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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Seems like Diggle's behind him for a bit at least since he goes to Nanda Parbat too. At least we have that?
  2. No, not that I've seen. Someone asked Laurel Brown if Olicity fans would love/hate/like/cry over the episode and this was her response (she did say there were some non-snarky Olicity scenes): I could take the anti-Olicity if it was because Felicity was getting ready to move on to Ray and there just wasn't any romantic overtones in their interactions, but it seems like maybe there's some nastiness, and I don't want any more of that.
  3. Yeah, this? Is giving me the dreads. I'm guessing after Oliver decides to go to Nanda Parbat, it's gonna be rough.
  4. I just got all new furniture, I'm not trying to be reckless here.
  5. If the Olicity line that he's actually teasing is "It's hard to believe there was ever a time when I was actually in love with you," and Felicity says that to Oliver without ever having told him that she loves him, I will actually throw my shoe at my television. I doubt it's her, but seriously.
  6. Or she says that to cover for herself. Still with the cringing though.
  7. It was in the 2.5 comics - Felicity offered her place up to Oliver to sleep for the night. I think she said, "You need to be in my bed." or something.
  8. No, I think this is probably what they're doing. She didn't have any agency in the first part of the season, Oliver might as well take it away in the second part. To Ray, obviously. Blerg.
  9. God, that would be just...beyond idiotic. So yeah, probably. Let the woman make a goddamn choice for herself, show. Just one. I hope Oliver does go to Nanda Parbat to get Malcolm back to ease her conscience and that she goes there and runs Malcolm right through anyway. And then I'm sure Oliver would make some kind of deal with Maseo to throw Malcolm in the Pit so even after making the choice to kill the fucker TWICE Oliver's still stupidly desperate to "save her soul." And then I hope all hell rains down upon his dumb, dumb ass.
  10. But what on earth could possibly prompt it? Seems to me all Thea did was tell Laurel who then called Nyssa because no one talks on this show and therefore the two people who were responsible for Malcolm getting turned over wouldn't know why an obviously smart thing to do was not such a smart thing to do (although I hope they at least wonder why Oliver wouldn't just turn him in himself if Laurel, Thea or both do actually turn him over?). So, if Oliver tells Thea why turning Malcolm over to Ra's was a bad idea, does she go to Nanda Parbat to try to make it right? I just don't see how her soul factors into what seems like a pretty hands-off transaction on her part. I mean, she knew Malcolm drugged her to kill Sara and she was pretty staunch in her conviction to see him pay for that, so why would knowing about the video change that? What soul compromising thing could she possibly do? Unless she decides to go off Malcolm herself and then let Ra's do whatever with her.
  11. The tweet, just in case anyone's interested (someone asked what Laurel could give them about Olicity): The producers - who answered questions afterwards - referred to that relationship as being of the endgame variety. She said she'd post the comments verbatim in the ep review she posts after the episode airs. Smart lady - I hope she gets paid per click, haha.
  12. Please lord let this be Oliver to Laurel or Laurel to Oliver. Please.
  13. Based on that producer's preview, looks like Oliver's up to some dumb shit again. If even Laurel is questioning the sanity of your actions, you need to step back and take a look at your life and your choices.
  14. Given Ra's penchant for extravagant dusters and jewelry and his love of tickling those ivories, he makes ends meet by becoming a Liberace impersonator.
  15. Or there are casual viewers who a) didn't care that much about Sara, b) don't dislike Laurel's journey or c) don't care enough about Laurel's journey to let it ruin the rest of the show for them. I really don't think that compared to the total number of viewers there are that many comic book purists watching.
  16. She must show up unannounced or something - no way would he purposely take her to Nanda Parbat. And then she'd have to make her way through a room full of assassins to get to wherever they are. Easy feat on this show, I'd say.
  17. He was at the table read for 3x18 or 3x19-he posted a pic. Unless that was from a previous read. Maybe Thea does kill him. Hopefully she finishes the job, unlike Ra's. If Ra's isn't aware that it was Thea who killed Sara, I can see why Oliver would be worried he'd sell her out. Although he'd only do it to be a prick since Ra's wanted him for the Undertaking, and I can't see why he'd let Malcolm go for both crimes if they weren't working together to hadn't made some kind of arrangement.
  18. I cannot, CANNOT express to you how much I don't want her to be playing Oliver. Malcolm, only Malcolm. Maybe she introduces a sword to MM's gut Ra's style. Only this time it actually kills him. But then he'd have to come back, but who would put him in the pit? Maseo? Surely he's not that stupid.
  19. Maybe she does show up and offer herself up for Oliver in some kind of weird role reversal. I'd much prefer that, because I'm going to be SUPER PISSED if this show robs me of the Queen Sibling Power Hour because I need more of Oliver and Thea fighting side-by-side. But if she did that then her soul isn't at play - she'd be doing a good thing and her heart would be in the right place. Unless she strolls in and starts talking to Ra's like she knows him and they've met before and she tries to make a deal for Oliver and Oliver's just like..."what the fuck?" And we're like, "What the fuck?!" Cliffhanger.
  20. The only thing that makes me think this isn't true is a) why would she do that? Unless she's been playing Oliver this whole time, and she really does want to save Malcolm. But if that's the case, why turn him over to Ra's? and b) she was at the Dyla wedding. Is part of the LoA honor code abiding by one's RSVP? Maybe she makes a deal with Ra's and keeps it from Oliver and Malcolm? But why would she do that? Why am I asking why when this show makes no logical sense?
  21. Okay, so the cliffhanger is Thea related. What could it be? Does she join the League/offer to join the League? Does she kill Malcolm (who will come back, I'm sure)? Does she strike a deal with Ra's for...something?
  22. Well, now that the Asian promo is out, I'm kind of thinking that maybe Malcolm and Ra's weren't working together for Sara's murder, since Malcolm tells Ra's that he'll do whatever he can to show Ra's he's loyal. That would mean that he went of plan at some point (and maybe he did and we haven't seen it), or it could all be for show, IDK. What are the chances that Ra's kills Malcolm and he returns via Lazarus Pit super cray? Or post-cray, but really aligned with Ra's this time.
  23. Because he dared to make a fool out of Ra's and challenge him - that was her reasoning in the extended preview that was posted earlier.
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