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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. What I remember about Veronica Mars is that most of Veronica and Logan's relationship when they were together happened off-screen during the summer hiatus. He showed up at her door, beaten and bruised, at the end of one season. Then when the show returned in the fall, he and Veronica had apparently gotten together and broken up, and Veronica was back with Duncan. But I really gave up on VM when they introduced Piz.
  2. It would be nice if Oliver and Felicity got together and stayed together, but I'm skeptical about the EPs going that route. If Oliver is finally willing to get involved with Felicity, but Felicity rejects him for whatever contrived reason and she moves on to Ray or whoever, then I can see Oliver getting involved with other women next season - even if it's just temporary hook-ups. They can draw it out with lots of hints and touches that O & F still have feelings for each other that they've suppressed, even while involved with other people, and those other relationships never work out obviously, etc. I wouldn't even be surprised if next season they have Oliver trying to make something work with his baby mama for the sake of his son, have Oliver trying for a normal life and being a daddy like Diggle, but having that relationship fail. Just speculating on ways the EPs could keep O & F apart. I mean, look at The Flash, Barry loves Iris, but Iris is with Eddie - yet is anyone going to fault Barry if Barry moves on and gets involved with another woman?
  3. Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.16 - What Lies Beneath - Extended Synopsis Posted by Nirat Anop at Friday, January 23, 2015 6 http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/01/sleepy-hollow-episode-216-what-lies_23.html Also some video clips from 2.14: Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.14 - Kali Yuga - 4 Sneak Peeks Posted by Nirat Anop at Friday, January 23, 2015 http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/01/sleepy-hollow-episode-214-kali-yuga-4.html
  4. Since Arrow is apparently aimed at the male demo (according to Pedowitz), I came across this brief review of "Left Behind" by a male fan and found it interesting... FAST Minute Review for ARROW Season 3 Episode 10 Published on Jan. 23, 2015, by J.A.F.R.
  5. Anyone buy this book? https://twitter.com/mguggenheim Overwatch is getting 4 stars average score by Amazon customers (it's been restocked). http://www.amazon.com/Overwatch-Marc-Guggenheim/dp/0316212474/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422047228&sr=8-1&keywords=overwatch+by+marc+guggenheim&pebp=1422047237816&peasin=316212474
  6. Actually, I would've loved to have seen an all out, no holds barred fight between Sara's Black Canary - er, Canary - and Oliver's Arrow (perhaps both of them brainwashed or tricked into thinking the other was the enemy), just to see who would win. Now that would be an epic fight.
  7. Sorting Through Conflicting Messages on DC/CW Crossovers – Channel Surfing Podcast By PR Rocket on January 23, 2015 http://www.pressreleaserocket.net/sorting-through-conflicting-messages-on-dccw-crossovers-channel-surfing-podcast/47884/
  8. Not sure I agree that Gotham needs fixing, but whatev... A Letter On How To Fix Fox’s Gotham by David Alexander Speaker ⋅ Posted on January 23rd, 2015 at 10:45am http://moviepilot.com/posts/2015/01/23/a-letter-on-how-to-fix-fox-s-gotham-2615703?lt_source=external,manual
  9. Spoiler Room: Scoop on 'Arrow,' 'Murder,' 'Supernatural' and more By Natalie Abrams on Jan 23, 2015 at 1:02PM http://insidetv.ew.com/2015/01/23/spoiler-room-arrow-murder-supernatural-spoilers/
  10. http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/
  11. Regarding Laurel not appearing to grieve over Oliver's supposed death, this might be over-analyzing the psyche of it all - but I think the interrelationships among Oliver, Laurel and Sara were really unhealthy and dysfunctional. Laurel sabotaged Sara's chances with Oliver and snagged him for herself, knowing of her sister's interest. Sara brought Oliver to the Lance family dinner and flaunted their relationship in Laurel's face. Oliver slept with and loved both sisters, even while feeling free to cheat. So even though Laurel appeared to forgive and accept both Sara and Oliver last season, she did have those initial angry, hostile reactions to each of them returning from the dead. I think that deep down, Laurel still never really forgave either of them for deceiving her and going on that boat trip. Plus Laurel must have suffered not only hurt but public humiliation when they died and all of Starling City knew that her boyfriend had cheated on her with her sister. So it could be that part of Laurel's drive to avenge/honor/become her sister is partly guilt over never fully forgiving Sara. On the other hand, when Oliver died (again), part of it was a "been there, done that" feeling. But also, on some subconscious level, Laurel probably felt a sense of karma that Oliver had been 'punished' for his transgressions against her. With both Sara and Oliver gone, Laurel would finally be free of her morass of mixed feelings about her sister and ex-boyfriend.
  12. Felicity turning off the lights is clearly symbolic and the crap she's getting over that action is much ado about nothing. But all the crap that Felicity is getting for stopping Diggle and Roy from going after Brick is unwarranted, in my opinion, for two reasons: (1) her action was actually a rational decision (the one that Oliver would've made), and (2) any fall-out from that decision in terms of future lives lost or crimes committed should be blamed on Malcolm, not Felicity. 1. The choice wasn't between saving Diggle & Roy or saving a lot of other people in the future. The choice was between saving Diggle & Roy or not saving them, but in either case, Brick still would've gotten away with the evidence. If she hadn't stopped them, Diggle & Roy would've likely died, Brick still would've gotten away, and you still wouldn't have saved people in the future. Plus you'd have lost two crimefighters. Yes, it was protective, but if Oliver had been injured and leading from the Arrowcave, he would've seen that Diggle/Roy were clearly outgunned and told them to stop and regroup. It required a split second decision by the leader. In Oliver's absence, Felicity made that call. She didn't have time to discuss it in committee. It wasn't a weak action, it was a strong action. But it seems like the EPs want us to perceive it as an irrational, grief-motivated decision, which will have crime-ridden consequences. 2. If Oliver had been there, then he, Diggle and Roy would've had a good chance to stop Brick. Without Oliver, Diggle and Roy couldn't succeed. So if anyone is to blame for Brick getting away and for wasting all those months of Oliver's efforts in collecting evidence, then blame Malcolm. Malcolm is the one who drugged Thea and got her to kill Sara, setting this whole chain of events into play that resulted in Oliver having to leave the city, fight Ra's, and "die", leaving Team Arrow short-handed and without their leader.
  13. But Laurel is wearing Sara's wig. So if Sara's C wig is curly, but Laurel's BC wig is straight, did Laurel take time to use an iron and straighten the curls out on Sara's wig before putting it on? Remember the WB (which the CW replaced)? The WB was sometimes referred to as the White & Beautiful network.
  14. The problem is that the EPs made the first BC the younger sister of the second BC. If the first BC had been Laurel's mother, who was then murdered, then it would've been more understandable that the daughter would want to live up to her mother's heroic legacy but would have insecurities as to whether she ever could (the inferiority complex). Regarding the "epic" Canaries fight - I think Laurel's biggest fear with respect to Sara is that her BC will never be as good as Sara's C. So I think they'll fight to a draw, thus proving that Laurel is as good as Sara. Two possible scenarios: It'll start with Sara beating Laurel's ass in the fight, with Laurel feeling discouraged. Then she'll dredge up some inner strength from deep inside, put on the angry face, and really fight back. They fight to a draw, and Sara disappears. or Laurel will be on the ground and Sara tells her to get up (paralleling Tommy telling Oliver to get up - "get up, Neo"). Laurel cries, "I can't - I'll never be as good as you!" Then Sara shows Laurel a vision of future Laurel as the BC fighting really well. Then Sara and future Laurel engage in a fight where Laurel holds her own, and they fight to a draw. Sara smiles and disappears. That way, the EPs are telling fans that Laurel will one day be the awesome BC of the comics. Whatever the scenario, this is Laurel's hallucination - so it'll be Laurel's version of Sara and Laurel's twisted subconscious that comes up with this fight. The EPs' goal for this episode? Laurel will have a renewed sense of confidence that if she keeps training, she'll one day be as good as Sara. Then she'll probably bring down Vertigo (somehow) and earn Oliver's respect (somehow). Then Oliver offers to train her, but Laurel says, "no thanks, I got this - I'm going to train with Nyssa (nyah, nyah, nyah)."
  15. I'm really curious as to Felicity's actual birthday date. Remember when Felicity's bio was posted on CW Arrow’s facebook timed with Season 2 of the show? Her age was listed as 25 then. So MG may be retconning her age a little.
  16. If you think this episode was designed primarily to build up Laurel as the BC, then you have to read the hilarious Pajiba review posted in the Starling City media thread here.
  17. Oh, that Pajiba review is funny - and spot on. Arrow: 3×10 Review – Left Behind By: Alisha Bjorklund less than 1 minute ago http://www.threeifbyspace.net/2015/01/arrow-3x10-review-left-behind/ Arrow Season 3 Review “Left Behind” January 22, 2015 Arrow, Reviews http://www.tvequals.com/2015/01/22/arrow-season-3-review-left-behind/
  18. http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/ I always find it interesting that EBR is 23 and playing older, while WH is 23 and playing younger. Then there's SA who's 33 - 10 years older and with more acting experience than EBR. Yet EBR manages to hold her own in their scenes together.
  19. http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/
  20. Arrow Review: “Left Behind” (Episode 3.10) By Mark Rozeman January 22, 2015 | 2:03pm http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/01/arrow-review-left-behind.html
  21. After watching the fan video, "Oliver & Felicity | 5 Stages of Grief "He's gone" (posted in the Clock Tower thread), I was wowed by EBR's portrayal of grief. So I really don't understand the complaints about her acting - not emotional enough? too emotional? whiny? huh? I much prefer her just-on-the-edge, somewhat stoic expression of grief to someone else's loud wailing and crying. I've always liked acting where you can read someone's emotions just by looking at their face and can tell they're there just below the surface. (A perfect example is the close-up shot of Katniss/JLaw's face at the end of Catching Fire, where she says not a word but her face changes from anger to grief to defiant determination.)
  22. It's actually quite clever, and will keep the ratings up or steady.
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