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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yes he is. Vigilantism is illegal, Lance just called off the task force (unless I'm not remembering correctly). Although why he'd want to arrest Oliver even if he is angry is beyond me. The Arrow did as much work as at least half the SCPD, but sure. Shoot yourself in the foot, dude.
  2. I love Ben and Leslie. "Smallest Park" is one of the few shippery moments that actually made me cry from sweetness/happiness/everything.
  3. She's going to be dating and/or sleeping with Ray at that point; I guess that's supposed to be the angrymaking part.
  4. I think the show runners (and probably most viewers) AND Laurel and Quentin actually forget she exists, so there's probably not much point in killing her off since she's such a non-entity to these people.
  5. Anyone know if that YVR info about last night's shoot in the SPOILERS thread is legit or maybe just speculation? If it's legit, I guess the team's comeuppance for lying/ facilitating the lying to Lance is that he and the PD are back out to take down the Arrow?
  6. About that Variety interview: I'm confused about how "taking the romance off the table" between Oliver and Felicity creates a new dynamic. Isn't that what happened when Oliver told her he couldn't be with her in the premiere? And the Suicide Squad ep is also going to feature Arrow/Atom stuff. Bleh. Yeah, I got that impression too.
  7. This is the man who thinks everything is epic, so who even knows.
  8. If they're following the Batman/Superman Public Enemies storyline, it would be a spoiler.
  9. I wonder if someone on the team calls her that or if someone on the news does? If they randomly come up with that name, how convenient. And I guess maybe her run-in with Hallucination!Sara doesn't end with her unbuckling for a bit like I thought it might.
  10. I did.ETA: it was after he said he'd reveal it if someone guessed it and that no one had yet.
  11. Maybe the guy Oliver's fighting is someone from the League posing as Arrow and doing terrible things as part of a plan Ra's has to turn the city against him? And Roy's dressed as Arrow to...I don't know. Maybe Oliver is otherwise incapacitated or just not around.
  12. Yeah, I don't think Felicity is hurt - not sure what MS getting injured would have to do with anything, but that's probably it, unless Oliver's somehow injured, Felicity's upset, and MS comes for support? Maybe that's why Roy's dressed as the Arrow? But probably not because I'm guessing she'll still be with Ray at that point. I'd be down with the decoy idea, but that pic SA posted of him fighting someone in the Arrow suit is throwing me off.
  13. Last night I was wondering if the Arrow was going to become more of a rotating cast of people rather than just one person, given how they seem intent on taking Oliver's place in the show away from him, but if that was the case then why would there be a scene where Oliver's fighting someone dressed like him that's not a vertigo-induced hallucination? So, given yesterday's pics of Roy in the suit, if that is Roy, did he turn? Is he working for Ra's or Malcolm to try to bring Oliver down and turn public opinion against Oliver? MG said a while back that Ra's was going to make Oliver wish for the simpler, kinder days when Slade was harassing him. I wonder at what point that starts? Is it something that leads him to join the League or at least accept Ra's as a "mentor," or does he do that first, decide that isn't his bag, then leave and Ra's comes after him full-force?
  14. So, based on MG's latest Tumblr spree, Oliver and Mama Smoak don't interact, and Oliver won't have a reason to cry, so either he's out of town with the LoA when Felicity gets hurt, Felicity doesn't get hurt or isn't hurt that badly, Mama Smoak is in town with some kind of illness and needs a specialist or something, or MG's just trolling. And he confirmed the episode title isn't "Post Mortem." He said he'd confirm if someone guessed, but no one's guessed it yet.
  15. In LA. Know who's also in LA? Colin Donnell. /tin hat
  16. Is he taking up the mantle of the Arrow temporarily or something so Oliver can train or do...whatever? If so, what was the Arrow vs Arrow pic about? Is Roy going dark? I don't understand any of this.
  17. So, per CH's latest tweet (I posted it in the Spoilers section, to be safe), some dynamic-changing scenes are being shot tonight. Anyone know who's on set? Seems like it's just him and PB. Seems like most of the cast is still out of town? Does Roy bite it and then go for a swim in the pit?
  18. Okay, so one of my friends on Twitter speculated that maybe the title of the episode is "Public Enemy." Perhaps Malcolm (or Ra's, possibly) somehow manages to drug/turn Roy and sends him out in the city as Arrow doing misdeeds in an effort to turn public opinion against him? Could be a Hannibal Bates thing (even though MG said we'd be more likely to see him on Flash), but why would he pose as Roy posing as Oliver? Unless it's to not only get the city to turn against Oliver, but to get Oliver to turn against Roy.
  19. Not to mention that he knows Roy ain't him. And Roy knows he knows, so what would be the point, unless Roy's out of his damn fool mind?
  20. It was. Could be that scene was at the end of the previous episode (maybe there's been a doppleganger running around and he's finally unmasked at the end of the ep?).
  21. Could be that Malcolm slipped him something and is having him go out as Arrow to further ruin Oliver's shitty life.
  22. Maybe Roy gets taken to the Pit and this is his batshit crazy lashing-out period.
  23. Look in the SPOILERS thread - nothing confirmed, just spec based on a pic over there. She ran at him from the side while he was tripping on some Vertigo looking at some Voldemorts.
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