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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The summary mentioned her getting him out of the office, so I guess that's gonna wind up being a "date" of sorts.
  2. Didn't he say it was coming next season? Hopefully he doesn't get those stupid goggles from the comics.
  3. I think you should probably prepare yourself for them to be dating at that point, because that's the likely scenario.
  4. Looks-wise, I vote Ray. He looks bloated in it or something - like he's not just wearing a bulky suit, like he himself is bulky. Like he can't breathe and might pop at any second. And the helmet is stupid. I thought it looked fine in stills, but in motion? Definitely not. I think Laurel's is generally okay from the knees up, minus that awful lipstick.
  5. Also, from the listings it seems like 3x18 of Arrow airs 2 weeks before 1x18 of The Flash. F&R are going to make their trip to CC right before the Broken Arrow ep. ^or what @Carrie Ann said, haha.
  6. Also, I think it was here that we were talking about breaks between eps. I found an updated listing of airdates: http://stvplus.com/show/245/Arrow#episodes Looks like there's a 3-week break between 3x15 and 3x16, and a 1-week break between 3x18 and 3x19.
  7. I doubt they're going to kill off Diggle - isn't DR the only POC regular they've got? Unless they upgrade Karl Yune or something. God, that's sad. But they're aware of racial representation on the show to the point where they included DR as the only non-masked person on a panel about masked people so it wouldn't be all white, so I bet they'd make him a getaway driver for the rest of his life before they actually killed him off.
  8. Yeah, what in the actual hell? I don't understand why he didn't just tell her the "real" reason - that Laurel was afraid Quentin would have an "I'm coming, Elizabeth" style heart attack.
  9. IIRC: Poor Thea, Oliver and Thea, Slade Wilson, Detective Lance, and Tommy Merlyn
  10. My first thought was that post meant Quentin was biting it too. Although it seems to me if that was the case he'd be in the picture too.
  11. I almost had a rage when he hung up with Malcolm AND THEN BROKE THE PHONE. God, Oliver. Stop taking this dude at face value all the time. MAYBE ARGUS HAD WIFI INSTALLED ON THE ISLAND, YOU NEVER KNOW.
  12. If that happens, I imagine it would bring them together. His own near-death experience might not be enough to make him want to do things differently, but hers might. SA did say at a con appearance that Oliver might have to face the prospect of living without Felicity, but that it's always darkest before the dawn. He might've been talking about a figurative loss though - like to Ray or something. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
  13. Yep Yeah, obviously these people don't have a problem retconning so of course anything goes from here on out, but they passed up every opportunity to even hint at Oliver and Laurel, so...I think this one may actually be dead. Until they decide to pick it up again, I guess. Which is hopefully never.
  14. I wonder if Thea goes right to Laurel, and Laurel respects her for telling the truth and therefore has a different kind of reaction than we're expecting. Maybe Thea mentions she wants Malcolm to pay for it and then Laurel calls Nyssa and tells her what's up, thus leading to Malcolm's capture? Because it doesn't make sense that Thea would turn him in - she just admitted that they need him to beat Ra's (although why she thinks that I still don't understand). Unless it was a play to throw him off the scent.
  15. Was there any mention of Captain Boomerang? Wasn't he roommates with Slade?
  16. Wait, does he? Or were they fighting League people in Starling? Nah, she's going to be off with Ray next ep, taking him on a "date" to get him out of the office so he doesn't lose himself in his mission like Oliver did. And he'll have his souper powered scuba suit to save her if trouble comes a knockin', because he's doing this to keep her safe, dontcha know!
  17. MG said that Oliver wouldn't have a reason to be sad in 3x18. Not that what he says means shit, I guess. Unless Felicity gets hurt towards the end of the ep, and that's when Mama comes to the city? And maybe she gets better before 3x19, or is still comatose or near death or whatever. But then wouldn't Mama Smoak still be around? Stop, stop trying to make sense of it, self. Because, see, they NEED him to defeat Ra's. Even though they seem to not be too keen on the first lesson he tried to teach them, haha.
  18. I thought it was okay. It wasn't a train wreck, and it didn't ruin the things I was afraid it was going to ruin (although it seems others feel differently). Is this virus only going to be a thing in the past, or is Ra's going to unleash it/threaten to unleash it on Starling at the end of the season?
  19. Also, who was that military man who wanted to debrief Oliver? No way is he in the actual armed forces. An ARGUS guy?
  20. I wonder if it's one of those things where she wanted to keep things exactly as they were. Or something...that's all I got.
  21. So, I guess Oliver's gonna lose her and himself here shortly.
  22. I didn't expect him to be the one who called her Black Canary. Although I did nearly fall out of my chair laughing when Laurel told him that deep down he knew she had always been "headed toward the mask." Girl...
  23. So, Malcolm sent them to the island to find their killer instinct, but they find out they're not killers at all (and what in the actual hell did they think Malcolm was sending them to the island for in the first place? A camping retreat? Outward bound? Come on, guys), but they still need him even though his method of "teaching" them isn't effective at all. Malcolm claims that he drugged Thea to kill Sara because he loves her and wants to protect her from Ra's (did I hear that right?) even though that's what's bringing Ra's to their doorstep. Uh...okay.
  24. Guys, can we talk about Ray's suit in motion please? AHAHA
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