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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. I usually don't like fast food or chains but I've got to admit I LOVE Noodles and Company- especially the pot stickers! I mean, those pot stickers are better than ANY local Chinese or Asian restaurant I've sampled in town and I've been to virtually every restaurant within driving distance that I think would have them!
  2. So is mine but, to tell the truth, other than my mother being around to enjoy it (and the fact that she CAN enjoy it despite her advancing years), I'm a bit blah over it as it's not a milestone and I honestly can't think of anything I really want other than for my mother to be around as long as possible. backformore, The college should NOT have allowed Apple Girl to eat in class- VERY disruptive to the rest of the class and disrespectful of the teacher's time and efforts. sandman, MY worst teacher ever had similar habits but what was even worse was how blatantly he played class faves/ whipping boys- even going so far as to encourage gifts from said faves and would openly gloat about gifts&favors they and their families had given him while treating everyone else like dirt for not being rich, connected or on a team.
  3. OK, here's one. After I cleaned out an old closet yesterday for my mother, my mother found the long-lost caches of condolence cards written after my sister's and grandmother's respective passings . Unbeknown to either us, these caches had been secreted in a small trunk that evidently my late father had put on the very top shelf of said closet. Considering that in the last two years my mother has lost my father and ,a very short time ago ,her sister's beloved longtime husband as well as her getting close to 90, I'm grateful that she was able to rediscover something she'd cherished so much while she's still around to appreciate it.
  4. Not sure if this is a pet peeve or just an observation re cheating: When I was in Old Millennial School, we weren't allowed to pass notes in class because the teachers thought we could use them to cheat on tests. So how come New Millennials get to text in class with teachers rarely going down on them and what's to keep them from using Smartphones to cheat?
  5. OK, I've cleaned this up a bit but here goes: Two middle-aged women were sitting on a front porch and one said to the other ' Oh, no! My husband's carrying a dozen red roses! Looks like I'll have a sore woo-hoo in the morning!' Woman #2 said' Oh, I solved that problem years ago!' This startled Woman #1 because Woman #2 was far from the brightest bulb in the tulip bed. Woman #1 replied' Really? How?' Woman #2 gloated," Easy!
  6. Yeah, and let's make sure Polly Holiday's okay, too, even if she seems to have completely dropped off the 'Hollywood radar' despite(because of?) her onetime popularity as Flo!
  7. Juicy Fruit Locker Room Ad- Hey guys, thanks for proving that junior high wasn't fun even the first time- much less in middle age. Do your scriptwriters' mommies know they wrote this?
  8. Kellogg's Danish Go-Rounds! Not only did I love them but I always wished someone had built a merry-go-round stocked with them like in the commercial! YUM!
  9. I just watched the two-parter 'Read It and Weep' about when Jennifer attempted to present a book report on the classic novel "Huckleberry Finn"- only to be abruptly shut down by her principal on the grounds that the book had been banned from the school district. I won't spoil everything . However; highlights included having Alex come to Jennifer's defense and Mallory belatedly doing so when she found out that "Cosmopolitan" magazine had been banned(and her & Nick getting enthralled in Twain's work)- as well as how Jennifer's English teacher struggled re having to enforce an edict he disliked and wanting to support an intellectually moved student not to mention a dictator of a principal who reveled in laying down this new law and punishing all defiers . Oh, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus did a very appealing turn here as someone on Jennifer's side who still clashed with Alex. I guess I liked this a great deal not just for the issues presented but also because it was a rare show in which Jennifer's character actually shined on her own as opposed to be a foil or straight woman for Alex. Stay to the end when Nick somehow aptly links Mr. Twain's classic with a time-honored children's story.
  10. Let me put it this way: Christina Crawford managed to muster up SOME redeeming qualities re 'Mommie Dearest' while recounting Miss Crawford's nightmarish shadowside so I don't see why Mr. Wagner couldn't have attempted to do the same- at least for the sake of the daughters who had to grow up motherless and might have wanted to contemplate some aspects of their maternal side. By no means do I consider the Gurkins/Woods to have been saints . However; perhaps, acknowledging Mrs. Gurkin/Wood having had to restart life in a totally new country and having the determination to ensure her family survived might have been balanced things a little.
  11. Ages ago, I gave someone a ride home from work who asked me all kinds of questions about my car radio but I just shrugged them off and said it came with the older model car. Long-short is that this person got rides from a lot of fellow employees- and not only gave them 3rd degrees re their car radios but every person who bragged about said radios wound up having theirs stolen even when they parked nowhere near our workplace. Can we file this pet peeve under snoopy coworkers or radio thieves?
  12. Robert Wagner: Even subtracting my POV re what happened to his late wife Natalie, his whole tude has been so incredibly arrogant (and he made no secret of it in his bio) that I can't stand to watch him. I wonder how her daughters feel about him essentially painting every single member of their late mother's family as having zero redeeming qualities whatsoever.
  13. Sophia- Absolutely! It would break Rose's heart if she found out Danny Thomas's lesbian!
  14. As long as we're doing classic shows, oddly enough, I can't stand Dick Van Dyke. I mean, I always liked his one-time costar MTM, got good laughs from Morey Amsterdam,Carl Reiner and Rose Marie on that show but, he's always rubbed me the wrong way. Yes, I'm impressed that he's still healthy at 90 and seems to be a recovering alcoholic but he just seems too patronizing and self-important. Just for laughs and giggles about his co-stars, I went and read his autobio and not only did it confirm my POV re him but I found it chilling that it didn't even mention the tragic death of his niece Kelly much less bring her up at all even when he briefly deigned to talk about her father (his brother) Jerry. I mean would it have killed him to have just said "I'm sorry this happened to her and have tried to help her family cope"? Nothing, though, and he just kept bragging about how talented and beloved he believes he is.
  15. OK, I'm not quite of the 'can't stand ' stance re Suzanne Somers but there have been things she's said and done that just don't wash with me. Anyone else remember the Playboy pic deal? She denied having posed for them and then when they published a pic she'd posed for when she was still unknown, she went on a tear about how she'd only posed out of desperation to pay for her sick child's treatments and sued them. Well, after they settled, she went about and posed for them afterwards. I mean, I have no issue with her voluntarily posing. However; don't get all weepy, self-righteous and sue-happy about a pose you'd prefer no one would see and hope your fans believe you're still 'innocent' THEN go out and pose for another one because you want to show off at a later date. Either own the previous pose or don't pose again if you don't like the earlier being unearthed.
  16. OK, I guess I'll start this ball rolling by stating how furious I am at the developments of "Sally Forth" in recent years. She started out life as a smart, bold and take-charge business person who didn't let anyone take advantage of her and called them on it if they tried to pull stuff on her but in the last few years we've seen her obnoxious mother steamroll over her (and Ted) by mooching off them months at a time and dissing Ted, guilting Sally into playing happy family re her flaky sister Jackie hooking up with Sally's obnoxious ex-boss Ralph,etc. The OLD Sally would have told the old bat where to go and to buzz off but this new one just seems to want to keep peace at all costs even when it clearly means everyone else has a one-way street to steamroll over her. Then there's how pathetic her daughter Hilary has become. The OLD Hilary was also smart and could make some good one-liners. This new one is self-important for no reason and thinks herself a LOT smarter than she is- and gets upset when folks don't behave the way she expects them to. Then the last few weeks, the strip really went out into cloud-cuckoo land by having Hilary INSTANTLY know via a psychic bond that one of her friends has feelings for Hilary's ex boyfriend that Hilary herself had dumped months ago- and worse getting a 'visit' from her 'future self'. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a comic strip , blah blah blah, but it used to based on real situations with characters one could imagine relating to and wanting to know. Now, it's too pathetic. Any comments?
  17. Because surely there are folks here who'd like to celebrate/vent re the latest twists and turns of 'Blondie', 'For Better or For Worse', 'Curtis', Baby Blues' 'Sally Forth' or even 'Peanuts Classics',etc. How about it?
  18. Yeah, and folks pestering docs to put them on pills found in appealing ads likely happens about as often if not more often as folks buying cars JUST because they saw an ad and somehow thought the model would be thrown in along with the car note. If I went back to 1979 and told folks of our current priorities, they'd think I was nuts!
  19. Until the reporting of Mr. Leto's gifts, I'd never heard of those kinds of beads and had no idea that they existed- and would have been perfectly content to have lived the rest of my life ignorant of that fact. Just ugh.
  20. Can I vote that any and ALL of the "Friends" were bad love interests to each other and to anyone else who made the mistake in getting interested in them? The only vaguely likable or interesting one of them was Phoebe but even SHE was a terrible love interest. But what do I know? I just wish I hadn't wasted the last four years of the show watching it and never want to see another rerun of it again as long as I live.
  21. I agree and I think Mark Twain was right when he said that humans are the only species that deserve to suffer though I think that if they pose a danger to humans (e.g. a rapid dog or a lion that's eaten human flesh) I see no alternative but to put them down (and, yes I LIKE dogs and lions).
  22. Yes, the BEST that can be said about her is that she's friendlier than Nancy Grace and not as nasty as Sarah Silverman. Why she hasn't been relegated to ONLY voicing Peppermint Patty in "Peanuts" cartoons is beyond me.
  23. OK, while I've only had a few acquaintances make tiny disses re my line/s of work, I think a bigger pet peeve I'd like to air is bigotry. Some of the worst offenders I can think of are those who'll go on major rants about my demographics but then expect me to greenlight said rants by saying 'However; YOU are an exception so you're okay. Therefore, I can't be a bigot since I deign to tolerate you despite my openly hating a good part of your person' How arrogant is that?
  24. Well, if anyone needs to be on this thread, I'd like to nominate Nancy Grace. I won't bore everyone detailing WHY I can't stand her. Suffice it to say that, IMO she seems to be an utter nightmare and I'm thankful that I can turn off any set or surf to another channel the instant she appears rather than have to have her in my life in any capacity. And, yes, I can honestly say that I'd feel EXACTLY the same way about this person were this person a man.
  25. And the irony is that until about 20 years ago, they were unheard of. I mean, yes there were dens,studies and offices and the occasional smoking/pool room but at least dens,studies and offices were supposed to contain office materials for the ostensible purpose of having the husband/father be able to retreat to it for the purpose of helping to provide for the family during his 'free' time (and the women's sewing room was there for the wife/mother to be able have uninterrupted time to attire the family via handcrafted clothing). What does a man cave do but just have a man avoid the rest of the family while doing leisure activities?
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