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Everything posted by Actionmage

  1. I am not understanding Bob if he refused to do the second thing mentioned. I've travelled a bit in my time, but even in someplace like New Orleans I didn't have time to read all the plaques. Bob putting up the historical plaque would not hurt Jimmy unless folks stopped to read it. Then it would be up to the readers as to whether they said/did anything. By not putting the plaque up, Bob's not just letting Jimmy have a moment, but denying his shop legitimate historic value and legitimate PR. Linda might call a TV crew to do a piece on the plaque, but that still doesn't seem to be any threat to Jimmy Pesto's. Add me to the concerned-about-a-pretend-restaurant table, please.
  2. Poor Freda; Lucious pushed all the right buttons and got her to trust him, despite everyone- including her dad and Jamal- telling her to keep away from him. She had found a great friend and collaborator in Jamal. She respected Cookie's ear and savvy. She was keeping her roots in the neighborhood because she hadn't made it big, but she was justthisclose! I hope Jamal pulls through and helps her. Rhonda needs some help. Her husband is kidnapped- along with his bipolar grandma, she's getting flashbacks to That Horrible Night and thinks it might be a newish friend, plus her new Empire clothing venture in addition to her original business and that floating manslaughter thing in the air. (Just because Thirsty helped? I can't trust him to never use that against them. He's Lucious' minion and then out for himself.) Man, Carol just better disappear. Between the Feds and Cookie or Lucious and the Gathers organization, she just bought a world of hurt. I would hope that Candace would have pity, but I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm with the other posters, wrt kicking that full of bs producer to the curb. Cookie is a fine producer, as per the show's world, so part of that could just be jealousy. "Mama's boy" isn't appreciated either, especially coming from a supposed adult who's been in the business a while. He cannot be that great, Jamal. Good-looking? Yeah, but Ryan was hot as well. There has to be a good man for Jamal who DGAF about Lucious, appreciates Cookie, Andre and Hakeem and Becky and Rhonda and Freda. Then, Jamal needs to have less relationship stress for a season. He can be stressed about other things. Blow Lu up, Leah! He lies so much that he couldn't stop if he wanted. When Andre said that Leah showing up would hurt Lucious' career, I was disappointed in Andre. Lucious is a supervillain. Telling the world his mom was dead for thirty years versus the truth? So Lucious, already a rich dude, would be hurting career-wise if the truth was told? Lucious can deal. Yes, Leah really should be in an place with appropriate care and professionals, not housekeepers who should not be expected to do the job of an RN. ( I'm just glad Juanita was with us another week.) Still processing stuff like Hakeem and Laura and the wonderfulness of the ASA going to someone else entirely.
  3. At least we will be ending our time with Flashback Island next week, right? At least until the flashbacks synch up with the pilot? If this year was supposed to harden Oliver, which I'm not sure it was supposed to at this point, we really didn't need this many trips there. The one(s) about Constantine and a more condensed grouping of The Totem of Evil. But that may be my boredom. Thea cannot catch a break. Laurel promised a spa weekend, but ended up LP'ing Sara. Thea took Malcolm at his word that she'd be able to not have to have anyone "protect" her ever again, but there she is under a damn dome because Malcolm. Alex promises a quiet weekend away, but drugs her and takes her to a bunker, as per Ruve/Malcolm. I hope Thea ends MM and/or DD. I hope Anarchy helps her and gets away. I am not entirely sure if Alex is dead, but ,sadly, I'm not too upset if he is. If anyone comes gunning for Felicity for her actions, they had best come uber-correct because Ms. Smoak just ensured there were folks to come calling for her. ( Okay, Noah did stuff too.) There also better not be any of the " us being heroes brought out the loonies" because The League of Assassins was around long before costumed vigilantes came on the scene. People have been inhumane to others forever, just not to this scale. So, again, the nukes weren't Felicity's fault. Another madman found codes that a paranoiac had written in order for her to insure she could micromanage insanity. Unfortunately, Lyla didn't destroy the damn drive, but that doesn't lessen Lyla in my eyes. It's a hard call, period. John, hon, when Oliver is saying lying doesn't work? Maybe believe him instead of proving his point by using examples. You respect the awesome that is Lyla, but she gets it. Donna? I understand you being pretty scrupulous about liars after Noah. Yet, Quentin is all about helping the city and its people as an officer of the law. You are also not there to be his mom. He understands Right form Wrong. If you are able to support him, then I'll happily shut up. If not, then maybe allow him to return to his job. ( OTA has read Donna into the circle of trust, right? If she hasn't, the scene makes more sense, as Donna has no idea what Felicity does other than be a CEO and date billionaires. If she does, then the previous stands.) Oliver. I agree; they are way too expensive for "mere" Halloween costumes. Even Cisco would sniff in indignation. Other than him kicking asses and giving Brick whatfor, nothing but pleasure seeing S2 Oliver rocketing around trying to save the world.
  4. Amethyst could be fun, if done right. It's original run was very much a lighter GoT/ medieval knights-and-magic, but its cast was primarily female ( and had a talking Pegasus, iirc.) Apparently, the subsequent runs have gotten a bit darker, but Big Questions have been asked in addition to the action and relationships. The cool thing is that Amy ( her Earth self) doesn't have to be a blonde white girl, and I say that as a fan of the original run. All that is needed is an American teenage girl. I think it's time to move past the horrible movie and give Barb Wire a chance at TV. Yes, she's not DC, but the character fits into many of the current nets' boxes that she'd be at home on amc as well as Starz or HBO. Isis also could be rebooted. If they are looking at Shazam for the big screen, go deeper with Isis on TV. I also think Jade could be an interesting subject of a dramedy with the cool addition of intergalactic fight action here and there. Or a sitcom centered on Fire and Ice, of the 80s version of the Justice League. Tone down some of the OTT-ness, highlight the ladies' friendship, and explore how two superheroines deal with the world when they aren't saving it from various bad-intentioned folks.
  5. That is a very sad, and probably accurate, assessment of the situation. The writing is so tipped to highlight Barry- reasonably- that a fleshed-out supporting world is forgotten in the process. Like Caitlin last night. She's had two proactive actions in three episodes, but allowing us into Caitlin's POV, as opposed to zombie madness for example, could have been an interesting parallel. While Barry is choosing what/how he returns to everyone, so is Caitlin and we get her reasons for doing so, as opposed to sitting and yelling at the TV to run away to her friends and being baffled as to why she didn't/ wouldn't. Like the comparisons of CA:CW and BvS, folks don't have to diminish one to spotlight the other. We can have two fleshed-out female characters on the show. Or three, since it looks like Jesse might hang about for a little bit.
  6. This evening I saw an ad for the first time. It was a Target ad that had several WOC, including the wonderful Rita Moreno! It celebrated various types of ladies, not just the usual ad lady-types. I look forward to this one for a while, at least.
  7. Iris surely knows what a paper's morgue and a lab's morgue is. The point of her 'ew' reaction was that there are dead bodies on a lower level when this was supposed to be a lab for things not dead. I can see that. Even if Candace and Grant were okay, maybe this close to the end of the season, Production didn't want to stretch out the filming schedule with a sick lead actor. CP looked her usual lovely self in the episode, so either it wasn't too horrible or make-up is getting overlooked for some industry bling. *g* Shallowly, I loved SpeedForce!Iris' green coat and our Iris' carmel/tan coat at Nora's grave.
  8. Well, unless that case figures into the overall story of the season, I thought we all knew John was supposed to feel detatched and that was why his handlers/bosses/practically anyone not a direct co-worker believes him a killing machine and super-duper great at wet work. Other than that? I enjoyed the episode. Bear! So sweet. Root and Finch deciphering and having an "outing" together while Finch also got to run interference for John. Plus, any excuse to have Keith David talk on-screen is fine by me. I get why John did what he did at the end, but... I'm really tired of the love interests that just accept the break-ups and the break-up is proven to be the right move because the Ll is unable to deal with the reality of the Main Character. It's okay to have Grace that way, but when all of John's acknowledged LIs turn out like that? Boring and tiresome. Doesn't take away from the Root/Finch/Bear times. There was a storm blowing through my neck of the woods, so I ended up with spottily crappy reception. I'll watch it again to see if I somehow missed anything important, but I don't think I did. The Machine v. Samaritan is still interesting and I'm curious as to how the malware dissection will come into play.
  9. I liked it. Iris got to actually be the BAMF we knew she could be. Henry got to be doctor-y. Cisco was science-ing all over the place and Vibing and hitting most of the good one-liners. Wells got to be brilliant. Barry got to sort of work out his emotional baggage. Joe was semi-supportive of Iris' plan. Wally? I'm looking forward to you being in the next two episodes, I hope. From what Kevin Smith said, I was actually expecting more- more of a reaction from me about what I was watching. I understood and enjoyed the episode, but I was expecting ugly crying and gutpunches to the feels. I loved that Jason Mews got to visit Big Belly; I wonder how it stacks up to Mooby's? *g* Still, it was an interesting look into where the writers think Barry's head is at. Poor Tony. Yeah, he was a bully a chunk of time during his life, but as Jedi Knight noted, he was trying to protect Barry when he died and then Eobard- Wells was doing who knows what, post-mortem. I hope Tony is at peace now. Joe? Wally isn't five; essentially sending him to his room when Iris is leading Poor Dead Tony back to STAR isn't helping anyone. Tell Wally that Iris is safe and there is a plan. Quit infantilizing Wally. (Yhough, his misguided attempt to see if Wally was meta was hilarious! *G*) I just hope Caitlin doesn't think she can continue to try to stop Zoom by staying behind enemy lines. There are too many folks who don't need much of a reason, or one at all, to kill. You'd be painting a target on your back by staying. Yes, I heard the anvilicious " Don't call me that name!" I would not mind a meta'd Caitlin, but I'd prefer our Caitlin to stay on the side of angels. I am ready to see what's up for the next two episodes!
  10. Oscar reluctantly agrees with his agent that it’s time to shake things up on his radio show and allows Dani to have a bigger role after a rival host, Rich Eisen, taunts him. Also, Felix is eager to meet Emily’s mother, Judy (Joanna Cassidy), but things don’t go as well as he hoped. It was a fun episode. I can't believe Rich Eisen came on for that, but hey, if it helps get some new eyes watching? It's okay. I love how Dani and Murph just have an easy vibe. Dani just got excited and carried away. Oscar got insecure and defensive. I'm just glad they made up in this episode. I do wonder: does Oscar barely pay Dani so she has to live in Crappy Comedy NY Apartment or is she saving up for some big life thing (house, another degree, Hamilton tickets)? Bless Thomas Lennon and his physical comedy skills! ( Also, the make-up fx department.) Felix rarely has things go this badly, but it was still funny. It was good to see Joanna Cassidy! I've been a fan since 240-Robert ( a show with Mark Harmon and John Bennett Perry, Matt's dad. Now I feel super old. *sigh*) Still, I hope we see Judy again so that she might change her mind. It also would be nice to have Leslie Bibb pop in once a season. She was fun, too.
  11. I cringe when Jimmy Pesto feels the need to get into whatever Bob's doing, so I missed whether Jimmy's was actually the death spot. I kept thinking that Jimmy's would be the actual place and that the professor had accidently looked at the wrong side of the street. Bob rarely gets a straight-forward win when it comes to Jimmy, so I hoped Bob would get one. Bob is very cool in his low-keyness. The kids were fun. Yes, Christie/Kristie's dad was very funny and I was surprised he wasn't trying to get in on the ride and/ or spewing. Tina was her awesome big sister self and Louise was her awesome self too. BooBoo's reaction to the slap was great. What I didn't know until tonight was that Max Greenfield was BooBoo! I love Max Greenfield, so this knowledge was bonus fun. I also really enjoy the nutty songs this show has. I hope they keep amusing us as much as they clearly amuse themselves.
  12. According to Wikipedia, in the article on the show, S3 was filmed from early September 2015 to late November 2015. But according to the article, So we may see soon enough.
  13. (The following is a response to the above, not an attack on SeanC.) So they got to talk to an attorney and they have an arraignment set? Funny how we didn't see that or get a throwaway line about it. (Cap's allies in shackles, in court- Attorney, maybe even Foggy Nelson, at the table) Your Honor, [legalese asking for release on recognizance]. Judge: Denied. (Sound of gavel; cut to Foggy in The Liferaft, in the circular cells room) I tried to work some magic ( Wanda quirks an eyebrow), figuratively , but I only have a week to put your case together. Fortunately, I've got experience doing just that. Alternatively, Ross could have crowed about how not even some liberal attorney could keep this crew from being incarcerated to Tony during the walk -and-talk. Instead, the gang goes from the airport fight to The Liferaft. Ross is in charge and we know how he feels about "heightened" persons, just ask his daughter Betty. I pooh-pooh Ross' new-found "perspective". I think he just finally understood about asking please and thank you. Instead of allowing a potentially safer arrest in 72 hours, Ross demanded 36. Meanwhile, normal law enforcement are caught in the crossfire of Doing Their Damn Job or getting hurt apprehending these folks, who like Cap, can't just walk away from a crime going down. Only they can't just keep doing it all day like Cap. The regular cops and soldiers who are backing the demands of the law are simply not thought about. Cap and Bucky's escape down the stairwell illustrates this perfectly. Another thing that showed a weakness in the System the Avengers were supposed to trust was the rush to condemn Bucky. In a world that has seen intergalactic battle over NYC, the return of an actual WWII hero, mutants, a spider-guy, a couple of potential Norse gods and a Hulk, the possibility of someone framing Bucky never seemed to enter anyone in charge's mind. No one was interested in listening to Bucky. Zemo found the perfect patsy and worked from there. The system the "heightened" crew was supposed to trust allowed a murderer to activate a superweapon in the person of Bucky. Everyone was so busy trying to protect the world from one person that another dangerous individual, a non-heightened one by the way, was able to walk in and walk away with barely any problem. While being videotaped in a room wired for sound. Explosions and collateral damage- a phrase used in this film- were happening pretty much not where Bucky was should have had more folks wondering how firm the case actually was. I am also presuming TV Mission: Impossible was a thing in the Marvelverse, which could be wrong. So the idea of a frame never occurs to anyone until about halfway or later, and never among the civilians or at least folks like Agent 13. Because spycraft isn't a thing? The above doesn't take anything away from my enjoyment or affection for the movie or the characters. It was just a juggernaut of a story and I believe the things I pointed out were supposed to equate to the 36 hour time crunch and the need to keep folks from getting/being hurt. After the final fight, things feel more slow, relaxed. I found myself taking a couple of deep breaths. The Russos were showing us how things can cascade into, well, tragedy, as per Vision.
  14. The ley lines? "Something in the water/air" could be attributed to the mystic. Not that there has to only be mystic menaces from here out because we have had pretty daunting non-mystical foes before the knowledge of the ley lines.
  15. that is the name of my next garage band! ;p If the current writers can't do romance ( and they don't seem to do it well in general), then don't do it! Either get someone in who can help or just don't force a romance on anyone. Kendra and Carter's "love" was forced though "destiny" and it just wasn't convincing. ( Yes, some of that goes to the actors as well.) Jefferson and Martin-- I will be there for them all day, every day. I loved that Clarissa gets Martin, but their scene made me teary as much as Jefferson and his mom's scene. (Why Jax's watch hands spinning was supposed to clue us in to the fx of the chronal poisoning? I don't know. Yes, it was speeding up, but then Jax should've been 100 or so by the time the show got back to him, right?) Franz' delivery of " You roofied me again?!" was just right and made me laugh through my teariness. Love those two! Hot/Cold-- I love these two nuts. I'm still waiting for Rory to find some yogurt and have some sort of reaction as a nod to Dominic's ads. So the snacks and the sugar-freeness of them was fun to me. Leonard just wanting to cut their losses was, no doubt, felt among the viewers to a degree, but I am glad that it's Uncle Len and Aunt Sara gunnin' for those nasty ol' Time Lords. Ray/Kendra/Carter-- I am not here to restate the reasonable objections already stated. I still like Ray, but I'm really disappointed in how he handled everything this episode. Granted, he was the Designated Idiot Ball Monitor for the ep, so I can't get too worked up, but I am over Ray and Time-travelling romance. The lampshade-y/-adjacent " I'm going to save the world, not fall in love" was clunky and not cute. I hope that the Hawks are alive and left in Coast City in 2016. Then they can have stupid arguments about whatever and not bother us after Kendra kills Savage's ass. Carter was going to be a thankless role no matter who played him, but while I am neutral on the actor, I never liked the looks of Carter we got. His presence also, somehow, makes Kendra doubt herself, which I really dislike. If the Hawks are alive, just not on the ship, we can pick up Kendra for the one-off episode or small arc. Or Carter, but I'm just not as fond of Carter as Kendra. Rip-- I still love Arthur, I still am okay with poor Rip. I am just over his roaming SpaceTime on his current mission. I can't say I wouldn't do the same damn thing in Rip's place, but hopefully I'd be smarter going about it. Anyway, I hope that there is no official leader next season. I love Sara, as any right-thinking viewer does *g*- but this being a ragtag bunch lends itself to group decisions and leadership as to the situation. To toss Rip out as leader is to disregard the knowledge he ( should have been displaying) has after 13 years on Gideon/ The Wave Rider. Not being The Leader should be restorative for Rip and maybe a storyline of the group slowly finding themselves deferring to him is something to think about, but an enforced de-titling, and hopefully Gideon just deciding to back Sara, could be an interesting story for our Poor Lost Time Lord. Sara-- How Martin, Leonard and Sara don't just stay blind drunk is amazing. Sara, though, has a mothering instinct, despite her assassin training and her Arrow backstory. She's pragmatic, hopeful, loving, snarky and forgiving of others' flaws. She's just a BAMF all around. I would love to see how a team, and this team, would work under her direction. Even though is sometimes is already. I think part of Sara's appeal on this show is that she can see parts of herself in the others. That's why she stays with Rip and the team. Sara would effectively be abandoning herself. So she does what she does best- fight. I am really excited to see how SnowBird pull off this rescue! I hope it's simple and elegant with periods of massive ass-kicking.
  16. Sheryl Crowe wanting to do something with Jamal? Maybe for a soundtrack, not unlike Hakeem, but for a different kind of film. I love the idea of Missy; just her wanting to see if Cookie's bang-to-hype ratio is overrated. Then loving her almost as much as the rest of us. Carlos Ponce: either as a Latin producer who wants to steal Laura from Empire or as an alternative to Michael. ( Michael's actor is a lovely gent, I'm sure, but I just never really liked Michael. Plus, he's been MIA for a chunk of time.) The Boss. As Carol, Candace and Loretha's mom. Just because she's The Boss.
  17. Which is why I also said: She was what seemed like an average nursing/ group home. Yes, homes where older folks, due to being older folks, tend to have medications that nurse/staff make sure the residents take. We know that Lucious doesn't think meds and therapy will help, despite it doing good with Andre. Lu feels that the illness is stronger. We have not been privy to whether Leah has actually been properly diagnosed nor medicated. She may have physical things to take meds for, but we haven't learned about Leah from when she was Kelly Rowland until she became Leslie Uggams. Lucious is also an unreliable narrator of his own story, so what we know from him about her? Needs to be nailed down by a third party- not Thirsty! *g*
  18. This film made me react to everyone fighting everyone as if I'd never seen a movie before. Sucking in my breath, jumping in surprise and being worried that someone was going to be hurt or dead if everyone wasn't careful. After seeing this last night, I will never pay to see what Zach Snyder did to the other sunniest, good superhero and his pal, the orphan who likes flying mammals. Never. Not even to see Wonder Woman. This was a great fun. It mixed the politics of Winter Soldier, the general fun of Iron Man and First Avenger, as well as leaving the doors to future movies open and ready to welcome us when the time comes. It was a movie that moved and trusted you to know the basics, even as it threaded through stuff to catch some up on bits they may have not seen/ heard. The absence of Pepper surprised me; I was scared for a moment. I also hope that Alfre Woodard has another scene or two sitting somewhere. Yes, her scene is important for Tony's side of things, but it's Alfre! Spider-Man and T'Challa were wonderfully introduced. I already enjoy Black Panther and Chadwick Boseman's embodiment was great. It was, as someone else has posted, a beautifully restrained performance where the fighting was the emotional outlet but not "wild". I am so excited about the bits that were just 'nbd', put in for those in the know to flip over in their seats. I will be impatiently waiting for T'Challa's movie some more. Tom Holland was endearing as Peter Parker. I just wanted to hug him! Tony's tied to him now, so I am interested in seeing where that goes in the movies. ( Probably not much more than a voice cameo or a random cameo, but I am intrigued.) Also, Spidey and Cap's back-and-forth was fun as well. Paul Rudd is a gem and I am so glad he got to play on the big stage. The other Paul, Mr. Bettany, was great as The Vision. Elizabeth Olsen impressed me in AoU, but I am a fan as of this movie. Despite the central conflict, this show had hope and lightness to spare. There were reasons things happened and things happened off those incidents. Yet no one wanted to face off against "the other side". An emotionally complex look at these characters' world and circumstances. The quoted "He killed my mom" was four words anyone could feel. As was "He's my friend." I... have too many and not enough words.
  19. After this season, I do hope that both find someone that they really care about at some point. For Lucious, that can be down the road a bit, but I want love for Cookie and was disappointed that Laz was part of the shakedown scheme. Not that they don't care for each other. That's great, but them together, romantically, is just... not a good thing. I like that they are jealous of each others' respective dates. Lucious needs to be worried when Cookie and a date get along! *g* Cookie, though, should be concerned when Lucious is all ' He's great! No, really; a good dude." Because that's when Lu is going to dig up dirt and plot.
  20. Aw, I sort of got my wished for scene! Becky handing the binder to Porsha in order for Porsha to "step up your game" was nice. It was something Becky didn't have to do, but Becky knows what needs to happen now that Cookie's a CEO. I felt for Porsha in the Leviticus scene, though. Porsha wasn't trying to duck out of some assignment, it is something that Becky would not be expected to do, nor would she allow Lucious or Cookie to "persuade" her into doing it anyway. I hope Becky helps mentor Porsha and teaches Porsha how to value herself in the business world. Now, Becky standing with Porsha on something Personal Assistant related? That would be amazing and also soapy. Porsha with enough business "polish" could be the asset we already believe Becky is. Porsha doesn't have to be like Becky or anyone else, but to see Porsha go all Radar for Cookie would be a neat arc.
  21. I do not believe that Andre thinks Leah is some hothouse flower; he saw how she reacted to losing one game of Bingo, so I think he knows she's not some helpless little old woman. I think if Andre were present for Leah threatening Lucious that he'd get Leah in one of the best treatment places he could afford. He'd probably apologize to Lucious for not insisting he ( Andre) take her home with he and Rhonda, which would leave Andre open to more bull from Lucious about knowing what you're dealing with, but Lucious, of course, ignoring that he never tells anyone truth or enough to be safe. Because Lucious is a monster, even though we are seeing how little Dwight got to that place.
  22. If Darhk has Sara, then he can control John and Lyla, at least for a while. Keep them from stopping his plans.
  23. You know what Lu? If you'd kept your mom in a proper setting when you "almost tripped over her"? Maybe you wouldn't be terrorized by the dessert queen. Or as soon as you had more than a couple of coins to rub together, but no. While I don't expect an eight-year old to get over almost drowning by their parent, I expect a middle-aged man who seems to know better to have more than just one nurse available if he is that (rightfully) nervous. A day nurse and a night nurse; domestics shouldn't have to play nurse to seriously ill folks. The ASA guy? I get the feeling he's using Jamal's availability either in conjunction with Lucious or in order to smear Jamal in the media. I don't know why, but as others have noted- something's off about this guy. When they were making out in the studio, I thought someone would send security because they were knocking bottles and stuff over and someone might get concerned over both men's safety, so close to the awards. I feel for Carol. While I do believe she cares and loves her kids, it has to be heady in Cookie's world. Plus getting clean and living in Cookie's place. Still, I understand Candace wanting to get back to her normal too. If Carol truly wants to be clean, then she does need to face the possibility of "Hurricane Cookie", no matter what Candace is grumping about. Of course Harper was "dealt with" by folks not actually Thirsty. While I hope she can figure out some way to not be dead, I think she will be a news item on the TV for Lucious to be awful about. I enjoyed how relatively natural the set-up was for Rhonda to start remembering That Night. Right now, I am hoping that Anika's shoes are red-soled herrings and someone else, reasonably, is the actual culprit. Anika is meant for better schemes. That Lyon Family Anthem was cool. Unfortunately, Lu took the song from Leah. Unless he knows for certain that that is fully Leah's, Lucious lied about writing the song.(He said first that he got the song from Leah. Then he said that he wrote it. Typical Lucious.) I can't hardly wait for next week!
  24. While I mostly agree with the idea of 'if there is only X number of episodes needed to tell this story', I don't think it negates a traditional 22 episode U.S. TV season, as... There have been plenty of bottle shows and one off episodes that are entertaining. I think the problem was that TPTB for The Flash were caught off-balance by how popular the show was and tried to deliver the same thing in S2. Only they didn't. Also, the problems with the story seem to come down to pacing, not just the writing itself. On Arrow, there has been peaks and valleys in dealing with Darhk. Sometimes they've been the bug, sometimes the windshield. On The Flash, Barry's had his ass handed to him in various ways. There have rarely been anything resembling a clear win for the Flash Mob. Whoever gets together to break-down the season put in an episode with Iris going undercover to watch out for Wally story, yet that is basically the only time we see Iris actually doing her job. She's rarely shown talking to the STAR Labs folks in her official capacity as, essentially, the metahuman beat reporter. We saw her try to talk to Jay once. Iris then felt that she didn't need to talk to Jay, for whatever reason. We could have had one episode where Iris, following a hunch on a story, gets trapped in Jitters and helps capture either a regular scofflaw or a "new" metahuman criminal with Barry and the team's help. But no. Not to push Iris to the fore, but it could have given moments of how the team react to a friend in danger as well as that person being known to be special to Barry, i.e. get how he feels about WestAllen in more concrete terms and the same for her. Seeing whether Iris wants to shut this down without Barry so he can concentrate on The Big Picture or really hoping he'll just make this over with quick. Also, whatever Iris investigates would be a nice way to thread a throughline to the Big Bad, if TPTB insist on having one every season. Iris finds a corner of the jigsaw puzzle and the Flash Mob starts from a different corner. Maybe TPTB should not try for an overarching mystery next season? Or maybe take a season off from doing one? Have a Big Problem to solve instead of Who is the Real Big Bad?
  25. Blue Screen Of Death. I can't give the particulars, but you'd know it if you experienced it. Or what stealinghome and Andrew Wiggin said . *g* As to Bobbin's musings on the show, I would be very surprised if there aren't any doctoral theses in Computer Science and Engineering departments ( as well as Philosophy) with this show as the basis. I might be interested in reading some of those too.
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