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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. OK, I finally saw this clip and I will say that while I was a bit disappointed but not entirely surprised that AA and JG pulled pranks on others that should have had consequences, at least as adults they recognize that fact and had some contrition over them when recounting them instead of still attempting at this stage to self-justify having done these things as teens. On a more serious note, I liked what both of them said about their 'parents' and how they'd likely be proud to share in having the show's legacy honored.
  2. Whoever that individual may be , it's someone that none of the above-mentioned Jacksons (with the possible exception of the eldest daughter Maureen [AKA Rebbie] appear to consider emulating.
  3. The key word is ' had a successful career'. He hasn't released any new recordings since 2012 as per wiki. .. and I wouldn't stand on one foot waiting for him to be declared the winner of the Stable Mabel prize!
  4. Granted. However, one may ponder what it is Miss Jackson has come to sincerely believe- and what she has decided to have become willfully ignorant. The old saying of 'the wife was the last to know' actually often has turned out to have been the case of 'the wife was the last who wanted to know'. FWIW, I haven't expected candor or transparency from her in decades.
  5. I think it would be best to at least initially attempt to tell her that you have no time to spare to hang out with her at this time. However, if she refuses to take the hint, then tell her that since you two are different places in your lives, that you believe it would be best to dial things down to occasional emails updating each other instead of hanging out with each other but that you are no longer interested hanging with her (and you may put in the phrase 'it's not you, it's me). Of course, one must keep in mind that sometimes folks will become willfully ignorant of the dynamics of friendships,relationships,etc. This somewhat awkwardly segues into what I came here to chit-chat about (considering the some of the historic and recent stances of Janet Jackson). Alas, there is a BIG difference between the state of being genuinely ignorant and willfully ignorant of . ..whatever. Mainly, IMO that if one is genuinely ignorant, there's far more possibility of opening one's mind to educating oneself to opposing views even if one ultimately decides against changing one's original stance. However, IMO if one is willfully ignorant, more often than not, one is resistant if not hostile to dissenting POVs re .. .whatever. While learning to consider different POVs may be painful, it's ultimately better to be informed of them even if one still disagrees than to stay willfully ignorant which closes one off and, ultimately, cheats oneself out of opportunities to grow and to change for the better.
  6. I think it's likely that Mr. Gilbert has somewhat made his peace with whatever may have happened in his earlier life- or else he wouldn't have appeared for even that solitary event.
  7. It's too bad that Miss Jackson. seems to have forgotten the lessons of her song 'Control'. OK, I don't claim to have firsthand info about this. However, IF it turned out that Miss Jackson got pressured to hire Mr. Randy Jackson by Mrs. Katherine Jackson and /or other family members ['so what if he has that conviction for domestic violence. He's your BROTHER and that that so-and-so was lying and/or deserved it. You need to stick with family no matter how awful they've been or you're a disloyal daughter and bad person!'], it wouldn't come as a total surprise to me. However this chain of events that led to her hiring him as her manager came about, too bad that at this point that she's prioritizing sticking with Mr. Jackson to the point of letting him shoot her career in the foot and ridding who actually would have wanted to preserve the benefit of the doubt that she was open minded enough to consider wanting to rethink her stance re spreading misinformation. I hope she wakes up and smells the dysfunction before too long!
  8. OK I'm keeping it vague and letting others draw their own conclusions but.. .I hope Janet Jackson has learned a lesson re making observations based on others' claims instead of investigating said claims' validity before commenting.
  9. Not that it's any of my biz but I hope he kept in touch if not actually visited with Mr. Bull and Miss MacGregor in their twilight years regardless of how he otherwise had mixed feelings about his time on the show.
  10. Yep! And Denise Crosby who played Tasha Yar on ST:TNG was Bing Crosby's granddaughter by his son Dennis but Miss Crosby has said that she never got to meet the elder Mr. Crosby despite him living until she was 19. I'm not sure whether she ever met her step-grandmother Kathryn or has met her half-aunt Mary.
  11. I don't disagree in principle. However I don't see what ML would have gained in concocting that re his MO for Nellie marrying Percival and it's a matter of public record re his parents having had different faiths.Anyone who'd have known the Orowitzes would have noticed their heights so how could have made that up?Truly, had ML made no comment,only those who'd known his family would have connected any dots re why Nellie and Percival fell for each other despite differing faiths and the unconventional taller wife/shorter husband deal.
  12. Interestingly enough ,AA said in a recent vid that ML spelled out on a talk show that he intentionally had Nellie marry a notably shorter Jewish man [Percival AKA Isaac] because his own mother had been Christian while his father had been Jewish.However ML added that he was going to have this particular husband stand up to his wife- in contrast to his own physically shorter father re his taller mother. And he said all the above on a talk show!
  13. Yes,it needs to be said that MSA was nominated for a Primetime Emmy for her LHOTP work and did win a Daytime Emmy for an ABC After-school TV movie.One may question the nominators/voters but it seems X # of folks were impressed by her performances.
  14. As per MSN etc. ,Kathryn Crosby (born Olive Kathryn Grandstaff in West Columbia, Texas) the widow of Harry 'Bing'Crosby (1903-1977) who she wed in 1957 passed away on Friday ,September 20 2024 at the age of 90. She was also the mother of his younger three children including their only daughter Mary who would hit the heights of fame playing J.R.Ewing's sister-in-law and attempted assassin Kristin Shepard a few years after Bing's 1977 passing.I wonder how Miss Crosby 's Texas-born mother reacted to that?Mrs. Crosby herself remarried from 2000 to 2010 to Maurice William Sullivan before her 2nd husband was fatally injured in a car wreck that also seriously Injured his widow.
  15. Not to mention how Laura had even less interaction with Carrie after Mary 'moved away' so I wonder if any later viewers watching were waiting for potential Laura-Carrie bonding scenes only to be disappointed until Carrie faded away offstage to Burr Oak. Laura did have a one-on-one scene withe the toddler Grace when they happened upon the tornado-ravaged Wilder abode but nothing like that with Carrie. Also a bit sad that MSA's last guest episode had her listed with the extras in the Closing Credits instead of even as part of 'The Town' in the Opening Credits.
  16. I apologize in advance to any bona fide abuse survivors and/or victims and by no means am belittling or disbelieving their ordeals and I most certainly believe that each single claim needs to be carefully listened to and evaluated with a fine-toothed comb then acted upon by the authorities without flinching regardless of what others might feel about the accused or alleged victims. The following changes nothing about that. I recall all too well how the Melendez brothers were caught on tape attempting to bribe a potential witness into perjuring herself and bragging that they had "snowed half the jury"so they hoped to snow the other half. IOW, IMO if they were capable of paying someone to perjury herself and to "snow" jury members then I don't put it past them to have slandered their late parents after having their original alibis of having gone to the movies got proven false. Please keep in mind ,there are countless cases of genuine abuse victims who have been denied justice and have been abused all over again by corrupt officials. They are the ones whose stories need to be told so justice can belatedly prevail NOT the Melendez Brothers yet again.IMO rehashing those two's claims needlessly drags genuine victims further down.
  17. FWIW , I never was a fan so I have no dogs in this circus but to each one's own. However my rule of thumb is that if I have knowledge that a performer has been abusive and/or criminal to other (especially children),then I will boycott their work for rest of their lives so as to not chance any of my hard-earned monies contributing to their livelihood. Now how each patron decides re continuing to deal with invidual celebs is up to them. OTOH,don't have a 🐄 because I won't buy spins of innocence or framing just because one doesn't want to have to deal with the possibility of having backed the wrong horse. BTW,though ages ago an older Italian woman colleague in my work area named Paulette got dubbed P Diddy.
  18. I also loathed how the title character murdered her when she thought he was going to rescue from being stoned to death and how he & her onetime paramour (whose tryst had spurred the lynch mob's horrific actions) barely reacted to the whole turn of events or Zorba's Madame Hortense's treasures having been looted by the buzzard villagers before she'd even taken her last breath- and they had ZERO compunctions about afterwards doing business with all the vile perps they KNEW had participated in these outrages! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that movie was supposed to celebrate 'simple village life'?! NOPE!!!
  19. For clarity: are you talking about the performer Jason Bateman's RL sister Justine (born 1966) who played Mallory Keaton on Family Ties (1982-1990)? FWIW, while I'm glad she's currently speaking up on behalf of age discrimination suffered by older performers (especially female ones), IMO the main reason she hasn't had the hottest career in recent decades as that her performances virtually all have the depth of a pancake (not dissimilar to Demi Moore's though the latter somewhow became a star instead of staying an extra).
  20. Good questions about Machu Picchu. It must have been fascinating to have visited there 15 years ago. Yes, I have to admit, I would like to explore some of those Incan sites one day. As best as contemporary scholars can theorize, it appears that it was a royal retreat built about 1450 where hundreds of staff members and their families lived full time to keep the place s***-and-span and at the ready for the emperor to stay there at any moment. Everything from mountain springs being carefully diverted to canals so that the emperor himself would get the first (and cleanest) sip of their waters to the terraced farms below the main complex having been carefully engineered so the soil would be protected from flash floods in the semi-jungle climate! What happened to the people who lived there? It appears that they were almost entirely wiped out by smallpox and other diseases that the Spanish conquerors had brought with them from Europe that the Native American population had no immunity against. So virulent were these diseases that they wiped out entire settlements even hundreds of miles from the nearest European explorer/missionary/conqueror (as in the case of many villages in what's now Quebec). While it appears to have been known to the Spanish for roughly a century after the conquest, since it was on the edge of old empire AND hugging the wild jungle below, there was little interest in exploring it- and it seemed to have been empty of people almost from the time of plagues having wiped out so many Native Americans- until Hiram Brigham's exploration including photographs helped publicize the empty, overgrown but once proud royal complex in 1911.
  21. In 1952, two Chilean mountaineers named Bion Gonzalez and Juan Harsheim became the first climbers in modern times to successfully ascend the 22,110 foot (6739 meter) high Andean summit on current the Chilean-Argentine border called Llullaillaco [you-yigh-YOCK-oh] (which means 'false water' in Quechua-evidently due to none of the snow at the summit's meltwater reaching the parched Atacama desert below). However, when the mid-20th century climbers reached it, they discovered they were by no means the first folks to have reached said peak. No, they didn't find pick axes or climbing ropes but actual archaeological artifacts that attested that the Incans and local Atacama tribes didn't just claim to worship this peak but they most certainly walked the walk and talked the talk! In the decades since, several shrines as well as three Incan roads branching from their main venues leading up to the summit have been discovered as well as even a shrine at the actual summit itself. Alas, the summit shrine was found to have three human sacrifices of, evidently well-fed and well-cared for children of wealthy families(alongside quite a treasure trove of luxuries). Regardless of the unsettling fate of the mummies buried within, this shrine DOES mark the highest permanent human-made structure on Earth (even the contemporary Mt. Everest camps are several thousand feet lower in elevation). And, let's keep in mind that all this infrastructure was built by people who not only had had no oxygen tanks but had no use (if not knowledge) of any kind of wheel.
  22. At least Miss Francis's character Cassandra DID get to have dialogue with all her elder sibs and 'rents- unlike the Greenbush Twins' character Carrie who seemed to have become even more silent and sullen before the character's exit. What's even more frustrating is that once Albert dropped a line about how Cassandra and Carrie had each other as friends (while he considered James to be a pest)- but this didn't get depicted on the show! I'll bet Miss Francis got to have MORE dialogue in her season and a half on the show than the Greenbush Twins got combined in eight seasons (and I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been for them to have not just the character's baby sister Grace but the near-age adoptive sis have gotten more lines and storylines).
  23. I like how AA turned what had started out as a steady paycheck during her teens and little more into something that she's become one of the most foremost scholars about- not just the characters but the production of the series AND Mrs. Wilder's RL communities and bonds! Maybe in some way, she feels she owes 'Nellie' and 'Laura' a debt for giving her courage, a voice AND the means to fight for her causes! BTW, on a fictional but somewhat sombre note, it's interesting how in 'The Lost Ones' (Season Seven) when James and Cassandra Cooper initially get adopted by the rather cruel and heartless Isaiah Tompkins (and get framed by his resentful teen son Seth), the one semi-sympathetic family member Beth Tomkins (Barbara Tarbuck) seemed to only be able stand up to her husband enough to insist on them adopting Cassandra in order to for her to have someone to replace their deceased daughter -and be her one companion in the house since Isaiah insisted Seth spend all his time working the fields with him (and seemed willing to accept James's presence JUST so she could keep Cassandra). Alas, that's as far as her resolve went because it appears that she'd been badly demoralized via her husband's and even their son's coldness towards her (if not having been outrightly abused). I mean not only does she voice no objections when Isaiah hoists backbreaking chores on their new legal offspring first thing but also makes no attempt to plea for mercy (much less stand up to her abusive spouse) when Isaiah beats James right in front of Cassandra ( or even hug her new daughter to console her for having had to witness her last original family member being abused)- only looking sad and forlorn. Yes, Charles pulled a [barely] better-late-than-never mercy re agreeing to adopt James and Cassandra after Isaiah Tompkins washes his hands of them after they run away (and James has gotten his foot caught in a bear trap). However no one (not even Caroline) seemed to consider at least trying to stay civil to Beth who now had no friend whatsoever in that household or, it appeared, anywhere else and seemed to be doomed to being even more vulnerable to a sad, lonely fate than before.
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