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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Do you mind clarifying? Because I don't think they've done a single thing that indicates that these two will ever get back together again. Is it because GA/BC were a thing in the comics and you think they'll stick with that?
  2. I agree, Happy Harpy. I understand where you guys are coming from. My comment about people being easily discouraged really didn't have anything to do with how I thought people should feel about the writing or whether or not Ray is a viable love interest or anything like that. People are right to have issues with these things; I know I do. But MG has a history of being a bit sensational, and as a fandom we have a tendency to just jump off the proverbial cliff after an interview comes out. I was just surprised that in an interview where almost no new information was revealed and MG was reiterating something he'd already said that so many people had such a strong reaction to it.
  3. Right - Oliver will get the girl, they were just showing where his mind is at at the moment, where he is on his path. He thinks that in order to be a hero he doesn't get to have a personal life. That because of what he does, he can't be with her the way he wants to. That'll change eventually.
  4. Ah, okay. I see what you're saying. There's a lot to be disappointed about, I just don't think that the EPs are stringing people along with regards to Oliver and Felicity. I think there is every intention of going there with the two of them (and I do think they are endgame) - too much of Oliver's narrative and his road to redemption has been tied to her for it not to happen. Not saying the way it plays out won't be disappointing or maddening, but there is no doubt in my mind that Oliver and Felicity are happening at some point - not sure it's going to be this season, but at some point. Hopefully not in the too distant future.
  5. Jeez, I didn't point and laugh at anyone, and my comment was about the influx of Olicity disheartenment after MG's interview was posted - not about Laurel or about Oliver "dying" or about Sara actually dying. Never did I say that anyone didn't have a right to feel that way, or that they were stupid for being upset, it was just interesting to me how quickly the tides turned after that one interview. We knew Ray was coming on to be an Olicity obstacle - I just don't understand why people seem to be getting disheartened about it now - we've been discussing the possibility of this relationship since it was posted that Felicity would be getting a love interest. Since before we actually knew his name was Ray.
  6. Never said you didn't have the right to feel that way, nor was I intentionally disrespectful. Sorry if it came off that way. Just seems like there's a trend (in general, in this age of social media) of getting kind of worked up over one tidbit of information and then having more information come out that makes it seem not so bad. But like I added to my comment - I understand why people feel like they can't trust the writers.
  7. God, some of ya'll are so easily discouraged, haha. ETA: I know it's not easy to have faith in this show at the moment, but nothing is happening that we haven't been expecting since the summer.
  8. We don't even know what kind of scene it'll be or what prompts it, or if she's the one who pushes him away again. Maybe he doesn't come back ready to fight for a life yet. Maybe he doubles down on the distraction all the while (again) telling her that he loves her, but he just can't be with her. Maybe her "best moment" or whatever MG called it comes from that. SA's not great at math, so maybe that's why he said he was missing for 2 eps if he wasn't - could be his scenes for 3x10 were filmed while they were filming 3x9, so he got confused? Also could be that he's not in 3x12 but for a sec, and Emily's big Olicity-killing moment comes while he's not around? Like, she's talking to his suit or...IDK. As long as it's not a Ray Palmer lunge or kiss or anything romantic while Oliver's still missing...
  9. I think his answer was just another way of saying "this isn't fan pandering - we're not putting it on the show because people on twitter are asking about it."
  10. That's why I wrote that it would be an emotional decision that wouldn't have solid footing. I doubt any of her decision making is going to be about Ray - it's going to be about dealing with what she feels for Oliver, and protecting herself from the consequences of those feelings (for example, having to live through him dying again, now that she knows how it feels). She probably won't be thinking, "let me get away from this one guy who could get killed doing what he does to this other guy who wants to do the same thing" - she'll probably be hurt, working through that, and then maybe seek Ray out as a distraction (even though I don't think she'll realize that she's using him as a distraction). Of course this is all assuming that her telling Oliver that she doesn't want to be a woman he loves (assuming AGAIN, that this is her line to him, which now seems obvious, but who knows) actually leads to something romantic with Ray. That might take a few eps (and hopefully it does). Also, Ray can be a legit choice for her without the two of them ever having a relationship - just having the possibility of one and choosing not to take it makes him a choice. But I think that Raylicity, even for a bit, is probably in the cards.
  11. Let's everyone chill a bit. Ray's here for a reason, and we knew this is what it was. They're not playing anyone, they're just plotting the trope-y, angsty course we always knew they would. That comment about charting their own course could be some kind of reassertion that they do what they want after DR said at that con in Phoenix that everyone pays big attention to social media, and if you want something, tweet about it. I guess this is good in some way that Felicity's arc with Ray is probably going to be motivated by not wanting to experience the pain of losing Oliver again (since he did tell her that the life he's chosen will only end one way, and she's unaware that he ever told Diggle he didn't want that), and thus will not be on the most solid of footing. I'm not upset in that I knew it would happen, but now I at least kind of know how it'll happen. Just the thought of Oliver and Felicity's reunion was giving me something to look forward to after dead Oliver/Black Canary/whatever in the hell else, but now it seems like it won't be a happy one, which disappoints me no end.
  12. Followed by Guggenheim saying he's going to have to get off of Twitter after it, so...it ain't gonna be good.
  13. Yeah, I forgot about that line. I'll bet that's exactly what it is. They're not killing it permanently - but I'm guessing this is where Raylicity begins.
  14. She gave up on avenging her sister when Ted told her that as long as she was swinging at Sara's killer, it was a target she wasn't ever going to hit. I think that's supposed to have been when she started honoring her. Or something. Isn't there speculation that Oliver comes back at the end of 12 (SA returned for filming that ep, yes?)? So...he's going to return and she's either going to go straight to Ray and do...whatever, or she's going to tell him that she doesn't love him/it hurts too much blah, blah, blah, these people know how to stomp out any hint of enthusiasm I had left for the return of this show, jesus.
  15. My logical/optimistic side says no way. They really have done pretty much everything to blow up that relationship and any future potential it ever could've had, and Oliver and Laurel are barely even friends at this point. And, god, they're tying Oliver's humanity to Felicity. Oliver may very well have other romantic relationships, but I really don't think any of them will be with Laurel. My pessimistic side says the writers/showrunners would probably do anything, no matter how many times FAILURE is written over it in big, red letters. So...maybe.
  16. "She goes from avenging her sister to honoring her sister to becoming her sister."@MzKatieCassidy on Black Canary arc. #TCA15 @CW_Arrow LOL
  17. I hope the response was, "wanna bet?" as said criminal takes off and leaves her in the dust. /pipe dream
  18. And this from Laurel Brown regarding spin-offs (since there's been discussion here of Atom getting his own show):
  19. Most excited about that one, honestly. Not surprised at all about Arrow and The Flash, but yay! Here's hoping I still want to watch next season, haha.
  20. Her justification was initially about revenge. They haven't done a good job of showing it, but she said that "doing good" quenched the "fire inside" of her since Sara died in a way that pills and booze never could. She's chasing a high, not getting revenge. The cat's out of the bag that she's suiting up as BC, so it probably would've looked really odd if they didn't include her on a panel that's about costumed heroes considering she's about to take her first stab (and please, please let it be her last) at being one. Everyone knows Ray Palmer is the Atom. I think it's kind of a "these people are known as heroes and they have upcoming storylines so let's put them out there" kind of thing.
  21. She's not yet, but she and Ray are getting ready to go on their arcs while Oliver's dead. It's a promotional opportunity for them, I guess. The "costumed" thing is kind of strange to me, because Ra's doesn't have a costume so much as an identifiable piece of clothing he likes to wear. Same with Nyssa and Malcolm - it's League wear, not some character-specific costume.
  22. I think the "costumed" might have been added after the fact to clarify, since so many people seemed to take issue with the fact that EBR isn't there - she is undoubtedly also a hero (and she's been referred to as such on the show), and to a lesser extent, DP and CV. I think theres's a possibility that it was initially intended to be called just "Heroes and Villains." That certainly sounds better than "Costumed Heroes and Villains" - especially when by including Diggle, you're really only leaving out one person (in my mind, Caitlin and Cisco haven't quite cemented "hero" status yet).
  23. They either came up with that theme last minute to justify EBR/Willa/CP/DP and CV not being there and/or they're using "costumed" loosely so there wasn't a stage full of only white people.
  24. Per Laurel Brown (@DocBrownTV) the Arrow/Flash panel's theme is "Costumed heroes and villains." Make of that what you will.
  25. IIRC, the number has changed. I think he initially said six, then it was changed to her being confirmed for, like...three maybe? I haven't read of anyone mentioning a particular number in a while.
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