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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think Laurel knows that Sara was close to Sin though. And yeah, there is a difference. I get why Felicity might have thought he didn't love her at one point, but I also get why he's behaving the way he is towards her physically. And I think she knows he loves her now - she just doesn't think that love is worth much, because he'll sacrifice anything for his mission.
  2. I doubt it - they're using Babs in the Titans series - no way DC lets another show have an Oracle. That's probably why they had to change the name of Felcity's episode.
  3. Apparently during his panel, Stephen said that episode 18 "literally blows up the show, but not literally." Looks like the 5 second Olicity tease from MG might actually have something to do with a bomb.
  4. If he does "join," what, does Ra's just let him go back to Starling on his merry way and not make him, you know, actually do anything? Because he's still in Starling as the Arrow. Unless he hasn't joined up yet.
  5. I think that they're writing Oliver's approach to a physical relationship with Felicity very chaste and non-Oliver to show that it's truly something different for him, not some lust-filled roll in the hay, like...he wants to do things differently with her than he's done them with his previous girlfriends because (IMO) this one is different and means more. He can take her off her virginal pedestal and put her up against the wall soon though. Getting dirty with it doesn't mean you love her less, dude. Also, I too think it's a shame that conversation they had is being seen in a romantic light, like Felicity's just some shrew harping on him because a relationship isn't the first thing on his mind when he comes back from the dead. Oliver assumed it, and while Felicity didn't directly deny it, the 'the last thing you told me was that you loved me and now look what you're doing to two women you allegedly love. A relationship? I don't even know who you are, dude.' speaks pretty loudly to me about what she was really upset about, and it WAS him teaming with Malcom (even though he tried to deflect that anger like the beautiful idiot he is, bless).
  6. I didn't know that the Dallas comic con account tweeted that she couldn't make it because her schedule had her stuck in Vancouver, haha.
  7. Yeah, that line confused me too. I think it was meant to show that she changed her vote, although why she would have I'm not quite sure-she seemed pretty adamant about it.
  8. Yeah, the red is sort of saturating everything, that's why I couldn't tell. I think they're still on 3x17-MG hasn't tweeted anything about 3x18 that I've seen.
  9. It's an imitator, although who it would be I don't know. The one kneeling looks slightly smaller than SA, but not small enough to be Thea (IMO). Is the right knee on the kneeler red or is that just the light? If it is red, that could be Nyssa. If it's the light, then...no idea.
  10. Yeah, it seems like she might be going there for something to do with her website. But it probably would've been better to just be quiet about it since she canceled the con appearance, for the reason you mentioned.
  11. Seems like not the best idea to tweet that you're going to be in the very city you canceled an appearance in, but that's JMO.
  12. I don't see anyone getting offended, just noting that that was probably not a smart thing to say, which it wasn't.
  13. I think it's pretty obvious from that answer she was talking about shippers/shipping. Me too. I find it so interesting that one half of a marriage could be responsible for that glorious piece of entertainment, and the other could be responsible for this.
  14. I really hope this doesn't happen. I can only watch this beautiful moron do the same dumb shit over and over without learning anything so many times. I hang in there because I'm invested in him becoming a hero/better man and figure it might take a few times for something to stick, but if he screws Laurel while claiming to love Felicity and looking all heartbroken that they can't be together (when it's because of his issues that they aren't in the first place), yeah. I'd be out.
  15. She didn't outright call the fandom bullshit, but she said "you have to ignore the bullshit" when asked about Olicity shippers and their online presence, IIRC.
  16. Nope, Diggle's gone too, per one of the show writers (and co-writers of this run). I guess there's a chance, but I assume he'd know.
  17. That's interesting - wasn't MG asked about this at the TCAs? He said that DC wouldn't let them use Green Lantern. I wonder if that's truth or if they're going to try to surprise people.
  18. I read about 100 pages or so of the first book, and my god. On top of the fact that Ana was just an outright idiot (this dude came into the hardware store where she worked and bought rope, duct tape and various other kidnapping/murdering accessories from her), the writing included comments like, 'We're talking about cheese...holy crap.' And then they started having sex (or 'doing it' as she referred to it) and she kept referring to condoms as 'foil packets' and I was like, are they making ramen or screwing, I honestly can't tell. Close book, set on fire.
  19. Well, to be fair, that's the general sentiment they kept knocking us over the head with in the show. But point, it is stupid. And Malcolm wasn't even Ra's student, so it's doubly stupid.
  20. Yeah, I do think that the fantasizing about him coming back did include thinking that they could possibly be together, I just don't think that her disappointment in him and that conversation they had was because she was upset about them not being in a relationship - Oliver's the one who seemed to think that it was. He even tried to tell her she wasn't really upset that he was teaming up with Malcolm, but that she was upset because he didn't come back ready to go into a relationship with her (hello, Ray!). When she mentioned that the last thing he told her was that he loved her, my interpretation of that wasn't so much that she was acknowledging his assertion that she was upset about them not being together, but that she was actually shooting that down, because she followed it up with basically, 'You say that you love me, but this is what you for love. You team up with this dude who hurt the women you claim to love, and I don't want any part of that.'
  21. I really don't think Felicity was talking about fantasizing that Oliver would come back and want to be with her. That might've been a small part of her dreams, but I think she was talking about a general differentness that she was expecting from him as far as his life is concerned. Oliver's the one who assumed she was talking about a relationship - she never said as much. He came back and all she sees is him making unilateral, stupid decisions and still in full-on mission mode. Last she knew he told her he thought he was going to die for that mission - I think she was hoping that would've changed (she doesn't know he told Diggle he didn't want to die down in the foundry), but instead he just jumped right back into the same deadly situation with both feet. She mentioned not wanting to be a woman he loved, but I don't even think she was talking about that from a relationship standpoint - he's teaming up with a man who drugged and manipulated one woman he loves to kill another that he also supposedly loved. If that's what love is to him, then I can see where she'd be hurt and not want to be a part of it. So I think she meant she didn't want to be a woman he loves with regards to what love means to him/makes him do, not that she didn't want him to love her because she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him.
  22. Well, I imagine it would be as simple as saying that he understands that he's fucked up a few times and then he gives her some space and actually shows her that he loves her instead of saying the words and then repeatedly pulling away. He doesn't have to pursue her to do that. Then it's on her to come around if she wants to.
  23. Yeah, what I got from that conversation was that Felicity hoped that he'd come back with a new fervor for life, not wanting to waste a second of it, knowing how short and how valuable it was after being given another fresh start, and was disappointed because, nah. He wasn't having any of that, and not only was he not having it, he was setting himself up to get right back into the same position considering Malcolm's the one who engineered the circumstances under which he went off to his death in the first place. And I think her reaction was just, you know, you claim to love Thea and you claimed you loved Sara, but how much could you love them if you're working with the dude who brainwashed one to kill the other? If that's what love is then it doesn't mean much, she doesn't want any part of it, and she wouldn't want him making any such alliance for her.
  24. Well, Ray will have his suit and Roy's around. Maybe Laurel's still on the streets brandishing her nightstick, or maybe she goes off and joins the LoA. I'm just trying to figure out what's "I can't believe we're doing this" crazy, but given MG as a barometer, who even knows. I figure batshit would be Oliver at least working in tandem with Ra's, or...something. I thought the joining would be relatively soon, not at the end of the season, although that doesn't make sense since it seems that Oliver is still in SC at least through 18. I don't know, but it just seems like batshit would at least be him and Ra's striking some kind of a deal.
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