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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't have an issue with his proposal or anything like that (that part of his story sounded nice), just the fact that he said that guys shouldn't propose with a diamond so they can make sure the woman is saying yes for the right reasons, not just because they want a pretty ring. Give a girl a diamond or don't, but if you think she's going to say yes so she can have one, maybe reconsider the proposal in the first place. For me, it's more about that mindset than whatever kind of ring there is or isn't. Glad that worked out for him though.
  2. Part 3 of Stephen's Facebook Q&A, where he talks about arm wrestling David Ramsey "for science," the Arrow audition process, his emoticon usage, his favorite cereal, Ray Palmer, shooting fight scenes, Arrow Christmas traditions, and more...
  3. I disagree - I've had plenty of reasonable discussions on Twitter. But, you can only be reasonable if you're arguing with reasonable people, and that's an issue regardless of the forum, IMO. He was right about the trolls though, Twitter needs to figure out a way to deal with that. But Facebook isn't without its drawbacks too, although its working really well for him, so I can see why he likes it.
  4. Stephen Amell's 3 million Facebook fans Q&A part 1, in which he talks about people dying on the show, how awesome his page is, and gives some truly terrible proposal advice that I hope is a joke, because yikes and Part 2, in which he talks about how much he loves Christmas, going to Europe for a con next year, and whether or not his butt gets sweaty in the Arrow costume (and other stuff).
  5. Oh, I didn't know that. Well, I mean...there isn't anything at all different on it, unless he took whatever it was off for that picture with Santa. So maybe he is?
  6. No, it looks the same to me. Looks like whoever said it up thread (sorry, I can't remember who it was!) was right - he didn't want to spoil his Flash upgrades since the ep hadn't aired yet.
  7. From the spoilers thread: So, what happens at the end of 13? Is it something to do with A.R.G.U.S. and he dispatched to deal with some threat? Or is he coming for Felicity (because you know he wants to, haha)?
  8. She's definitely in costume in 3x10 - when the pics were released, that's when they said it would debut. And I think 3x11 is where we got the pic of her and Roy in the van. I don't think we've seen anything of her in the costume in 3x12 and beyond (though I could be wrong about that). Personally, I'd rather see her be Insta Canary. I have no desire to watch her fail more and/or get beat up. If they're going there, just go there and get it over with. I've watched how many of Laurel's journeys over the course of this show, and not a single one of them has interested me, so I doubt this one will either. It'll be interesting to see how the team interacts with Thea now, especially since she doesn't know she killed Sara, and she doesn't know Oliver left to fight Ra's to save her. Ugh, show. Stop keeping her in the dark.
  9. I never actually watched the whole thing, just the wall part because reasons. And now I guess I never will, haha.
  10. So, here's what I don't get about Thea as Sara's killer. Why wasn't Sara surprised to see Thea on that rooftop? I mean, she was wearing a hood and pointing arrows at her. If she'd just seen Thea dressed as Thea then I would understand, but Thea in a hood with a weapon warrants some surprise IMO. Unless Malcolm had her out killing other people, too, and Sara knew about it? But if Sara knew about it then surely the League did too, and they would've maybe put 2+2 together to guess that Thea was her killer?
  11. I think the whole show demonstrates that. And the EPs openly admit it.
  12. She had to pay a buttload of taxes on that, although it's still a good chunk of money, and I wouldn't turn it down!
  13. Stephen was named one of this year's coolest straight people in entertainment by The Advocate: EXCEPT YOU CAN'T NOW BECAUSE YOUR SHOW KILLED HER OFF, AND WHAT'S THE LIKELIHOOD OF THERE BEING ANOTHER BISEXUAL BADASS IN TOWN?! I mean, I'd love it if there was, but there's not going to be another one. Forever bitter.
  14. Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't put a wig on Katie too. And it wouldn't even have to look that great at the top since she has a hat on. How weird. UNLESS ZOMBIE TOMMY IS A GO AND THIS ISN'T A FLASHBACK j/k Oliver's is godawful. Good lord, I was always hoping he'd take a shower, but...and I hate myself for this...I prefer it dirty.
  15. I thought he would disappear off the grid in 3x10 and 3x11, with no hint of him in the present because everyone thinks he's dead - we'd get flashbacks only (whose flashbacks, IDK. His still, even if he's dead?) for those two eps. Then I figured he'd surprise! show up in Starling at the end of 3x12.
  16. I thought that was like...a burn mark from chains. Is it a bite mark?
  17. True, he did say it didn't refer to Oliver. As for whether he'd play semantics like that, I don't know.
  18. Unless he's Zombie-ing it up in the present! Although I guess I'm resigning myself to the fact that "The Return" = Past Oliver to Starling, boooooooo
  19. Well, yeah, but I don't think that necessarily hints at Oliver hanging it up at the end of the season. I mean, he could, but I think that just means that he doesn't have to be the Arrow full time.
  20. I didn't mind The Odyssey so much, but I hated The Promise, apart from Oliver getting slammed against the side of the Amazo and then thrown back on the deck, which to this day is my favorite stunt on the show. Still makes me laugh. Not really looking forward to another flashback ep, but if it's in Starling City, that might be compelling.
  21. I think that would be really interesting too, although I think he said that he said too much because a) he hinted at there being more heroes, and b) because he's basically giving away the answer to Oliver's Arrow vs. Queen dilemma (although we already know the answer is that he can be both). I think it would be fun to watch him have a normal life, but I'm just not sure if the show will take him from deciding he can only be Arrow to kind of half-assedly being both, to being only Oliver Queen. But I guess we'll see - they still have 14 episodes to go...
  22. There will be significant Team Arrow in 3x13, most likely, even if the episode is called Canaries. No way does he come back from the dead and not have significant moments with Diggle and Felicity (and probably Roy).
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