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Everything posted by JenLily

  1. I thought it was adorable how eager Trip was to play the "Who Wore It Best?" game with Anna Kat. He was rocking those daisy earrings! I love him. I loved him on Psych and was crazy about him in Galavant. I'm thrilled to see more of him, especially since his stroke.
  2. I find it interesting that so many people are assuming that Sailor crying somehow means she's led some charmed life surrounded by yes-men until now. I took it as a young, 21-year-old girl upset and embarrassed that not only was she getting kicked off a show where she was self-conscious about her skills in the first place, but it was happening on live TV in front of millions *and* it was happening because two people deliberately picked someone else over her. Know what I mean? I think it may have been easier to cope if it was just presented as "you didn't get enough votes" as opposed to "sorry but we just liked her more than you." Which, I'm not even saying that's how the judges feel but at 21 I was insecure enough that that's how I would've interpreted it. Hell, at twice that age I'd *still* have to give myself a quiet talking-to if I wanted to avoid slipping down that self-destructive rabbit hole. I'm a hard yay except in a different color. Then again, I'm a sucker for a sequin. Must be why I can't quit this show. 😉
  3. The poor little thing. I cried along with her. As soon as they called Sean safe, I wasn't going to be happy with whoever got sent home but that was really hard to watch. I have to give props to Val. He really seemed to want to get her off the stage so she could have some privacy, and you could hear him telling her how great she was when he was holding her. Gosh, that was hard. On a positive note, Kate and James did so well. I was thrilled for them. And I loved Karamo and Kel, they're really improving. I wish the voters who are voting for Sean would just. . . stop.
  4. I'm having real trouble with this show. There's something about the tone it's taking that's not sitting well with me. It's like, haha look at these quirky girls who it turns out are sisters and the children of this oddball dude who. . . completely and utterly violated potentially dozens (hundreds?) of women. It's gross and I don't really like how the show is kind of glossing over the massive harm he's done in favor of making some sort of weird commentary that family is what you make of it. I don't know. I'll give it one more episode but if I continue to feel slightly ill while I'm watching it, it's not going to be worth the time to see where it wants to go.
  5. I'm mixed race (not black/white though) and Bow's post-gym class hair hit me where it hurt. I still remember how stressed out I got if we did anything even remotely sweaty in class. My (white) husband looked at me and asked me if that really happened and was like, "Dude, why do you think I'm such an asshole about not getting my hair wet when it rains?" 😊 I absolutely cracked up when they were getting ready to leave the barber shop and he said, "Oh good. I haven't said anything offensive yet. . . but I can feel it bubbling up." 😂
  6. "1, 2, 3, FIRE!" I burst out laughing. Miggy's hilarious.
  7. Kay's stretching cat move was everything. I watched it three times and could not stop laughing. I'm glad Mike made a new friend. It must be hard being in a new place if the only two people you hang out with are a guy that's constantly putting you down and the eccentric dude that lives in your barn. 😊
  8. I'm starting to get a little worried about the way voting will work this season. I can only speak for myself but I tend to wait 20 or 30 minutes to start the show so I can skip commercials. That so far has meant that when I cast my votes about fifteen minutes before the show ends, I usually haven't watched the last two or three dances so I can make it in before voting closes. I only vote for the dancers that I've seen because I'm not yet at the point where I am willing to throw votes at someone just because I like them or want them to stay in the competition, so that means for the last two weeks it hasn't mattered how well the last two or three performed, I'm not voting for them. Kel went third to last week 2 and second to last on Monday. If other people are doing the same thing I'm doing, I'm concerned that the last few dancers of the night are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Granted, maybe I'm giving too much credit to the voters. After all, historically they've proven to be, um, not as concerned about quality dancing when they cast their votes. 😉 But it still makes me nervous. I noticed that, too. She was probably thinking, "Wasted your save there last week, huh, judges?" 😂
  9. I had to rewind that to make sure I heard it right and absolutely howled. All those snakes coming out of the wall was horrific. That would've been the end of my farming experiment. I would've burned the house down and gone back to New York. 😂
  10. I knew this was going to happen and it still pissed me off. They could've handled her character in so many different ways and they went with the most boring and obvious one. Don't get me wrong, I didn't much care for Ava one way or the other. But I was really hoping that the show would do a true twist and have it come out that she hadn't done anything wrong and it was Connor badly misreading everything. Oh well. I'll keep watching because, well, I'm an idiot. But I'll continue to not expect very much when it comes to actual storytelling.
  11. It must just be me then that finds the show hilarious. I cracked up when Rio said that she wasn't sure if this was the right time to say anything but that farming has done wonders for Mike's body and Mike goes, "It's never the wrong time to tell me that." And I loved Rio's internal struggle over letting the local hairdresser do her highlights (I was like, giiiiiirl. . . no). I love how earnest they both are about embracing their new life. And like I said before, I'm loving Constance and Rudy. It's a fun little show.
  12. I can't cook an egg either but I can certainly boil them. Her list only stipulated they be cooked; she didn't have to attempt to get fancy with them. I don't mind her being a flake or even not that bright but even flakes and not-that-brightses have some semblance of common sense (see Phoebe and Joey on Friends). I know a lot of shows have the unfortunate habit of turning some of their characters into caricatures of themselves, but this is getting ridiculous. No one leaves lit candles in a car. NO ONE.
  13. Oh, I forgot about this, too. The baby crying, Teddy wailing, the dog barking -- all turned up to 11. I couldn't bear it.
  14. I know I was only watching with one eye and half an ear but I seriously didn't even realize that was Vic that Jackson's glommed onto. No thanks. I like her, I don't want him to drag her down. I hate with the fire of a thousand suns the trope that people with children somehow deserve preferential treatment. Like if she was childfree the lawyer and everyone in the room would be like, "Well, that's okay, she can do some jail time then." Come on. If anything she should've thought of her children before she did the stupid shit that got her in trouble in the first place. It really irritates me when shows demonize people for calling out the main characters for actually doing something wrong. Reminds me of Suits in the later seasons where all the characters suddenly got all self-righteous even though literally everything they were doing was either unethical at best or illegal at worst. Bailey is not wrong for forcing them to deal with the consequences of their actions. See above. I mean, Hank Lawson had quite the successful career doing that on Royal Pains. Richard could just rebrand himself as a "concierge doctor." 😊
  15. I really enjoyed this show. I just love Kal Penn and I was charmed by the rest of the cast, too. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
  16. I wasn't expecting much when I sat down to watch this and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought his relationship with his kids was really sweet and I loved the dynamic with his friends. Like the rest of you, I'm curious what direction the show will take but I'm planning on sticking with this one.
  17. Same. The whole episode I kept thinking, "This isn't like Cam. He'd never say things like that to his students. What is going on with him?" It wasn't until about a minute before the reveal that I finally cottoned on to what was happening.
  18. Did anyone watch the season premiere? I really like this show. Dax and Lake are really charming together and I am *loving* the burgeoning relationship between Constance and Ruby. I forgot though, why did Beau move out again?
  19. Yeah, he said that. He was referring to the whole cross-country aspect of it because I had said I didn't understand why they didn't just drive down to FL because that made more sense to me in the whole "week-long vacation" timeline they'd established, especially considering they were pausing at places instead of taking turns and driving straight through My husband actually shouted with glee when he saw AMH. I didn't even recognize him. Then again, I think my husband is a bigger fan of the original than I am. I'm a Christmas Vacation gal myself. 😊
  20. LOL, yeah, when that came up I was like, "Well, that was unnecessary...". All I thought was, "Thank god I'm not eating dinner right now." 🤮 Seriously. Stomach pain would've been the least of my issues. They would've had to tie me down to keep me from cutting my foot off and gag me to stop me from screaming. 😂
  21. I pointed the same thing out to my husband and he hand-waved it away as "well that's what they did in the original," but that leads me to Kiddvideo's point: I think I would've been more amused if it wasn't basically a condensed shot-for-shot remake of Vacation. This episode was a bit of a miss for me, with the exception of Jeff: "I followed your suitcases like bread crumbs!" 😂
  22. I'm a simple creature. The fart joke amused me and I laughed out loud at the pee joke ("Should I just go?" "No! Don't just go!"), being on the receiving end of that question from parents who have woken up after procedures in the hospital not 100% certain if they've been catheterized or not. 😂 I was delighted to see Baxter from Mom and Mr. Lily was even more excited since he loved the actor in Breaking Bad. All that being said, I'm not sold on the show yet. There was a lot of overacting on the part of Bob's family and dare I say a bit of underacting by Billy Gardell and Folake Olowofoyeku. I'll give it a few more episodes to see if the cast can learn to gel but so far this isn't must see TV for me.
  23. I forgot how much I missed this show until it came back! Lainey was killing me with her attempts at Michelle Pfeiffer-ing her class and I cracked up when she ran into the chimes and when she threw the candy bar at the kid's face. I know they're always vague about what year they're supposed to be in, but I was a little confused. They were discussing American Pie and Dangerous Minds as if they were both recent releases but I checked my handy-dandy IMDb app and Dangerous Minds was released in '95 and American Pie came out in '99.
  24. Oh my god, that's horrible. My DVR cut out before the in memoriam came up so I *really* didn't understand what the coda was about. Thank you for the information. I fricking love Loretta Devine and I was delighted when she turned up as Pops's love interest. I'm not 100% sold on Pops changing either but who knows. I just re-watched the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Debra's newly-single father turned up with an older ladyfriend instead of the young hussy they were all expecting so maybe I'm just not buying this storyline yet because it's not as "unexpected" as they maybe wanted it to be. I'd like it if it turns out he is playing a long con and Loretta's character finds out and knocks him on his ass. 😊
  25. Same. I absolutely cracked up when he said, "This is why I don't do cocaine. I am cocaine. (pause) I do cocaine." I'll keep watching. In addition to my deep, abiding love for Gary Cole, I have a soft spot for Zack Morris, Santamonica is adorable, and I have a feeling I'm going to like Aunt Dee Dee. So yeah. . . I'll hang in there. 😊
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