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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. At this point, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Devyn and Johnny (non-Bananas) win. I'm in it for the shocked, exploding heads of Bananas and Laurel. And, yeah, I'm calling so much bullshit on the final elimination draw "somehow" being CT/Bananas and Laurel/Theresa. And then those potentially awesome showdowns get thrown a freaking puzzle pyramid. Seriously, show? I think they absolutely wanted Devyn in the final, just for the laughs of watching each of the guys trying to deal with being paired with her. When it got down to Johnny/CT, I said "and right now, I'd die happy if they said the final elimination was going to be having to carry your opponent to a trash can and drop them on it." But, sadly, no. Am I reading into things, or does it look like, much like my choices, CT and Cara Maria are TJ's favorites this season? While I agree that CT should have probably gone out on top, selfishly, I want to see him keep coming back, because it's just not the same without him. I saw Mark Long on Twitter yesterday urging people to tell MTV/BMP that they want to see an "Old School vs. New School" format. Could potentially be interesting, depending on what kind of format they use. I'd love for them to go somewhat throwback and do a modified take on the old inner circle and cumulative points totals. Or maybe the old format (I want to say the first Duel where Derrick went in over and over and lost one right before the Final?) where each team has a captain who has to go in against a teammate if their team loses. Something to shake things up more.
  2. Seriously?? That was it? He had "not really amnesia, but why the hell is Brooke's little sister getting all hands-y with me??" memory problems for like 15 minutes until Katie recited some damn poetry? So what was the point?
  3. When you can't figure out shit that Carly and Franco have managed to piece together, you really need to hang your head in shame. Also, once she inevitably marries Sonny (because we all know it's coming some time), everyone will be like "but her initials are AC, not AJ." Because the citizens of PC are just that dumb.
  4. I'm going to be so disappointed if Ridge doesn't laugh at the idea that he got involved with Katie and put a red ribbon around her finger as an engagement ring.
  5. The longer all of this goes on without Jax being there, the more unbelievable it is. He loves Michael and Morgan like they were his own, he'd be here.
  6. That would have been awesome. It obviously only would have worked once, since any time after that, they'd be aware it could happen, but seeing it happen the first time would have been great.
  7. God I hope the network puts the kibosh on the idea of landing Muhney. They'd be nuts to go out on that limb just to help Ron "win" his petty little soap war games.
  8. I just have zero problem with anyone on that staff copping an attitude with Dr. O over anything, regardless of whatever they've done wrong. Also, if O was a chief of staff who gave two craps over the life and death aspects of the job, the second she heard a nurse who's supposed to be on duty just witnessed the death of a loved one, she'd be more worried about getting someone in to take the rest of her shift because you don't want someone that freaked out to be taking care of patients right now. She'd rather stand there and trade barbs and piss all over the hospital to mark her territory and demand that everyone "respect my authority."
  9. Hi, Lotus Flower! My favorite part was Laurel saying something like "I feel like you're all on her side and think I'm wrong." There's a brief pause and CT says "well, yeah."
  10. I don't know, in a hospital where the chief of staff position is held by an international felon who has managed to bribe, blackmail, and extort her way out of prison sentences an into a position of authority, I can't get too amped up over someone taking a break from their workday when they lose someone they care about.
  11. Agreed. IF Jason is going to come back, I think it would be far worse for Sonny and Carly if he full remembers everything about his relationships with them and feels disgusted and hates them than if he just doesn't remember. If he doesn't remember, they can live in hope that they'll get "their" Jason back once he "gets better." If he fully remembers and remembers all of his old feelings but still wants no part of them, what can they do? Knowing Carly, she'd plot to get him in another drunk driving accident and see if she can get "her" Jason back.
  12. Your recovery time from a GSW clearly depends entirely on what would make for more run ins with an ex or future love interest. I'm sure they teach that in med school.
  13. Tell me I did not just see Sonny in the previews in Anna's office demanding details about what happened to "my brother." Do fuck off, Sonny.
  14. If we're going to start holding soap cops to real life cop standards, it's time to close down every soap PD. They pull shit real life cops would never do on a daily basis.
  15. Agreed. Like I said last night, if you're one of the remaining women, you absolutely want Devyn and Cara Maria in the final with you. Maybe not CM before she broke her hand, but now that it's broken, it puts her ability into question. But if you're Nany and you have the chance to potentially take out one of Theresa/Laurel, you go for it. With Laurel drawing the kill card, Nany would have been sitting pretty had she sent Theresa in. Not to mention, considering that it looks like the final is after this elimination, there's no need to worry about who would and would not say your name in a future elimination vote.
  16. Oh, please, no. Besides, I have Nina penciled in for Sonny. The scenery chewing, spastic eyes, and jazz hands will be epic. It's for the best. Patrick's past taste in guy friends was fucking awful. I actually thought it was a pretty solid performance. That shriek reminded me way too much of witnessing my then teenaged cousin react to her mother's sudden death. If Ric escapes, he's alive and well and out there to potentially blow Fluke's whole deal. I'm sure his immediate concern is the safety of his loved ones. If he's alive and on the run, the bad guys may decide to go after Molly and/or Liz to draw him out. If he's dead, he's no longer a threat, so, theoretically, the bad guys would move along. Because I still want to be able to have nice things, I think this can still be swung as Julian being undercover. I know watching Ron's "work" causes hope to die at an alarming rate, but I'm still holding on to this one. Can Rafe please go on a bender and run over Levi? Please?
  17. I agree, Nany was stupid to not stick with Theresa. TJ pretty much threw the ball into her court when he asked her for her vote first on that last vote. You have to figure that, as adamant as he was about voting Cara Maria in, he's not going to throw himself into an elimination to keep Theresa safe, no matter how friendly they might be outside the game. If it had been only Nany who was in jeopardy, then I get her switching her vote. But in that situation, the person who votes first basically holds the cards. And I knew TJ would judge them if Cara Maria's name came out of their mouths. As for strategy, from the women's standpoint, at this point, you want Cara Maria and Devyn to be two of the women in the Final. Yes, CM is tough as hell, but, still, she has an injury, she's not 100 percent. The other girls were probably all doing an internal "Yes!!" fist pump when Devyn turned over a blank card. Meanwhile, you know Bananas is praying CT goes home. He does not want a Final with both CT and Zach in it.
  18. I've been expecting this for a while now. There's some weird subtext in their scenes.
  19. During the Cohutta/LeRoy elimination, my family (yes, my 11 year old is obsessed with this show, please don't call Child Services) was chanting "take the jumper!" when Cohutta had the ball. So we laughed when he actually tried it once. I really think that's your best bet when facing someone who is like twice your size. Yeah, they might block it or you might miss, but it's still a better option than trying to go man to man against someone with that kind of size discrepancy.
  20. Laurel just continues to be the worst this season. She's just so smug. But acting like that to the one person who truly has her back was just way too much. I really do think that she has this idea that she and Jordan are some "power couple" or something, and they're going to reign over all future Challenges (despite his ass already being gone from this one). I'm convinced that Frank's presence is somehow a key variable in the "Zach Douchebag Equation." When he's not around, Zach's likable. It's weird. I was rooting for the guys to vote in Johnny, leaving us with the potential for a Johnny vs. Johnny elimination. (Who wins? America.)
  21. It cracked me up that he was still, while giving her the dress, basically saying "well, I still think he belongs with Brooke, but not my call, so, uh, well, here's your dress."
  22. God, could you imagine the over the top cheesy scenery chewing of that scene?
  23. Ron does love Florencia Lozano. Or, hell, if he did go with Levi as Mac's, he'd probably just go ahead and retcon some affair with Holly. May as well make all the illegitimate Aussie kids who show up in town Holly's with everyone but Robert. Seriously, though, I hate the thought that they could make Levi Mac's kid. If he's finally going to get his own bio kid, I'd prefer that said kid not be a total asshole. Also, I know there would be no biological connection and they weren't raised knowing each other or anything, but ick to Maxie finding out she's sleeping with her father's son.
  24. Yeah, I'll be stunned if Nina isn't fully aware of Sam/Silas and playing the innocent wheelchair bound wife. If she doesn't get up and walk around the second Silas leaves her alone at his place, it'll be truly shocking. It's going to be ridiculous when MS launches into full scenery chewing mode opposite ME and KeMo (where the most we'll get in return to said scenery devouring is a "WTF" face from KeMo).
  25. "Nina" is actually Bill Eckert, and "Luke" is actually Nina.
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