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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Nice to see he pulled his head halfway out of his ass. But a "lifetime ban" that can be appealed for reinstatement after one year? Does not compute.
  2. I'm still not seeing any chemistry between Brad and Lucas, no matter how many days they spend in bed. Brad still skeeves me out.
  3. She's pregnant with a baby glove? I now have all these scenes of crazy Nina taking care of a little glove in a baby bonnet in my head.
  4. I think Wyatt falling in love with Hope was just another take on Steffy falling in love with Liam. Steffy fell for Liam after he saved her from drowning in the bath tub, right? Well Wyatt fell for Hope after kissing her back to consciousness when she fell and knocked herself out. I don't think it gets much deeper than that on this show.
  5. I think there may be a small element of that now, but he was also really into Hope before he found out he was Liam's brother. I also think that, in some weird way, Wyatt thinks he can "have it all" - that he'll remain happily married to Hope, and he'll also be "one big happy family" with Bill and Liam. He's a bit like his mother that way.
  6. Wait, so... Nina's pregnant? Is this time with Silas not the only time she's had sex since waking up from her coma? And is it not, literally, the morning after? That's not how this works, Ron. I watched that preview of Liz slapping Nik more than once. More than twice. OK, fine, more than five times. How he hasn't been slapped before this is beyond me. It's like Ron said "now, Liz/Nik was really gross the first time. How do we measure up to that?"
  7. Well you just satisfied my idle curiosity. DirecTV lost all the local network feeds yesterday, and I wondered if it was the parade or B&B that I didn't see during the 12:30-1:00 period. If I remember my Liam/Hope mishaps correctly, This was when Steffy had left town after finding out she (probably) couldn't have more kids, so Liam, naturally, waffled back over to Hope, who went to the cabin by herself to think things over, where she came across naked Wyatt while hiking. This. I'm a relatively new viewer, and even I know the extent of Ridge's epic waffling, just from headlines in the soap mags. Hope's had a ringside seat, you'd think she'd want better for herself. I'd love to see her have some dawning realization that, if she went back to Liam, she could end up down the road like her mother - Ridge is be-ribboned to Katie, but he still insists on trying to control Brooke's love life. And it takes zero imagination to foresee Liam being the same way 20 some years down the road.
  8. I could see Heather telling everyone and nobody believing her. It'd probably be a Friday cliffhanger of Heather telling Michael, and then Monday we'll come back to Michael telling her she's crazy and leave his family alone. The real question is, why hasn't Johnny gotten word to Michael yet? You know he knows what really happened.
  9. I'm sure Ron is patting himself on the back for another "great use of history."
  10. I'll be disappointed if any annulment scenes don't involve Wyatt insisting "we consummated like bunnies!"
  11. Jesse is a total dog and all, but (knowing nothing of any of the three of them until now) Lucy is the one I disliked more. So I enjoyed her rejected face when he picked Christy. And does anyone buy her "concern" for Christy in her exit interview? I laughed thinking of her reaction watching last night when he couldn't even remember her name. I'm totally confused as to what happened with the three of them after seeing the previews for next week. It definitely seemed like there was a threesome, but Christy telling him in the preview that she knows what he did with Lucy makes me think that the Lucy hook up happened apart from the one with Christy, and she's pissed to find out that he slept with both of them in the same 24 hour span of time. Side note: Is Jesse really the only guy there just trying to hook up with as many women as he can? All these other guys are slipping into couples ASAP. Kind of surprising. Graham, honey, that was your body's fight or flight response kicking in. Trust it! I cracked up when even Chris (who was initially beaming like a proud papa when Marcus delivered his speech to Lacy) looked like "can we wrap this up now?" as that kiss dragged on and on. Michelle needs to get the hell out of her own head. It's just a silly photo shoot, no need to bring in the raccoon for a quick therapy session before putting on the damn wedding dress. Lighten up!
  12. I'd bet we'll see him flash back to that comment when Ivy mentions that it felt kind of like she was pushed.
  13. I thought the Spencer name was to honor his relationships with all three of Laura, Lucky, and Lulu. And part of the reason was kind of because Helena and Stefan would hate it - because he was trying to rid the next generation of every trace of the Cassadine/Spencer antagonism, by symbolically naming his son as part of both families.
  14. Not gonna lie, so did I. It was just so dismissive. I loved it.
  15. Or pulling a Lorenzo/Carly deal, rescuing him from whoever is currently holding him to hold him herself.
  16. I can see it to a point, but... These two have a huge history of misunderstandings and jumping wildly into another relationship the second one of those misunderstandings occur. The second he thought he was going to be late (we're talking before Ivy fell in, when they were already making their mad dash through the streets), he should have chucked the idea of the "surprise" being in them coming face to face and let it be "surprise, I'm in Paris, and the traffic sucks! Please wait just a little longer, and I'll be there with you." I had to laugh today at Liam's "it's easy to be the bigger man when you've won" (I'm paraphrasing here, but that was the gist of it). Well, yeah, just like you were Mr. Magnanimous when you were the one who had Hope. Liam has literally zero self-awareness, doesn't he? He doesn't see himself in the actions of either Hope or Wyatt, despite the rather blatant similarities. He seems so genuinely dumbfounded and pissed that people would act exactly how he would act in their shoes.
  17. Julia Roberts was obnoxious and tacky. The way she perked up at reading MM and WH's names on the nominee list and deadpanned everyone else's was just so inappropriate. I'm sure many of the presenters would have loved to be presenting an award to a friend, but she was the only one who let her disappointment show when the winner was not one of her buddies. And I just laughed during the red carpet show on E! when they were blathering on about how sweet and wonderful Julia is, when she's pretty well known for being a class A bitch.
  18. You think high school? Because he screams preschool dropout to me. It would explain so much.
  19. I think it would be hilarious to watch Taylor take this on, ethics be damned. So, she was married to the patient. So she has treated the woman he claims he wants to marry (and blew her life to bits in a public way, for her own petty shits and giggles). I can almost guarantee her prescribed therapy would involve breaking off his engagement and proposing to his shrink, via skywriting that contains the specific language "so, neener, neener, Brooke Logan, Saint Taylor wins. Suck on it."
  20. I'm trying to remember - did the Luke/Fluke switch originally take place when he and Scott were locked up by Heather's minions? It's been so long, and so much crap has gone down on this show since then, I can't recall.
  21. I can't be the only one secretly hoping Matt LeBlanc would re-enact Joey losing the soap award when he lost to Parsons? And Amy Poehler not having won for Parks yet is criminal.
  22. I haven't seen today's show yet. So, what you're telling me is that Ron needs to even ruin little infrequent appearance recurring characters we like?
  23. And then he goes on to tell someone that, essentially, they just don't "get" Ron's sense of humor. Like his numerous pissfits on Twitter are just him joking? Yeah...no.
  24. Agreed. BA wasn't bad, but Spinelli was the worst. (Well, he became that way some time after getting together with Maxie. I remember not hating him, as hard as it feels to believe that now.)
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