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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I could not agree more. I foolishly believed the EPs when they said that they had learned what worked in S1 and S2 and incorporated more of that into this season, but it's like they've taken everything I hated about those two seasons and this season is a bastard child of those things. I realize that my viewing tastes aren't everyone's, but...yeah. The mystery of the Undertaking was much more well done than this Sara mystery. The team aspect is off, Laurel's shoved front and center in a storyline that doesn't make that much sense except for BC! BC!, and there's even more writing to plot than there was before. I am still curious about where this show is going, and all of these changes would probably be more palatable to me if I didn't know that Oliver was going to be gone for nearly three episodes. I don't like to get myself all worked up before I know what's actually going to happen, because we could be wrong about a lot of this, but I'm afraid it's going to be difficult for me to come back after a 6-week hiatus and a 3-ish episode arc where the hero of the show isn't even around. I'm just so disappointed. This was my show. It's the only one I watch live, and one of three that I watch at all. I was so excited about it last season, and got so many people to watch. Now only one of them is barely hanging on. I hope the show turns around, and I hope I'm still interested in it when/if it does. I have such a difficult time letting go - I think I'm in the first stage of grief, haha.
  2. Yeah, I think the heavy makeup looks terrible, especially since she's got that cheap-ass wig on and the black mask and black outfit - everything is so severe and it's not a good look at all. I think she looks way prettier when she's got less makeup on (while she's training with Ted, for example). Sara knew her superhero style. When you've got a lot going on in the eye area, you need a nude lip. RIP
  3. Yuck, no thank you. I'm forever bitter about The Promise, because I had just gotten into the show when that ep aired, and I found SA's Facebook and he was all "THIS IS OUR BEST EPISODE EVER, IT'S AMAZING" and I was young and naive and actually RESCHEDULED A FLIGHT so I could be on the ground to watch it and was so, so, so disappointed. Never again, sir. Never again.
  4. Well, he's been saying it for a while now, so I'm not that surprised. I like the show more than I dislike Laurel, so her becoming the BC isn't a dealbreaker for me, although if it were I'd hesitate to definitively quit until I saw at least one episode that gave me an indication of where they were going with it.
  5. I don't know - they seem pointless. How long would it take her to get into that damn thing? I hope it looks better in professional lighting and/or in motion. Right now with the wig and everything it looks like a Halloween costume from the Wal-Mart bargain bin. Not that Roy's is much better, but....yeah.
  6. Haha, yeah. I don't think he's great, but I also don't think he's cringeworthy terrible most of the time. That TMNT look is not cute though.
  7. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Not mad, maybe disappointed, definitely kind of...meh, I guess. I wasn't interested in watching her become BC anyway, but I'm especially not interested in watching it happen while Oliver's missing/not around.
  8. Regarding that IG pic EBR posted of CH and KC in costume - CH looks like I feel about it, haha.
  9. He'd also have to manipulate events to make sure someone is implicated (not him) that would bring the LOA into it, because otherwise what's the point? Other than making Laurel BC, I mean.
  10. I was going to comment on the ridiculousness of the Wells theory as far as the wheelchair goes, but then I thought that might be insensitive because I wasn't trying to suggest that people in wheelchairs can't totally be arrow-wielding assassins, it's just...this show, haha. One of the big problems with this mystery is that I don't trust that the show is giving us actualfax information regarding the murderer. Like, were the arrows really shot at a strange angle suggesting a shorter killer, or did they just throw that in so Roy could be a "legit" suspect? I'm not sure what information we have that's real and what's not, and that's not the making of a good whodunit.
  11. Oh, definitely. I just don't want it to be her - poor girl has suffered enough already! And if it is her, villains really need to stop leaving scissors/wifi enabled watches/pistols around her, damn. I mean, keep doing it if it means your undoing, but...stupid!
  12. Maybe this time he broke tradition and stood up after, to watch Sara HIT THAT DUMPSTER STILL NOT OVER IT
  13. It seems kind of early in the Flash for them to start suspecting Harrison of shenanigans though, doesn't it? With the abnormal height of the archer remark from Felicity, maybe it was him shooting from his wheelchair?
  14. Does anyone have the full text of the TV Guide article? The snippets kind of make it seem like all three quotes are related, but they're not (at least I initially read it like they were related). So, the vital piece of evidence they find informs future team collaborations and joint ventures = someone on one of the teams' DNA has to be on that arrow. Or Thea's does, although no one from Central City even knows Thea, so why they'd care if she was a killer is kind of a puzzler. Something happens to someone we care about in the middle of the episode, with no other clues as to context, so...what's this about? Does something happen to Barry or Caitlin or Cisco? Aren't Joe and Iris's boyfriend in this ep, or did I make that up? Maybe something happens to one of them? If something happens that changes Arrow in the Flash hour, something might happen in the Arrow hour that changes Flash. Both shows are changed as a result of the crossover = Oliver finds out about his kid in Central City, thus affecting Arrow. What does the Flash team find out in Starling that changes them?
  15. Also, in that spoiler pic of everyone in the foundry, I love that they all look kind of distraught/shellshocked and Caitlin's just sitting there smiling like a loon.
  16. Yeah, my mistake. I edited my comment approximately 1,000 times when I realized this, haha.
  17. I think the "something significant" happening is Oliver finding out about his kid. ETA: Nevermind - I just caught that it happens in the middle of the Arrow ep, not the Flash ep. So, if it is Laurel, then she must go to Central City during all this turmoil to visit her mom, and then some other kind of accelerator-related event has to happen while she's there? ETA AGAIN: No, that can't be it (Laurel going to CC), because Lance surprises her with a visit from her mother for Christmas. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she'd just seen her a couple of weeks before.
  18. Well, if Felicity "giving up" means I won't have to watch her pathetically chase after a guy who made it clear he isn't ready to be in a relationship with her, then I'm fine with that!
  19. Right. And Felicity going to Caitlin for help doesn't at all diminish Cisco or Barry's abilities, so I don't exactly get the issue here. Unless Felicity's supposed to gather every single qualified person around and let them decide who helps her so they all feel equally appreciated for their intelligence.
  20. ^ yeah, there's way too many smart, competent women on TV. When will the men get their due?!
  21. They don't need to talk about their feelings, because their not being together has nothing to do with a misunderstanding over how they feel. Oliver didn't decide not to pursue a relationship with Felicity because he thinks she doesn't love him. It's because he feels like his personal feelings risk his mission. Felicity didn't walk away because she thinks he doesn't love her. She walked away because he's wishy washy and won't commit. Is Felicity telling him she loves him going to change his mind? No, it just makes her vulnerable. At this point, why would she make herself vulnerable to him? Some of y'all must have the most interesting personal lives of you're putting yourself out there all the time, risking your heart for the sake of telling someone how you feel. It's not always that easy, and it doesn't always make things better. This show gets super cliche and tropey, but I actually understand why these two are doing what they're doing. Dragging it out would be terrible, but IMO the way they're dealing at the moment is in character for both of them.
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