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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Different strokes. For me, they're literally the only good thing about this crapfest. (Because we all know that Sonny and Carly getting busted isn't going to end up being nearly as satisfying as one could hope.) I'm going to be pissed when Liz just gets tossed aside (and probably a little dose of extra character assassination) to prop JaSam...again. BH and BM are adorable together.
  2. Maya "I'll go upstairs so you and your father can talk." I feared she was going to be changing into his mother's lingerie while she was up there. Maybe she was looking for a jewelry box? And, yes, Maya's sheer terror at Rick's "screw Forrester, I don't want my Dad's guilt job!" was hilarious. But, really, it will be "ours," Maya? You've had exactly one night of revenge sex with the guy when he was drunk. Slow down, little red corvette.
  3. Here's what I really want to know - if you've lived in Port Charles for more than, say, 5 minutes, how do you even show up for the Carly/Franco wedding? And if you do show up, how do you not show up in a bulletproof vest? Everyone living in that town should have both a formal and a casual vest.
  4. I think that's a sign that Caroline's betrayal hurt more. Not only is Caroline his wife, as opposed to his girlfriend, but this was with Ridge, who is, in his eyes, the single worst person his wife could have strayed with.
  5. Now, now, let's not sully the good name of Doofenshmirtz. Even at his doofiest, he's still a million times more competent than Sonny could ever be. Although now that you bring it up, I'd love it if Franco kept putting a hat on and off in his hotel room, and it confused Shawn. "Hey, you, guy in the hat, have you seen where Franco went? He was just here!"
  6. Maya should cut out the middleman and just go throw herself at Eric. Not that I want to see Eric/Maya, but, I mean, if you're going to go all out to become Lady of the Forrester Manor, then go for the man himself. And how much fun would it be to watch Stephanie's picture launch itself off the wall and knock Maya out?
  7. Well, now, that's not entirely true. I mean, the roof could fall in on them (right after Dante gets called away from dinner for some PCPD emergency).
  8. Agreed. It was one of the most repulsive storylines in recent memory - the love of Nik's life is raped by his doppelganger, she doesn't get over that rape quickly enough for his liking (because he has needs, dammit!), so he starts screwing Sonny's sister. I honestly think this one made him look worse than the Niz grossness. And that's saying a lot. I just don't get why Tyler has such a hard on for that story/character.
  9. And can you just imagine the conversation of her explaining to Michael that he doesn't need to be Franco's best man to make her happy? "Honey, I'm already cheating on Franco by boning your father. We've actually done it on your couch. This wedding doesn't mean much to me, so if you want to I don't dislike Olivia or anything, but part of me thinks it would be hilarious if Shawn somehow manages to shoot her instead of Franco again.
  10. They could do a whole "special episode" where, at the start, we see a close up slow-mo shot of the bullet leaving the gun, and then we get an hour of various scenes around town, interspersed with slow-mo shots of the bullet moving through the air, until, at the end of the episode, it crashes through the window into one of the day's scenes.
  11. I agree that it's inappropriate to comment on one couple's performance when critiquing another couple. It's disrespectful to both couples. I wouldn't mind the Len-sub judges rotating on one condition - that those judges come from a pool of pros who aren't on that season. I'd love to see them rotate in people like Louis, Anna, Jonathon, etc, on Len's off weeks.
  12. I think my biggest problem with the judges' Derek love-fest is that they seem to focus so much of their comments on his "brilliance" and his choreography. And I'm not disputing that he's a great choreographer, but this is supposed to be about the stars learning to dance and their performances. And while their performances are obviously impacted by their pro's work, I prefer to see the feedback focus on the star more than the pro. Compliment the choreography, by all means, but every week doesn't need to be at least three judges expounding on the brilliance of Derek, sometimes to the exclusion of even commenting on his partner's performance. My problem with the way it was done this week was that Tom specifically said "we're not going to tell you if you're safe or in jeopardy until after you dance" (referring to the team dances). But, it ended up being "until after Derek's team dances." It was a shitty thing to pull on Alfonso's team. If I wasn't used to this show's general refusal to pull out anything lower, I would have been surprised he got as high as 5 from any of them. He quite literally did nothing out there but walk from spot to spot while Emma danced her heart out. This was Master P levels of phoning it in. If he's not interested in even trying out there, then he should bow out and let someone else stay who is genuinely trying to learn and perform. As for Derek's partners: Jennie was his first partner, and, even then, they had no idea she'd be so nervous. It's not like, coming into the season, anyone would have tabbed her as a "challenging" partner. And those two prosthetic legs? Came attached to a world class athlete who is still young and competing. The "plus size woman" was a performer to the core who came in from a show where musical numbers are, as I understand it (never having watched Glee) a regular thing in every episode. It's not like, in giving him a "plus sized woman" they gave him the mother from Honey Boo Boo. I can totally get Len's complaining about the "mucking about" if it wasn't a theme week that called for it, to some extent. But when you task the cast with a Halloween themed week like this, with the expectation on their shoulders that their performances are going to be a production, then it sucks to see the couples get called out for putting on that production. The problem is that these theme weeks aren't a special "treat" done once, maybe twice in a season, they're every single week. We can't just have a week where we just see them dance a couple of traditional latin and ballroom routines. It has to be frustrating to do what you're being asked to do and get criticized for it. Add in that the "mucking about" critique isn't remotely consistent. Most of the pros who have been around for multiple seasons have had performances with the dreaded "mucking about." Sometimes it's part of their concept or trying to incorporate the week's theme, sometimes it's to hide a partner's injury or limitations. And there's no rhyme or reason as to when it does or doesn't get called out. And, seriously, Michael needs to go home next week. I fear Lea might end up a surprise exit, though. Speaking of Lea, I think the judges did get in some insightful stuff with her last night. I think she puts a lot of pressure on herself because she has dance experience and she holds herself to a higher standard, but she's so focused on living up to that background that she's not loosening up and having fun with this. And it shows in that her performances are technically sound, but you can feel the discomfort wafting off of her as she dances, and that generally translates to a lot of viewers feeling a second hand discomfort, which doesn't lead them to run to their phones or computers to vote for her. I'd love to see her really lighten up and let go.
  13. Agreed. I believe it's good for kids to see examples of a healthy relationship as they grow up. And with C&T especially, it's nice that they're just a normal couple who clearly love and like each other. They're not shown in that bad sitcom cliche of the overbearing, shrill wife and the browbeaten doofus husband (outside of the chicken episode).. I appreciate that so much.
  14. Agreed. I think there's a vast difference between showing kids in the 12ish age range being "romantic" and showing their adult, married parents being romantic. Obviously the C&T romantic scenes should still be appropriate for a Disney Channel show, but there's nothing wrong with kids seeing parents being affectionate. I do agree that it's silly to never show teenagers kissing, because it's not realistic. And I hate the cop out of showing the lead up to a kiss, but panning away from (or having something block the view of) the kiss itself. Everyone knows that the couple in question is going to kiss, so what's the point? I think it would be a good compromise to limit the kissing to older teens (on shows where they have older teens, like Good Luck Charlie, where it was ridiculous that they didn't want to show Teddy kissing her boyfriend when she was old enough to drive, have a job, and have her own car), or just showing kids at this 12 year age kissing on the cheek. And, of course, they have to take into consideration when there are notable age gaps between the actors portraying the characters, even if the characters are supposed to be the same age. Kissing just seems like such an odd thing for DC to draw a line in the sand over. During one of the last seasons of Good Luck Charlie, we had Teddy get on a plane, without her parents' knowledge, to fly from Denver to the East coast to see her boyfriend, while on the plane, she struck up a conversation with, and accepted food from, a stranger (a guy old enough to be her father). And that is a character who was always a "good girl." So I can't comprehend how that was OK to show the kids, but Heaven forbid you see her kissing her boyfriend.
  15. I have to say, LG is really nailing all of her scenes lately. She was great today. I also thought JY did a really good job with the "him??" stuff. Because, really, of all the people Caroline could have kissed, Ridge has to be just the worst possible option in Rick's mind. Now I just cannot wait for Katie to hear the news. That should wipe drain the smug right out of her (at least for a few days...) I'm just disappointed Brooke isn't around. I'd love to see her dish back to Ridge about 10 times the disgust he threw her way when he found out she hooked up with Bill. Having said that, though, I want to see there be more to the Ridge/Caroline story. Those two have chemistry. (Although I'm beginning to suspect that LG is developing the ability to have chemistry with inanimate objects). And, let's face it, they need to put an end to Ridge/Katie, which is just dreadfully boring on a good day, and I don't want to see Brooke go running back to Ridge, so let this be his post-Katie story. I have no illusions that we won't eventually get Ridge/Brooke again, because even as a relatively new viewer, I know that there's no way this show won't go there again at some point. But, put it off for a while, and make Ridge earn it.
  16. I didn't even blink at the idea of Lucas and Farkle being best friends. They're in a group of 4 friends who hang out together all the time. We haven't seen either with someone else who would be considered their "best friend." As for Lucas losing his temper on the bully, I think it happens. Even the most "perfect" of us out there, when someone is treating one of our friends like shit, that's going to be a hot button, and our first impulse is likely to be not the best reaction. I think that's also kind of the "theme" that DC is going for in their bullying episodes - they understand that the initial impulse is to lash out in some way, but it's not the right thing to do. I think that by ignoring that very real human emotion/reaction, they'd be doing a disservice to their message. They did a different spin on that in the Austin & Ally bullying episode - the friends all wanted to set up a way to publicly humiliate the girl who was bullying Trish (online bullying in that instance), and Trish stopped them when she found out, saying it wouldn't make it better to sink to that level. So, in that regard, I kind of like that Disney is acknowledging that a lot of people will want to strike back in some way, but ultimately showing that it's not the right way to handle it. As for the debate on whether kids need to develop a thicker skin and get over it, I fall on the side that, yes, kids need to learn that the world is not a perfect place, and they should learn ways to cope when that world is unfair/mean. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do everything we can to stop bullying and support the kids who are being bullied, whether that bullying is physical or verbal. I think we can do both - teach kids how to deal with the rough times in life while still making sure we address the bullying as it happens. And each kid is going to learn how to cope with this at their own pace. So every kid who feels bullied needs to be given the support and guidance to navigate the issue so that they feel safe, both physically and emotionally. Telling them to "toughen up" or "get over it," does no good, and, in some cases, will make the whole situation worse for the child. Since we didn't really see exactly what was said to Farkle, how it was said, etc, I don't think it's easy to decide that he over-reacted. Plus, I think each kid is allowed to react to something like that in their own way. Not to mention, bullies are usually adept at picking out the kids who will be most affected by their abuse, so, they're more likely to react more strongly. As for the BMW issue - I don't see how that's a "power play." Some people, male and female, believe in waiting until marriage, and it's not about power, it's about what they believe in regards to sex in relationships. It's not manipulative, and Topanga was never using that to pressure him to propose. Aside from that, of course, the main issue with it was that there was no way that show was going to go there with them having sex before marriage. BMW wasn't an edgy teen drama, it was a mostly wholesome family sitcom aimed at a younger audience (not quite Disney Channel pure, but it was certainly no 90210 type show).
  17. We've all noticed that Hope hasn't even considered the possibility that this might be Liam's baby. I'm starting to wonder if Quinn is going to go in that direction - start putting a bug in Liam's ear that he needs a paternity test, and then she ensures it shows Liam as the father. When that first occurred to me, I thought, "but then she'd be taking Wyatt's child away and handing her own grandchild over to Liam." But, I think she just might be that obsessed and desperate to get back into Wyatt's life that she'd see that as collateral damage. And it would be less drastic than arranging an "accident" for Hope to lose the baby, which could backfire in a lot of ways (along with killing her grandchild), with no 100 percent guarantee that Hope would go running to Liam after the loss. But let Hope think that Liam is the father, and she'll be gone in a heartbeat, leaving Wyatt alone and at her side again and still leaving open the possibility of her and Wyatt getting the kid back some day down the road.
  18. Every time I see there's a new post here, I'm all but covering my eyes as I click on it. I admire the hell out of her for maintaining a positive attitude in the midst of this. It will serve her well no matter what comes her way, but I hope that her positive outlook brings positive things to her.
  19. I think he did, too. I'm all for friends wanting their friends to be happy and all, but Aly's investment is Hope/Liam is too much. By the way, what ever happened to Aly's crush on Liam? Am I totally hallucinating the scene where she got all dolled up (with help from Quinn, of all people?) and planted herself at the bar waiting for him to show up and notice her? What power does Liam hold that he has these girls with crushes on him who are willing to go to the mat to get him together with Hope? Not that Aly could ever beat Ivy's "nope, it's totally fine that I got pushed into the drink, go get Hope, I'll tread water for a while. Maybe check by after the wedding in case I don't manage to get out before then?"
  20. I think that, smarts-wise, Riley and Maya are fairly close to Corey and Shawn, respectively. Corey was never super smart (that was all Topanga). He was probably about average, with his extremely doofy moments and some smart moments, depending on the situation/subject. Shawn was never, to my recollection portrayed as "stupid" as much as just the kid who was on his own and had no one to push him to do well in school. Maya comes across as a little smarter than I remember Shawn being, but not to a point where I don't still see the comparison.The only one I remember from the original show as being portrayed as really dumb was Eric. I still find Riley rather dead on in terms of being Corey's daughter. She has a lot of the same mannerisms and expressions, and young Corey was generally pretty clueless in a lot of situations and needed one of Shawn, Topanga, or Feeney to help him along. But, there were also times, especially in more serious family issues, where Corey was there for Shawn and helped him come to some realizations, along with the help of his (Corey's) parents, similar to how Riley does help push Maya (like with her art and to stick with school) with the help of her parents. Having said all of that, I don't need all the characters in this version to fit exactly into the same slot their predecessors fit into. It shouldn't be essentially re-runs of BMW with the roles played by the opposite sex. It should be an homage, with some similarities, but their own "world" (and, yes, I feel cheesy for writing that). I think my favorite part of this episode was traumatized Farkle and Lucas after their stint with Harley, and Harley's "they came to me as boys, and they leave, well, I'm not sure what they are." (Paraphrasing there, can't remember the exact wording).
  21. I'd imagine it'd be those ponytail holders from the 70's, the ones with the big marble like beads on the ends. For some reason, I always become distracted by the oddity of the whole tables mixed in among the exercise equipment set up they have going on there. If I'm sitting down trying to have a snack/lunch, or hold a quick meeting, I don't want someone working out on a weight machine right next to my table. It's just weird. On a shallow note, I find myself wanting to take Caroline out for a hair cut. I feel like it would have so much life (and look young and fresh) if she'd get a couple inches off. While I'm at it, I'll bring Rick along for a shave. He looks OK with a little stubble, but he's verging into actual beard territory if he doesn't nip it in the bud now, and he does not have a beard face.
  22. I can't wait to see Nik try to justify forgiving Britt so he can still keep getting laid. Even if Liz wasn't already grossed out and turned off by him almost giving Britt one more boink for the road before telling Liz he loves her, she's going to be caught up in the Jason stuff. He's got nobody else to get some from, so he's going to have to talk himself into forgiving her after a suitable few days of token anger. And I love how the spoilers actually refer to Jason as "Jake," Like we all don't know he's Jason.
  23. Lord, I know! Gee, Patrick, what would seem worse? Nina lying about walking, or you neglecting to mention to Sam that Robin was gone because she wanted to help revive Sam's almost dead husband? In addition to wanting Sam to leave stiletto marks all over Patrick's back running to get to Jason, I also want her to rip him about a thousand new ones when she finds out that he was bitching about Robin "abandoning" him while neglecting to mention that one of the main reasons Robin left was to try to revive Jason. I'd really like Robin and Sam to have a "can you believe this asshole?" conversation about him, in front of him.
  24. He has way more chemistry with Quinn and Katie than any of Hope, Steffy, or Ivy. My first choice would be Quinn, too, but, sadly, the show doesn't seem to want to capitalize on that vibe they're putting out that is just screaming for some HateSex.
  25. I admit i laughed at Lucy's "we're all adults here...well, you two are" to Duke and Anna. And I don't know what was more absurd - Sonny's daydream of repeatedly punching Franco in the face or Nina leaving the world's longest, most bipolar voice mail message ever for Rosalie.
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