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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. Globe Trekkers are a bit of hit and miss. I like them better when they explore the history, culture and cuisine of their locales but, alas, there are a few guides who can't seem to find anything but bars to venture to in different countries.
  2. The one for Walt Disney Resort in which this family gives the concierge an enormous laundry list of activities for them to do in a single day at the resort and it turns out she's a wand-carrying fairy kind of gets me scratching my head. It's in no way offensive nor is anyone unlikable but HOW this family would be able to do ALL these things without feeling as though they've spun out of control on the Teacup Ride is a bit puzzling. Also, the daughter's idea to 'have dinner with the princess' (Cinderella) seems a bit of a groaner for the rest of them in that what would everyone talk about to this costumed performer (who would have to stick to some kind of script re responses to what likely are the same questions every dinner partner asks).
  3. I wonder if Mr. Fox (born Lawson) may have known Richard Burton (born Jenkins) during their early years in Wales? No doubt they likely bumped into each other a time or so in Hollywood. Oh, in addition to playing the hilariously pompous quack on Bewitched, I always like Mr. Fox's more lowkey almost straight man role of the always proper but easily befuddled English Malcolm Merriweather on Andy Griffith (best ep was when he got on the wrong side of Ernest T. Bass). Hmm, who else besides Jim Nabors is left of the adult cast of THAT show? RIP, Mr. Fox (born Lawson).
  4. I know- and I always worry about getting gifts that aren't redundant. This year I'm vowing NO BOOKS because I've given everyone on my list enough to fill several libraries and they haven't cracked open most of them. One time I got dissed for having given the EXACT same card two years in a row. So, in addition to trying to keep the workflow going in a workplace where work NEVER stops but with more and more folks taking off, I have to brainstorm as best I can and not look like I've made slapdash efforts. Here's looking to you, January 2nd to February 13th when I have that monthlong break between New Year's Day and Valentine's Day not having to worry about holidays!
  5. Oddly enough, I can only watch when Bob Crane is NOT on the screen. I know he's dead and didn't deserve the violent murder. However; it seems as though he put everyone around him through the wringer for many years via his . . . hobbies and try as I have, I can't pretend that the likable character onscreen is anything like the performer evidently was. The OTHER performers such as Robert Clary, John Banner and Werner Klemperer who themselves DID flee the NAZIs were admirable and had more interesting lives than their characters would have indicated.
  6. I have to wonder if HGTV had no inkling about the split six months ago of their Golden Couple of Tarek and Christina or did they follow the TLC, A&E playbook and just have them fake being a happily married,monogamous couple who actually lived in the same house with their kids but hoped everyone else wouldn't get wind of what was really going on? I'd like to think the network was genuinely ignorant but it seems too many folks were in on the 'secret' before it hit the 'Net so I have my doubts.
  7. I always thought it funny how the whole point of Frosty's salvation was that he was created on Christmas Day -yet until 3PM that afternoon the kids were IN SCHOOL? What school in Christendom would have DONE that? Also, while it was amusing to me as a tiny kid seeing this stiff snowman because an animated semi-polar bear figure, I can't help but think I'd have been freaked out at the concept as an adult. Oh, and lastly, while the Magician was the stock villain and I had no problems booing him, considering that being a magician WAS his livelihood and he'd just humiliated himself in front of the entire classroom (while having to work Christmas Day in what must have been virtual peanuts since when do schools allot zillions of bucks for entertainment expenses), I had to admit feeling a little sorry for him as an adult.
  8. You think misspellings are the post office's only fault. A good TWENTY YEARS after my sister's death, my parents STILL received mailings for her at their address!
  9. As are some of the folks most hateful toward men being other men. Regardless of the above facts, I agree that it's a bit bogus to pick on someone's appearance when they are attempting to make an important stand which the candidate WAS doing.
  10. At least someone FINALLY said 'no' to James and he had to deal with it. Sometimes making another person's remaining time in this world IS the best thing that one can do if there's no way to prevent their mortality so I'm glad he had the concert in the girl's room with that singer whose folks showed zero imagination in naming him.
  11. lordonia, Amazing how something that seems like a sure-shot for ID theft is being touted as some utopian ideal! No sale for me!
  12. Yep! Not to mention the Curt Revived ep seemed more in place in the Warped Little House Universe than on Walton's Mountain!
  13. I also hope the sitting Democrats think OUTSIDE THE BOX and actually be ready to hit the ground running instead of just sitting on their hands and whining about being powerless and outnumbered.
  14. Agree, and I ALSO hate it when the muzac ends and the phone 'rings' ONLY to have ANOTHER prerecorded message! Sakes! If you can't answer the phone, don't fake as though it's about to happen and then insult callers' intelligence by having a recording play yet again- just keep playing the muzac until a REAL HUMAN BEING can answer the phone! How difficult is that?
  15. Dare I say it? While I fully believe that Mr. Trump's boorish behavior to women he wasn't married to deserves being called out, for Senator Clinton to act as though she was going to be the Avenging Angel on behalf of all the women Mr. Trump had wronged while not so much as addressing the facts that she never so much as acknowledged much less called out her own husband's ungentlemanly behavior to other women(or made any offers to help THEM) despite it being VERY public record seemed a bit hypocritical to me(and yes indeed I DID vote for her because I thought and still think she'd be a better President than Mr. Trump). Could other registered voters in vital states/districts have ALSO decided that this was hypocritical and NOT been willing to hold their noses as I was willing to do and either voted for Mr. Trump, voted for third parties or not voted at all?
  16. It's sunny outside, cool but most of the autumn leaves are STILL on the trees here with their colors looking so vibrant! Isn't that good to keep in mind?
  17. My fave Trader Joe's item? Easy! The Exit Door- because I've never had more than a 'meh' reaction despite all the hype and pals' pleadings.
  18. Anyone see the one in which the mother has invited the entire extended family to celebrate the holidays and is PROUD that her young son wants to spend EVERY WAKING MOMENT playing some handheld game? She actually considers all these relatives giving him advice on HOW to play the game to be the SAME as him interacted and behaving like a human being with them even though he never so much as looks up or nods at anything anyone else says. I don't know what's sadder: the fact that she (and her family )seem to be in complete denial re the slug she's raised OR the fact that the company seems to think that THIS is a good way to sell their games!
  19. OK, I already touched upon this earlier in the Movies Forum. However; this last election caused me to lose all respect for Clint Eastwood to the point I will never patronize anything he's connected to again unless he makes a profound and sincere apology. . If it was a case of him merely saying he supported Mr. Trump without further elaborating why, I could have accepted it. However; for him to go on a profane rant against anyone who OBJECTED to Mr. Trump's dissing others and expecting everyone to just roll over caused me to lose all respect. It would have been one thing had Mr. Eastwood acknowledged the dissing but just said that, whilst he himself disagreed with Mr. Trump's dissing, he believed Mr. Trump's platform was good enough to vote for (and, whilst I would NOT have agreed with that, I could have respected that position). But for him to essentially egg Mr. Trump on and refuse to even consider that NO ONE has the right to bulldoze others on a one-way street without risking consequences or even objections, well that DID IT for me!
  20. Here's a pet peeve: Clerks who waste time telling their life stories and on political rants whilst their colleagues actually serve the public. I had the experience of having to get an important errand done with a line literally going out the door. One clerk spent the entire time I was there telling a single customer their life story interspersed with rants whilst the OTHER clerk managed to get the entire line taken care of on their own whilst the first one gabbed with just the one customer. Look, your life story and politics are YOUR business not mine. ALL I want when I go to your establishment is to get my transactions done as efficiently and accurately as possible. Cheers and pity to the coworker who had to do ALL the work whilst the One Person Blah Blah Brigade held court. And even if I had AGREED with the political POV (or thought the bio interesting) , I still would have considered them a needless waste of time and completely inconsiderate to everyone else in the establishment.
  21. So after the crushing blow of November 8th, why on Earth did the party re-elect Representative Pelosi as the Minority Leader? Sorry, but business as usual has done nothing but set the party back IMO and the party is past due making a fresh start with new blood.
  22. Even though they were already separated at the time, it was Mr. Tinker who got the news of her only child Richard Meeker, Jr.'s tragic death in 1980 AND made the decision not to tell her until the next morning so she'd have one last peaceful night of sleep before her world would be shattered forever by the news. I always respected him for doing that for her. Anyway, after so many months of speculation re her own health, Miss Moore HAS issued a touching tribute to her onetime spouse so I hope that means that she's healthy enough to receive and communicate news.
  23. And it's reached Dollywood's doorstep in nearby Pigeon Forge but so far fire fighters have kept it at bay. That entire area is VERY dependent on tourism so the loss of these tourist hot spots could have major impact for quite some time.
  24. I'm no fan of soccer but quite tragic about that Brazilian soccer team and just now I was reading how virtually the entire team worked its way via honing their skills against incredible odds out of obscurity and grinding poverty to become an inspirational team beloved by that nation. According to CNN's latest, there were six survivors out of 75 folks on the plane. I wonder if any of them were team members and what kind of conditions are these survivors? Of course, we need to keep in mind that EVERY sudden death be it of an individual or on a massive scale will impact the lives of friends and loved ones even if the rest of the world has no idea who the fallen ones were or what they did.
  25. Like Miss Henderson, Mr. Glass looked astoundingly healthy in his most recent appearances- one could even say 'buff' (albeit with white hair). Still, considering he died from 'respiratory failure' and he smoked like a chimney on Barney Miller, maybe those coffin nails did him in after all. He did an excellent job re gallows humor & comic relief when it was most sorely needed. At least he was working steadily at the close of his life. Have no idea (nor do I care) who he may have had for companionship or whether he had any but I hope he was content nonetheless. RIP, Mr. Glass.
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