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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think anyone here is claiming Felicity is more popular than Friends? That said, I'd buy West Wing Funkos in a hot second.
  2. I didn't get past the first minute or so, but I laughed when he said to SA, "So you feel comfortable just talking?" (or something like that). He didn't seem very comfortable, haha.
  3. There are a lot of fun people in the fandom who spend their personal time spreading the word about polls like the GATV ones (and others), organize vote-a-thons for contests where you can vote more than once, put together fun fandom projects and such. I think that if you aren't a fan of the pairing, it's easy to believe that there's a fandom nerve center with a couple hundred really rabid people who vote repeatedly, rig contests, tweet to the EPs and writers, and put asks in MG's mailbox. Seems to me that it's just a group of fans who hoped something would come of O&F, but never expected it, and are more willing to vote in things like this and be vocal about things that make them happy and they want to see.
  4. Yeah, I agree. Felicity, thus far, is the most important relationship for Oliver, because it's his relationship with her (whether platonic or romantic) that's driven his change. She tells him to find another way, he does. She tells him to keep fighting, he does. She tells him that he's waiting around to die in the cave and that she wants more out of life than that, he tells Diggle he doesn't want to do that. He tells Felicity he can't beat Ra's, she tells him he's a different guy now, and that guy can. She keeps him going when he wants to give up, like his own personal frickin' Tony Robbins.
  5. I'm not sure if it led to that (I can't remember the chain of events) but that was certainly part of it.
  6. It's like she completely forgot that Nyssa KIDNAPPED HER MOTHER a year ago, haha.
  7. I imagine the situation might have been complicated because he was her boss. Yet another reason why that's a bad idea.
  8. Ray immediately walked the "I love you" back, so why did he stay with her when he watched her run away to get some Jello after he told her that? Sometimes it takes a while to come to terms, especially if you're with a rebound that you're trying to convince yourself is going to work (and I think that was true on both sides).
  9. Yeah, if it's that scene (in Broken Dolls), she is wearing a dress.
  10. Diggle was teaching her self defense in S1 - they never showed it again, but I figured he was keeping up with it.
  11. Maybe they did, and just can't match the numbers O/F fans put up? I'm not sure - was this a poll where you could vote more than once?
  12. The way Oliver treated Thea makes sense to me - Thea's the only member of his family who's still alive, and she was associating with a dangerous, life-threatening person. I'm not saying it was right, but I completely understand it.
  13. Right, because she spent a lot of time there. In part because, as the person who wrote that post pointed out, she went home alone to an empty house. Living life like that is not sustainable. Diggle has Lyla to go home to. Now Oliver and Felicity have each other. I'm sure Felicity isn't #1 in Diggle's life (it would be worrisome if she were, since he's married), so why does he have to factor into her home life?
  14. Seems to me that post is about Felicity not having anyone to go home to and unwind with and talk to about her day when it's over, which can't be Diggle, unless you want her to move in with him and Lyla?
  15. A friend? Someone who goes home to his own wife? I'm not sure how Diggle figures into this since the post was about Felicity having someone to go home to - and it obviously can't be him.
  16. The only reason I think so is because of the zippered cuffs - I'm not sure why they'd be like that on a blazer. Although I'm also not sure why they'd go to the trouble of altering it, so who knows.
  17. I think the jacket was altered - the sleeves have the same zippers, but the lapel is more of a blazer instead of a zip up.
  18. "What is a word when it has a bunch of different points?" Might be my favorite thing he's ever said.
  19. Same. I'll take back what I wrote about it if we get more of this kind of content. I still want someone to accidentally livestream something embarrassing though - not necessarily Stephen, haha.
  20. I think the shaved head was just used to hammer home his "change" from Oliver to Al-Sahim from a looks standpoint. I don't think there was an in-show reason for it. Kind of like how flashback Oliver has different hair, when it's not like he didn't have access to scissors.
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