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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The SS person spoke to Ben before Leslie (nanoseconds, before though) that's why I think it was him. There's really nothing to indicate it was one over the other, really-Mike Schur said he left it purposely ambiguous. Maybe they both were, one after the other.
  2. It's ambiguous - but I thought it was Leslie the first time I watched it, then on rewatch I figured it was Ben. Maybe they both were president at one point?
  3. Maybe Roy will be put in the Pit, and that's why they're being so spoilery about it now. Although the poor guy has already been mirakurued how much can he take?
  4. MG said they were planning a series of 3.5 comics, so that's already happening. Although hopefully if someone gets kidnapped as a cliffhanger, they'll actually put the resolution in the show although I'm not counting on anything from these people at this point.
  5. I don't think it's Quentin is because it seems like KC was in LA yesterday. Then again, maybe she gets some kind of separate goodbye? Still think that if an actual person is dying, it's likely to be Roy.
  6. Well, he did mention "by the end of the season," so I wasn't sure exactly what time frame he was talking about (and yeah, I realize that 3x13 is technically 'by the end of the season,' haha).
  7. I didn't mean to imply that I wouldn't miss Roy or want him to die, but I just don't see anyone getting so upset over it that Thea gets backlash. So our "legit" costumed heroes apart from Oliver are Laurel, Ray and Thea? With Ray going off to his own show, so...just the two then? And if Oliver goes off with Ra's and Roy dies we just have Laurel and eventually Thea? Haha, okay. Will they maybe add Nyssa to the mix?
  8. Does anyone even care about Roy that much? He seems like a non-entity on the show, even among the comics crowd.
  9. I'm not sure hinting at yet ANOTHER death is a good way to get people talking if their enthusiasm is slipping, haha.
  10. Just what I want to see on this show. More weepy, angry Laurel. For that reason alone I hope it's Roy.
  11. I KNEW IT. It is fishy that they would tweet what seems like such a major spoiler, but maybe they underestimate people's ability to put 2+2 together? Colton also has a friend visiting him this week (he was tweeting about it-is it an 'I'm being killed off' comfort visit?) and that coupled with everything else, including that sad faced Insta he shared with EBR, I really do think he's going to bite it. It could be Oliver saying goodbye, but why would real life emotions creep into that? He'll be back, and he's kind of already said goodbye to them all in The Climb. Maybe Roy's death doesn't just spur on Thea's mask-wearing journey, maybe it's what prompts Oliver to agree to Ra's offer? I hope this is all some massive misdirect. On one hand, killing Roy is almost pointless since he's usually such a non-entity, but I did like him being a quippy in the background, occasionally busting out with a truth bomb. And as y'all mentioned above, it doesn't do much to solve the mask bloat. Nah. Colton wouldn't tweet about that kid - he wouldn't have met him or had to say goodbye to him.
  12. They'd probably just kill her off/have her disappear rather than recast her, with how things go on this show.
  13. Based on the pic I just posted in the Spoilers thread, maybe he was posting about his suit.
  14. I wonder if maybe Oliver's the one moving away from his comic book destiny (wasn't it phrased that people would be getting closer, and some would be further away?), what with him possibly joining Ra's for at least a little while? Thea's getting a mask, so unless that is some kind of villain mask, it's not her. Laurel has hers and I don't think for a second they'll take that away from her. Roy's already Arsenal. Who's left?
  15. Plus, death is always the motivator for the mask wearing with these people, so I figure someone has to die in order for her to want to put one on. Maybe Roy gets stabbed in front of her or some other kind of awful thing. I suppose she could be motivated by Oliver taking Ra's place or something, or even wanting to undo some of the havoc Malcolm wreaked with The Undertaking, but I think Roy needs to be put on DEATH WATCH 2015.
  16. Anyone think someone is going to bite it in order for Thea to step up (that pic SA posted has me worried about Roy - I know he's not the most popular guy, but I really like him when he's quippy), or if she's going to join everyone but Diggle, Felicity and Quentin in being a masked crime fighter?
  17. Yeah, they're not killing Laurel off in order to bring Sara back, and IF she's playing Sara, she's doing it on a completely different show. It doesn't have anything at all to do with KC; it just speaks to the fact that the fans and the network like CL.
  18. I'd been hoping that the show would end on some kind of a cliffhanger, but didn't MG say something about them planning 3.5 comics too? I also can't figure out how they'd end the season. Three eps might be enough time for Oliver to join and get out of the League, but wouldn't becoming Ra's successor involve some mentoring? I can't imagine he'd just join up and that would be it although with this show I guess you never know. So, would Oliver just be a member until then, or....? I just can't see him being a legit successor if the premiere is supposed to be some kind of indicator for the end of the season. And if the number of heroes protecting the city influences his decision making, is that decision to be Oliver Queen or to be Ra's? And does he go back on his no-kill rule or does he turn the League of Assassins into the League of People who Totally Won't Kill You?
  19. They're not going to reset the season, if only because of what was mentioned upthread - there are several crossovers with The Flash, and that would invalidate what happened over there, too. Three before 3x09, and three that we know of so far after (Felicity and Ray to CC, Cisco and Joe to SC and Quentin to CC).
  20. Or Oliver and Co. get found out and are on the run and since everyone and their mother knows where the Arrow operates from, it's not safe to go there.
  21. I wonder if that's when Oliver's going to take Ra's up on his offer? Like, we'll get some movement of Felicity's side (maybe an I love you?), but Oliver's going to accept anyway?
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