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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I have to say, LG is really nailing all of her scenes lately. She was great today. I also thought JY did a really good job with the "him??" stuff. Because, really, of all the people Caroline could have kissed, Ridge has to be just the worst possible option in Rick's mind. Now I just cannot wait for Katie to hear the news. That should wipe drain the smug right out of her (at least for a few days...) I'm just disappointed Brooke isn't around. I'd love to see her dish back to Ridge about 10 times the disgust he threw her way when he found out she hooked up with Bill. Having said that, though, I want to see there be more to the Ridge/Caroline story. Those two have chemistry. (Although I'm beginning to suspect that LG is developing the ability to have chemistry with inanimate objects). And, let's face it, they need to put an end to Ridge/Katie, which is just dreadfully boring on a good day, and I don't want to see Brooke go running back to Ridge, so let this be his post-Katie story. I have no illusions that we won't eventually get Ridge/Brooke again, because even as a relatively new viewer, I know that there's no way this show won't go there again at some point. But, put it off for a while, and make Ridge earn it.
  2. I didn't even blink at the idea of Lucas and Farkle being best friends. They're in a group of 4 friends who hang out together all the time. We haven't seen either with someone else who would be considered their "best friend." As for Lucas losing his temper on the bully, I think it happens. Even the most "perfect" of us out there, when someone is treating one of our friends like shit, that's going to be a hot button, and our first impulse is likely to be not the best reaction. I think that's also kind of the "theme" that DC is going for in their bullying episodes - they understand that the initial impulse is to lash out in some way, but it's not the right thing to do. I think that by ignoring that very real human emotion/reaction, they'd be doing a disservice to their message. They did a different spin on that in the Austin & Ally bullying episode - the friends all wanted to set up a way to publicly humiliate the girl who was bullying Trish (online bullying in that instance), and Trish stopped them when she found out, saying it wouldn't make it better to sink to that level. So, in that regard, I kind of like that Disney is acknowledging that a lot of people will want to strike back in some way, but ultimately showing that it's not the right way to handle it. As for the debate on whether kids need to develop a thicker skin and get over it, I fall on the side that, yes, kids need to learn that the world is not a perfect place, and they should learn ways to cope when that world is unfair/mean. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do everything we can to stop bullying and support the kids who are being bullied, whether that bullying is physical or verbal. I think we can do both - teach kids how to deal with the rough times in life while still making sure we address the bullying as it happens. And each kid is going to learn how to cope with this at their own pace. So every kid who feels bullied needs to be given the support and guidance to navigate the issue so that they feel safe, both physically and emotionally. Telling them to "toughen up" or "get over it," does no good, and, in some cases, will make the whole situation worse for the child. Since we didn't really see exactly what was said to Farkle, how it was said, etc, I don't think it's easy to decide that he over-reacted. Plus, I think each kid is allowed to react to something like that in their own way. Not to mention, bullies are usually adept at picking out the kids who will be most affected by their abuse, so, they're more likely to react more strongly. As for the BMW issue - I don't see how that's a "power play." Some people, male and female, believe in waiting until marriage, and it's not about power, it's about what they believe in regards to sex in relationships. It's not manipulative, and Topanga was never using that to pressure him to propose. Aside from that, of course, the main issue with it was that there was no way that show was going to go there with them having sex before marriage. BMW wasn't an edgy teen drama, it was a mostly wholesome family sitcom aimed at a younger audience (not quite Disney Channel pure, but it was certainly no 90210 type show).
  3. We've all noticed that Hope hasn't even considered the possibility that this might be Liam's baby. I'm starting to wonder if Quinn is going to go in that direction - start putting a bug in Liam's ear that he needs a paternity test, and then she ensures it shows Liam as the father. When that first occurred to me, I thought, "but then she'd be taking Wyatt's child away and handing her own grandchild over to Liam." But, I think she just might be that obsessed and desperate to get back into Wyatt's life that she'd see that as collateral damage. And it would be less drastic than arranging an "accident" for Hope to lose the baby, which could backfire in a lot of ways (along with killing her grandchild), with no 100 percent guarantee that Hope would go running to Liam after the loss. But let Hope think that Liam is the father, and she'll be gone in a heartbeat, leaving Wyatt alone and at her side again and still leaving open the possibility of her and Wyatt getting the kid back some day down the road.
  4. Every time I see there's a new post here, I'm all but covering my eyes as I click on it. I admire the hell out of her for maintaining a positive attitude in the midst of this. It will serve her well no matter what comes her way, but I hope that her positive outlook brings positive things to her.
  5. I think he did, too. I'm all for friends wanting their friends to be happy and all, but Aly's investment is Hope/Liam is too much. By the way, what ever happened to Aly's crush on Liam? Am I totally hallucinating the scene where she got all dolled up (with help from Quinn, of all people?) and planted herself at the bar waiting for him to show up and notice her? What power does Liam hold that he has these girls with crushes on him who are willing to go to the mat to get him together with Hope? Not that Aly could ever beat Ivy's "nope, it's totally fine that I got pushed into the drink, go get Hope, I'll tread water for a while. Maybe check by after the wedding in case I don't manage to get out before then?"
  6. I think that, smarts-wise, Riley and Maya are fairly close to Corey and Shawn, respectively. Corey was never super smart (that was all Topanga). He was probably about average, with his extremely doofy moments and some smart moments, depending on the situation/subject. Shawn was never, to my recollection portrayed as "stupid" as much as just the kid who was on his own and had no one to push him to do well in school. Maya comes across as a little smarter than I remember Shawn being, but not to a point where I don't still see the comparison.The only one I remember from the original show as being portrayed as really dumb was Eric. I still find Riley rather dead on in terms of being Corey's daughter. She has a lot of the same mannerisms and expressions, and young Corey was generally pretty clueless in a lot of situations and needed one of Shawn, Topanga, or Feeney to help him along. But, there were also times, especially in more serious family issues, where Corey was there for Shawn and helped him come to some realizations, along with the help of his (Corey's) parents, similar to how Riley does help push Maya (like with her art and to stick with school) with the help of her parents. Having said all of that, I don't need all the characters in this version to fit exactly into the same slot their predecessors fit into. It shouldn't be essentially re-runs of BMW with the roles played by the opposite sex. It should be an homage, with some similarities, but their own "world" (and, yes, I feel cheesy for writing that). I think my favorite part of this episode was traumatized Farkle and Lucas after their stint with Harley, and Harley's "they came to me as boys, and they leave, well, I'm not sure what they are." (Paraphrasing there, can't remember the exact wording).
  7. I'd imagine it'd be those ponytail holders from the 70's, the ones with the big marble like beads on the ends. For some reason, I always become distracted by the oddity of the whole tables mixed in among the exercise equipment set up they have going on there. If I'm sitting down trying to have a snack/lunch, or hold a quick meeting, I don't want someone working out on a weight machine right next to my table. It's just weird. On a shallow note, I find myself wanting to take Caroline out for a hair cut. I feel like it would have so much life (and look young and fresh) if she'd get a couple inches off. While I'm at it, I'll bring Rick along for a shave. He looks OK with a little stubble, but he's verging into actual beard territory if he doesn't nip it in the bud now, and he does not have a beard face.
  8. I can't wait to see Nik try to justify forgiving Britt so he can still keep getting laid. Even if Liz wasn't already grossed out and turned off by him almost giving Britt one more boink for the road before telling Liz he loves her, she's going to be caught up in the Jason stuff. He's got nobody else to get some from, so he's going to have to talk himself into forgiving her after a suitable few days of token anger. And I love how the spoilers actually refer to Jason as "Jake," Like we all don't know he's Jason.
  9. Lord, I know! Gee, Patrick, what would seem worse? Nina lying about walking, or you neglecting to mention to Sam that Robin was gone because she wanted to help revive Sam's almost dead husband? In addition to wanting Sam to leave stiletto marks all over Patrick's back running to get to Jason, I also want her to rip him about a thousand new ones when she finds out that he was bitching about Robin "abandoning" him while neglecting to mention that one of the main reasons Robin left was to try to revive Jason. I'd really like Robin and Sam to have a "can you believe this asshole?" conversation about him, in front of him.
  10. He has way more chemistry with Quinn and Katie than any of Hope, Steffy, or Ivy. My first choice would be Quinn, too, but, sadly, the show doesn't seem to want to capitalize on that vibe they're putting out that is just screaming for some HateSex.
  11. I admit i laughed at Lucy's "we're all adults here...well, you two are" to Duke and Anna. And I don't know what was more absurd - Sonny's daydream of repeatedly punching Franco in the face or Nina leaving the world's longest, most bipolar voice mail message ever for Rosalie.
  12. So, how long before Katie becomes suspicious about Ridge/Caroline and decides to take Brooke's advice and go throw herself at Bill? I really, really hope that the show surprises us and Bill steps away saying "thanks, but I'll pass." Then a despondent Katie can end up whining to Liam, leading to a drunken hook up. Please, show?
  13. Suddenly, I'm interested. Please, sweet baby Jasus, please, let Sonny's plan to take out Franco accidentally take out Carly instead. Please. I've been good all year. Also, I love that he wants to hire someone. Because even Sonny apparently knows that Shawn is the worst hit man ever.
  14. I'm right there with you. Of course, I like TK. And if I had that voice in my ear and those hands on mine all day, I'd be having far naughtier daydreams than hers. Plus, I think they have some chemistry. And I'm a complete hypocrite, because I'd probably be skeeved out beyond belief if this was RM's Ridge in the same scenes.
  15. His complete inability to actually kill anyone leaves a tiny, dying daily, shred of hope that he might still be undercover after all, and he sucks because he wants to suck. And he knows that Sonny is just enough of an idiot to continue to employ the world's worst hit man.
  16. Not to mention, Caroline "outed" him to her husband, who Katie knew was feeling uncomfortable with the Ridge/Caroline relationship. Did Katie expect that Caroline should endanger her own marriage to keep Ridge's secret indefinitely?
  17. At this point, I keep expecting that, when we don't see her on screen, she's off staring at pictures of her with her Bill rings on, then glaring at that fucking ribbon.
  18. It just occurred to me - when Patrick finds out Jason is alive, will he remember that Robin told him Jason was dead and have even a moment of "if that wan't true, what was really going on there?" Or will he just be a pouting baby because he wants to get into Sam's pants and Jason's presence puts a damper on that?
  19. I think Disney typically does this in October - air all of their Halloween themed episodes (and, yes, every show in season during this time is likely forced to put a Halloween show together) at the start of the month so they can re-run them numerous times throughout the month. This was probably my least favorite episode of this show so far. It felt like they were told at the last minute "you need to film a Halloween episode" and just threw together whatever they could.
  20. She's probably heard talk around town that the only hotel in town has a problem with the she beast of an owner barging into guests' rooms whenever she damn well feels like it. I assume that's what Sonny wiped his ass with in the bathroom. This may be the most I've ever wanted a soap opera plane to crash. Maybe Shawn was doing target practice and a few of his many wayward shots managed to hit that jet's fuel lines before takeoff or something?
  21. To be fair to Brooke, she's really just pulling a more upfront version of how Katie threw them together in the first place - leave town and let them bond over Will. All she needs to do now is arrange a hot air balloon ride for Bill and Katie in her absence.
  22. But, I'm assuming that Sonny and Carly have exactly zero clues that this is about ELQ and not about Sonny. Generally, if someone shows up on at the doorstep of one of Sonny's relatives toting a gun, it's because of Sonny's business. So if they're concerned that hit man number 2 will be along soon to try and off him and he, therefore, needs to get out of town, then their next natural concern should be that Morgan would pop up next on the list if Michael is hidden away. (And Sonny should also warn Dante and suck it up and give Alexis a heads up for Kristina's sake).
  23. Is Quinn really surprised that Hope is saying she wants her out of their baby's life? Did she really think that she was going to come over and they'd bond over her pregnancy and all would be forgotten? I so badly want Ivy to want more for herself than cajoling Liam into a date and all, but, I realize there are only 3 guys in her age range in town and two are already taken. If only L.A. wasn't such a small town...
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