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Everything posted by Actionmage

  1. Congrats to the renewal! I may have to check back, especially if the cast is mostly whole.
  2. Let's swap: *Anne Robinson ( The Weakest Link) with Jeff Probst (Survivor). You know he thinks that catchphrase when someone craps out on a challenge. Besides, Anne has earned the chance to go to a neat tropical locale. *Chuck Woolery ( Love Connection) with Chris Harrison ( The Bachelor/ette). Chuck might bring a bit more humor to the whole shebang on ABC. Chris, on the other hand, might loosen up some. *Vicki Lawrence (Win, Lose or Draw) with Alec Baldwin (Match Game). Seeing Alec explain that time's out and that what folks were trying to glean from that indecipherable "art" was 'Twinkle' would be interesting. *Bear Grylls ( Man Vs. Wild) with Jeff Probst ( Survivor). Grylls might have helpful advice for the tribes to attempt. Probst actually having to prove his credentials could be interesting as well.
  3. I think that is because Captain Singh mentioned that the meta-holding jail cells were full/ nearly full. Which is why he asked Joe "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" West if he (Capt. Singh) wanted to know where they ( the E-2 metas) were being held. This is partly why I think Singh has an idea, like classic Jim Gordon and Perry White. There may very well be ethical lines the good Captain has danced around. Where is that lady DA? Complaining that The Flash is giving her migranes instead of making her work easier would be an interesting beat. Like Harry, a person not totally enamored of Barry's help, but someone trying to get Barry to think, not run. Until The Flash's status as a deputized member of the police happens, The Flash is making citizens arrests. Yet he's bringing in metas that normal police can't really handle. With Joe and Singh and the other patrol cops to back the move, why the idea hasn't been floated seems like an overlooked, fun, character beat. Also, something else to further joke about between Barry and Oliver. "So you're a cop by day and... a cop by night? Isn't that considered overtime, Barry?" *g* Or " Another celebration for you?" Amanda Pays voice is just so cool. I hope she and Harry get to work on a friendship next season.
  4. Earlier this season, Harry had the news on and Robert had done something ( unmask himself?) as The Hood/ The Arrow in memory of Dead!Oliver. So on E-2 Oliver didn't survive the Queen's Gambit, Robert did.
  5. IA with the EHG crew's picks. I would only add Modern Family, if we could add a show, though.
  6. Good to know it wasn't just me that was uncomfortable with the show implying that that was okay. It was a headscratcher because Molly couldn't lie about whatever when it came to getting married at Peggy's church. That episode implied that she was a horrible liar. Which leads to Unfortunate Thoughts, which is not something you want as your series ends. While I enjoyed it, the penultimate episode didn't have to have them so desperate. Mike having the epiphany after seeing Madame Vianne was funny and Peggy's wish to do better by her grandchild was sweet. It felt like it was laughing at them, in their inability to chill. We knew that already, so aside from the two moments I mentioned, the rest felt like filler. The last episode was sweet and totally Mike & Molly. The "game" was very funny with Carl hugging Peggy and swaying. Samuel being okay with being passed Joyce and Joyce rollin' with it was equally funny. Vernee Watson, who I've liked since Welcome Back,Kotter , was delightful as Blanche. I don't see why her name gave Molly pause. Just because it's an older name doesn't mean it's bad, just out of favor currently. (Again, Molly being unable to politely white lie was the point of a joke.) IA with the poster who said that Peggy would stare down everyone so Jim could be part of this. (If Peggy didn't have Mike, I can see her leave everything to him in her will.) I did miss Jim. Hopefully, Suzie Q can find another job we can enjoy her in soon. The last scene with the whisper-singing was very sweet. I will miss this show as, despite my nitpicks, it was an overall sweet show. I think that's why the more mean-spirited episodes stuck out. This show was hopeful and nice and silly. May the syndication have a long run.
  7. With the speed that was siphoned off of Barry. Zoom was egging on/hoping Cisco would open the first portal wide enough for Zoom to jump on through and he was all upset when Cisco closed it. Zoom could not make a dimensional portal of his own at that point. I was also hoping Cisco would look up the type of dead bird, to see if that was a helpful clue in his vibe vision. Sadly, he didn't. Maybe he can Vibe in color the better he gets at using his powers? *g*
  8. I was responding to the assertion that a "No Kill" rule is stupid and that the OP drew a line from not killing Zoom to Henry's death. I also noted that it was Barry pushing Cisco to open the portal that lead to the current mess and death of Henry. I re-stated that, as many others noted, if Barry had left Zoom on Earth-2, dying, then the current mess would not have happened. That would have a) been allowing a villain to die and b) keeping Earth-1 folks safe, but that also wouldn't go where the writers want the story to go. I still do not see where there was a pressing need to kill Zoom once Caitlin discovered that "Jay"/Zoom was dying and Zoom was back on his Earth. An inability to take a win of any kind was what got our heroes into this mess, not a lack of killing.
  9. Finally caught the Stop, Squash and Roll episode. It was cool. Vivian does so much better than she gives herself credit for, so she probably did just fine during the segment. I loved Ben surmising that the folks on-set were trying to keep Vivian calm and relaxed, then cutting to Al and Tamron silly dancing behind Vivian. I think she was just so focused on getting things concise that she didn't realize what was happening behind her. The squash blossoms with the squash-and-onions hummus seemed like a) it was a ton of detail work and b) tasty. I'm not big on squash currently, but a cornmeal-crusted, fried squash blossom with that stuff? I'd give it a try. Her book is out now, right? Or should be? added: I see it on Amazon.
  10. After this evening's episode ("Invincible"), maybe we will get Earth-2 Jay Garrick in the form of someone in a Henry Allen-shaped body? Unless the writers get super-troll-y during the end of the season, Henry musing about his mom's maiden name being Garrick should lead to something. That way the troika of Dads doesn't change, but new stories with different flavors get to be told. Maybe. That's just my wild spec for the moment, because I'd hate to lose John Wesley Shipp after barely getting to have him on and that shameless tease of Tina and Henry at the West house.
  11. Dr. Light hasn't returned to cause trouble, nor has Peek-A-Boo. Hartley has become friendly to the group. So killing everyone isn't needed. Yes, some folks probably should be killed and Zoom is a prime example. I don't think the No Kill "rule" ( more a guideline, imo) is stupid; it separates folks who just like to kill from heroic persons and (should be) deputized arms of the police department. I don't see a direct correlation between Wally's kidnapping and Henry's death. Should Barry have given up the Speed Force? Emphatically, no. Zolomon was dying, as Caitlin's tests showed. It was Barry's pushing Cisco to use the vibe powers that allowed Zoom to pull off the blackmail, not Barry "letting" Zoom live. It was Barry's inability to take a minute and regroup.
  12. I want Wally to meet Felicity so they can compare vehicular attack strategies! :D I was so excited seeing Henry and Tina seem to dig each other. Trolling for sure, unless there are dimensional, timey-whimey shenanigans afoot. IA with the folks who thought KC was better as Black Siren, that her outfit was hella better, and had more chemistry with Zoom than anyone.Since the Pipeline, now tacitly okayed by CCPD's homicide captain, we may get to have her drop by sometime in the future. Names are important because they help keep folks from staying confused, Writers. "Jay" was never Jay, it was Hunter Zolomon and the Flash Mob know this. I am hoping that Tina McGee realizes that her Harrison is long gone and that Harry is not Eobard Thawne-Wells and treats him accordingly. Also, not every doppel is evil; E-2 Barry, Iris, and Joe were good folks, essentially. Deadshot was a cop on E-2. Also, Cisco? When has there been a monorail in your Central City? The raised line that was clearly seen in the trips to Earth-2. That is what you saw. Not your Earth, but since you heard/ realized that Zoom wasn't captured, that should have been a possibility to your line of thought. Joe? Wally, as reckless as he has shown himself to be, did not offer himself as bait. He heard a mugging go down and tackled Mr. CloudDude before he could just run away. Also, who isn't informing Wally enough to protect him?! The lessons of the recent enough past just don't take with this particular old dog, huh? How did not looping in Iris protect her last year, Joe? How thankful was she again? So, surprisingly, listen to Barry, but if you suggest Wally go to the flippin' Academy, I will be flipping some furniture. I liked that Cisco is the one consistently looking out for Caitlin. I also like that Cisco got a taste of his offensive capabilities. As long as he is mindful of how enthusiastic he is over learning his limits, I think Cisco will be fine. Poor Snow, though, with all the "visions" of Zoom. I kept waiting for one to actually be Zoom and he would kill her at that point. ( Not that I want Caitlin dead; it seemed a possibility seeing as Zoom is an insane mass murderer. Plus the promise he made.) I guess all Harrisons will find something to like about Dr. Snow. Even if their daughters turn to her instead of him for meta confirmation. I did like that Iris was the one to give Barry the 'fear isn't bad' talk. I just wish it had come earlier in the episode because it was dumb for Barry to act like fear is a dirty, dirty emotion that should be shoved in a box and burned or drowned or something. Hal Jordan, a test pilot, feels fear, but the thing is to not let it paralyze you or overwhelm your ability to act. So I sort of liked Zoom's sneer-y "you'll always be a good boy" speech. It just points out how narrow Zolomon's view is and how he severely discounts the Flash Mob. It should have been the wake up call Barry needed. A close-up as Barry realizes that- at that particular moment?- he and Hunter were the same. Each confident that they could fell the other. I think I am cautiously looking forward to the finale next week.
  13. Yet another reason not to do pub if your heart isn't in the particular venue. You, the person trying to promote something, look bored/uninterested- which is fair- but ends up making you look bad. There are tons of venues to choose. It makes me wonder why Nick chose to go along.
  14. I really enjoy the show, but James irked me with a pet peeve when it comes to show hosts: get the name of the project correct! Dominic Cooper was on to promote his new series on amc- Preacher. It is an adaptation of a comic book series, also called Preacher. James kept calling it The Preacher! The title is one word, Corden, just one. The man was a flatmate who introduced you to your wife. Get the one-word title of his new series correct, huh? Also, Kristen Chenowith was cute last night, imo. Granted, I probably would have glanced over at Mr.Cooper's uncomfortable pants too, once James pointed out how tight and uncomfortable they seemed. Still, she seemed to enjoy just listening to the stories. If she wasn't, she needs more acting roles, stat! Her new movie still felt lost among the Corden-Cooper stories and asides, though. The Carpool Karaoke with Demi and Nick was the usual fun. Needling Nick about his purity ring and dating life was silly fun and the one street number was okay until Corden sounded like a bully getting folks to pay cash for two artists who are on tour/about to go on tour and have worked a long time in the business already. I agree, generally, that you pay street artists, but these folks aren't some duo looking for a break or a recording contract. Also? Lucky TMZ bus folks! *g* Overall, I did enjoy the episode.
  15. ::waves to emma675:: I have also seen a few San Antonio ads. Again, unless your history class never got to The Alamo or you have never looked at a map of Texas, how can you not know about that city if you live in the same state? Do folks in New York get Albany tourism ads? Or Niagra Falls ads? Do folks in South Dakota get urged to visit Devil's Tower and Mt. Rushmore? I'm pretty sure every state gets Orlando/movie studio-adjacent park ads, but do folks in Panama City get ads to visit Miami or Key West? It seems like preaching to the choir, unless something so new and unique has just been opened/built/about to happen ( like a new festival or somesuch). Blizzard, the company behind the various Warcraft and Star*Craft games, has ads for a new(er?) game called Overwatch. The ad is obviously animated and has a parceled out phrase about how the potential player's "watch" is just about to start. Other than seeing a lady with a long ponytale do flips to elude someone shooting at her with lasers, an ape-ish character in space armor like Long Ponytail and then a second lady with really short hair tells us something in a British/British-adjacent accent then runs off dodging laser fire. The ad's audience is then told the release date and platforms the game can be played on. Yet? I still have no idea what the premise for the game is. I thought the point of TV ads, at this point in time, is to try to rope in folks who may not be hardcore and would not have heard about this game. The ad is to reel in/ create excitement for the game in folks who might be swayed into trying this game. How can you be persuaded to try something when there is no info to go on. If you like laser guns, then you might like this? If you don't care about anything but shooting stuff, you might like this game? There is also the possibility, due to no information or context in the ad, that folks going in with that mindset might be disappointed that the game isn't like that. Despite stores that have trade-ins or where you can sell games you don't like/are tired of/whatever, I wouldn't want to hand over $40+ on a game that ads can't explain to me. I really hope it isn't a teaser trailer for the game, which is due on May 24, iirc. (It's a game; release dates get reset sometimes.)
  16. Strangely, while I agree with most of your post, I disagree with the first part of this sentence. I think that as frustrated with Plops as Tina got, it was her chance to live the dream, as it were. As she told Jericho, camp was a way to ride a real horse. During the end with the parents, not just Bob and Linda admired Tina for her form, despite her lack of equine companion. Bob even agreed that Tina was beautiful as she was going through her routine. I think that Linda and Bob may figure it was a wash. Tina seemed to enjoy her time/seemed to get something good out of the experience, but they still don't have the fryer fixed and Teddy was going through withdrawals. It was funny with all the kids making the same sound when the horses went to trot. Jocelyn nagging (*g*) her dad for an imaginary horse was gold. His "on it" response was very funny and sad.
  17. Tina lasted the whole week, so more than just a few minutes. I felt for Tina as she was leaving the table and Louise said, " Cool limp you have goin'." Jericho's panic was just right, but then the jean shorts! "What am I even wearing?!" The instructor is lucky she was dealing with Bob and Linda. If my kid came home and was limping that noticeably, I'd be all up in their business. IA with Amethyst: the instructor should have stopped Plops after the trying to scrape Tina off incident. It's a freaking day camp, not the Olympic Training center; switch out Plops for a gentler/ more amenable horse. Of course I get that the humor came from Tina trying to win over Plops and Plops not having it. It just seems that with the Burger-verse being all sue-happy ( or at least threatening to sue seems to happen a lot), that a horse trying to injure a minor would be not only something to be avoided, but something to be complained about more by the instructor ( "Look, it's Tina- the girl so delicate that she can't have a horse smear her around the corral.") I just enjoy Gene's come-what-may embracing of the Now. He's almost dog-like in that. Gene has plans and hopes, but he's willing to see where the day takes him this time. Still, he and Louise were a bit harsh on restaurant camp, imo. Being mercenary enough to jump on not working is what kids do, but to badmouth their mom in front of Pesto's clueless kids was a bit much. Especially Gene's "and genocide a little further down" after restaurant camp and work. I did like that Louise is thinking of going as Apronface for Halloween. I hope that is shown as her costume or at least a solid maybe idea. Bob jumping in as Old Man Belcher at the end was fun. That poor customer, though. I hope, between Teddy and the song, that the customer had a really nice burger and tells folks about the good food.
  18. Nah; it'll look either like Casa West, Thawne/Wells' estate ( just a part of it, natch), or Eddie/Barry's apartment. Of course, Caitlin's place could also resemble Dig and Lyla's apartment. Or Laurel/Thea's apartment; maybe there is a portal in the basement that no one detected yet and that is how the comings and goings between the Flash Mob and Team Arrow have been happening? :D Since this episode was setting Barry into the headspace the Show wants him to be in, I hope Barry is out of bubble gum and is ready for some ass kickin'. Gravy? Smart ass-kickin'. That is a bit sexy.
  19. a. JCPenney's vs. Sears-- it was a big rivalry when I was growing up; my dad was a career Penney's man and we rarely shopped Sears. My mom still prefers to only shop at JCP. b. The Regulator-Moderator War in Texas during 1835-44; Sam Houston himself had to finally broker a truce! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulator–Moderator_War) c. Chuck Lorre vs. various female stars
  20. Quoting myself to say that apparently that show's PTB are rethinking the title. https://06880danwoog.com/2016/05/14/2nd-fattest-housewife-no-longer-in-westport/ http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/abc-downward-dog-sarah-dunn-comedy-pilots-1201773302/
  21. That was during the episode "The Real World", the one with Bow giving the party with her "friends" and Dre gets upset that Bow had so many previous boyfriends/hook-ups. Bow can't even win for losing. I agree with your assessment of Ruby being the root of this episode's problem.
  22. If the writing staff were working toward having the adoption play out over this and a next season, maybe what we are getting is a super-condensed telling of how M&M get to be parents. The glossing over the bajillion steps and hoops to become a credited adoptive family is a by-product of being cancelled. I think the folks who have given us Victoria's and Peggy's stories would be able to give us a really good adoption story- if they had the time/space. In order for my kids to not go into The System, two wonderful sisters-in-law ( my husband's sisters) stepped in ( four volunteered, two ended up adopting my kids.) I see where Molly is coming from when she tells Frannie to keep the baby because Frannie has a support system now. Yet, I loved how Frannie's immediate response was to honor the promise to Mike & Molly because she trusted them enough with her child; she knew that baby would be loved. Then I just instantly dissolved into a puddle. I am glad they did not show Peggy's reaction to the news about Frannie and the baby leaving. It wouldn't be funny in any way. Just a lot of hurt. But knowing Peggy is actually, in her heart, excited to be a grandma is a lovely thing. Plus there's always "Uncle" Jim. ;p The beat I could understand but really disliked was Molly super-uber-micromanaging everyone before the interview. It 9x out of 10 always blows up in the manager's face spectacularly. The baby guillotine was fabulously quietly physical, with the doll head punchline. The interviewer knows she's going to talk to people and people get hungry. Let folks nibble; they aren't planning on eating the whole platter before the woman gets there. I haven't caught the one about Joyce's will. Did Victoria actually end up with the house? The ads for that episode made Molly so distasteful, I wasn't interested in seeing it then. Victoria keeping the house made sense to me. Victoria was at loose ends outside of the morgue job- if she was doing that while going to school. Having her childhood home- possibly paid off completely- would lessen any pressures Victoria may have if Joyce died. Molly not only had Mike for financial help, but she was a published author, her mother-in-law had space ( if things got really tight budget-wise), and M&M could rent an apartment/buy a house of their own. Unless Victoria was ready to kick them out, there seemed to be no reason for Molly to insist the house go to her. But there probably was.
  23. Since whether or not Vivian's pregnant isn't part of any of the Season 3 episodes, maybe pregnancy talk could be moved to a Vivian-specific thread? I'm not against the spec, but it has nothing to do with S3. Also, if the mods would like a potential subtitle for the season, how about Season 3: I Wrote a Cookbook, Y'All!
  24. Zoom indicated that there was a back exit that Caitlin could take to escape. He then followed up with the 'stay- you might survive, leave and I'll kill you like your friends' not-really-a-choice choice. I did wish she'd tried to leave, but she might've been the first of the Flash Mob to fall.
  25. I don't have anything against tourism ads, they usually are really pretty and do look very inviting. What makes me wonder is: I live in North Texas. I keep seeing ads to come visit Houston and the ads enumerate all the wonderful places to visit. But? I live in Texas and am aware of the huge city of Houston. I understand why we get Adventure Road (Oklahoma), casinos in Oklahoma/Louisiana and ads for other parts of the country. I understand we are a big state; we even had a tourism campaign of "Texas. It's like a whole other country." Surely, if you live in the state, you know there is a cool Big City named Houston. (If you're a Yank, you say it funny, but still... *g*) Why is it felt that the DFW area, in particular, needs to be reminded? ( I love the city, hate the humidity.)
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