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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, Brian Ford Sullivan posted that exact reasoning on his Twitter just now.
  2. Yeah, I'm guessing they're shooting out of order, but it seems like it would be easier to just say that on Twitter than doctor up the script page and still manage to be confusing, haha. It technically is still 4x05, even if they are filming it 4th.
  3. I guess I just don't understand why it's marked as 4x04, previously 4x05, but will still air 5th? Why not just say they're shooting out of order or whatever?
  4. I don't understand the note on the script page MG just tweeted: Ep 4x04 (Previously ep 4x05) This will air as the 5th episode of season 4. Is Matt Ryan guesting in/Sara getting resurrected in the 4th ep now instead of the 5th, or...? Why did they change it to 4x04 if it's still airing 5th?
  5. Personally I don't care about Laurel's skill level or how quickly she reaches it. I mean, she got her ass beat by a street criminal at the beginning of 3x21, but was beating the ass of a LoA member at the end, so...her fighting abilities are plot driven like they've always been. Literally don't care enough about her to even think about it anymore. Now, if we could just eliminate Lance Family Drama from the show, I'd be happy. Sadly, that won't ever happen.
  6. I like it! ETA: disregard this response, I'm tired and misread, haha. Yeah. A really slow learner!
  7. I love that they mentioned her having a secret identity. One she doesn't give much of a shit about since she's running around town wearing a mask BUT LEAVING HER FINGERPRINTS EVERYWHERE. Which will be even more maddeningly stupid if there's another anti-vigilante task force this season.
  8. Meh. It doesn't bother me at all - the vast majority of the viewing audience won't even have a clue that he has a book by the same name, or even care enough to find out. But, maybe it'll be something different.
  9. It's not a plug for his book - "overwatch" is an actual military term for a smaller unit watching out for a larger unit. I'm guessing his book is named after that.
  10. Oliver called her watching out for them as "overwatch" in the 2.5 comics (not sure if he actually meant to call her "Overwatch" since the comics are in all caps), so that's probably what it will be.
  11. Not sure. She was in Vancouver last week too, when they were shooting 4x03.
  12. She is, that's why we were discussing which episode she was brought back in (she was there last week and is back again now). But it seems like based on MG's answer, it's 4x05, not 4x03.
  13. So, Sara's definitely back in 4x05. LOL, no thank you. Here's hoping!
  14. I don't mean this to be snarky, or to come off like I think she's ungrateful at all, because I truly do think she appreciates Arrow and the fandom, but I really don't think she would care if people stopped nominating her for awards like this? I mean, it would be different if she was on Twitter asking people to vote in these awards and then not showing up to them, but she isn't. I think she's happy to just go spend the day on Arrow and come home and spend time with her friends.
  15. I wish she'd promote herself, but she seems really happy with what she's got. She went into Arrow thinking she was getting a bit part, and it blew up to be bigger than she ever anticipated. She seems uncomfortable with the attention (what I gathered from that interview), and it's beyond her control at this point. If staying away from things like this is what makes it easier and tolerable for her, then she should. I mean, I get wanting to see her more, but not if it's something she really doesn't want to do.
  16. I used to be a little bothered by her reluctance to do cons and such, but after listening to her Girl on Guy interview, I understand why she doesn't. If staying out of the con craziness is the kind of balance she needs to want to continue playing Felicity, then I'm all for it.
  17. I disagree. I think Tommy was always going to go dark, because there's no drama in Oliver's BFF being okay with The Hood. But I'm not sure what that has to do with Felicity? She was in the Foundry before the OD and before the Undertaking.
  18. Neither Thea nor Tommy would've lightened up the team dynamic, which is why DR said they needed EBR/Felicity. They were never going to let Thea in on Oliver's secret any earlier than they had to (same with Laurel). And Tommy's disapproval was pretty key to the storyline, so...Thea and Tommy could've possibly had a humorous role with Oliver, but it wouldn't have given the Arrow cave the same dynamic. I don't think that Arrow would've done as well had they continued with the mood and brood without a Felicity-like character being brought in, but it is a bit much to credit her with GG being cast for The Flash.
  19. Katie Cassidy did one too - Seems like these were promos done for a Chinese television channel (it seems like Arrow airs on there?) in conjunction with Coke? Not entirely sure. So people watching the promo in China might actually be familiar with Felicity, if they watch the show.
  20. He's playing Constantine - so I doubt it has anything to do with all that, but who knows.
  21. The fans aren't the ones exaggerating - Marc Guggenheim himself said she was intended to be a one-off appearance. The fact that she was told it might be a "possibly recurring" character doesn't matter much. Possible does not equal definite. And I suppose they wrote her in to 1x04 after the president of WB (wasn't it him? I can't remember) said he wanted to see more of her. They planted a seed in those scenes with Walter that didn't play out until 7-ish episodes later, so yeah. Adding her scenes in that episode that had absolutely no effect on any other story lines does not require a rewrite. We don't even know if there was another character intended to be given her scenes. Who knows how Oliver was originally supposed to find out about the second book of names (if he was supposed to find out about it at all).
  22. Sorry, I forgot he was in 4x05, not 4x04. I mean, seems early, but if they asked him to be there now, then IDK what to say?
  23. That promo made him look like such a dickbag that it's one of the reasons I resisted watching for so long. And it didn't actually end up matching the tone of the show at all, not even when Oliver was using his playboy ways as a cover.
  24. Since this is just a concept drawing, I don't think that the car/bike belongs to a specific person. I think it's just there to show that this place has a garage.
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