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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe an internet breaking moment for Felicity is her confronting/standing up to Nyssa? Since she wants Oliver dead and all....
  2. Stephen canceled an appearance at a con that weekend because he had to film.
  3. Since Laurel mentioned Thea showering, the towel thing is probably her. Maybe she uses it as a weapon or something?
  4. Laurel Brown said that. I think it's safe to say that Felicity and Ray don't have sex in this episode. Although I think it's possible that they do literally sleep together.
  5. From the article Laurel Brown wrote about Nanda Parbat that's posted in SPOILERS ONLY: Felicity probably brings Ray food, makes him eat it, and then sends him off to bed like a good mom.
  6. He doesn't need to be back at QC per se, but he definitely needs a job. Not only because he's thirty and billionaire broke and has no life ambitions, but because he also needs to have something to do with his life that doesn't involve wearing that hood. I hope to the sweet baby jesus they give this dude an actual career once he decides he can also be Oliver Queen. And from
  7. I think this is one of those things that I'll personally need to see in context before I judge her for it. It could come off as shallow, sure, but it's also a pretty good descriptor for someone who knows Oliver and Barry but does not know Ray, and I think the context/delivery means everything to how the line goes over. And, I mean...she's not wrong. It's not that Oliver isn't smart (although this season is arguable), but he's not quantum physics/scientific smart. Barry...yeah. He ain't got that body, bless him.
  8. Not until he gets more famous/has more name recognition. He's not nearly a big enough draw for that show. Maybe if he gets the lead in a mainstream movie?
  9. That's exactly why I think it's Laurel talking to Oliver. He's been shit on fairly consistently for the duration of the show and specifically these past 6 episodes, so why not put that on him too?
  10. It's not only that, but god, it'll be hard to watch her be tender with some guy we've just been introduced to (who has pursued her in a problematic way), without getting to see her be that way with the man we're supposed to believe that she actually loves.
  11. Given Laurel Brown saying that any potential romance between Oliver and Laurel crashes and burns in this ep, it seems like she does. Probably after Oliver tells the team that he's going to go and "rescue" the guy who killed her sister.
  12. Maybe he really doesn't know what this person considers an Olicity scene. Is it one with romantic overtones, or is it just one where they're just in a scene together? This answer is one of the few where it seems like he's not trying to stir the pot.
  13. I'm just sitting here thinking about Oliver going to Nanda Parbat in order to keep Thea's soul clean and her conscience clear regarding turning Malcolm in and being ultimately "responsible" for his death (which is BS, but whatever) and I am going to laugh so, SO hard if he goes to such great lengths to do all that and she winds up killing him anyway (not that I think he'll be permanently dead or anything).
  14. I'm confused about who wrote what - the people who wrote "Let it Go" from Frozen were the ones who wrote the song that bit was a part of. NPH had a team of special material writers that wrote the jokes. What exactly did GB, AK, and Seth Graeme-Smith write? The general order of the show and the introductions and stuff?
  15. I think it has something to do with just needing to know that you're sitting through all this crap for the "ultimate payoff." Some people don't care about the journey, only the destination. Or they hang tight to the destination so that they can justify sticking through the journey.
  16. Maybe during whatever ep Felicity is supposed to be torn between some anger between Atom and Arrow. Although there's more drama to be mined from Felicity being torn between the two with neither one of them knowing that she works with the other, so maybe not for a while.
  17. He is. It's stupid and immature and counterintuitive to his ultimate goal of success for the show, but he does it to get people talking and it always, always works. He knows that the shipping base he's aiming for who looks at Tumblr and Twitter is never going to not watch the show, no matter how bad he says it's going to get - they're too curious. He's like a kid on a playground - as long as he gets a rise out of you, he's going to keep trying, and Tumblr/Twitter is the perfect place to stir shit to get people going.
  18. Since Laurel Brown said that if this episode is anti-Olicity, it's even more anti-Lauriver, it's probably Laurel who says that to Oliver.
  19. I don't think it's a special accomplishment necessarily, since it seems like fan-led Twitter campaigns got him on both shows (someone needs to point that out to him the next time he bitches about how useless it is). They are high-profile. They definitely get him more exposure, but I'm not sure it would necessarily equate to more/more interesting job offers.
  20. She could've meant Felicity's in control of her emotions. Laurel did say (in response to a ? about whether or not Felicity's feelings for Oliver show) that Felicity tried to remain aloof in front of Oliver but that they slipped out elsewhere. About the ep being anti-Olicity: this from a man who told us Felicity was acting out of character by telling Oliver to kill Ra's, that the "I love you" was a 9, that Felicity's scene in 3x14 was going to break the Internet, that Felicity telling Oliver she didn't want to be a woman he loves was going to send him off Twitter for weeks and various other things that failed to live up to his described potential. If this ep is anti-Olicity, I can only imagine that's because Felicity's getting closer romantically to Ray and maybe because Oliver goes off to Nanda Parbat or something equally stupid that they may disagree about.
  21. Laurel Brown described Felicity as being in control for this ep- she never implied that it was about Ray specifically unless I missed something? Felicity will never be able to stop Oliver from doing what he think he has to for Thea, but maybe he does listen to reason about something, even if he still ultimately follows through with his plan.
  22. I'm really hoping the anti-Olicity part of MG's comment comes from something happening between Felicity and Ray and not because of some nastiness between Oliver and Felicity.
  23. She also said that he "wanted her approval" or something, like he just wanted her to sign off on or support his plan for whatever he was doing, and he's such a dumbass, but I swear stuff like this makes my heart ache. He's being so stupid, but he has a good heart and good intentions, and I really really really just really need Felicity to not say anything heartbreaking to him in this ep.
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