship, they were sleeping together, and he decided to surprise her by showing up on the plane. She seemed happy to see him, and enjoyed spending the time with him. She wasn't dating Liam when he decide to barge into a private discussion between her and Wyatt about a potential pregnancy. If Wyatt was to sneak on board a plane to go on a trip with Hope now, when they're not dating and she's involved with Liam, then it would be creepy and inappropriate. And if Hope, in a few months, suspects she's pregnant with Liam's baby, and Wyatt finds out and barges in, insisting on being a part of that moment, I'd think he was just as out of line as I thought Liam was for doing it to Hope/Wyatt. On a related note, I wonder whether KM is being told to play things a certain way, if she has a preference, or if it's just the different types of chemistry or comfort level she has with each actor, but I'm still getting from Hope that Liam is this ideal but Wyatt is the guy that's under her skin and she's more physically into. There's just something in her body language and demeanor around both. I think what she felt with Liam was that kind of sweet "first love" innocent thing. So he's kind of on a pedestal in her view. I keep expecting to see her tell Liam now that she wants to wait until they get married to have sex again.
  20. This. When Liam found out Hope might be pregnant (with Wyatt's baby), he busted his ass over there to involve himself in their conversation and waited for the test results to come back, complete with celebratory fist pump when she said the test was negative. By comparison, Wyatt wanting 10 seconds to tell Hope he's happy for her that Ridge is alive and he's sorry his mother put all of that in motion is nothing.
  21. Yeah, the "social media hosts" were horrible. Awkward, unfunny, inappropriate, and unprepared. Just brutal. KeMo's presenting now, and she's pretty clearly drunk off her ass. Not that I blame her.
  22. It's laughable that Spinelli, the former mob employee and drug user/dealer, is somehow the most fit parent because Maxie, a woman in her 20's, has <gasp> had some sex. Even with Spinelli no longer working for Sonny's organization, he'd still be in some level of danger - he knows things about the inner workings of Sonny's organization, especially on the financial end. Leaving a position like that would, theoretically, put someone in danger from both the organization he left and rival organizations. But, yeah, Maxie's had sex, she's a TOTAL danger to that baby.
  23. Does she really think people were shocked? Nina being crazy and/or being able to walk was called by about 3/4 of the audience the second she rolled onto the screen. (The other 1/4 called it as soon as rumors of MS as Nina came out.) Yeah, it just comes across like the judge doesn't want to let her near her daughter because he doesn't like her. There's no genuine basis, at this point, to not let her near the kid. There are a whole lot of flakey people who happen to be parents out there. If you take all their kids away from them, orphanages will be more overcrowded than prisons.
  24. As has already been pointed out a couple times in previous episode threads - CT and Diem did not send Johnny and Camilla in in Battle of the Exes. Johnny and Camilla were in last place in that game - the one where they were running through the path of the jet engine to collect items. Last place went in automatically. CT and Diem sent in Mark and Robin against them, instead of Ty & Emily (which was probably doing Johnny/Camilla a huge favor, since Robin was, by far, the weakest link left in that season at that point).
  25. At this point, I don't care who busts Sonny or why, as long as someone, anyone, does.
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