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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I didn't say it didn't look low-rent knockoff, just that it looks better than I was anticipating.
  2. I wonder if his helmet frosts over or if he just doesn't give a shit about people knowing who he is?
  3. It looks better than I thought it would. I'm actually pleasantly surprised, IM copy or not.
  4. He probably shot it straight into our suspension of disbelief. It's pretty high up there on this show.
  5. I think Diggle must ask Oliver that after Oliver tells Laurel she helps the team more in the DA's office (or whatever he does to express his displeasure with her being Sara).
  6. The one you posted is the same one I watched. I think. I'm like...99% sure, haha. Not trusting myself right now.
  7. Haha, yes, that's it. I must not have been paying even half attention, because it's obviously her here. Sounded like Felicity to me on the television.
  8. Sorry, like I wrote, I was only half paying attention, that's why I asked if anyone else had seen it.
  9. Haha, I have no bubble to burst, no worries. It could've been Tatsu, since it seemed like Oliver was taking off before he should - it was really quick, but it really did sound like weepy Felicity to me. I'm fully prepared to be wrong - I was half paying attention.
  10. I'm watching Jane the Virgin, and they just showed a promo for Arrow. Sounds like Felicity's crying and asks (I think), "Are you trying to kill yourself?" Anyone else hear that? Maybe that's part of the OMGHEARTBREAKINGMOMENT
  11. Well, that's why I said maybe he says no, thus freeing her up to attend the wedding of the year!ETA: just to clarify, I don't think anything is going to come of her offer, but I do think she's going to offer herself up for Thea.
  12. Yeah, I think that Laurel is going to offer herself up for Thea. It's going to be her "big hero" moment, which I guess wouldn't be so heroic since she'd be getting training in exchange. Maybe Ra's tells her no, ha ha.
  13. They're shooting the Suicide Squad ep now.
  14. I was thinking Laurel would be the one to go to Nanda Parbat, haha.
  15. I'd rather this internet breaking moment not be Oliver meeting Felicity in a flashback, but I don't think it would ruin their first meeting for me if it was. Felicity wouldn't have known it was Oliver and Oliver probably wouldn't remember her.
  16. Because them passing each other with no acknowledgment would probably not break the internet.
  17. If she is in a flashback, I bet Felicity inadvertently (or possibly on purpose) helps him escape during a chase and he looks back and smiles at her or something.
  18. She'd probably kill someone for Ray at the rate we're going.
  19. He's paraphrasing himself - he's already said they chart their own course with regards to the Olicity ship.
  20. Yeah, but didn't he say that previously about Oliver and Felicity's relationship as well? I really don't think that's anything to be concerned about, honestly. All he's saying is that fans don't dictate their story choices - he hammered it home by saying that those fans aren't going to be too happy with him for a bit, so...IMO he's not saying anything he hasn't said before. They're doing what they think is right for the story and aren't being influenced by or "pandering" to the ship. Then he's like, 'See what I'm saying? We're about to really piss them off!'
  21. Why? She's always talking about female representation in comics.
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