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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I forgot about that. I wiped that episode from my mind's DVR.
  2. No worries! I'm not sure how she'd come back from that either. I can't imagine any scenario where he'd let Laurel go after Thea, unless all the reconciling they did is to set up yet another rift after Oliver finds out? Still...he wouldn't let Laurel get vengeance on his sister. I can't imagine Thea would've done that in her right mind though, so would he blame her? Too many questions, not enough sense to be made of it.
  3. Yeah, I didn't express myself well. I don't think it would make their interaction interesting in and of itself, it would be interesting to see where TPTB would take that relationship, because like you wrote...Oliver wouldn't let Laurel go after Thea, she'd be angry as hell, and how would she ever come back from that? I think she'd go villain too, which I might not mind watching so much, depending on how it's done.
  4. Maybe she's being framed for it? Isn't 2x13 still too early to find out if they intend to take it to the end of the season (or even close to the end of the season)?
  5. The only reason I like it (if it is true) is because it will potentially make the Oliver and Laurel dynamic interesting as hell IMO. Unless they have her drop her vengeful crusade, which...yeah, I really hope they don't do that.
  6. Well, if that leaked information in the SPOILERS ONLY thread is true and Thea did kill Sara, I guess Oliver doesn't give himself up to Ra's to save her from punishment (since the spoiler said the scenes where Oliver finds out it's her are being shot now). I guess he gives himself up for the city, like the ep summary suggests? Bleh, Thea.
  7. If they're not trying to convince the audience, then why not show him being alive somewhere for our benefit while everyone in the show thinks he's dead? What I meant was that I don't think anyone will really believe it, regardless of what the show is trying to sell. That's why I think they'd be comfortable trying to sell it while using the screen time that Oliver would take up to set up Laurel and whoever else's stories while we wait, knowing Oliver will eventually be back.
  8. I don't think anyone would truly believe he's dead, that's why I think the EPs would be comfortable having him missing from a couple eps to get Laurel's and whoever's story going again without losing viewers. They'll be expecting him to show up (and he will, during sweeps).
  9. Unless SA lied about it, he specifically said there were a couple of eps where he only appears in flashbacks. So if we're not supposed to believe he's dead, why wouldn't they show him wherever he is?
  10. I thought we'd think he's dead at the end of 3x09, then the team would get a hit on him or some kind of clue that he might be alive at some point during the hiatus or shortly after the show comes back (since I guess it'll still be in real time?).
  11. I don't think she'd let him just leave and not try to find him, even if he did tell her to be happy and let him go. I think the most likely scenario is that they'll think he's dead and the romantic progression on the 50 Shades side will come to a halt.
  12. This is what I can't really figure out. Oliver not being around in the present timeline leads me to believe that we're supposed to think he's dead. So, the team would think he's dead as well, so I honestly can't see Felicity dating Palmer unless she goes into some grief spiral and starts doing crazy shit. I don't think they'd go there. If he goes off voluntarily with Ra's, then why would they waste the opportunity to show us what he's up to? If, before he leaves, he tells Felicity he loves her and wants her to be happy (because I think he'd believe he's not coming back), I could deal with her having a rebound with him since it's what, the fifth time now Oliver's pushed her away? So, either Oliver's going to be presumed dead and nothing romantic is happening between Felicity and Ray during the eps where Oliver's gone, or Oliver leaves and whatever happens between them is...whatever. I wonder if the thing Palmer's supposed to be making amends for will allow for some romantic distance between them during the "missing" eps, so there's no romantic development there either (I really don't think he's making amends for that kiss).
  13. I don't know that the kiss is anything that requires amends. They were on good terms when he walked away, and Felicity didn't seem upset by it. Maybe the amends is in the summary because what he did that upset her is too big to spoil or because there's limited space and by telling us he makes amends they're also letting us know that he upset her without having to spell it out.
  14. Regarding that tweet of MG's in the spoiler only thread: when's the last time PB was on set? I just want to make sure I'm prepared if Laurel finally tells Quentin and he does have a Redd Foxx style heart attack and drops dead. I know he's probably talking about Oliver leaving or dying or whatever, I'm just trying to guard myself from all angles.
  15. Haha, I would love that. I wonder if it is a shot of a future newspaper with Oliver and Barry on it as part of the Justice League, or something along those lines.
  16. I wonder what the sides for the audition were? That might explain a lot - maybe they picked audition material that was in KC's wheelhouse.
  17. He specifically told her he bought it for her. Felicity said it was on loan when she was talking to Diggle, so I guess maybe it's a good thing she wasn't planning on keeping it.
  18. With this guy, do we really want to know? ;)
  19. Maybe the end of the Flash ep has everyone returning to Starling City, and that's how we see them?
  20. Isn't Quentin surprising Laurel with a visit from her mom for Christmas in 3x09? It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she'd just seen her. So either they don't see Dinah while they're in town, or they're in the Flash episode, but remain in Starling City. ETA: Or what @Velocity23 wrote (didn't see that before I posted!)
  21. Speaking of, I mentioned this in the episode thread, but during the press conference, Ray mentioned that it's been a few months since his pledge to make Starling a better place (I'm paraphrasing). Did we have some kind of time jump? Because if we're in real time, Ray only came into the picture a month and a half ago, not three.
  22. A beautiful, well placed beam of light shines down on Oliver's child, who's playing in a field of poppies blowing in the wind. He must have OLIVER JR. embroidered on his shirt or...something.
  23. I meant as questionable. It'd still be questionable to me, but not as much, haha.
  24. The only part of any Central City stuff with her I'd be excited to see, haha.
  25. I wonder if Laurel and Quentin are actually going to be going to Central City, or if there will be Starling City scenes in the Flash (maybe Oliver and co. have to call for some legal type information or...something).
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