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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. Despite the appeal of Sean Bean, I have to admit I'm losing interest in this show. But since it's almost over, I'm going to stick it out through the final two episodes next week. I really hope he gets a good project next.
  2. I agree with Kini's win this week. I agree with Korina's elimination based on that one-hour challenge. When Korina was eliminated, I wanted to break out in song - "ding, dong, the witch is dead". She has got to be one of the most self-centered, self-deluded designers ever to appear on PR. I haven't been a fan of Char's designs and think she's lucky to be still competing, but I commend her for acting respectful and professional in front of the judges, and holding back her tearful breakdown until she was back in the designers' room. In contrast, Korina was disrespectful and unprofessional in front of the judges, rolling her eyes and crying because oh, it's so unfair that she had to do another challenge against a designer who's so inferior to her! She spent that one-hour challenge being resentful and angry that the judges didn't just recognize how much better she was than Char and eliminate Char straightaway. I'm rooting for either Sean or Kini to win.
  3. Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.03 - Root Of All Evil - Promo 2 Posted by Nirat Anop at Friday, October 03, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/sleepy-hollow-episode-203-root-of-all.html
  4. For those who can't wait (like me), here's some spoilery hints... The Walking Dead – No Sanctuary – Advance Preview Posted by Romain Ossust at Friday, October 03, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/the-walking-dead-no-sanctuary-advance.html
  5. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.03 - Making Friends and Influencing People - Promo Posted by Sean M at Wednesday, October 01, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/marvels-agents-of-shield-episode-203.html
  6. Updated info on first four episodes of Season 5... http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/the-walking-dead-episode-501-504-titles.html
  7. http://tvline.com/2014/09/30/the-vampire-diaries-season-6-spoilers-elena-kiss/ http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-Walking-Dead-Greys-Anatomy-1087736.aspx http://www.eonline.com/news/583654/spoiler-chat-how-to-get-away-with-murder-the-walking-dead-bones-grey-s-vampire-diaries-more
  8. http://tvline.com/2014/09/30/the-vampire-diaries-season-6-spoilers-elena-kiss/
  9. Love the new "Finchcave". Love Finch, Reese and Bear. I can only take Shaw and Root in small doses. I like the set-up of the Machine versus Samaritan. I did not like the POI at all - as others have said, Claire was an idiot. Also, I don't understand how the Machine protected Claire at the end. Who shot out all those bad guys? The preview for next week's Fusco episode looks good...
  10. I'm also enjoying this new season so far much more than last season. I don't like Hunter but I'm not surprised that Coulson still wants him on the team. He's the new Skye (the rule breaker) but in Ward's body (the hunk). Raina was the most interesting character to come out of Season 1, so I'm glad she's back. I'm curious as to where Simmons' storyline is going (esp. seeing the preview for next week's episode). Here's a review of this episode that raises interesting speculation about who Skye's father might be in the Marvel-verse: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.02 Review: Heavy Is the Head http://www.tvovermind.com/reviews/agents-s-h-e-l-d-2-02-review-heavy-head-241316
  11. I still love Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie as Ichabod and Abby. I enjoy watching every scene that features either or both of them. I enjoy Jenny in small doses, so I'm fine with her being temporarily sidelined in prison. That ending with Frank was super creepy. That said, most of this episode felt like a waste. Our heroes spend most of the episode coming up with this plan to rescue Katrina and then, what... she doesn't want to be rescued because she's going to stay as a mole to learn the two Horsemens' plans. If she learns something significant, then how is she going to tell Ichabod (as others have also noted)? Is she going to escape then and, if it's that easy for her to escape, why didn't she just escape earlier? Perhaps she always had the power to escape on her own, but only stayed because she knew Abraham would pursue her and hurt others in the process (the other reason she gave Ichabod for staying). That would solve the incongruity between Ichabod telling Abby what a powerful witch Katrina is and us seeing Katrina held captive by a measly rope tied around her hands. The only good thing to come out of that main plot is the creation of that new skull creature, who appears to be on Ichabod/Abby's side.
  12. I'm still liking Ben Mackenzie as James Gordon. He and the guy who plays his bad cop partner, Bullock, really work well together and against each other. I'm also impressed by the kids, Bruce and Selina. I was surprised to learn that Selina is only 13 - she's got a very adult-looking face. She reminds me of Milla Jovovich. Bruce has a very shadowed, mournful face.
  13. Here's a question that I'm genuinely curious about: Is fairy tale canon less sacred than comic book canon? I recently watched the return of Once Upon A Time with the new Frozen characters and read some fan complaints about how the writers stuck too closely to the Frozen story when OUAT usually puts twists on classic fairy tales. So that got me to wondering... my impression is that fans generally like it when fairy tale canon is revised or subverted, but get more upset when comic book canon is changed.
  14. I liked Elsa a lot (Georgina Haig was great), but thought Anna and Kristof were only meh. I enjoyed the Frozen scenes, but they seemed to belong on a different show. I also wanted to yell at Anna to change out of the white wedding dress when she went running out to the rock trolls. It was also a bit ludicrous that Anna sails off the day before her wedding. I'm sure a lot of preparations and money were spent on that wedding. Sometimes I found the episode disconcerting like the show couldn't decide if it was going to be a children's show or a more PG show - for example, the scene with Kristof and Sven versus the scene with Regina and Sidney. If we, the viewers, are expected to forgive Regina for her past evil deeds (which, given all the repeated statements about how she's not the same person as she was before), then it makes sense that Robin is supposed to do the same. He fell in love with the present Regina, who he's only seen as doing good things. I think TPTB are trying too hard to keep Regina on the show and that they believe that will only work if she has some redemption. Otherwise, the good guys would've killed her already. The problem is, she committed some really awful murders and other heinous acts. I have to give some credit to Robin Hood for sticking with his marriage vows to his wife, Marian, even though he's now apparently in love with Regina. It's possible that he still has feelings for Marian. Right or wrong, at least he made a choice and was honest with both women. Remember, in Season 1, David was in a similar position where he was married to Katherine but fell in love with Mary Margaret. However, David tried to keep both his wife and his girlfriend, cheated on his wife, and lied to both women. So in that respect, Robin is better than David. I guess David could use the excuse that he was cursed at the time. I'm over Rumple/Gold and Belle. That Beauty & the Beast dance was overkill.
  15. Congrats to Middle Feast! I had to laugh, though, at the end when Tyler shook Lone Star's hand and told them they competed "with integrity".
  16. Episode titles for Season 5 so far and spoilers for first episode... 5.01 - The Sanctuary 5.02 - Strangers 5.03 - Four Walls and a Roof 5.04 - We Mourn Together http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/the-walking-dead-episode-501-no.html http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/the-walking-dead-episodes-502-503.html The Walking Dead - Season 5 - Carol & Daryl Teaser
  17. Spoilers for X-Men: Apocalypse movie (scheduled for May 2016 release)... Simon Kinberg Talks Wolverine's Claws; Teases 'Cable', 'Psylocke', More For X-MEN: APOCALYPSE By Josh Wilding - 9/26/2014 http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=108298 Apocalypse screenwriter talks plot, new characters, Mystique's potential motherhood + more Dan Roth Friday, September 26, 2014 - 6:32pm http://www.blastr.com/2014-9-26/apocalypse-screenwriter-talks-plot-new-characters-mystiques-potential-motherhood-more X-Men: Apocalypse to Potentially Recast Halle Berry's Storm, James Marsden's Cyclops, and Famke Janssen's Jean Sep. 24, 2014 AT 7:20PM By Rachel McRady http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/x-men-apocalypse-potentially-recast-storm-cyclops-jean-2014249
  18. Thanks, kikismom. I'm not impressed by the casting breakdown. Looks like it's two small families, and one spouse from each family is conveniently dead. I'm guessing that the 40-something dad and the 30-something mom will team up and be future romantic partners, that the rebellious teenage boy and the level-headed teenage girl will be another potential romance, that the screwed-up teenage boy will turn bad, and that the 40-something flower child will turn into another Carol (initially cowed, later badass). I wouldn't be surprised if the 40-something dad is a combination of Rick and Darryl.
  19. After last week's enjoyable "Time Heist" episode, this episode was a huge disappointment. The Skovox Blitzer monster was a joke and not scary at all. It looked like a mini-Transformer. The Doctor's repeated calling Danny Pink the "PE" or a soldier, not a math teacher, and his rudeness to Danny got tiring after awhile. I think Peter Capaldi's Doctor still works best when he's serious and that he lacks credibility when he's being "quirky". I thought the Doctor going undercover as the school caretaker was just silly. I also find little chemistry between Clara and Danny, so that romance seems forced to me. I thought Danny became annoying with his "sir"-ing of the Doctor and that whole scene where he repeatedly picked at the Doctor for being a "Lord". Also, his ultimatum to Clara irked. I say, get rid of Clara and Danny (leave them on earth to live happily ever after together), and bring in Psi and Sabra as the Doctor's new companions.
  20. Plus - on the island, did Slade even know that Sara was Laurel's sister, that Sara was on the boat with Oliver, and that Oliver & Sara knew each other before the island? I don't remember what Slade knew about Sara exactly while on the island. Maybe someone else can clarify. After Slade came to Starling City, he would've found out that Sara is Laurel's sister and possibly her renewed relationship with Oliver. But, as I suggested in a previous post in another thread before, when mirakuru-influenced Slade made that promise to Oliver at the end of that fight on the boat (right before Oliver shot him in the eye with an arrow), Slade specifically mentioned Moira, Thea and Laurel as the ones he was going after. At that time, they both thought Sara had been washed away and was dead. When Slade came to Starling City, he was fixated on fulfilling that promise. That's why Sara and Felicity weren't targets for him, just obstacles (until Oliver made Felicity a target with his ILY scene). It was "I always keep my promises", not "I always keep my promises and, oh, I'm going to add Sara to that promise."
  21. This is an interesting poll... I voted for The X-Files and Firefly (I'm nostalgic that way): The SpoilerTV Favourite TV Series Competition 2014 - Day 19 - Doctor Who vs. The X Files & Firefly vs. Sherlock Posted by Bradley Adams at Saturday, September 27, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/the-spoilertv-favourite-tv-series_26.html If at first, you don't succeed.... Lost’s Josh Holloway Reunites with Carlton Cuse in USA’s ‘Colony’ By Chris Kind on Sep. 26, 2014 http://www.tvovermind.com/tv-news/losts-josh-holloway-reunites-carlton-cuse-usas-colony-241111
  22. I think I stuck it out the second season just so I could come here and read the snark (and add my own snark). BTW, I saw a local news report that the Monarch butterfly population in North America has decreased by 90%, primarily due to the diminishing growth of its main food source, milkweed. I hope that the TV exposure of this butterfly on UtD doesn't lead people to try to trap it. I'd hate for UtD to lead to the extinction of a butterfly species.
  23. From the EW Spoiler Room... http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/09/26/spoiler-room-agents-shield-greys-anatomy-spoilers/
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