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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, the Felicity and Oliver thing was a lot better than I expected. I'm disappointed that she didn't say anything though. And I don't think her asking him to kill Ra's was at all OOC. His death was pretty good, as far as those things go. And Ray is SUCH a creep. Although I'm glad his plans for her involved saving the city. But ugh, they're going to bond over dead loves, like...fuck that
  3. Ugh. Mind control, Lazarus Pit, whatever. AND THAT SCENE WAS A 9 IF YOU DISCONNECT THE PART FROM THE MIDDLE AND ATTACH IT TO THE BOTTOM, WTF And Laurel is totally dressing up as Sara to fool Quentin. I'm angry, as I knew I would be.
  4. MAYBE SHE DID Just kidding - I really hope they're not going this route, gah
  5. Yeah, I think that bit has something to do with him recruiting her to help him with his A.T.O.M.ing.
  6. MG really did make it seem like that was what was going to happen. Don't they just go crazy for a bit though? Maybe he's a-okay by the time he gets back to Starling?
  7. It was probably this (I love you, dude, but NO):
  8. To be fair, she says that when Dinah first shows up - a link to the scene was posted in the spoilers thread - maybe she'll stop being a terrible person and fess up by the end of the episode.
  9. Ray really doesn't bother me so much upon rewatch, but those eyes. THOSE EYES. I wish someone would make him stop.
  10. Well, I think she knows Oliver well enough to understand why he's pulling the bullshit he's pulling with her. Putting up with it is something different entirely, but I don't think she's writing him off or anything. I just think there has to be a but, because like others said, what's to stop them from getting together right away the second he comes back if there are no buts? I mean, maybe they would, but...it seems unlikely with this show. The 'but' leaves a lot of doors open for the writing in terms of what could be believable in the second half - a full-on non-but confession? I don't know, man.
  11. I'm guessing this scene is going to have an "I love you, but," moment. SA said that we'll definitely know how Oliver feels tonight, so I wonder if he just lays it all out there because he'll know it might be the last chance he ever gets. So, she tells him how she feels, and he tells her how he feels. It could be 9-level emotion, like, "I want what Diggle has and if I could have it I would want to have it with you, but I can't." "I love you, and if I could be with anyone it would be you, but I can't." "You are the love of my life and you make me a better man and I want nothing more than to come back to you and Fernlicity, but I don't think I will." But, but, but. It gives us the confirmation of his emotions and the out that nothing can be done about them. Because of the buts, the butts. I kind of see this playing out just like that, because we'd feel for Oliver and his infinite manpain, and we'd feel for Felicity because seriously, this dude. So then he disappears and dies, and Felicity tries to pick up the pieces, and she helps Ray with his super suit and confides in him or whatever. Then Oliver comes back and her and Felicity just cannot with his wishy-washy, self-flaggelating ass anymore so she gives it a go. I suppose it'll get serious right around the time Oliver decides that it's time to get his shit together. I mean, we might as well prepare ourselves. She and Ray? They're gonna try it. Hopefully the 'when' doesn't make me sick.
  12. It depends on how it shakes out - and what exactly happens between her and Oliver tonight. I wonder if now that she's obviously going to find out about his A.T.O.M. suit, if they don't have her and Ray in some kind of personal (not professional) holding pattern while Oliver's gone - then have things heat up between them once Oliver's back to lessen the fallout. Hopefully nothing romantic happens between them tonight - can't take that, haha.
  13. He was referring to the conversation during their date (I think he mentioned it on a Facebook Q&A or something).
  14. Okay, so...where exactly does Dinah think Sara is most of the time? Does Sara pretend to be in Starling when her mom calls or what? I'm still not sure Laurel's going to tell them tonight, although I do think there's a distinct possibility she and Quentin tell Dinah she's with the LoA (although how she didn't have 50 million questions after that whole ordeal with Nyssa, I don't know. Or maybe she knew she was in the League but didn't know she went back? IDK)
  15. Didn't EBR or someone say in an interview (I think it was posted yesterday) that they accidentally stumble onto a breadcrumb while trying to researching something regarding the guilty party? So maybe by looking into the Oliver as the murderer situation, they accidentally come up with some legit evidence that actually links back to the killer? So maybe Thea is implicated, but not through that particular piece of DNA that they're looking at? Maybe it's legit?
  16. I got that he was saying that by using the term "genetic markers" they're not trying to be tricky or use blanket terms to fool people about the science; they're legit looking at genetic markers and there isn't really any other term for him to use?
  17. They go temporarily insane, don't they? Too bad he'd be off screen during that time (if the time frame holds up). I'd be down for seeing some super-strength, shirtless, cray Oliver.
  18. Yeah, I thought the fallout would be between Ray and Felicity, not Oliver and Felicity. Seemed like as of the Flash part of the crossover he had decided to start letting her go - no sense in bringing up that kiss now.
  19. Yeah, I don't think Oliver was intended to be a legit suspect. He mentioned how the writers laid things out through the different episodes, and he mentioned 2 - SO MAYBE IT IS ZOMBIE TOMMY! Or Maseo or Tatsu. It think whoever is ultimately responsible for actually killing her will probably wind up being a "shocking reveal" or whatever. I mean, it can only be SO shocking, but the promos didn't ruin anything IMO.
  20. With regards to Laurel's role in Oliver going to the League, am I the only one who's kind of looking forward to what her reaction is? She can't possibly believe Oliver would kill Sara, and if Thea is implicated like it seems she will be, like...what is she even going to do? Maybe she'll be too preoccupied with her parents this ep and they'll keep all of this from her, but IDK. Purposely angry, bitchy Laurel is my most palatable/enjoyable version of Laurel, so it could be entertaining.
  21. I don't trust MG, but I do trust SA. If he says it's the greatest Oliver and Felicity scene, I'm expecting payoff, man. I hope it's open and honest and good between them; that's what I want to see, that's what I want Oliver to leave Starling with: something to fight and come home for (I mean, he'd have more to come home for than just Felicity, but he loves her, so that's a really great start). The OOC thing makes me nervous, but who even knows what these people consider OOC. Like I wrote last night it won't surprise me in the least if the show is over and I haven't seen Felicity do a single OOC thing all night. Then again, it won't surprise me if she does, either. Basically I just need it to be 8 already.
  22. Well, Laurel does have a tendency to do exactly what people ask her/warn her not to do, so it seems to be in keeping with her character as we know her.
  23. Yeah, I loved that scene. I thought this whole ep was so well done. Joe with his, "The world might need The Flash, but I need my Barry Allen." And the scene between Barry and his dad. JUST KILL ME, SHOW.
  24. I like Iris just fine, and I love that he just out and told her, no muss no fuss. I will, however, be hard pressed if she realizes she has feelings for him/ comes around to admitting it once she finds out he's Flash though. I will forever think that's bullshit (and I'm looking at you too, Laurel "you're important to me" Lance).
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