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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Have we had any genuine confirmation that BM is coming on yet?
  2. Yeah, I've never gotten that whole "it wasn't her secret to tell!" thing. AJ had a right to know that was his son, and Jason and Carly had ample opportunity to tell him themselves before Robin finally did it. I guess it just goes along with that whole "don't be a snitch" mentality people have been trying to instill in kids. Sorry, but some things? You need to "snitch." Something as serious as someone not being told that they have a child? You tell. I supported her doing it then, I supported her doing it when Carly and Jax were keeping Spencer from Nik.
  3. Instead of getting mental health, she spent her time away getting a special ear implant. She figured it would help her scheming.
  4. Yeah, I didn't think she was remotely sincere in her apology to Kiki.
  5. Ron tweeted during that scene that it would be easier for her to name the Q's who aren't dead. Someone needs to slap him.
  6. Except that Victor already arranged for her husband and child to be in an accident, and he's made it clear that, whether he needs her medical expertise or not, he's in charge, and he will ensure things remain that way. So, yeah, Robin can make demands, and, maybe next time, the accident kills her husband and child.
  7. I don't mind Alexis having stricter standards for her love life than who she'd take on as a client in general. But her being Sonny's lawyer, specifically, bugs the hell out of me.
  8. I won't lie. I want a Sonny/Nina coupling to be the result of this mess. So Victor is apparently stupid? Because if he can't see the myriad of ways his Rafe plan would have gone wrong... You kind of lose your leverage over Robin if Rafe's accident ends up killing Patrick and Emma. But I'm totally sure that when you want to stage an accident that merely shakes everyone up and puts a scare in someone, that your best hire for the job would be a teen who's relatively new to driving. Smart call, Vic.
  9. Oh if only I had seen tveyeonyou's post in time. If only. I'll get the brain bleach, anyone need some while I'm up?
  10. And then, poor Morgan will be like "he doesn't even love me enough to kill my father!" We all wish he loved you that much, Morgan. We all do. One of the worst parts of the PP/ABC mess is that inability to do just that. The whole clinic for the undead just screams David Hayward. He should be the Chief of Staff. Makes sense. I mean, look at how pissy he was when she was briefly in charge at the hospital. His fragile little ego definitely couldn't handle her being god. That's why Robin doesn't do it, she knows it would just be more work for her.
  11. You know all these people heard the "in paradise" part of the concept and were thinking "awesome, the Bachelor and Bachelorette have gone to some really cool places, this will be amazing." Then they got to this shit hole. I wouldn't have needed to have some other mystery hook up to turn down a rose at the first ceremony for this place. I don't think I would have even made it that long. "We're really staying here? I've got to go, I think I left the oven on."
  12. Yeah, they're both responsible when their first reaction to any misunderstanding or perceived let down from the other is to immediately jump into the other person's sibling's arms instead of trying to be adults and have a freaking conversation about why they're feeling hurt. Although I assume that, with JMW's not being around any more, Liam will eventually change this up and jump into the arms of Hope's cousin(?) Ivy. (It would be a thousand times more interesting if Liam's next "rebound" was a drunken night with Wyatt's mother.) Side note: How is Liam amassing this crowd of female groupies who seem to think he has no flaws? Ivy's known him how long? And Aly not much longer than that.
  13. Maybe he can be like Kenny from South Park? Kill him every single day, along with whoever gets voted off that day.
  14. Well, you know, considering that not willingly being killed when Sonny wants you dead makes you the worst person ever, I guess that, in his world, allowing someone to be mad at you is a huge deal.
  15. No kidding. Most of us can call what's happening before the spoilers even come out.
  16. If I thought he was really dead, I'd like Robin even more for it. We already saw him subtly threatening her when he originally requested her assistance in unfreezing Cassadine popsicles. He made it clear to her that he could get to her family at any time back then. I don't think he was implying he was planning on throwing them surprise parties with ice cream, cake, and ponies, if she didn't go along with him. "And I didn't shoot it down because it might be my baby she's carrying!" "Um...Dad? You do know it's mine if it's not yours, right?" Sadly, that's probably still the best romantic prospect Sam has had since GV's Lucky. When you really think of the whole sequence of events, it's so wrong. Morgan gets married, his brother steals his wife. Morgan hooks up with and falls for that wife's mother. His father screws her, and now they don't know whose baby she's carrying. Does Morgan have to move on to Delia now? And Sonny? Well Sonny managed to pull off the trifecta with one boink - He screwed the girlfriend of his youngest son in the crypt of his middle son's father (who he killed), cheating on the mother of his oldest son in the process. If Kristina was still in town, he probably would have ordered Shawn to kill whoever she was dating, and she'd have gotten shot, because, well, Shawn.
  17. So, how long before Ivy, the poor man's Steffy, makes a move on Liam after the eventual Lope Misunderstanding #138?
  18. The real Rorschach would be Robin in conflict with Liz. And, yeah, one does not need a gun pointed at their head or shackles on their person to be held against their will, yes, even where others can come and go. When you are certain that your refusal to cooperate will result in the death of your loved ones, you're being held against your will, and you really have no choice in the matter.
  19. I think the wedding planner shows up for dessert on Date One. Why wait?
  20. If these two fall for the exact same plan Bill pulled on them in Italy, they are officially too stupid to live. And it might be time for them to throw in the towel on this grand love that is so easily thrown into question (for either of them) by a misunderstanding, even after they've already trashed it multiple times in the past over misunderstandings. If they still can't buy a "wait, hold on, maybe I shouldn't rush into the arms of this other person before I've had a chance to talk it out" clue, it's time to give up the ghost.
  21. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    I think Jordan would laugh at that. It seems to be pretty clearly making the point that the only way Scottie would even try to claim to be the best Bull ever would be because he has a short memory. I mean, it's being said alongside a claim from Charles that "I'm a pacifist."
  22. I think it's easy enough to keep Luke alive and off screen indefinitely if need be. Like someone else already suggested - have the Fluke reveal in some form, then send Dante and Lulu off to find Luke. Or have Lulu mention that she's talked to Lucky, Robert, and Ethan, and they're tracking him down. Then stash him in a hospital off screen where Laura and Lucky are seeing to his recovery from whatever Fluke did to him.
  23. Yes, please let his death be that he pops up again in Robin's lab, and she's prepared with a syringe of a special drug she developed just for him. Please?
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