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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He probably goes with Ra's in exchange for Ra's not following through on his threat to kill people in Starling City. Or in exchange for not killing/hurting Thea if she's the killer.If he "joins," he must do it because he thinks he doesn't have a choice.
  2. "Who left the swords outside again? That cabinet belonged to my great grandmother!!!" -Ra's probably
  3. Since that new pic shows shirtless Oliver standing in front of all those swords, I guess he leaves with Ra's voluntarily. I need this ep immediately.
  4. I wonder if Dinah and Quentin start to get suspicious about where Sara is, so she suits up for a Canary sighting. Doesn't exactly solve the problem of them maybe wondering why she hasn't been in contact, but if she goes to those lengths to keep that secret, it'll be terrible. Hope this isn't how it pans out.
  5. Check the SPOILERS ONLY thread - it was posted in there a little while ago.
  6. LOL @ Ra's beer gut. Strikes fear into my heart.
  7. He shouldn't. He should report it to Twitter and not publicly make a big deal out of it because that's exactly what that person wants.
  8. That's Maseo in the background of that pic where Oliver's facing Ra's isn't it?
  9. I like Cisco too. He's harmless and entertaining IMO
  10. Yeah, I think you're right about that. I just want this guy to catch one break, to have one good thing to hold onto and I get so frustrated that my default mode while watching is "YOU DUMBASS."Oliver gives me a serious case of the sads.
  11. It's not a crazy thought-i think most of us believe Oliver's talking about his feelings because the LoA is looming over him and he thinks he's gonna die. I'm just worried about what kind of dumbass thing he's gonna say. That last scene between him and Barry at Jitters was a typical Arrow anvil-y statement, and it just got me wondering exactly what we're in for with this best ever Olicity scene. What I'm hoping for, of course, is that Oliver thinks he can't / shouldn't (or whatever kind of dumbass logic) be with her because guys like him don't get the girl (YOU ARE A DUMBASS, GUYS LIKE YOU ALWAYS GET THE GIRL) but the threat of imminent death makes him want to lay it all on the line to her because he just wants her to know that he loves her and thinks he won't ever get the chance to say it. And I hope she tells him because of the same reason. Not sure how Ray could play into any of these scenarios given Oliver's absence, but I don't care enough about him to try to figure it out. And regarding your last sentence: I'm petty like that too. :)
  12. Same. Because come on, guys. I don't trust MG, but I do trust SA. So, if he says it's the best scene between them to date, my instinct is to trust him that it's not going to be shit. He knows what people want/are looking for with regards to the ship. So, if it does start off in a bad way, like with Oliver trying to be all noble, then I have to believe that it ends differently. I really hope the preview for the next ep teases it. Even for two seconds so we can get a glimpse of some body language or something, idk. I know it's going to be heartbreaking, because I know Oliver's going away at the end for whatever reason. I just don't want it to be stupid, rage-inducing, AND heartbreaking.
  13. Yeah, maybe it'll be better on rewatch like a lot of things with Arrow seem to be for me. I didn't think he was unfunny or bad or anything, it just wasn't what I was expecting given the way the cast and EPs had talked about his reactions.
  14. IF it goes this way, hopefully he doesn't mention Ray and just tells her to be happy because a relationship going to happen with him. I'm tired of his long-suffering ass, but I can accept this. I'm wondering what Felicity will have to say if that happens. I also wonder if Oliver telling Barry that he feels like he's losing the Oliver Queen side of himself will prompt Barry to drop a truth bomb on him, about how loving people like Iris and Felicity is what helps to keep them connected to themselves. I don't particularly like the "savior" aspect of it, but it is true. They need that normalcy and the human connection. SA did say in an interview posted today that we'd get some clarity on how Oliver was dealing with walking in on Ray and Felicity kissing in the episode tonight - I guess he's dealing with it by resigning himself to it. But maybe (please god maybe) his statement tonight doesn't play into that scene in 3x09 at all. I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment - I accept this - but I just really can't bring myself to believe that this big scene is about him trying to push her off with Ray or something. Maybe it starts that way, but maybe Felicity says something that changes his mind? I don't know, I was just really looking forward to 9, and now it's lessening. THAT WAS THE ONE THING I WAS HANGING ON TO.
  15. I think that was it. That and when Felicity stepped in for Oliver when he was making that speech to the Flash team and smoothed things over.
  16. Yeah, I think reading spoilers will do that to you. I thought it was really enjoyable and entertaining, but it was different then I expected. And I was expecting Diggle to be hilarious, and didn't really find his reactions to be all that funny, except for when he was asking Oliver if the thought Barry did everything faster (and when he tossed his fries - I forgot about that). I thought the Felicity and Wells scene was going to be super foreboding, but he was just testing her. I thought...yeah, just that it would be different. But like I wrote, I really enjoyed it.
  17. Are they supposed to have a talk in the Arrow part of the crossover?
  18. Sure. Felicity and Iris were with Oliver and Barry at Jitters. Iris and Felicity were standing by the register talking about something, and Oliver and Barry were a few feet away sitting at a table. Barry's looking at Iris longingly, then Oliver turns around and does the same with Felicity. Then he tells Barry that it's not going to happen, and that he needs to let it go for both of their sakes - guys like them don't get the girl.
  19. If only something changed on the Future Newspaper of Doom to let us know. And yeah. Oliver got it double time - Dad pride from Wells and Mom love from baby mama, how sweet
  20. I was hoping for an honest, unprompted I love you/discussion, but after something that Oliver said to Barry tonight, I really don't think that's what we're going to get. I'll cross my fingers though. Maybe we'll get a better sense of what it is when we see the promo for 1x09.
  21. Wishful thinking: she really did lose the baby and the kid she called is someone else's because they love messing with us. i know it's not happening
  22. I cannot express how much I hope he knows. Because I'm so tired of this man being kicked by life for mistakes he made eight years ago. I want him to know and I want him to be aware of what Moira did because it will be such a waste to have him be angry with her at this point when they finally made peace and she told him that she was proud of him.
  23. They were. I felt like they were back to the O&F that I love and enjoy watching together. I think it'll go down with Oliver getting ready to give himself up to the League and he'll tell her that he loves her and he wants her to be happy in her life, and she'll tell him that she loves him when she begs him not to do the dumb shit he's about to do, and then he'll go off. Felicity won't get with Ray while he's gone, but when he comes back she'll want to make a go of it because Ray's there and she likes him well enough and she doesn't trust that Oliver won't just up and quit on her like he tends to do. Then hopefully he'll wise up and start fighting, because ugh...I don't want to watch that mess otherwise, haha.
  24. Same. I didn't want to believe it, but they're totally setting it up that way. Which is fine, I guess, since Oliver's always such a damn martyr, but if Felicity actually does it while he's gone I'll be miffed. I hope they save that shit for when he comes back from the dead or wherever in the hell he is.
  25. Okay, I doubted it before, but now I do think Oliver is going to tell Felicity that she's better off with Ray/someone other than him. AND IF THAT IS A NINE/THE BEST SCENE EVER IN THESE PEOPLE'S MINDS, I WILL FIRESTORM ALL OVER THIS PLACE
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