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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. Not invalid points. However; at least I can give the doubt's benefit that while individual folks aren't perfect that, if I don't know otherwise, I can believe that they have NOT gone too far re their behaviors. In Mr. Gibson's and others' cases when I DO have cause to believe that their words and/or behavior has gone too far to merit my support (and they've done little if anything to attempt to redeem themselves) , I like having the option of knowing that I do NOT have contribute even minutely to their support if I don't want to. Viva patron power!
  2. Actually, I like her a great deal because not only does she give intriguing POVs on seemingly overanalyzed historic periods and people but she actually makes a good bridge for those who might otherwise blow off history.
  3. Ironically, Miss Colbert told friends she was GLAD to have finished that movie because, unlike her character, she did NOT like Clark Gable. Oh, to bring the UO to contemporary standards, I don't care if he HAS been nominated for an Oscar, I STILL won't see anything Mel Gibson produces, directs or performs in -especially since he seems to have this tude of minimizing his [previous?] abusive deeds and words and expecting everyone else to get over it straight away!
  4. I know this isn't the main point but I REALLY hate it when folks start out something by saying 'I'm not prejudiced BUT. .." it's virtually impossible for me to think of a single time in which whatever phrase following it didn't show that the speaker WAS prejudiced. Seriously, if you don't want others to consider you a bigot then don't make bigoted statements.
  5. True 'fession: When the show came on when I was a tiny child, I used to be mesmerized by the opening when the words of her name came on screen, then multiplied into many colors before zooming into the center 'white MTM' title to start The Theme and her driving her white car on the Interstate then walking& smiling in Minneaopolis's snowy streets. Anyway, at that time, I used to wonder if in any of those upper or lower' colored MTM' titles, other stuff might be going on that we the audience might not be knowing about and used to wish that just ONCE we could find out what life for Mary was like via one of the 'colored MTM' titles instead of the 'white MTM' one. Now, I wish we could ALL travel through one the 'colored MTM' titles to a world where she is still young and relatively healthy AND where few if any of our current woes exist.
  6. Possibly, but it doesn't seem the herring joke was really worth the mixup, IMO, BTW, to keep things historic, in spite of Victoria scandalizing certain segments by having the Tsarevich staying under the same roof in Windsor Castle for three days, he didn't have any real interest in her saying that she was 'very short with a bad waist with an uncomely face' yet admitted she spoke charmingly. It seems kind of silly for folks to have gotten upset since Windsor Castle was by no means a one-room cabin! LOL
  7. Yes, Angeltoes, Miss Moore did an excellent dramatic turn playing this real-life evil person ,who with the help of a corrupt judge, made a fortune off of selling children from the 1930's to 1950 to the highest bidder and, in some cases ,Miss Tannen actually kidnapped them off the street and sold them away without anyone bothering to notify their distraught parents what had happened to them! Anyway, the line I recall her saying with chills was when she was close to being confronted "You don't know who you're dealing with!". Yikes, indeed and Miss Moore definitely earned that Emmy for playing her so convincingly! In any case, though, Miss Moore turning the world on with her smile driving her white car then walking through the Minneapolis streets was a highlight of my childhood and that's how I'll always think of her. As shocking as it is to imagine a world without her with us, I'm grateful her lingering suffering is no more and pray she's reunited with her son lost so tragically so long ago. RIP, Miss Moore!
  8. Hoo boy! In this age of Smartphones, Googling and Wikipedia, it's utterly bogus for the writer/director to have mixed up whom the Tsaverich eventually wed! I know this is a supposed to be a drama based on Vic's life and NOT any attempt at a documentary but all they'd have had to do was sub sauerkraut for herring re the bride's cuisine and it would have still gotten a catty laugh from at least part of the audience. Oh, and due to neither of them being allowed to rule if they didn't stick with their nation's dominant faith and both of them wanting to rule, there was zero chance of them considering their dances together to be more than a vague premarital flirtation.
  9. True- to the point of calling him 'her only father' since she never forgot that her own father had died in infancy. Yes, she did get tired of his nagging and she made it very clear that she wouldn't let him try to rule through her. However; Vic would mourn him far more profoundly than his own children would. But then, he had been somewhat neglectful towards them and their own dying mother while he openly lived with a mistress. BTW, he actually insisted on his only daughter by his 2nd wife being named for his late first wife Charlotte. The girl would grow up to marry Emperor Franz-Josef's younger brother and insist he take the gig as Napoleon III's puppet Mexican Emperor in order to try to outshine her cousin. To say the outcome was tragic is an understatement.
  10. LauraAnders, You've brought up a MAJOR pet peeve of mine- folks 'advising' while one is driving! Sorry, but I REALLY have to focus on the road. Do NOT dis how I'm driving, point out stuff on sidewalks or rehash old arguments. If you must do ANY of these things, PLEASE WAIT until I've finished driving you from Point A to Point B for the safety of your car ride if for no other reason! And folks wonder why I AVOID giving rides to other folks whenever possible.
  11. I wish they WOULD use replicants and quit pestering folks. Moreover, as I said way upthread, I REALLY hope at least one person they approached said 'Nunnahyerbiz and BUZZ OFF, weirdos! Get that camera outta my face or I'm SUING!'
  12. OK, nothing poignant about it but I like the Snow White One-Ups the Evil Queen Halo one. If one looks closely can see a 'disclaimer' of 'do not eat fruit that talks'!LOL
  13. Agree, SunnyBeBe, Yes, it was nice that the mother felt confident enough to hold the baby after some prodding. However; WHY wouldn't the docs, nurses or someone on staff consider that she'd have to prove she could stay clean longer than a few days (and, I dunno, find a way to earn a living for herself and the baby) before getting to be the sole caretaker for this baby with many issues. Oh, and I know that a REAL preemie who weighed 3 pounds would have been far too fragile for them to have used for the role. However; this baby was far too BIG and healthy to have been believable. CGI or even a puppet would have worked better here. Also, wouldn't some outside governmental authority put the kibosh on James for actually EXPELLING a patient just because the patient lost her temper? I mean, hospitals are supposed to treat ALL ill and/or physically endangered patients including criminals and enemy soldiers so why would it be more than just the docs guilt tripping James that would get him to reverse things? Yes, she sure DID shout way too much for having just had this surgery (and I have to agree that they could have just had her write angry texts and/or gestures to convey her displeasure) Yes, I hope Mr. Keating's improvement proves permanent. However; by having injected this expressly forbidden experimental drug into him, this kind of puts James in a bit of a bind re whether to let everyone think it was divine intervention or whether to risk major consequences re telling how it happened. Sort of reminds me of the old joke in which a preacher skipped a Sunday to play golf and God punished him by letting him play a perfect handicap which he could NEVER tell anyone about. As for Angie? Actually, I was compelled re how her own ideas of what her 'backwards' mother knew and what she was being tested for got turned upside down re the very serious diagnosis of that stage of cancer. I wish Scott had told her that the reason her mother was treating her like she was twelve was because she was ACTING like a twelve-year-old. I hope she actually tells her mother how sorry she was for underestimating her as well as having blown off how serious her condition was until almost too late. One more show. I wonder if they'll attempt cliffhangers that will have to be posthumously shipped?
  14. Ironically, it was Miguel. Ferrer's sister-in-law's voice I heard in my head singing 'You Light Up My Life'! RIp, Mr. Ferrer
  15. Haven't seen the movie and, after Archery's review, I'm not sure I'm going to. However; speaking strictly for myself, I don't consider 60 'elderly' but then again I'm not that far from that mark (and my parents got into their late 80's) so I may be biased. All that said, though, in Miss Fisher's case, though she definitely had a youthful spark to her to the end, alas she did not always take care of herself as well as she should have so that aged her more than she otherwise would have had happened. Anyway, FWIW, I'd have termed her 'late middle aged'.
  16. OK, I'll start the ball rolling by putting out one my fave moments (which also shows how comparatively coy things were then ): Archie-" Then to top the whole day off, I had to ride on the subway sitting next to a guy who'd had beans for lunch!" Edith-" Oh, that's terrible. .. . How did you know?"
  17. "Let's get out of here!"- try thinking of any movie or tv show that didn't use this phrase at least once.
  18. I'd prefer snogging to having to hear tiny children crying and screaming because their guardians decided it was cheaper to take them to movies with scenes and situations tough enough for mature adults to have to process instead of just paying sitters so they could watch a flick by themselves.
  19. I agree with you there. I also thought it was tasteless that film makers opted to zoom in on the poor child's backside when she was being beaten. One can depict abuse without reveling in it- especially if the movie is supposed to condemn it, thank you very much! Somewhat along those same lines, I'd heard about Deliverance for years but didn't see it until recently. It's far more chilling than I'd imagined-
  20. Bored with the office crushes. Storylines have already been done to death on virtually every other dramatic show and just take away from the far more intriguing life-altering medical issues. SunnyBee. Yes, nice they could actually wrap the girl's fragile skin to enable her to go to her prom but I think they were making it far more pinning everything on going than the girl herself had who had actually had had the maturity to accept that there are some things that are out of the question due to serious medical conditions. Perhaps one or more of the docs should have talked to girls who wished they had NOT gone to their proms due to disasters during and afterwards. Interesting storyline re the virus that outwardly made the man appear to be a homeless drunk then got misdiagnosed as diabetes before finally being pinpointed as a hithero unknown virus from a tic. Still, considering that they did NOT know where the source was from initially and whether it was contagious, I was a bit appalled that they let the patient's small child have patient contact-to say nothing of letting him see his father having seizures in front of him with no one attempting to keep that child from being needlessly traumatized by their parent's almost inevitable death. Good point about Nina egging James to risk everything to try to save Mr. Keating's life including possible prison time for them. I think it also needs to be mentioned that, in addition to the lopsided power dynamics re a wealthy employer,supervisor pursuing an employee, there also exists the possibility of an employee literally kissing up to said wealthy employer rather than a purely ascetic and/or emotional loving for said employer.
  21. That sounds like my late father who grew up during the Depression. He would eat maybe one piece of candy from a box and insist on saving the rest 'for later' then never eat it or let anyone else eat it but above all refused to throw it away even decades later. It was only after a serious case of food poisoning that he relaxed that edict- a little. Oh, and he had relatives in the Old Country who'd ship him baked goods when he was a child but since air mail was way over anyone's budget, they'd literally be shipped over and took at least a month to reach the States by which time the confections would be stale. Fast forward the last part of his life, these very same baked goods could be instantly flown over at virtually no extra cost and even could be found in stores here- perfectly fresh. Yet, my late father would open the boxes then refuse to start eating them until at least a month had passed -because he had grown to like the stale baked goods that reminded him of his childhood.
  22. With the possible exception of Mike Holmes, these shows everyone's mentioned were NOT on HGTV. Moreover, the network itself so far has NOT sponsored a home give away for disabled vets or other folks with physical challenges who could use a practical abode but would likely appreciate one that's also stylish. Time to step up to the plate, HGTV!
  23. I agree- and why they haven't done one for a disabled vet and family is beyond me unless they truly don't believe these folks would be 'photogenic' enough for their audience.
  24. Count me as one who think they SHOULD be as cautious as possible and do what they can to rule out shadows of doubt re Mr. Michael's demise. Let me just say that I've NEVER entirely bought the official verdict re David Carridine's demise and believe those authorities may have missed key elements re what may have truly transpired in their rush to not have to deal with a seemingly sordid end.
  25. One thing that rarely if ever happens in real life, folks constantly having their colleagues, significant others, besties and neighbors ALL not only knowing each other but constantly interacting with each other both at work and casual settings.
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