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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder if not wanting to accept Malcolm's help because of what he did to Oliver and Thea (we'll just ignore the fact that he's evil as hell and they shouldn't accept his help regardless) in order to take down a villain and save people's lives will somehow play into this Olicity moment that's going to make people hate tweet MG? Like, her loving him clouds her decision making ability? Probably not, just throwing things against the wall.
  2. I hope they take Malcolm up on his offer against Felicity's protests and it comes back to bite them later on.
  3. I have read so many injured Felicity fics, I. AM. READY. FOR. THIS. Hospital angst is my fave.
  4. Most definitely. But I think it's in character to be delusionally overconfident to the point of thinking she could take Oliver's place.
  5. I think she thinks she's got it. And then she's going to go out and get her ass beat until Roy helps her out, at which time she'll somehow become a better fighter, because of team reasons. Or something.
  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with her interview. IMO it's actually one of her better ones? I wish they'd stop with this "you can't just become a hero overnight, you have to earn it" talk in conjunction with Laurel hitting "rock bottom" in S2. It's true, she did, but becoming a hero isn't some reward for coming through some shit on the other side. She would've earned it if any of the things she'd gone through had set her on a path toward becoming a hero, like if she'd taken the loss of Moira's case really hard and rededicated herself to the law and helping those in need (maybe going back to a CNRI-like place) and becoming increasingly frustrated by her hands being tied by the law and wanting to go out and take matters into her own hands. Then I would've bought her actually wanting to honor Sara and wanting to do good. But even in the narrative they sold it as a replacement high instead of an actual need to do good. I understand everyone else's trajectory and the reason for why they do what they do. Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, Roy and Sara. Their pasts and decisions set them on the path to becoming what they are. Laurel's hasn't at all. So, we'd feel like Laurel would have earned it if any of the terrible things had actually led her to becoming a hero. Instead they led her to aggressively pursuing the Arrow, then becoming a drug addict. And she didn't come out of her addiction with any particular drive to do good. It's just a mess. But nothing can be done about that now.
  7. Yeah, I wish there was a way to clear up their actual dating history but I guess there isn't really a way to do it without making it seem that she's a doormat/out to marry him for his name or money. If they're on again/off again, she looks delusional for thinking he'll settle down with her and for thinking their relationship is more serious than it is, and if they were actually together "forever" non-stop and she knew he'd been with these other women and she wants to marry him anyway, she looks either incredibly naive or like a gold digger. It's a no-win situation.
  8. Yeah, I know he cheated on her (obviously, he knocked someone up), I wasn't trying to imply that he didn't. All I was saying is that the dialogue in that scene doesn't indicate that he a) cheated on her with ten people/ten times or that b) she knew that he was doing it at that point. She just knew he was promiscuous at one point in their lives (and seemed to be in denial about his tendencies).
  9. Yeah, I don't think that was meant to imply that he cheated on her with ten different people, just that they both knew of ten girls he'd slept with and who knows how many others. I think Sara was just trying to imply that he might not ever want to settle down because he wasn't the monogamous type. Not sure how many times he cheated on her or if she even knew about it.
  10. It's difficult to tell what his feelings are, because it seems like he's well aware of fandom opinions, and he knows this isn't a popular storyline and that people aren't really looking forward to however long of an arc without him there, so he's probably feeling that a bit. He's an actor and it's his job to be excited and promote his show, but fandom has got to be tiring.
  11. Oooh, good point. I just figured she screamed in a bad way, haha.
  12. I mean, he could just not be talking about it because he hasn't worked with her. But he's seen those episodes, so he has seen her in action, so it's a little strange that he'd choose that moment to talk up the wardrobe department. Not that they don't deserve it.
  13. It's funny though, because the interviewer started off asking him about the scene where Oliver finally tells Felicity that he loves her and she said she screamed when it happened and then as I watched the rest of the interview I was like, Oh, maybe she screamed for a different reason.
  14. What I loved about that AH video is when the interviewer asked him about how awesome BC was going to be, he went into a full-on minute-long talk about the costume designer on Arrow, haha. And yeah, that face. Wow.
  15. Yeah, I think he probably is. I'm sure he sees Laurel, it just seems like BC hasn't gone out in the field with Arrow. Yet.
  16. I bet she's going to leave because of what happens in Canaries, and then is going to find out that Malcolm drugged Thea into killing Sara and she's going to go to Oliver and tell him that Sara would've never stood for something like that, and that she wants to fight for girls like Thea or something to that effect, because Oliver can't say no to that shit and it'll be a parallel to "no woman should suffer at the hands of men" mantra that Sara had, and voila, she's back on. I get the sense from her interview and from the BTS pics that were posted by EBR that Arsenal's the one she works with out in the field, so it might just be because he's the one she's worked with as BC. The only thing she can say about her character is that she's avenging/honoring/becoming her sister and she's got heart, so...I'm not expecting her to be PC about team members or anything. I'm just glad she remembered the name of someone who isn't Oliver.
  17. She doesn't. And if I were someone who loved Dinah the way she does, I wouldn't watch it either. She does occasionally passive-aggressively tweet about how ridiculously easy it is to write for her character that she doesn't understand how people get it wrong - like when BC trended the day the photo of Katie in her costume was released.
  18. Well, at least she says "the team" so I'm guessing Felicity sticks around. And we are getting Insta-Canary, which I said that I preferred, but now that I have it I don't know what to dooooooooooooo.
  19. So, what I'm getting from KC's interview is that Roy's going to be her advocate for bringing her on the team, and that when she finds out Thea killed Sara she's going to be super forgiving about it. And that she's going to become her sister (please, please stop saying that).
  20. I've been thinking about this, and I wonder where it leaves them when Oliver comes back? SA said at the TCAs that he hadn't worked with Katie as Black Canary, so...does something in "Canaries" scare her off of vigilante-ing for the time being, or does she stop working with him because she finds out where he went and why? I can't imagine her quitting because he doesn't take kindly to her being a costumed crimefighter, and surely he knows her well enough to know that she's going to do what she wants whether it's with him or not, so why not keep her close and help her not get killed? Just wonder where exactly that leads. I'm sure she's going to be a member in that she goes out fighting with Roy and Oliver, but I wonder if that doesn't happen for some reason or another until the end of the season?
  21. If the term "pretty bird" ever comes out of Oliver's mouth when he's not talking about an actual bird, I will hit the power button on my TV. I would've done the same thing if he said it to Sara, because that's some cheesy stuff you can get away with in a comic, but please...no. He changed his tune earlier because he was talking to someone who either wasn't excited about the prospect of Laurelfest 2015 or was asking about the number of fans who aren't excited about it, so no! Of course it's not about her! He's talking to a Laurel fan there, so it's okay to say it. I wonder if he thinks all his comments exist in some kind of weird vacuum where nothing ever gets to anyone who wouldn't want to read it. It's so weird, this game they play.
  22. See, I think the possibility of romance between the two has been scrapped for a while now, and that the "I know you in my bones" speech was meant to be the beginning of a new phase of their relationship where they are not romantic partners, but friends who have shared a lot and are special to each other. Thing is, they fail at even that, because she's saying those words literally minutes after she's been let in to his actual life, for real, for the first time, and she still knows jack about him. I think they're desperately trying to form some kind of bond between these two. Not romantic, just...something to go on. And it just doesn't work, not even now, not even when we were told they were in the best place they've ever been (after Sara died). Because that place? Still not good.
  23. To me, it doesn't really matter if he steps back and then decides to join back up, or whether he decides to do it right away - either way Oliver's death is an impetus for him to realize that he's in it and he's going to stay, despite the fact that he had at one point considered leaving. Maybe he has second thoughts after Felicity says "there is no this without him," and they all go and lick their wounds and come back together? Maybe there is a time jump, and the time immediately after news of Oliver's death is shown in flashbacks, and they're all working as a team in the present. It's tough to say how it goes down since Brick is the villain for more than one ep, which suggests a continued storyline in the present. Is Brick not much of a force in 3x10 and more of an issue in 3x11 and 3x12? Do they maybe take care of Brick's immediate threat in 3x10, then there's a time jump between that and 3x11 - and Brick's back for whatever reason and they regroup and get back together as a team? I just don't know.
  24. Well, I think we were meant to believe that he was ready and willing to leave, was drawn back in for Sara (still not having really changed his mind, but wanting to see that mission through to the end), but now that Oliver's gone he's going to realize that he does have a calling for it, it is something he wants to do, and now that Oliver (his reason for getting involved in the first place) is gone, he's going to continue on because it's what he feels is right/what he needs to do. I think this is going to be when he realizes he can/will be both.
  25. I fully anticipate Ray saying something to Felicity that motivates her to get back to her side job, but since Diggle has been a driving force between Oliver and Felicity with regards to their feelings for each other (encouraging Oliver to ask her out, STUPIDLY going to Felicity's office to talk to her about spending time with Ray), I would be surprised if he didn't go to her at some point, knowing how devastated she must be, because she didn't just lose her teammate, she lost the man that she loves. I know some people aren't keen on that being Diggle's "role," but if anything, I think we can at least expect him to talk to her about her feelings for him and how he would've wanted her to help them continue cleaning up the city in his name (or something).
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