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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So, the other day Oliver was fighting Roy dressed as The Arrow? And since there are Central City cops in Starling, maybe something does happen to Felicity over on The Flash?
  2. Regarding that sneak peek - is there a law enforcement officer in Starling City who isn't inept? Count Vertigo is being escorted by ONE guy? Haha.
  3. Yeah, a fan made that. I should've clarified.
  4. Whoever dies (if anyone does) is probably being brought back via Lazarus Pit, if I had to make a guess. So probably not Lyla.
  5. So, this is floating around on Tumblr (ETA: this is fan-made speculation, nothing confirmed) Apparently they used the normal font for other "P" suggestions, and that's the one that fits with the font. As and aside: bless people who do this, haha. I have neither the time nor the patience.
  6. If so, the dead person better not be Quentin, I swear to god
  7. Maybe Ray super shrinks down and enters her bloodstream so he can fuse her freaking spine back together or repair an artery or something. Shrinking: GAME CHANGER
  8. Shrinking? Perfecting his stalking technique I see, make it so the ladies can't even see you.
  9. Isn't "relationship, lowercase-r" his way of saying non-romantic? He's done it before. And yeah, that one sentence in that interview is contradictory to everything everyone else has sold about this season, so he must be promoting the now to get people on the Raylicity train. I'd rather be stranded at the station, dude.
  10. Yeah, they're going to be estranged for a bit, which will probably lead to her doing something stupid, like going to Nanda Parbat or...something else that's so Laurel. MG did kind of make it seem like he might not find out for a while longer though, or am I the only one who got that impression?
  11. What an interesting visual that is. And yeah, they're all shit-stirring trolls.
  12. I thought for sure they'd be trying to play up the love triangle, but I guess not? Or maybe Oliver's out of the picture for sure now so we can "believe" in Ray and Felicity, and then the love triangle comes into play later? Or maybe I just hold on tight and hope that I stop caring sometime soon.
  13. Watch it actually be "Lazarus Pit" and MG's giving us the first letter of the second word instead of the first.
  14. That's also a good one. Better than Paralysis or Paralyzed, haha.
  15. I know what you mean. Like her being hurt keeps him from acting on info or functioning normally or something along those lines?
  16. Is his J.A.R.V.I.S. gonna be F.E.L.I.C.I.T.Y? Or maybe A.N.N.A. to keep it tragically tacky.
  17. I don't think they will. There's really no point in doing it. I wonder if the title is truly spoilery or if MG's just trolling because he knows people are so interested. Yikes.
  18. Or, since someone is in the hospital, hopefully it's not prognosis. Or painkillers. Or pandemic. ETA: OR PARALYSIS
  19. Maybe it's Pit of Life or something. OR PIT OF DOOM.
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