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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, what's that even about? Her turnaround was so breakneck I wondered if she was being drugged again. Because this Thea? Would never want Oliver to go to Ra's for Malcolm. Is she going to have another mood swing? I don't get it. For real, Thea has to be in with Malcolm and they're both playing Oliver, right? That's the only way any of this makes any sense, and even then it doesn't make that much sense.
  2. In general I get Laurel not wanting to tell him with someone around, but that someone was a doctor and she claimed to have kept it a secret because she was worried about Quentin's health, so she could've at least asked him to stick around for a while. I'm glad the team stood up to Oliver too, but the way they did it felt so forced. Laurel's seizing out on the table (that face was hilarious, OMG), like...it's not the time for Roy and Felicity and Diggle to go in on him. And it still makes me laugh because they weren't shit without him there, but whatever gets Oliver to learn that he doesn't have to carry the burden on his own, I guess.
  3. I really, really liked the Thea/Oliver dynamic after she found out. And Maseo is so, so great. But now I'm kind of wondering whose side he's on.
  4. What in the fuck is Thea's deal? I loved the way she reacted to Oliver telling her, but I'm getting whiplash. And I guess Laurel did gain hero status in three whole episodes. What a journey! And Sara. I wish she just hadn't come back. The only positive is now Thea knows, and now Quentin does too.
  5. Commented as I watched: Did I miss the reveal where Oliver found out that Laurel was dressing up and fighting crime, or did that not happen? If that was “the shake,” it was nothing. I wouldn’t have even noticed it if SA hadn’t mentioned it. The Thea reveal was oddly anticlimactic, but I’m glad Thea reacted the way she did. Such a sweet moment as was the aftermath. Except for the part where Thea went in on Malcolm for manipulating her and no one mentioned THAT HE DRUGGED HER TO KILL SARA. I don’t like snarky, snide Laurel in the lair, but I did like her calling Oliver out on hiding behind the hood to avoid his feelings. But Oliver was right - she’s totally chasing an adrenaline high. And she is, again, conveniently good at it. I really like Thea being in the know, full honesty. But NOW Thea doesn’t trust him? God. I’m getting whiplash with this chick. Quentin gave Laurel a fucking wide-open window to tell him about Sara and yet still, STILL NOTHING. Is Thea being drugged again? She’s completely changed her mind about Merlyn and I can’t tell if it’s because she’s not making sense or the story isn’t. Maybe both? God that Sara/Laurel fight was stupid. Epic continues to not mean what MG thinks it means. Convulsing, hallucinating Laurel is not a good look, and that scene with Sara: “Why did I have to die?” “If you wanted to be me, you could’ve.” Jesus, show. And I cannot believe a) the timing of everyone standing up to Oliver and I’m not opposed to Oliver being put in his place, but I’m really uncomfortable with them questioning him especially since none of them got jack shit done while he was gone. Oh god, Felicity telling Laurel that she has a light inside of her that Sara never had. I can’t with her right now. LAUREL HAS A LIGHT INSIDE OF HER? PLEASE STOP WITH THIS. Don’t demonize Sara for this shit. And a hug. Laurel/Felicity BFF train is I guess leaving the station? I also can’t with Thea sleeping with this sleazy DJ in her living room. Is she seriously never worried about Oliver coming home? And AHAHA what a death for DJ Douchebag. And of course Oliver comes around in the space of an episode. And of course that’s probably the closest we’ll get to Lance actually expressing rage. AND OF COURSE THE GHOST OF SARA IS IN THE BACKGROUND SMILING, GIVING HER BLESSING. I guess that tweet about Laurel hitting all the spots on a superhero’s journey was actually not a sad joke. Wow. Can’t say I’m surprised, just really disappointed. Fucking FINALLY she tells Lance. Strangely she didn’t tell him because he was worried about his health but she waited to give him the news until the doctor left the room? Oh, Thea’s back to being willing to work with Malcolm? Okay. Annnnd within the span of one ep, Oliver’s on board with the new Black Canary, so as per usual Is Thea playing? I really don’t understand what she’s getting at. Is she up to something or is this just shitty writing? I did like what little we got of Oliver and Thea on the island though. And I liked Waller in this. That's all I can muster. I'm beyond bitter at what they did to Sara, both in death and after. Ugh.
  6. Well, there's a pic of them standing at a gravesite, so maybe?
  7. I feel like the natural order of things would be Slade talking about her in front of Thea and she asks him what that's about at some point when they're not being pursued by that psycho. So that probably means it won't happen that way.
  8. Haha, yeah. I got lost in the timeline!
  9. Probably to Oliver or Maseo in a flashback.
  10. It's an ARGUS onesie. ETA: ARGUS shirt and pants apparently. I'm sad it's not a onesie.
  11. "Thea, don't! You're not a killer!" LMAO
  12. At least they have coats and flashlights and walkie talkies. Maybe Malcolm dropped them with a 6-pack of Fiji water and some K-rations.
  13. That's a lot of people to coincidentally run into, haha.
  14. So, does Malcolm get Slade out of his cage for this or what? I wonder if there will be any mention of Captain Boomerang since he and Slade are roomies now, but I'm gonna bet no.
  15. Digg's standing with a few guys and Oliver's standing opposite them hiding his face - Maseo has a gun shoved to his back.
  16. That IS Diggle. Just...with Oliver right there? Yeah, I don't think these people will be able to resist having Oliver interact with Felicity, too.
  17. Haha, yeah. I'm intrigued. Is that Diggle in the flashbacks? I'm still waiting for the page to load on THAT STUPID SITE ETA: YEAH, IT'S DIGGLE NEVER MIND
  18. Regarding The Return pics: LOL, in what universe does Thea go toe-to-toe with Slade and not wind up dead?
  19. And see, the thing is that I absolutely believe that Felicity would encourage her. That's not the part that isn't in character to me, it's just that I really don't think that she'd rah-rah Laurel going out when she's not prepared and doesn't know what she's doing. The Felicity I know would say, "Hey, keep the suit, get some more training. Go back out there when you're ready if this is something you really want to do." Not...this.
  20. I have a sick, sinking feeling that after tonight not only am I still not going to give a shit about Laurel, but I'm going to not like the people I still cared enough about to tune in for. I feel like I'm going to think Oliver's making the most sense as far as the mission is concerned - while he doesn't have any right to tell Laurel what to do with her life, I think he does have the right to tell her that she's not welcome in the cave. Is he not paying for their supplies and equipment with his mother's life insurance money? He doesn't have to agree with what she does, but I do think he has the right not to finance it. And I feel like the natural progression of this arc would be Laurel going off on her own for a bit to get more training, but I think what's going to happen is that Diggle, Felicity and Roy are going to side with her and Oliver's going to go off on his own for a bit. Which could possibly make a lick of sense if the four of them had managed to accomplish a damn crimefighting thing while Oliver was gone, but they didn't. And I feel like Felicity and Diggle are going to make the most sense as far as how Oliver deals with Ra's. He's going to continue on that dumbass path and do dumbass things, and thankfully it seems like he tells Thea, who I was at one point really invested in but now she's just another dumbass with nonsensical reasoning being kept in the dark by her dumbass brother making more dumbass decisions. And I was hoping they really weren't trying to redeem Malcolm, and I still hold onto a thread of it, but...are they really going to try to do that? Please let this "redemption" be just overplaying the possibility of goodness with the hope that when he does something truly shitty people are OMG SURPRISED. I hope I'm wrong about all this, but...I've got the dreads.
  21. Same. I'll have to see the shake. And I think there are very few ways you can do that and have it be okay, and I don't trust these people to be able to do that. And I agree, I think they'll leave it in because it makes Oliver look like a bully, and they'll further hope to get people on her side with Felicity giving her another pep talk.
  22. Did he mean physically shakes her or rattles her psychologically? Because I'm okay with the mental rattling because she's being a dumbass. I really hope they don't go there on the first one, because...ugh, no.
  23. I think she desperately wants to be the "kickass" superhero and the love interest again, so she's putting that out there. But she's hedging her bets with the "sometimes soulmates just remain best friends." Do you know what a soulmate is? Do you know what a best friend is? Do you know what a friend is? Because Oliver and Laurel? At this point they aren't any of those things.
  24. I guess this is the "moment" she and Felicity have that MG was talking about - because Felicity is totally going to be that "somebody."
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