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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She got fired from Kord Industries for missing work though - that money would've only lasted her for so long. And Oliver could've set up some kind of shell corporation for her to collect consulting fees from, but I think Felicity probably would've thought that would be too big of a risk in case she got audited. ETA: not to mention-she got health and dental from Buy More, which a "consulting job" from Oliver wouldn't have given her. I really think she took the job there because it was kind of a throwaway. She could miss work and losing it wouldn't be a big deal or harm her professional reputation.
  2. I agree. If he had offered her a salary so she wouldn't have to work while he was trying to get QC back, I don't think she ever would've taken it.
  3. Now, I don't think that MG referencing Laurel in answers to questions that don't involve her is that big of a deal, and I don't think it really upsets that many people. But this? https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/552563662313906177 Tweeting something like that and attaching a video where only SA, DR, and KC are in it? That's going to irritate people. And it already has, based on the replies, haha.
  4. He had her hit him to deal with her anger at Moira over the Undertaking, IIRC. And yeah, I think that's a fake, only because SA was in his Arrow suit while filming 3x14, so it seems like he's already back in town (and that's not counting him being in the suit with Roy for 3x13, but there's still speculation that could be some kind of hallucination, so IDK). And I would certainly hope that we're not at the point where were referring to Laurel and THE REST OF TEAM ARROW at ep 15, because...no, haha.
  5. I imagine Oliver was holding tight to whatever cash he did have to run Arrow operations because he wasn't sure if/when he'd be getting any more. I think that's why he was living in the foundry and sleeping on the floor - not because he couldn't afford another arrangement, but because he was unwilling to spend whatever money he had left on it. And that's why he slept in that cot Felicity bought him - the bare minimum to get by. I doubt she would've taken no for an answer, so what would be the point of fighting her on it? And I don't think the people backing Oliver's purchase of QC ever gave him the money. I've never purchased a conglomerate before so I can't say for sure, but I think there's probably some complicated financial maneuvers involved - Oliver wouldn't just collect and then write a big check for it.
  6. I don't take anything MG tweets about too seriously, and I'm probably in the minority, but I find him amusing - especially when he does stuff like this:
  7. That'd be pretty in character to me. When has she ever considered someone else's opinion of what she's doing? Why start now?
  8. Question: When MG said that Laurel was going to be the worst fighter out of everyone who goes out in the field, and that she's not going to be very good at being BC, and that she's going to find out that it takes more than a suit to make a hero and she's going to have to find another way to be a hero, what do you think that means? Do you think it'll all be tied up in those three eps of her arc (Suzanne Gomez did tweet that the writers had touched on "every part of a superhero's journey," or some other kind of nonsense), or do you think that she's going to decide that superheroing isn't for her, at least in the vigilante sense, and rededicate herself to the law? Or is she going to decide she's not ready, then train some more, and be "ready" at the end of the season? Or do you think that was just talk that won't be reflected in the narrative?
  9. I'd like to see him at her apartment at some point, but I personally don't care that I didn't get to see the first time. She's been working with him for over a year - I always assumed he'd been there before for some reason or another, either in the first or second seasons. I just hope that when he does go to her place on the show (if he ever does) that they don't act like it's the first time he's been there. ETA: Actually, he has been in her apartment before - in the season 1 companion comics. Completely forgot about that.
  10. Head canon: she disabled them due to some as of yet unknown accidental act of spying by someone (Oliver or Roy) while clicking on the "favorites" in Feliciy's browser on one of her computers in the foundry.
  11. Now I'm wondering if this security camera is just in her living room or if she has them everywhere? Because...well, you know. And Oliver already knew about its existence and how to view the feed, so... No, don't go there mind. Don't go there. And yeah, I guess maybe that's why she got a crap job at Buy More - it'd be a job she couldn't really get a reputation (for missing work) at since she probably wouldn't put that on a resume. I'm glad Ray gives her the time she needs without questioning it too much. Crazy eyes does have that going for him, I guess.
  12. Yeah, I don't BELIEVE him, I just don't think he'd be upset by the EPs praising those episodes he's not in as some of the best ever, because he's said the exact same thing.
  13. Stephen himself said these were some of the best eps they've ever done, and the show is about more than one person, blah, blah, blah. I think it's just the company line regarding this arc.
  14. I think he (Stephen) knows it's going to take some salesmanship to get people to want to tune in after Oliver "died" (didn't he himself call them some of the best eps the show has ever done?). 3x10 is the easiest of the bunch, because people will want to see the aftermath and a lot of them might be expecting him to come back. 3x11 and 3x12 are going to be the toughest, since they've put an unpopular character on an arc that's bound to get the focus, and people will probably get frustrated when they tune in and present-day Oliver is nowhere to be seen. I don't think there will be a steep drop in viewership or anything, but they've got to get out ahead of it, regardless. Not sure what the EPs could say about it - it's not like they can say, 'tune in because you have to get through this to get to the good stuff.'
  15. "Hmm, like this, only I hate these pants...let's add more buckles!!!" In my head, this is the new version of "more cowbell!" If there's some situation in town that makes the team so desperate that they're willing to put someone from the middle school squad on the varsity team, maybe Felicity does get her the costume. It hurts to think about, honestly. And I agree with Thea eventually finding family with the team. I really like the thought of that much, much better than evil Thea with no agency because Malcolm's been brainwashing the hell out of her/feeding her herbs that make her unable to remember the things that she does.
  16. I had/have no plans of dropping the show despite my lack of enthusiasm about Oliver being gone and Laurel doing whatever it is that she's doing, and I find myself morbidly (like, watching a train wreck kind of morbid) curious about what exactly they're going to do with her. Is she going to decide not to be BC after 3x13, or realize that she's just not ready yet? And I want to know how this costume comes into play. I'm sure it won't be explained how she gets it, but god it's going to look so terrible if she just shows up in it like she's had it and was waiting around for the perfect vigilante-ing time to use it, because why would she need a costume to go after Sara's murderer? It's not like she had any reason to just have one laying around. I would be so here for Felicity, Full of Rage. Like that quiet, calm kind of rage that's the scariest kind. I think we're going to get some version of it - just not sure who exactly it's going to be directed at. Malcolm, most likely - maybe Thea for a bit. I don't think she'd stay angry with Thea for long though - she knows how much her family has kept from her and how messed up she is about that. I think she'd want to shake her out of her Merlyn fog more than anything, and make her realize that sometimes no family is better than fucked-up family.
  17. Good point-I just had it in my head that most of 3x10 takes place in the present because of the way the synopsis is written, which is stupid because they wouldn't spoil time jumps.
  18. I don't know what she'd tell her, but I absolutely believe she'd try to get her away from Malcolm. She doesn't have to believe Felicity, all Felicity really needs to do is plant a few seeds of doubt in her mind-per the 3x10 synopsis, she already suspects there's more to his disappearance than she thinks.
  19. She loves Oliver and Oliver died to protect Thea. You think she'd have his death be for nothing?
  20. I just can't figure out how the fallout from Oliver's death makes it necessary for Laurel to suit up, unless there's a time jump and the city goes to shit. Because he's only been gone for three days-how bad could it be? And even with a time jump, it could only be a few weeks later (to take us from the finale to current time)-I really don't think they'd mess with Arrow/Flash continuity by messing with that. And if things got that bad, why would they have someone who has zero experience going out and fighting and getting hurt instead of calling Barry? That's where the universe sharing would get me. Do they keep the news of Oliver's death from Quentin too?
  21. Yeah, I think she'd leave out the murdering part, but maybe that he used her as leverage to get Oliver to fight Ra's? Just tell her that Malcolm's in deep with some awful people and Oliver wanted to keep her safe?
  22. After reading that MG quote in the SPOILERS ONLY thread, anyone think Felicity's going to tell Thea that Oliver died for her and why in an effort to get her away from Malcolm now that Oliver's gone? I feel like Felicity would want to ruin his life in every imaginable way, and we were wordering what could keep O/F from being together when he gets back-that could be it. Felicity would be right to do it, but it would take boneheaded Oliver a while to come around to that. Also, Felicity and Laurel are gonna "bond" over losing Oliver, aren't they? Laurel knowing what it's like from the past, helping Felicity through it in the present?
  23. I don't think the issue is that the writers and EPs think that everyone wants angst so much as it is that they don't really know how to create romantic drama if Oliver and Felicity are actually together. They would have their fair share of relationship hurdles if they were actually committed to each other- I just don't think anyone is confident in their ability to write that. So they keep them apart.
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