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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. In order to equate something like this to a possible nine, maybe we have the discussion about his humanity, and Felicity encouraging him to forget about his humanity, just...leave his soul behind so he can go off and win no matter what the cost, because she wants him alive more than anything. And then he says something swoon-worthy like he can't let go of that part of him, because that's what lets him love her or loving her keeps that part of him alive and he can't stop or whatever, and that he's going to go and win and I'm going to stop this train of thought right now. I'll bet after I watch that scene tomorrow I won't feel like she's done anything OOC, haha.
  2. I think the only truly OOC thing she could do is lie to him. I mean, she took a chance that he would hate her in order to not keep a secret from him. She's told him to "do whatever it takes" before, so that wouldn't be new. Unless the people who run the show forgot she did that, which is always a possibility.
  3. Haha, I'm just trying to freaking prepare myself for disappointment. I mean, we could technically get a nine at another time and then have things left on a down note. It doesn't all have to be one scene.
  4. I won't mind OOC behavior from Felicity, I don't think. I imagine she'll be feeling pretty desperate.
  5. I think asking him not to go would be out of character for her (but in line with her emotions, because she loves him and doesn't want him dead). At least I'm hoping it's something like that.
  6. Lord, beer me strength. I guess she must ask him not to go? Because that would be out of character for her.
  7. I think he pushed his pants down for, um...parts accessibility.
  8. Caitlin said she had a computer that could fill in the gaps in the degraded markers, so maybe the computer was wrong? IDK, trying to work with what the show has given us.
  9. Yeah, it was on her birthday IIRC. I guess it doesn't matter since they never specified if she was being charged with a felony or not, so there's an out.
  10. It's usually a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances and how many you've had. She was a first-time offender though, wasn't she? I can't remember how she was charged though.
  11. So, re: the new clip. Felicity made sure to say that SCPD has a database of genetic markers on anyone who's committed a felony within the past three years - that's why Thea's not going to show up in her search. Although why she'd search SCPD instead of ARGUS when the person who killed her was most likely affiliated with the League and not local, I don't know...YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU KNOW WHAT, NOT GOING TO TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT Also, regarding the headline on Felicity's computer - why would there be a newspaper article about a blur attacking S.T.A.R. Labs - I thought they had a souper seekrit squirrel operation going on there? How would anyone find out about an attack, much less write an article about it?
  12. Are you talking about that short film where he's got that woman against the wall? Because yeah. I wish that was network appropriate too haha.
  13. It's probably going to be something completely innocuous like, "remember to turn your comms on when you (whatever)" because these people are teasing bastards. /anxious bitterness I hope there's an "I'll come back/promise me" callback too though. This nine better end with me needing to be scraped off the floor and/or rocking in the fetal otherwise what's the point, show?!
  14. I know the chances of this happening are basically zero, but I hope that dialogue tease is from Laurel to Oliver. Like, after she finds out that he's going to face Ra's for a trial by combat or whatever, basically telling him she thinks he's gonna die - since she thinks either he or Thea killed Sara. I would cackle with glee.
  15. Wasn't Waller on some kind of administrative leave or disciplinary action or something to do with the drones? Isn't that why Lyla's head of A.R.G.U.S.? Or am I getting this mixed up with something? I swear there was some kind of conversation or spoiler in the offseason about how Lyla wouldn't be in charge for long (like Waller would be back), but there's never been any kind of conversation about that on the show, so...IDK.
  16. But they wouldn't have had to think of it - they'd be cribbing it from another comic franchise, which seems to be a thing they like to do. But good point.
  17. I think so too. It doesn't take into account the belief that Thea is implicated (per @soulfire's post about the extended promo), but ultimately it doesn't matter for the theory to hold up IMO.
  18. Definitely worth mentioning, thank you!
  19. So, Occam's razor: Oliver is being framed for Sara's murder to draw him into conflict with Ra's, and Thea has nothing to do with it (unless she's being threatened as incentive for Oliver, and/or will be revealed to the audience as the killer at some point during the episode). I'm guessing the killer of unusual size is Tatsu, for reasons yet to be revealed, IDK. This is hurting my brain.
  20. It would. I was just wondering if what Caitlin said about some of the markers being difficult to determine was laying the groundwork for it being inconclusive regarding gender (not sure if this is even possible - my knowledge of DNA is limited, haha) or if that was only a way to buy an extra week's worth of time for the show.
  21. That's why I thought she might put the outfit on to fool her parents - because MG said that something happens in this ep that makes it necessary for her to suit up. Maybe he's being a lying liar who lies, of course, but what could possibly necessitate her putting on that outfit? The team would never ask her to do it...I just don't get it. I guess we'll find out soon.
  22. What I don't get is - surely whatever's left of the DNA would indicate whether it belonged to a male or female. It looked like Felicity pulled up Oliver's A.R.G.U.S. profile, so maybe she ran it through their system and it just detected certain markers and compared it against information they had in their database. Maybe there isn't anything about Thea in the database since she's not a criminal (yet)? Or maybe someone legit planted Oliver's DNA on it and Thea has nothing to do with the being framed part, and everything to do with being a target for Ra's to motivate Oliver to turn over Sara's killer? Or maybe it's a faulty result since everyone and their mother seems to have been in contact with those arrows and who the hell knows what's on them, haha. Can it just be Wednesday already?
  23. I think previous trailers made it seem more likely that Thea was implicated - this one had nothing to do with her at all, and threw in the bonus "shocker" that it's ~Oliver's DNA that Caitlin found on the arrow. I do think he goes to protect Thea, but there isn't anything in the preview that was posted today to suggest that.
  24. Given that Sara was murdered in her BC outfit and laid around for a while in it, I hope Laurel wouldn't wear it. I don't think Laurel dressing up to fool anyone is likely, I'm just trying to figure out a scenario in which Laurel would NEED to suit up (per MG), and that's the only one I can come up with. Why would anyone on Team Arrow ask her to do that? Even if they need a presence in Starling with Oliver gone, I don't think any of them would ever ask her to put herself in danger when she's obviously not ready yet. But...who knows, I guess.
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