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Everything posted by Actionmage

  1. I'm re-watching Season 1 in double episode bites. I already respect how much work goes into getting a restaurant up and going, but all the post-fire stuff is interesting. Keeping trained staff, meeting code with new appliances and lighting, getting the local farms back in the swing of your place needing a buttload of produce again; it's herculean and I salute those folks who stood with Vivian and Ben. The crackling episode was fun; I had heard of cracklins, but had never eaten them afaik. It seemed like an old- school reason for community way back in the day. Seems to be a good excuse now too! The grits trip was very cool. The mill and the "hula dancer" were nifty. I will have to check my grocery store and see if they carry that brand, though I doubt it.
  2. I'm not sure that TPTB wanted an older teen for Ivy/Pamela. Instead of equals, it could have been an older Ivy/Pamela protecting Selina and Bruce against the assassin and the various low-level thugs we saw menace Selina, Ivy and Bruce in the first season. Or selling them out. It sounds like TPTB are sort of going in the direction we here were thinking might happen. [ From Mark HB on July 20, 2014 to myself on Sept. 18, 2014.] Which, to be honest, I'd be happier with if we aren't going to keep Claire Foley. Maggie Geha could bring some coolness if she is allowed to hang with Selina. Ivy/ Pamela is going to need a good friend.
  3. I knew of Mr. Yelchin from Star Trek, but I loved him as Odd Thomas ( even if the movie was not the greatest.)
  4. No, but it probably is the right time period. Thanks for the video; it's fun!
  5. Thanks in advance. I am looking for a Priceline ad with William Shatner ( and possibly Ben Folds) where Shatner is regaling us with "Do You Know Where You're Going To? ( Theme from 'Mahogany')". I have been searching, but it is before the switch to the Negotiator and his Daughter.
  6. That would make me sad. It was a fun, silly show in the best way, especially for summer. Maybe they are waiting for next spring? The right combo of celebrity contestants? ( As ABC seems to have gobbled up a few handfuls on that end.)
  7. Almost; the orcs follow the powerful. They followed Gul'Dan, who was an orc mage who used The Fell ( I had never heard of this part of the story). That is the difference between the green and the blue magics. The green was The Fell and was death-based magic. Want to save a baby? Kill something else/ steal it's life essence and give it to the dead child. Want to open an interdimensional portal to a world in order to take it over? Kill hundreds or thousands of living beings in order to power the magical portal. The blue represented a method of non-death-based magic. The scene were Medivh (Ben Foster) turns his blue pool green was nicely done and sad. So, with Gul'Dan in charge and using his brand of magic to do everything, all the time, the orcs' home planet is a barren husk. Just like the lush forest they land in becomes a dusty canyon where the other gate is. I forgot to mention how neat the Khadgar/Lothar vs. Medivh/clay golem fight was! It also carried over the sad, but a) the teleport was great and b) we got to actually see the cool 'leap-onto-the-flying-mount' scene from all the trailers. Add me to the list. I am now curious how us Little Teeth stack against a Tauran, the bovine humanoids in the game. Orcs were like basketball tall, but with American football width, but with muscles all the time. Yes. Lothar had pain in his backstory. I get that. Yet it almost seemed, if it wasn't actually, an excuse for him to be an ass to everyone. Yes, he seemed to care for his sister and her husband. He obviously cared about his son. Lothar, though, didn't seem to care if you had reasons for your belief if he didn't believe in what you were saying. I am not talking about the vetting Garona scene in the throne room. He could tease Khadgar, but assaulted him in our first view of both characters. Lothar seemed to stick a protractor in Khadgar's arm in order to intimidate and unmask. See, the assiness can be seen as just part of the job. The instant distrust after the instant "romance" can be read as sadness and The Job as opposed to an ass who waits to 'I told you so'. Without the "romance", it's people who fought side-by-side who are divided by a miscommunication. With the supposed romance added to Lothar and Garona, it makes it seem that Lothar has no trust in the woman he whisper-implored to come back alive. Other than when it was important to the story for Lothar to be assy, he wasn't too much of one. Mr. Fimmel was fine as Lothar, though; even if I wasn't crazy about him, I could understand why he reacted to stuff.
  8. I just saw it today and really enjoyed it! I play the game, so seeing some of the sets were very cool. I don't know if I loved it, but I enjoyed the story it was telling. Others can probably say what was streamlined or changed for the movie, but it did feel like a fast ride, swooping from spot to spot. Things I totally loved: *the sheep, One Take Charlie, as per the credits! *the murloc gurgle *Callum Keith Rennie just being in the cast *Baby orc growl! *Garona-- I want a Garona solo movie now. I didn't realize I wanted one until she acted as Llane asked and after the second face-off. Paula Patton massively rocked. *Ben Schnetzer as Khadgar -- he was fun! (and cute) I have more thoughts, but I'll stop for now. I would have enjoyed more trolls and gnomes and dwarves and tauren, but here I am hoping for a second movie.
  9. "Written by Official site"-- IMDb
  10. Well, I just posted two links over in the Media topic; a couple of folks were very grumpy about their city being the backdrop of this show and especially that name. I, too, wish they'd kept that title because it is provocative still in this day and time. The class stuff is easy, but what we've seen seems to be from the pilot. If not the pilot, then only one or two other episodes. I doubt all of the episodes are that focused on disliking snooty folks. That would be tiresome and repetitive. I mean Cougar Town wasn't all about sex and Terriers wasn't about dogs*. I am hopeful that this show is as fun as it seems it could be. *Yes, that was a joke. I watched Terriers.
  11. When I was trying to find this under it's former name, I came across this: Fattest Housewife No Longer In Westport Gee, I wonder if thin-skinned folk will be skewered. added: The above had a link to this: 2nd Fattest Housewife = Least Funny Show Wow. I live in Dallas. Yeah, Westport, that was a docuseries.
  12. Richard could be really uptight, but he knew the job and did it well. I miss him too. Ben Miller brought just enough quirk, like a garnish of parsley, to accent Richard's competence. Over the two series, we saw DI Poole talk to his house lizard and go shoeless in his off hours. He was only really distracted by Camille, but who wouldn't, right? Still, he was a respectful boss to Camille,Fidel and Dwayne. I hated that he left at all, but I wasn't fond of the episode ( surprise, surprise.) But that's for the episode thread. I really enjoyed Richard, so it's hard for me to name just one episode I like best. I'll have to rewatch his eps, poor me. *g*
  13. I love Katy Mixon and enjoy Dietrich Bader, so I am hoping that the 'long-time married' vibe in the ads stays. Especially as they seem like they actually like each other.
  14. It was fun to watch these folks be a bit silly, even with their lovely voices.
  15. I just caught the rerun and ITA with the italicized. Just when Amy and Memaw were starting to get the beginnings of understanding, we have to have chicken Sheldon come in and be prompted to be a grown up, i.e., stand up for the woman who he wanted back in his life. Also, so show his situational cluelessness/ naivete. Instead of the writers just letting us have a nice moment of recognition and peace. Then to also have Amy/ Mayim's physical business after the okay on the ring to look paw-esque, like a puppy, to me. The writers must think that's still a funny beat for Amy, but it's not for me. Granted, it's a family piece of jewelry, but it's not like a tiara. Iirc, Amy hadn't seen the ring, so why is she suddenly so hyped? Ahhh, I forgot; Amy's still desperate even after The Sex. ::smh:: It could have been interesting to see how the group liked Memaw in a different way from liking Mary. Unfortunately, thinking about this just now, I have a fear, just not about Memaw. If Memaw, Mary and Missy ( Sheldon's twin sister) are such strong-willed women, what is going to happen with Amy? Or will we be lucky and along with the M-chain swerving, we get Amy to stay as she is and avoid a potential retread of Bernadette's morphing into a bullying shrew? Granted, Bernie seems to have mellowed, but I'm not sure I trust the writers. I enjoyed June Squibb, though, and enjoyed her Kleenex sleeve. I hope we get to see her again. I am unsure what I should feel about Raj's storyline. On the one hand, I really don't have an opinion about Emily, but I haven't been too impressed. Then again, we barely saw her in the season that had her bumped up to "regular". I like Alessandra Torresani, though, and enjoyed Claire's 'whatever, dude' reaction to Raj's call. She just wanted to talk about science, yet he's ditched his current SO and working hard at trying to establish something. He tunes Claire out to fantasize about a future that she may want no part of, yet we are supposed to find that funny, not regressive and creepy. Yes, Raj has been portrayed as a creep previously. Then again, so has Howard, yet Howard has been allowed to grow out of that as a defining trait. Please let Raj do that too, Show. Especially as Raj fantasizes about married life with children, yet still hasn't told Emily about Claire! The hell?
  16. I caught the casserole episode. It was interesting. The churches I attended as a kid were Methodist and usually once a month or two months was the potluck supper. This episode brought back the memory of tables loaded down with all kinds of tasty food. I enjoyed seeing Vivian talking with a published cookbook author and was pleased for her that they hit it off personally. Sometimes it feels like Vivian is alone in a sea of people. I also liked meeting the lady from church that Vivian cooked with. That was indeed a cool, sneaky way of getting greens into a dish! *g* I need to watch the episode again because I missed what the casserole was made of during the family service at Chef and The Farmer. Waffles and a couple of other ingredients. I remember being intrigued. Plus? Vivian's sweet potato biscuits looked like they were delicious. IA that four or five dishes seems to be a bit much. Vivian wanted those types of dishes to be represented, but she ended up using the staff, or some of them, to help her either with prep or the making of the dishes. Not that that is unfair, just taking on a big choice when it seemed she really didn't have to do so. It isn't the same as the Tom Thumbs, say, as that was a special event to highlight the women's professional cooking and regional spotlighting. This episode was a church potluck; an event where as long as Vivian didn't phone in a lonely dish, the people there would be okay.
  17. Because the season finale still has me unhappy, here are some things I thought the show did right. *Wally-- he was a stranger who became family. Granted, he had relatives he didn't know about until the mid-season break, but Keiynan Lonsdale won me over as Wally. The understated younger brother/ older sister vibe between Wally and Iris was nice to see develop in fits and starts. The scene between Iris and Wally after Francine dies was quietly lovely. I hope that Wally gets his powers to kick in next season. He could bring back lighter Barry, possibly. *Cisco's journey into Vibe-- Our Francisco started out thinking his powers were a curse from Thawne-Wells and ends up finding a new gear in their use, which doesn't scare the bejeebers out of him. He's had a flirtation and a mild romance. He's been the one to remind everyone that Caitlin exists ( with some help from Harry from time-to-time). *Harrison Wells of Earth-2-- He can be even more grumpy and less talkative than Thawne-Wells, but he's the Harry we need and deserve. The man may make snap judgements, but he a) makes a decision without emotional hemming and hawing and b) he keeps others on point as to why decisions need to be made now. He couldn't totally turn on these people he came to call friends, even at the expense of his very beloved daughter. Tom Cavanagh's performance as Harry when he admitted to the team that he was working for Zoom got to me. *Henry Allen-- He didn't get as much screen-time this season, but what he time he had made story impact. If not impact, emotional impact. JWS is giving us more than just super-hero dadness, but a humane POV in the midst of all the run,run,run and stop the Bad Guy action. Not that no one did that, but it tended to fall to Mr. Shipp when he was around this season. I could also believe, if I was a young kid, that they were related. There was an easiness between Grant and John that felt real. Thank you to you both for that. *Iris-- Yes, a Berlanti show tends to skew male-dominant if male-led, but Iris, while not utilized to the best of her abilities, didn't really seem to go backward in characterization. Iris got to actively investigate stories, stood her ground with a work superior, found and lost her mom, helped her new-found brother through the loss of his only known parent, helped facilitate Joe and Wally becoming closer, grieved (mostly off-screen, granted) Eddie, and came to a place where she could see Barry as more than just a friend who had bad girlfriends. She strengthened her relationships with Caitlin and Linda. (I hope Iris can become friends with Tina McGee; branching out reporter-wise would be good for Iris too.) Iris is the one who stood firm on the no-opening-breaches policy everyone agreed to before the Big Plan That Almost Worked. Iris protected folks, or tried to, where she could. Iris and Caitlin taking on a meta when Barry was sight-seeing and single white male-ing himself on Earth-2, was fun! Like Barry, Iris' connections to the team are her strength. ( There could have been more Iris with Cisco and/or Harry scenes, but I liked what we got.) *Caitlin-- Dr. Snow punking Cisco, then schooling him on compartmentalizing and "going evil" was great. It was also a great reminder on a show where there has been so much emotional trauma. Getting through the emotions in order to function is hard, but Caitlin's need to help and contribute was greater than the shock and grief. *Tina McGee-- The woman is a scientist at one of the foremost research labs in the country. The woman is observant for her job, she isn't going to not be for your practically non-existent secret, Barry. Plus, it's two seasons in and she only let you know she knew because you personally saved her from certain death. Thank the nice scientist. Also, she kept Caitlin employed and employable while you were whatevering between the black hole thing and getting the bequest from Thawne-Wells. *Bringing in Lyla-- She brought Dig with her this season, but Lyla Michaels, as head of ARGUS now, can drop in almost anywhere and bring story and action with her. Please do, Show! Lyla facing off with a meta or General Eiling would be delicious, but this season with her overseeing the recapture of King Shark was a fun hour. Lyla's stoicness and matter-of-fact leadership is nice and works with what we in the audience know of Lyla as a great-hearted mom and wife in addition to her dangerous day job. Yeah, Grant is a big reason why I've stayed with the show, but I would be unhappy that I'd miss time with a great cast as well.
  18. I will argue that Megalyn has a show. Granted, currently it is six episodes long, animated and on CW Seed, but it is getting a second season, so an on-going concern. (If "bros" hiking and trying to score with "chicks" across Europe can make the jump to CW TV proper and get a summer run, then it's not too outrageous to think Vixen could get a tryout.) I did not think I could crush on JWS any harder than I do, but I love that response. This season was not Henry heavy, but Mr. Shipp remembering that makes me happy. From the Performer of the Week link: I totally agree that Grant is wonderful and a big part of why I keep giving the show my attention. Still... a)Barry did not "lose" his powers, Ms. Keene, he volunteered to give them up; there is a difference. Glossing over that questionable action does no one any favors. I understand you were praising the actor, but not pointing out how Grant sold this nonsense turn would've been better, imo. b)I saw no redefining of Barry's self. I saw mopey-ness and dragging around. Barry wanted to return to being The Flash because , to paraphrase, he couldn't be his best self if he wasn't The Flash. How is that redefining his sense of self? He never stopped wanting to get his powers back. c)Barry had to relive his mother's death? Had to. One: I don't think Nora had much to do with Henry's murder, except as overly rude taunt material. Two: Iirc, Barry himself did not think of her as he was too busy trying to save his father. The Show could have interspersed flashes of that much used scene as Barry tried to figure out if/how he could save Henry. They did not. After everything quieted some, directly after everyone still with him that cared about him was safe? That's when Barry thought about Nora and Henry. After the woman he changed time to save once told him she was ready to love him, Barry ran back to his mother's murder and saw himself wink out of existence after stopping said murder. Much has already been said on these boards, but I will say, we understand and feel for BA, but there was no have to, to that. d) Barry did not "confront" the Speed Force; it took him aside for an intervention. It clearly did not work. Also, Barry did not initiate contact. That was an accident/side effect of Harry, Cisco and Barry trying to give Barry back those powers he "lost". As usual, there was no intent on talking to the Speed Force, as such. The intent was to re-power Barry. The Speed Force, to that point, was considered an it, a thing, something to be manipulated. Anything but a sentient consciousness. So, no to this thought. It wasn't a bad piece, but obviously, my mileage varied from hers. PS: Thank you Trini for the links; you are a tireless resource that I'm sure we all appreciate.
  19. She was killed in the accident Eobard caused in order to take over Harrison Wells' life. E-1 Harrison asked Thawne to help Tess, "my wife", because she was trapped in the wrecked car. Thawne ensured that Tess wasn't around to have any hand in the making of the accelerator. If you mean in the timeline Thawne did not mess with, she probably didn't die because she and Harrison would more than likely not allow the particle accelerator to become operational if it had a chance of malfunctioning. Thawne needed the accelerator to explode, Original Recipe Wells did not.
  20. Ask This Old House...For Love Naw! ABC, CBS and NBC's national news broadcasts! Sexy and Murrow award-winning sexy reporting.
  21. That would be cool. IIRC, in the pilot it was said/ implied that the reason Barry was in that big room was because the other CSIs thought he was a weirdo ( his obsession with strange cases and probably his nascent murder board.) The show has been writing our group in a bubble, oblivious to the world. ( I know, they can't pay for lots of extras. It hurts the feel of the world they are trying to build.) Wishes for S3: Closer-to-comics Amanda Waller coming to STAR Labs in order to take over anyone still left in the Pipeline. General Eiling and Gorilla Grodd again ( We still have Eiling, right? ) Plastique shows up and explains that she is immune to her own power. Dr. Light and Linda show up and are awesome; Linda comes up with the way to capture Dr. Light. The Legion of Super-Heroes comes to smack Barry on the head and tell him to stop screwing around with the timestream. Fastback, the Terrapin Torpedo from Earth-C, has his own getting-used-to-his-powers thing and Barry and the Flash Mob help him return to his earth. Iris getting used as the intrepid reporter we saw her being as well as the caring big sister, just not a damsel. ( To be fair, though, everyone has been kidnapped at some point.) No more whining or inappropriate selfishness from Barry and more of the group calling him out on those behaviors. (The tranqing moment was surprising because no one thought it would happen, not because it was "a shocking betrayal," PTB.) Caitlin's mom and/or brother drama now that the show has that possibility hanging out there. Tina McGee being more active with the flash mob. Meeting Ted Kord; his poor labs are as targeted by bad guys as Mercury and STAR Labs. Oh, and please have Mercury Labs owned by someone named Max.
  22. It is getting closer to Helping Hands territory, with the same tired sex gags. Like Ryan and the "map", pointing the deep canyon, a.k.a. Wayne's butt crack. If the guys can't do better than the same old same old, find another game or stop doing that one. It's just that Wayne rarely gets to be one of the scenery movers, so it feels unfair, imo.
  23. Can we get Vixen in the summer and during the winter break? Because I'm greedy that way. :D
  24. As sad as I am about the news, I am looking forward to the cast's next projects.
  25. Not a knock on you, but I wouldn't characterize Felicity as having to recognize "the darkness within her". She was faced with an impossible decision and made the best call she thought she could. Tens of thousands instead of millions. That isn't darkness. I would argue about Lyla's decision to send agents after Darhk in his power center, but then, I put that on the writers. Lyla refusing to acknowledge that Oliver could possibly be correct in that situation means that she has to face the families of those agents. Agents that had no reason to die, but the writers insisted that was a beat-- Damien killing agents off-screen, audibly and in front of his tween daughter-- that needed to be aired. (Because we didn't understand that DD was a Bad Guy?) Yet, Felicity choosing a rock or a hard place is supposed to deal with "darkness"? Lyla will deal with a fatal decision and so will Felicity. Oliver could be amazing if written as a good sounding board for both women. The scenes would be coming from different POVs as well. Lyla the soldier, now the commander and getting through why she insisted on sending her agents. Felicity working through having to decide in seconds where to put the most horrible thing on the planet. That probably is why the fight with Damien felt so anti-climactic. They faced down 15k+ nuclear missiles. A BSC ninja-mage assassin in a snappy suit and good patter was supposed to worry us after that? The Flarrowverse seems really, really, really enamored of the Binary Choice: Give me your powers or I will kill someone. You can only be a killer or a "normal" person. There is more to Oliver, and all the characters really, but there seems to be an obsession with labeling. I think instead of "schism" the word should have been "balance" or "equililbrium". Everyone has Light/Dark, but it's how we balance it that determines what we are on a given day. That's why redemption is a possibility. Not for everyone ( see: Andy), but until the door is closed completely. Sorry; it was a long way to say that I cannot label Felicity's choice as "Darkness" when there have been so many much darker acts just this season. Also, Malcolm Merlyn is alive and untroubled. eta: It is on the writers that they lean so heavily on the darkness/light duality, not the poster I quoted.
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