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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Probably. Hopefully he doesn't treat that one like Malcolm treated Thea.
  2. What annoys me the most about Oliver being so concerned about her not losing her "biological father" is not only that he wasn't ever a father figure to her in any way, and he wasn't even some deadbeat who just passively sat around doing nothing for her...he actively hurt her. He put her in harm's way to protect himself, and he drugged her to do it. At that point, no one should care about blood lines. When Oliver said that Malcolm loved Thea, I almost had to turn off my television. Is Malcolm drugging Oliver now?
  3. Her whole, "It's been a week and we should go through this together" (or whatever) actually made me laugh, haha.
  4. I just think it's another straw to add to the pile on the camel's back of shitty things Oliver's done to Laurel. With Ra's, maybe, but not with Nyssa. She told Nyssa she was the one who killed Sara and then handed her a sword (for a duel or to kill her with, I can't remember).
  5. Also, he was SO CONFIDENT that he wasn't going to die when IN THIS EPISODE we saw Merlyn beat him.
  6. He was definitely creepy in this one with his, "Ooops I forgot to put clothes on because I forget that we work together sometimes" schtick. Felicity, I love you forever, but you're smart. Don't fall for that shit unless you're gonna use him and lose him.
  7. Ah, I missed those. Laurel and Thea were the only ones I saw. I am kind of surprised nothing about Atom or Ra's or even #Arrow got going.
  8. I'm honestly surprised at what a non-event it was. And thank god we just had to see them kiss. And then lie in bed together for a second or two before Ray took off, lmao.
  9. I wonder how big of a misstep this is going to turn out to be? I only saw one trend tonight (Laurel and Thea), and that was just for a minute or two. Nothing about ATOM, nothing about Arrow, nothing about Ra's. From what I've seen on Twitter not a lot of people seem to be happy about it. I wonder what the reviews will be like, because NONE of that made ANY sense, apart from Laurel and Felicity not wanting anything to do with it.
  10. It's because they locked her up in that cage. It's a stupid-free zone.
  11. I actually thought I'd be angry about Felicity/Ray, but I'm surprised that I just don't care. I am angry that she fell for the "whoops, forgot my clothes" bit and that she slept with him and then he left her to go faux Iron Man, but other than that I can't be bothered to get worked up over it. Since everyone acquired a case of the stupids to accommodate an even stupider plot, I hated this entire episode, save for Oliver and Diggle. That scene between the two of them before Ra's showed up was great. I need more of this between Oliver and everyone he cares about. More. Now.
  12. Well, that was about as stupid/awful as I expected it to be. "Somewhat" romantic? LMAO. Felicity, any guy who will leave you in bed to go faux Iron Man off the top of his building doesn't deserve you. He's so gross and predatory pretending like he forgot to put on clothes. Why do they have to make him do that? I'm glad Diggle was willing to orphan his child so that Thea wouldn't have to feel bad about turning Malcolm over. And Ra's wanting Oliver to be the next Ra's? The board was right on that one.
  13. I just rewatched the P&R finale, and I'm noticing so many little things I didn't catch the first time. Jean Ralphio's champagne in that scene with Typhoon and Craig in the airplane, April being pregnant at the beginning when she went to Donna's to set up Teach Yo Self, one of the trick-or-treaters at Andy and April's being dressed up like Star Lord. How many american flags did Ben and Leslie have in their living room? Haha. And the first time I watched I thought Leslie was president, but now I realize it was Ben - since he was the first person the SS agent spoke to at Garry's funeral, and because he was the one wearing the american flag pin.
  14. Yes, absolutely. And I just realized that I pasted the wrong part of your entry in that quote when I replied, haha. I wasn't disagreeing with you at all.
  15. Thing is, they could still have the same issues even if they did talk, but I'd feel much, much better about the situation. I don't think there's anything that could change Felicity's mind about it being a terrible idea to work with Malcolm, and I think Oliver's so scared that he probably wouldn't listen to reason about it right away since Thea's all he's got left and he's so desperate to do what he thinks he has to to "save her" that it would take some long-term chipping to get through to him and work out some other kind of plan. But if they did talk it out and lay out their issues and still disagreed with each other but decided to keep working together, I'd be more sympathetic to both of them, and all of this would be somewhat easier to watch.
  16. I thought I replied to this, but I guess I didn't? Anyway, the only way Ra's would know that Thea fired that Arrow is if Malcolm tells him. He doesn't know yet (as far as we know, unless that's part of the twist), and Ra's was after Malcolm way before Malcolm set Thea up to kill Sara, so if he reveals Thea after he's already gotten caught to get out of punishment that he's already got coming to him, then he's a bigger POS than I thought, and that makes Oliver doubly stupid for ever trusting him. The video could be the reason he goes, but DR's comments about knowing that Thea couldn't handle losing both parents and Oliver wanting to "save her soul" make it seem like the motivator isn't the threat of the video (although I very much hope that it's a factor).
  17. I would completely understand where Oliver was coming from if freeing Malcolm didn't put Thea's actual LIFE in danger. He cares about her soul being clean more than he cares about her being alive to be relieved that Malcolm's blood isn't on her hands (which, I don't think it would be, but for the sake of argument)? Ra's taking Malcolm solves all of their problems, so just...why?
  18. I think he probably does have scenes with Felicity, but if I had to guess, original Team Arrow is a thing of the past so he's got to throw Laurel and Roy in there so people don't forget they're in it now. Granted, it was just a clip and I'm sure they meant to convey it as her being worked up over him, but it came off as awkward and not in a good way. He seemed way into it, and she seemed a little uncomfortable to me. This dude is a walking sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.
  19. Well, that video with Ray hanging out with Felicity wearing nothing but a towel is...yeah. He's the one who says that sometimes he forgets they work together. He tells her he trusts her judgment and she replies that he's the only one so...I guess tonight is going to be Oliver/Diggle against Felicity in what is going to be the stupidest argument ever? I thought I could be down with watching these arcs play out, but I don't know. He gives me the creeps and everyone's being stupid, and...I just don't know.
  20. Oh god. He really is going to try to save her soul. This is going to be the absolute stupidest thing they have ever, EVER done. He's more worried about Thea's soul than her ACTUAL LIFE? Because giving Malcolm up literally SAVES HER LIFE. But no, he doesn't want her to have Malcolm's death (a mass murderer, BTW) on her conscience, so I guess it would be better if Ra's just came for them all. I can't. This just makes me so, so sad.
  21. I hope she kills him too, regardless of when and where it is. Especially if Oliver is so stupid to try to save him just so she won't have a guilty conscience. Especially since IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND IT SOLVES ALL THEIR PROBLEMS. Well, it will if she manages to do it before Ra's gets all pissed, haha. Oliver...please, I'm begging you to end all future potential dumbass behavior.
  22. I thought it was absolutely perfect. The only thing I would've changed is
  23. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on when she's shooting and how much screen time she has. David Ramsey's still scheduled to be at the con Stephen canceled.
  24. Viola Davis cast as Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/24/viola-davis-says-she-amanda-waller-suicide-squad?asdf&hootPostID=98fb2643ba4abfdd66073efa8ad9cd11
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