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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think it's just a call back to Oliver's last thought being of kissing Felicity-his hand is in the same position it was when he was holding her face.
  2. Yeah, he's still pliable. There's hope!
  3. What's with MG's tweet in the SPOILERS ONLY thread about the Olicity clever hand thing in those pictures from the teaser? Is it because his last thought was kissing Felicity and his hand is in the position it was when he was holding her face? IT'S OKAY, I'M FINE
  4. Yeah, I'm not expecting Oliver and Felicity to get into a relationship upon his return nor will I think it's strange or OOC if they don't get into one. I hope that Oliver's experience leads him to actively seek out a life with her, and because he's (not maliciously) jerked her around a bit (with the "fake" I love you but not taking it back, the 'don't ask me to say I don't love you' I love you after he told her he couldn't be with her, the 'and you know how I feel about her' after STILL refusing to be with her, refusing to be with her AGAIN while he's talking to her and then finally being honest with her about his feelings right before he goes off to his death), I absolutely expect her to be wary of him. I keep hoping that even though we missed all the relationship development over the hiatus, we're going to get to see them grow closer over the course of the rest of the season and then HOPEFULLY finally get together without a time jump making me miss the beginning of their relationship because if I miss that too, SO HELP ME...
  5. I'm still holding out foolish hope that they'll surprise me, and things won't ever get that far. I want her to be happy, and I'm not one of those people who wants her with Oliver and Oliver only, I just wanted...basically anything other than what they've given me so far between Felicity and Ray.
  6. So, heroes=people in masks (even if they haven't done anything heroic yet), except for Diggle, who was probably included so the panel wouldn't be totally white? Yawn. Nice attempt at being ambiguous with Ray by putting him on the villain side.I'm only taking comfort in the fact that Felicity referred to her hacktivism as her first attempt at being a hero. Her second attempt is successful- she knows what's up.
  7. The only thing is that Felicity hasn't ever told Oliver how she feels about him one way or the other. So, it is a little different IMO. I don't necessarily WANT her sleeping with Ray, but I won't cry foul If she does as things are. If she expresses her feelings for Oliver and then does it, yeah, I'd have a problem. And if/when something romantic happens between her and Ray, please for the love of God PLEASE let it happen after Oliver comes back.
  8. All the positive comments I've read for the BC arc makes it seem like the people who have been waiting for Laurel to take up the mantle are excited to see her kick ass/be a badass. Which makes me wonder what the reaction to her not being very good at heroing will be, provided MG isn't trolling with that, and whether that will be resolved at the end of her arc and she'll magically be great. If she really does have to find another way (as MG put it), I'm curious to see what that portion of the audience's reaction will be. If the show otherwise remains enjoyable (and even though I have issues with it, it still has a high entertainment factor for me), I don't think anything BC-related will affect things one way or the other.
  9. I trust no one, but it's too early to really say with some of these stories. I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm not going to judge yet. This show has been able to surprise me in a good way in the past (multiple times), so...I'm not going to get too down on it yet.
  10. I didn't say he was a good or better choice, just that Felicity being wary of entering into a relationship with Oliver once he comes around doesn't preclude her from getting into one with Ray. It's Oliver's way of dealing with his past and his feelings for her that would give her pause, not the fact the he's a hero (it was being suggested that it would be nonsensical for Felicity to deny Oliver but date Ray, since Ray would be out A.T.O.M.ing - but superheroing isn't Felicity's issue).
  11. Except Ray (as far as we know) is completely devoid of the self-loathing and guilt that Oliver's 5 years away left him with, not to mention the past relationship issues and playboy reputation that Oliver has. Felicity never expressed any issues with being in a relationship with a hero/vigilante. She's not the one worried about that-Oliver is.
  12. Well, at least he's about to be in some scenes with Lance. And Laurel, IIRC.
  13. Based on the BTS pics Paul Blackthorne posted on his FB or Instagram (I can't remember which), I think she's going to see that he can actually fight - there were shots of him looking disheveled and I think he had a few cuts on his face or something (IIRC, Laurel was there too). I don't think her seeing a new side of him is necessarily bad news, even though I'm sure they'll hook up in some way eventually. As long as Oliver's dead, I'm okay with her seeing new sides of Ray as long as all of those sides are fully clothed and keep their hands and lips to themselves. After he comes back I guess all bets are off.
  14. In order for Thea and Felicity to have screen time together, she probably wouldn't leave with him. Which means she probably won't be manipulating him from inside his inner circle, which makes the life ruining much less sneaky, but I'll take it.
  15. Or they could tell her at the end of 3x10 and she either knows and goes along with him and blossoms into the mini Moira we all know she can become and manipulates him/ RUINS HIS LIFE.
  16. She feels a fire or something, and apparently there isn't an ointment that can cure it. When she asked Oliver to train her in Corto Maltese, she told him that taking a bat to that wife beater was the first time she didn't feel that fire. I guess she wants to do it to channel her overwhelming, burning HELLFIRE RAGE, and this is her "other way" of dealing with it. I guess that's supposed to be her motivation - seems like she's becoming an adrenaline junkie to take place of the booze and the pills. And then Ted Grant told her that swinging at her sister's killer was a target she wasn't ever going to hit - that she needed to train for herself. So...I guess she's done trying to kill the person who killed Sara? IDK. That's the first time I've ever FFed to get TO Laurel's parts, bless.
  17. I'm not familiar with Brick from the comics - does he have minions or something? Why are Roy, Diggle, Laurel, Ray, the SCPD and Felicity's brains not enough to stop him? And I'm not too worried about Felicity - one sentence in a summary isn't enough to tell basically anything - I'm guessing Ray fighting with the SCPD is where those BTS pics PB posted were from?
  18. The thing that makes me wary of this is that Ra's didn't go for the kill shot - he stabbed him through the lung. Why go for the lung when you can go for the heart? And then he kicked him off of what seemed to be a very short cliff given the thump we hear of Oliver hitting the ground shortly after he falls. I know Ra's has got to be a cocky bastard, but you don't make it that far in life by assuming people die. YOU KILL THEM. DEAD. And then YOU MAKE SURE THEY'RE DEAD. And then you BURY THEM IN THE FROZEN GROUND WHERE THEY CAN'T DIG THEMSELVES OUT.
  19. Something EBR said in an interview a while back about Felicity possibly being wary of Oliver leads me to believe that he might come back and want to be with her, but she's understandably stand-offish because he a) keeps telling her he loves her (in roundabout and direct ways) but that he can't/won't be with her, b) doesn't have such a good track record with relationships, and c) pushes people away at the first sign of trouble - among other things. Maybe she'd casually date Ray but be unable to put her whole heart into it while he proves himself to her and then they get together at the end of the season, just in time for her to get kidnapped or something over the hiatus, because people would lose their shit if they missed the flirting that led up to the date AND the beginning of the relationship. OR maybe that's just me.
  20. So, here are the options: 1. Malcolm finds Oliver and revives him, then for whatever reason lies to the team about him being dead (does he just leave Oliver somewhere alone while he delivers this news, or does he have an accomplice?) - and the League is stupid for not checking for a body or 2. Someone from the League is sent by Ra's to bury Oliver, and revives him and lies to Ra's about it and Malcolm finds the sword but no body, assuming he's been buried or 3. Someone from the League is sent by Ra's to retrieve Oliver's body and revive him and Malcolm finds the sword but no body, assuming he's been buried or 4. The person who rescues him is neither League nor Malcolm and everyone is stupid for not looking for a body or 5. The League goes looking for the body and realizes he's gone therefore unleashing holy hell upon Starling during Feb sweeps or 5 1/2. This is all a vertigo-fueled dream sequence or 6. It's Thea in her whatever-fueled drug haze not knowing what she's doing (and also growing about two feet taller) or 6 3/4. Who the hell knows
  21. Ah, good point. Although "some time" would have to be three days, right? Or maybe TA only starts to worry after three days and finds out he's dead later. Also, in addition to shirtless fighting being League tradition, is it also tradition to leave bodies lying around? I guess Maseo has to dispose of him but ends up somehow reviving him instead (if we're going the route of him double-crossing Ra's) or Ra's knows he's still alive and has him tended to or resurrected or whatever?
  22. If it's not Malcolm, then how would he get the sword? Did he get the sword while the other person did whatever they did? Is he working with Maseo or Nyssa or someone? WHAT IS GOING ON Brainwashed Oliver would also work for me for 20 minutes, maybe 21. We're talking about The Princess Bride, sorry!
  23. I don't know - his hand changes position from the close up to the scene where he's on the death sled. Maybe he's only mostly dead. Maybe that guy is knocking Miracle Max's door.
  24. It's tough to gauge how tall that person is considering Oliver's all sprawled out and being dragged on the ground and whatnot. Way to look on the bright side!
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