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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Right? And think about it...she didn't tell him she wouldn't help him. She didn't tell him she wouldn't work with him anymore. She never told him he was on his own. She merely told him that she didn't want to be a woman he loved. Like...half of these people complaining about her and calling her a bitch claim to hate the romance - congratulations, they put the kibosh on it for a bit. She did nothing other than tell him that if that's what love makes him do? She doesn't want any part of it.
  2. She did tell him she didn't want to talk to him. If he got the full weight of her emotional blowout because he insisted on going after her, that's on him. It's not like she knows she's the last thing he thought of before he died - we can't judge her for something she doesn't know about. I have zero issues with the way they wrote Felicity tonight, I think she was 100% in character. It would've played better if they'd given that scene a minute or two to breathe, but no. Can't have that. And I don't blame Felicity for not wanting to be someone Oliver loves at this point - he's got a real fucked-up understanding of what that means. He loves Thea so much he's willing to get into bed with Malcolm to get the training he'll need to HOPEFULLY defeat Ra's, all the while leaving her open and vulnerable to a guy who he knows is a liar, who he knows has no qualms about using her, who he knows has drugged her, who he knows has manipulated her, and he's just gonna...not tell her? This dude, I swear. I get where he's coming from, even though I think he's one of the biggest idiots to walk the earth. But I get where Felicity's coming from too. Oliver's teamed up with some terrible people, but none of those people have been responsible for framing his sister and manipulating events so that Oliver would take the fall for it. It's just a boneheaded move - he'd be better off calling Nyssa and playing her, but I guess she needs to be free to train Laurel at some point.
  3. If Oliver was really trying to protect Thea, he'd let her know that Malcolm drugged her and manipulated her into things she can't remember. He doesn't have to tell her about Sara's murder, but I cannot buy this guy going all in with Merlyn to protect Thea all the while knowing Merlyn cannot be trusted and HAS DRUGGED HER IN THE PAST and just leaves her there in the dark, fully open to being drugged and manipulated again.
  4. I agree, I loved it. I was a little confused at Laurel saying "We did the right thing, didn't we?" after, like...you were all for teaming up with him two minutes ago, lady.
  5. I actually don't think it's ruined it at all, which surprises me. I guess we'll see what happens after this latest rejection, but it's been okay so far IMO.
  6. Yeah, I think he followed her outside just to get it over with, bless him. Although he did seem a little too obtuse with the "with us, you mean," thing after she told him she fantasized about him doing things differently if he came back. Like...what did you think she was talking about?
  7. Probably because he'd rather not die I'd be interested to hear your thoughts after you watch it. They went a really long way toward redeeming him if they're not trying to redeem him. It could all be so Oliver wouldn't look like such a dumbass for agreeing to work with him and all will be forgotten a few eps down the line, but...IDK.
  8. I actually thought this one was way more entertaining than, say, the last two. If only because it was so batshit stupid, haha.
  9. To be fair to her, it doesn't take long to process someone being a fucking moron for teaming up with someone who tried to get him killed, haha.
  10. Seriously. The sheer idiocy is killing me. Also, time jump alert: Oliver was gone for a month.
  11. I didn't say she recognized him, just that she knew who he was. That promo is up in the spoiler thread.
  12. Last week - she told Roy she knew he was the guy in red working with the Arrow.
  13. Or notice the HUGE CAMERA right in front of her face. Laurel is a common sense vacuum, I swear. Side note:
  14. How much is Malcolm drugging Thea anyway? I can't tell if she was for real or not, and I just really can't buy all these people thinking he's an okay guy because he saved Thea the night of the siege. When Oliver walked into the loft and was all, "Hey dude, it's okay just chill there on the couch," I was thinking....IS THIS FOR REAL? And then when Felicity lost her shit (even though we knew she would because the anvils were particularly heavy with the "on no plane of existence would he ever," and "you're going to have to lose whatever's most precious to you to beat him"), and I was like THIS IDIOT IS FOR REAL DOING THIS Thank you, Felicity, for reminding him that Malcolm drugged Thea, a woman Oliver loved to kill Sara, another woman Oliver loved. GOOD CALL, GIRL
  15. ONLY THE STUDENT CAN DEFEAT THE TEACHER THO I love that Quentin knew Roy was Arsenal right away. And that Sin called him out on not realizing that the BC isn't Sara.
  16. R.I.P. Ted Grant. Oliver, you fucking moron. That last scene was sad, gah. But not as bad as I thought it would be. And now "a woman you love" makes complete sense. DAMN YOU AND YOUR STUPID CHOICES, OLIVER Even though Felicity still hasn't told him how she feels, I guess we know since she TOLD HIM SHE FANTASIZED ABOUT HIM DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY IF HE CAME BACK. DAMN YOU AND YOUR STUPID CHOICES OLIVER. AGAIN.
  17. Could be, that just seems like an oddly specific scenario.
  18. Yeah, Laurel's always been able to throw a punch and wasn't completely helpless, but she's never, ever been on the level where she wouldn't have gotten her ass beat going out to fight common street criminals, much less people who actually know what they're doing. She could probably get lucky once in a while, but that's it. She has pretty basic self defense training, as I would expect for the daughter of a cop. I don't think they retconned much of anything at all. She should've started taking boxing lessons a year and a half ago, once she started getting kidnapped and having her apartment broken into all the time. At least then she'd be a little further ahead.
  19. I really don't want her brutalized at all. I'd rather she just be magically good than have to watch her get her ass kicked. Could be they go home together and work on the suit. Flirt a bit, solder a bit, get electrocuted a bit. You know, the usual.
  20. What happened to Laurel's smart, strong, statement-making straight wig? She's got a curl going - chances are she gets her ass kicked.
  21. No, EBR said something to that effect in an interview.
  22. Given the clothes and the mess around him, I'm guessing he hasn't showered in a few days. Must be lovely to be around.
  23. Isn't she supposed to have night terrors and go home with him/have him come home with her soon?
  24. Didn't part of the ep description say that Laurel went out on her own against Oliver's advice and got hit with Vertigo? Maybe this is after that or when he tells her? Being around KC dressed as BC and actually working with her AS BC (as in fights and stuff) is *technically* kind of different. Maybe that's what he meant?
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