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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I'd still be annoyed by some of this, but probably not as much of it if I didn't have a full week or more to sit around and stew on how stupid some of it is.
  2. Maybe Ra's refuses the offer? Or maybe he's just kneeling because it's a League tradition. Hopefully that tradition extends to removing one's shirt before going down on their knees, haha. And yeah, from what I can remember Malcolm was the reason Sara was in town. But wasn't it kind of convoluted? Didn't Sara let Laurel know she was in town but told her not to tell Quentin, but then we later found out that Quentin knew and she told him not to tell Laurel? Or was that in a fanfic? If that was real, what was the point? I don't remember.
  3. If Oliver's on his knees, maybe he's the one making the offer. Himself in exchange for Malcolm? No, because the stupidity would hurt.
  4. Haha, I don't think that would be it, but my brain went there after the Malcolm Merlyn redemption tour and the fact that Oliver considers saving him once Ra's has him. I figure Ra's must be trying to use him for leverage for something, although I really don't know what. I just really cannot take Oliver doing more dumb shit for Malcolm, even if it is some kind of long con that we don't know about yet.
  5. If I watched this season of Arrow like I watched the first season and half of the second - via binge - I doubt I'd have as many problems with it as I do. I didn't notice/care about most of the plot discrepancies/character discrepancies during that time because I didn't really give myself time to stew on any of it, I just moved on to the next episode and all the dumb stuff that I wished would be resolved was resolved in relatively quick fashion. I need all TV to go to the Netflix model, where the whole season is released on the same day and I don't have to wait for anything (<---I'm assuming Netflix releases all seasons like they do OITNB, which is the only original programming I've watched from them).
  6. So, 3x15 is going to end with Ra's offering to mentor Oliver or asking Oliver if he wants to join the League, I guess? Or Ra's will reveal that he knows Thea actually killed Sara and he'll offer to let her off scot free in exchange for Malcolm? And Oliver will turn him down, thus incurring his wrath? (<----I really hope that's not it because I can handle a ton of idiocy from Oliver, but I cannot handle that)
  7. Stephen had to cancel this one because of a filming schedule conflict. :) Thanks for posting this in one place!
  8. Yep. Plus, he obviously knew he was being surveilled in the mansion and who knows where else, and he knew that Slade had him bugged, so it would make sense that he also wouldn't feel safe telling her the plan at any point for fear that he wouldn't know who was listening.
  9. Like an idiot, I bought a season pass on iTunes, so I'm stuck with this mess whether I like it or not!
  10. Two out of the, like, four people on this show who don't already have superhero alter egos? Jeez.
  11. I guess the action figure doesn't really matter; every BC figure for Arrow I've seen has been Sara, and look what happened to her!
  12. She did say that - I think it was at the upfronts (or some event) right after the finale aired.
  13. It's not only that she won't let him explain, he also hasn't even tried to. And when Felicity did voice her objection to him teaming up with Malcolm, he turned it around on her by telling her that she wasn't really angry at that, but presumably because he didn't want to jump right into a relationship. They're both being buttheads, but Oliver's had two chances now to explain himself and he hasn't taken either one.
  14. Okay, I sent him an ask about Prometheus.
  15. I've sent Public Enemy, Public Enemies and Parting Ways. Three separate times each, haha.
  16. To be fair, the Felicity scene that's going to break the internet might not be Olicity related, so that could be why his answer is different regarding the two. And I'm guessing the Olicity scenes in 3x14 are going to be Oliver talking about Felicity to Thea and/or Slade, so it'll be Olicity related, but not typical in that Oliver and Felicity won't actually be in the scene together. And then there's also the possibility that he realized he's terrible at gauging reaction.
  17. I think they haven't told Felicity's side for two reasons: 1) they wanted to bring Ray in as one side of a triangle, and Felicity dating Ray after telling Oliver she loved him would be an even tougher sell than her dating him when we know she loves him. I think it's some half-assed way of trying to protect her from hate when she and Ray eventually get together, and 2) because she's going to tell Oliver that she loves him when he's teetering on the brink of something: either completely losing himself, dying, or standing on the edge of some other kind of moral precipice that those words are going to pull him back from.
  18. The CC cop cars probably are linked, but I think the Flash crew is shooting the ep after the one where Felicity and Ray go to CC.
  19. Then why is it unsettling? Honest question, not trying to fight, haha.
  20. Even though it's the basis for setting up Felicity to turn to Ray, I'm at least glad that the rift between Oliver and Felicity is due to actual ideological differences and questionable decision making on Oliver's part that I actually believe the two would clash over regardless of what their personal relationship was. Which is honestly more than I would've expected from this show lately.
  21. I agree - it's nothing to worry about with regards to the show. It's actually a really cool pose/figure, IMO.
  22. They are. They don't even know each other currently. Seems like a nostalgic thing being released for fans of the pairing to buy.
  23. Diggle's been hanging in the cave for plot reasons since before Oliver even came back, so Oliver's not the one sidelining him for Laurel. Seems like Diggle's the one sidelining himself for Laurel. And if Laurel's going to do whatever in the reckless hell she wants, it makes sense to me that Oliver would want people who have some sense to keep an eye on her.
  24. To be fair though, what exactly is he supposed to do about it? She's going to go out there whether he approves of her doing it or not - Diggle even said as much when Oliver asked why he signed off on it. He cares about her - from his perspective, wouldn't it be better to have her close where he can keep an eye on what she's doing and at least try to make sure that she doesn't hurt herself? He clearly doesn't trust her judgement given that he put a tracker on her. If she's going to do it anyway - might as well at least put her out there with people who have some idea of what they're doing. This is actually one of the few things that did make sense to me in this episode, haha.
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