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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. As long as we're doing annoying slang. Can we put an end to writing 'prolly' for 'probably'? Not only is it not as cute as one may think but WHO actually PRONOUNCES it that way out loud?
  2. If one hates one's job, is it too much to ask to not broadcast one's job searches or bragging about other places wanting to hire them to coworkers until one has ACTUALLY gotten hired by somewhere else? Just asking.
  3. shok, I agree that Senator Kaine was ' a terrific candidate and worked hard for' Senator Clinton. However;I think he was badly underutilized and the fact is it was President Clinton NOT Senator Kaine who gave those speeches in place of Senator Clinton when she was out of commission. I believe his underutilization was one of many missteps this campaign made that contributed to our current status.
  4. This is one Presidential spouse I DO hope fords her own political career as soon as her younger is on her own.
  5. Yep, I TOTALLY agree. Although I didn't like every single one of his decisions or moves, I'm PROUD that I voted for President Obama in all the primaries as well as Presidential elections. Alas, IMO, we're all going from class to crass.
  6. I liked that Walter's wife DID put forth valid arguments WHY she could not greenlight this procedure regardless of how compelling the case was re the burn victim and her daughter. Moreover, no matter how one sliced it (as good intentioned the MO may have been) James WAS essentially bribing her ( a government administrator) via the luxury suite, meals and gift basket. As much as I felt sorry for the poor burn victim, I would have liked it had Julianna kept her NO to the end just to see how James and Walter would have had to do had to make the best of things despite that constraint. Moreover; even with this procedure being successful, it wouldn't take much for someone with an axe to grind to call foul on BOTH Julianna and Walter re getting cozied up to this billionaire. Yes, of course I was glad that the procedures seemed to work out for the hockey player wanting to use his skills to gift his struggling parents a house. However; even if he manages to regain ALL his mobility and skills, he REALLY needs to rethink about how to earn a living because EVERY SINGLE TIME he goes into the rink he (and every hockey player) risks having catastrophic injuries (to say nothing of longterm health problems re the impact of 'minor' mishaps). This is far more serious than just missing a few teeth. Interesting that the only 'recurring' patient is the one with James's diagnosis. Yes, it's nice that they're able to keep his quality of life up as much as possible re chess games and personal visits but it's not going to entirely stop the inevitable- and what will James do if they CANNOT stop the progression much less reverse the effects or cure it?
  7. I know! She always looked so healthy and VITAL that I couldn't imagined her not being here for a VERY long time. Two years back, after Ann B. Davis's death, they showed a clip of Miss Davis wishing her a Happy 80th Birthday. No way would I have imagined that Miss Henderson was 80 (maybe mid 50's had I not known her story) . Here's to a lovely lady inside and out!
  8. If Miss Perry agreed to do that line with that logo, she CHOSE to do it for the money and is not really 'stuck'. It's not as though this was foisted upon her against her will as much as we individually may dislike said logo. I wonder if she'll do any nods to Josie and the Pussycats?
  9. Just saw back-to-back ads with one kid leaving a Coke for Santa, then another kid leaving an Oreo. He's going to be one wired Claus and lets hope he doesn't have 'feed his reindeer' too often before his return to the North Pole.
  10. OK, I thought about putting this in the 'Pet Peeves' Forum but since it's not upsetting nor disruptive to my life in any way (and we ALL need to keep in mind things to smile and be grateful for), I decided to put it here. At 11PM last night, I noticed TODAY's papers in the driveway. Now, as much as I wasn't sure that it was a hot idea to have this 'window on the near future' (and recalling a Twilight Zone ep in which folks were startled by a mistakenly delivered futuristic newspaper), I felt a little bit wary and cynical since I know it got delivered just so everyone could read the zillions of ads for the impending Black Friday sales starting in just a few hours. However; since this saved me a trip to the curb first thing this morning AND I know that they usually put together newspapers well in advance of the publication date (unless there's a catastrophic last minute happening), overall, it's a good thing. Did anyone else have this happen last night?
  11. OK, Can say a word against Hurricane Eyes? These folks will pick up on every little vibe of dissatisfaction with management or other coworkers then endlessly 'advise' and gossip about these problems til the cows come home but offer NO constructive solutions or directly talk to those they have problems with. I think more than any other group, they are the worst morale killers.
  12. Obviously, we can't undo what's been done but I can't help but think that if they'd given him a chance to open his mouth and speak on his own, ENOUGH otherwise dissatisfied voters in swing states may have at least gotten a Electoral College win for Senator Clinton more likely. However; even when Senator Clinton took time out to tend to her pneumonia, they just had former President Clinton do her previously scheduled speeches NOT Senator Kaine (like THAT would have changed any dissatisfied voters into casting votes for the ticket). IMO, what a waste!
  13. OK, here's one: I live in a community that has a large number of colleges and higher learning institutes and with the T-Day Break, that means that the stores and restaurants that cater to them are MUCH quieter and less crowded this week. I know they'll all come back Monday and buckle down before exams but it's nice to have relatively short lines.
  14. To each their own. However; with every allergy as well as cold&flu season, I have to wonder how anyone can stand a nose piercing.
  15. OK, I'd like to know how many folks in 'lesser of two evils' voters category got swayed to Senator Clinton's side due to revelations re the then-Mr. Trump's behaviors and 'tudes towards women. Were there many folks who were on the verge of voting for the latter until said revelations? Speaking for myself, there was ZERO possibility of me voting for him from the time he first announced his intention to run but I wonder if there were others who were considering voting for him until that stuff came out.
  16. One thing that DESPERATELY needs to be learned is regardless of whom the Presidential nominee is, to NEVER ignore the Senatorial, Representative, Gubernatorial or state representative races or candidates again. Putting all eggs in one basket just scrambles things.
  17. Then, too, one must consider what proportions of Senator Clinton's vote were between the ' she can do no wrong' and the 'lesser of two evils, ' crowds. Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of her voters fell closer to the latter category, then add all those voters whom voted for third parties as well as those who voted but refused to cast lots for the Presidency as well as roughly 80 million registered voters who didn't vote at all, then one must consider that she didn't exactly inspire enthusiastic confidence in the mass of potential voters. Again, I want to remind everyone I DID vote for her albeit in the 'lesser of two evils' category.
  18. Lordonia, Due to allergies making it a disaster, it's been quite a few years since I last owned a pet but I agree that it's ridiculous to call the pet's name in a vet's office when the owner is the one who has to carry the pet to the examining room. Besides what you've said, I'll bet on busy days there could be more than one 'Rover' out in the waiting room. I heard of at least one vet who got upset having bills paid by (e.g)'Fluffy's Mommy' but I wonder if they may have contributed re having referred to the individuals as that. Also, agree that ,while pets definitely can be family members, calling pet owners 'pet parents' is a bit ludicrous.
  19. Oh Well, Despite my entirely not agreeing with Senator Sanders, I DID vote him in my state primary because I thought he was FAR more worthy with more initiative and gumption than the one foisted upon the us due to the sentimental attachments. However; for the sake of our nation and world I did my duty while literally holding my nose to vote for Senator Clinton in the Presidential election. I hope that clarifies things.
  20. OK, while the technical mumbo jumbo seemed out of the Astral Annie zone, I did like the ethical issues of survivor's guilt as well as how obvious James was overstepping his bounds. Not that I want it to be an endless veil of tears but I'd like it if every so often a proposed procedure didn't quite go right just so the audience has an idea that the risk could backfire. I mean even Perry Mason LOST a case. Also, as well intentioned as James and his wannabee flame were, why hasn't anyone mentioned HIPAA laws re contacting kin and loved ones without the patient's express permission or even a reason why they wouldn't apply in this center.
  21. Frankly, I'd have prefered to get scorched yet again by Senator Clinton over being thrown into the blast furnace by someone who openly believes we should vilify entire segments of our citizenry rather than attempt to consider the need to evaluate individuals' actions fairly.
  22. Ohwell, Technically, I agree . However, IMO, what we need to do is to find means to survive these times (as our nation and world has survived for millenia) then consider exactly what went wrong and LEARN from the mistakes instead of clinging to sentimental attachments to those who proved unworthy. Then we can start rebuilding from the ground up, emphasizing the need to consider each person's voice and imput to be valuable not because of background, shape, etc. but because we are all human and there are saints as well as monsters among every group imaginable. Yes, some may say this is pie-in-the-sky but we need to aim UPWARDS not wallow in defeat or consider the challenges unobtainable - whilst acknowledging how TOUGH they may be.
  23. Oh, I had one host do that. Long-short is that they were 'family friends' (read: my parents' colleagues) whom invited me over to visit them so they could take me to a nearby resort. OK, sounded good on paper. Well, the hostess dissed me opting to eat ravioli. ('Are you going to eat that?'- why else would I have ordered and PAID for it?) when I replied in the affirmative she repeated her question and I just tried to make light of it by saying I was on vacation which spurred her to try to guilt trip me by telling me her diabetes history. Of course she'd already dumped on me for making a phone call to my next destination saying it cost too much for that time (this was in the 90's when rates varied greatly re location and time/day of week) and my pointing out that I was paying for it myself with my own phone card so it wouldn't cost HER a dime didn't soften her tude in the least. Lastly, to cap off the whole thing she asked me if I was going to wear shorts and a shirt on the outgoing flight from that rather hot and humid locale and I replied in the affirmative to which she went on a rant about how she hated her own offspring doing that. Never mind that she was hardly a fashion plate herself AND had already announced that she wasn't going to accompany her husband and me to the airport so what did she care what I was going to wear? Ironically, as soon as I came back home, my parents told me all kinds of stunts she's pulled on them down the years which made me wonder why they were so insistent on my going there. Oops, I went on a bit of a tangent but I guess I'm just airing a pet peeve against folks who butt into things that have absolutely no impact on their own lives.
  24. I know you're expressing an UO but I've never forgotten the revelation. Thanks for throwing it in my face that I'd wasted a couple of hours of my life following this smarmy deal. Well, it takes all kinds, I guess and I never thought it was possible someone would like that one better than Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, etc but go figure
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