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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I don't think it has ever really been clear that she left of her own free will. Quite the opposite, when we had scenes like Victor showing up at her house to remind her he could get to her family any time he wanted, and then, even after he had Robin there doing the work, he arranged for her husband and daughter to get into an accident, just to remind her of his reach. This was not a case of Robin going "yay! Jason!" and leaving skid marks on her family's backs to go revive him. She was in pain and torn, and it was made clear to her that, while it was posed to her as an "offer" she really had no choice but to accept that "offer" if she wanted her family to be safe.
  2. But Patrick knew she wasn't in Africa, so he wouldn't expect that she had her passport with her to be at a clinic in New York.
  3. From what I know of the history there, he'd have to be older. Deacon wasn't around until after his birth, so Hope would have to be younger than him. (Not that chronological birth order really matters to soaps all that much.)
  4. If we get Dillon back, I want him played by someone good, not...that.
  5. I swear, I'm not a violent person, but this? Is going to send me into a violent rage. It would probably be for the best if Ron and I never cross paths. Seriously, could he be more intentionally aggressively clueless? What really pisses me off is that I know Ron is capable of better. I've seen it. So this is even more infuriating. They really, really need to get co-HW in there who can reign him in. He's too far up his own ass to turn things around on his own.
  6. if she does lose the baby, and Liam does another one of those obnoxious "Yes!" fist pumps, I hope she kicks him in the balls, walks away and never looks back.
  7. Since Liam and Hope can never be "at fault" it'd have to be something like Wyatt deciding to take her rock climbing or some other potentially dangerous activity where she can have an accident and lose the baby.
  8. I'd be shocked if he isn't in her bed soon enough...unless she has the backbone to not let herself be his "next available body while I wait for Hope." But if she's willing, he's there.
  9. The producers are clearly thrilled that they now have twice as many Houghs to do vanity numbers for. I don't believe I'm about to take up for Mark, but... I thought it was kind of shitty of the show to decide to include that "Len doesn't know anything about country or jazz" bit in there. I think that it was something off the cuff Mark threw out there to try to make her feel better, and I'd be willing to bet that they could fill an hour long show with clips just like that from the other pros over the years. Sometimes, when someone is feeling down like that, you throw something like that out there to try to make them feel better, whether you believe it or not, especially someone young like Sadie who they've already said is very sensitive. I think her father's tweet was miles worse. Wish Michael would have gone. Fingers crossed for next week.
  10. My gut feeling was that it's being skimpy around Michael that she wasn't comfortable with. He's certainly pinging my creep-dar via TV, so I can only imagine what it's like in person, one on one. Michael is that one dad at the high school who makes all the teenage girls and teachers feel really uncomfortable, and he thinks they all adore him. To give her the benefit of the doubt, I kind of wonder if when they initially approached her to do the show, she maybe even expressed the whole "I'm not a ballroom dancer" issue, and they assured her "oh, no, we want someone to come in and shake things up and bring a fresh perspective," so she felt kind of shocked to be dinged for exactly what she thought she was there to do. I did enjoy the hell out of Carrie Ann's side eye reaction shot, though. Julianne's hair was so, so WTF. Did she let two toddlers style her hair with a hand mixer? It seemed like they were busting out some old story lines all at once - the front runner stresses and gets critiqued by the judges, Derek's partner has an injury, Allison had her "Maks moment", etc.
  11. Could they please, pretty please, photo shop Sam into the purple leotard picture with him? OK, I need this to be how this goes down now. Franco will become a much more palatable character for me when he's full on screwing over Sonny and Carly. Between the time slot change and me needing to leave earlier to pick up my son from school than I did last year, I feel like I'm slowly being weaned off this show. I'm usually out the door right after 2:30, so I'm missing the whole second half, and while it's on my DVR, I only go back and watch it if you guys make it sound like something interesting happened in the second half of the show.
  12. Am I losing my mind, or, in a late in the season episode, didn't Red tell her that the people her husband works with targeted her specifically to get to him? That would naturally imply that there was some pre-existing relationship between them, yet she seems to not know what that relationship is. So that leads me to believe that they are family of some kind, but he has not been in her life (possibly to make things safer/easier for her). As for the show being comfortable with the smush name, it would not be the first time I've seen one of those names used to represent non-romantic pairings. I don't think that it implies that the producers/writers view the pairing as romantic or potentially romantic as much as they know that some fans see the two as a unit, which they are, whether that means they are family, friends, or romantic.
  13. They left it hanging at the end, but since he already asked her to raise the kid with him, and she shot that down, it seems like the only other "solution." It kind of cracks me up that on a show where nobody seems to be raised their entire childhood by their bio parents as an "intact family" these two are acting like her being pregnant with someone else's child is some insurmountable issue. If you two want to be together, then go ahead, be together, share custody with Wyatt and move on. OK, you might also want to set some agreement limiting Granny Quinn to supervised visits only.
  14. If Hope doesn't tear Liam a new one tomorrow, my head will explode. So he wants her to abort her baby because it would interfere with them getting back together. Well, that makes sense, since, when he found out Steffy was having his baby, right as he was in the midst of wedding attempt #467 with Hope, he gently encouraged Steffy to abort said baby...oh, wait, what's that? He married Steffy and would still be married to her today (OK, either still or again, after wedding attempt #468 with Hope went to pot) if she hadn't lost the baby? Well fuck that guy. I assume it's way too much to hope that this finally puts the nail in the Liam coffin in Hope's eyes? Or that she'll even bring it up? Right after I posted this, I realized it could have come across like I thought that abortion was a remotely ideal solution in either case, it's not. But Liam's hypocrisy here is astounding. I don't have a problem with the initial proposal - that they could parent the baby together (provided his plan wasn't to shut Wyatt out of the child's life, because that's not OK), but if that's not what Hope wants, then proposing she abort the baby because it stands in the way of your "great love" is shitty beyond the pale. Proposing it when you yourself were essentially in Hope's situation and did not, in fact even entertain the thought of abortion, but now it's OK, because, well, not your kid, is a thousand times worse. What a hypocritical asshole. Honorable mention to Brad's completely redundant redundancy. He's literally re-writing the Hope/Liam/Steffy shit with Liam/Hope/Wyatt, to the letter. Way to check out for a while and just re-run your old scripts.
  15. Why do I have the feeling that, if they did manage to get him back as the "real" Franco, they'd just make FrancoTodd Jason's twin again, somehow?
  16. This just made me miss Death Vase from OLTL. if only THAT character could come over here and do some much needed damage around town. I have to say, I won't hold it against Sabrina if she manages to off the Jerome/Corinthos spawn. Less Corinthos DNA in the town gene pool is always a good thing.
  17. I assume by "Ron is in talks with James Franco" what it means is "Ron is talking to a picture of James he cut out of an issue of Us Weekly."
  18. The school/grades thing doesn't surprise me. We've seen a lot of examples in the short time the show's been on that Maya just flat out doesn't try, partly because it seems almost genetically ingrained in her to not believe that she's "good enough" to succeed. We're seeing her slowly come to the realization that maybe she does have something to offer, but it's slow going. I think that's kind of common in the Maya type characters we see on various shows. On the flip side, Riley is the daughter of an over-achiever and a teacher. I'd be surprised if she wasn't getting good grades. I don't think it's a reflection on the relative intelligence of either girl, but the attitude that each was brought up to have towards school. And on a general note, while I do think Sabrina is the talent of the cast right now, Rowan is good too. That is definitely Cory's kid, I can see exactly why they gave her the role. And she's younger than Sabrina, so I'd expect Sabrina to be more polished. I think there's a lot of growing that happens in the time between their respective ages, even though they're not that far apart.
  19. Exactly. And the "misunderstandings" is total weasel speak to cover everything ESPN got right by saying "we'll, yeah, but you misunderstand..."
  20. Which was why his whole "I don't know if I can get away from work to go to Paris!" whine was ridiculous. In the time I've been watching this show, I don't think I've seen anyone not be able to do whatever they want because they have to work. I wish I had watched back in the day. I'm sure Stephanie would have worked my last nerve, but I still think I would have loved it.
  21. Quinn was awesome today. She said exactly what we've been saying. Either Hope is the most irrational immature person alive or she really wanted to go with Wyatt and Liam being late gave her the green light to do so. Because anyone would think "flights get delayed, traffic sucks" and a dozen or so other reasons that someone could be a little late to meet you in another country, especially when you add in their track record for misunderstandings. What Quinn did to Ivy was wrong, but Liam and Hope? They bring this shit on themselves by reacting irrationally to every little bump in the road.
  22. Not to mention, weren't Rick and Caroline together when Maya hit town? Caroline and Maya both have had reason to think that Rick was really into them, because, initially, he gave both women the hard sell to land them.
  23. At this point, Goodell has to be like "OK, fine, you can hit each other harder on the field, go helmet first, I don't fucking care, just don't lay a hand on anyone off the field."
  24. The kids are, at best, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, but most likely 4th, 5th, 6th. It's Jason in first, and then whoever she's sleeping with and/or Sonny. Then the kids come in to play.
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