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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It makes me feel a little uneasy, yeah. I feel bad writing that, because parental abduction is terrible, and assuming everything is on the up and up, I do feel sorry for anyone who is deprived of time with their child. I don't want it to seem like I'm passing judgment on the father at all but I'm kind of a cynic, so I just get to thinking about what would happen if that woman had reasons for fleeing and now is being sought out in a place where she might possibly be safe. Or, maybe she's a terrible person who belongs in jail - I guess we'll never know. I won't judge in this instance, because I think SA's heart is always in the right place. He seems to be in love with being a father, and probably empathizes with this man (who he seems to know personally? Not sure if this guy reached out through Facebook and that's how they met or whatever), and would be quick to help him find his child regardless.
  2. I wasn't implying that he is? I was just wondering if a chemistry test would've been a positive for SA fi there was someone in the running who DID have chemistry with KC. Obviously no one cared enough about it to do one, so it's not like it matters anyway.
  3. It seems to me that since the network seemed to be big on hiring Katie, that a chemistry test would've been a bad thing for Stephen. Wouldn't they have hired someone else for the job if they wanted Katie that badly? I guess it's impossible to know how that would've worked out - whether she would've been cut or he would've, but it's one of those things now where I can't imagine anyone else in the role at this point, so if it means we got to keep SA as Oliver, then I'll happily watch them be awkward, haha.
  4. I'm not disappointed with him running for mayor, but I am kind of disappointed it's happening NOW. It seems to me they might want to establish Oliver as being somewhat more responsible career-wise before plunging him into a mayoral campaign. I mean, the last time we saw him having a job, he was irresponsible and awful at it, and wound up losing his family's whole fortune because he made freaking terrible decisions. Not to mention the last time the city saw him, he was being arrested for being the Arrow. I'll let that slide since Moira ran for mayor after being on trial for conspiracy to MURDER PEOPLE, and because for all I know, most of the morons in Star(ling) City think the Arrow is badass and wouldn't care if Oliver WAS him. I guess I'm past the point where I expect any nuance in the storytelling, but I was hoping this would come later, like a season or two down the line. It just doesn't make sense for his character now, especially given that he spent the past five months not even residing in Star(ling). I guess I'll see how it plays out.
  5. No, no, I meant that annoying and rude is hard to argue against, since those are more personal behavioral preferences. I don't find crying babies on planes annoying, but some people do. So, I wouldn't argue Felicity being annoying or rude. I would take issue with someone insisting that Felicity was selfish or a slut, though.
  6. I have a hard time arguing with the first set, because what's annoying? What's rude? I mean, a ton of people consider Laurel turning off the TV at CNRI in the pilot rude, and I don't even think it's in the vicinity given the circumstances. So, someone wants to think Felicity's whiny and annoying, there's really no arguing that. Whiny and annoying to me are different than they are to others, probably. I'd argue her selfishness since it resulted in, you know, saving someone else's life. Calling her a slut is gross, but not surprising given the mindset of some people in this fandom. The other bullets, though. LOL.
  7. Laurel's already met her comic book destiny for the most part, though. She's a full-fledged Black Canary with no more learning curve, per WM. I think the name and the mask are all that's needed for TPTB to consider someone's destiny "reached." ETA: like statsgirl wrote below, she's probably not going to tick off all the well-known BC boxes, but I don't think that's what MG meant when he was talking about destiny - I think he literally meant a name and a mask. I think that when the comment about someone not meeting their comic destiny was made, they might have had some other kind of plan in place for what they were going to do last season, that has since changed. Laurel's known as the Black Canary, Oliver's soon to be the Green Arrow, Thea's Speedy, Merlyn's a fully formed villain. Roy was Arsenal before he faked his death. Diggle and Felicity don't really have comic book "destinies" to meet. Everyone's named and costumed - it's done, I think.
  8. EXAMINE EVERYTHING. Some people even noticed that the lamp in that pic (which is OQ's campaign HQ, I guess?) is the same one in the picture of O/F that was released in TV Guide. Not sure it means anything necessarily, other than there's a little lamp swapping going on, but I guess whatever room they're in in that pic could be the eventual Queen for Mayor 2016 HQ.
  9. You can't see it on her Instagram, but the pic is in the Spoilers Only thread, it's all over Twitter and Tumblr, so...yeah, it's too late to take that one back.
  10. Willa deleted the picture, haha. Too late, girl. It's too late.
  11. He was cleared though, and the citizens of Star(ling) can't even operate their vehicles property when the power goes out, so...
  13. So, he IS running for mayor. I would vote for him based on hotness and dedication to Star(ling), haha. Probably not much else?
  14. They can dislike her for whatever reason - even if it's ridiculous. I actually find the "Olicity is ruining the show! They were better as friends!" comments amusing, I just don't like the way they express themselves about it sometimes - it tends to be on the misogynistic side.
  15. For as long as I've been watching Arrow and visiting IGN for news on the show, the commenters there have been nasty about her. It's just gotten worse now that she and Oliver are actually canon. It's not surprising. A lot of them are the same people who sat through the first season of Oliver/Laurel/Tommy, but are now complaining about romance. And also about the fact that Felicity isn't a fun little background character without any emotional depth. She cries too much, she's selfish, she's blah blah blah. People can be as negative about her in the comment section as they like, IMO. The writing wasn't so great for her last season, but I think the issue for a lot of people on those sites has more to do with the fact that she's Oliver's girlfriend now, and her name isn't Dinah Laurel Lance.
  16. I mean, I get not liking her. Different strokes and all that, but the language they occasionally use to express that dislike is disgusting.
  17. My trainer has me doing similar sets, but a) nowhere near as gracefully, and b) nowhere near as quickly. And I don't do Burpees or sprawls while I'm balancing on a medicine ball, good lord. And I also look like absolute hell when it's over, haha.
  18. And an easy target for people with class issues who think that people in any kind of support position are generally a) replaceable, and b) worthless. Oliver didn't even have a job this year, and yet she's still referred to as his secretary - seems like more of a putdown than a position description when it's used for her.
  19. 4x05 is Lexi Alexander, and isn't James Bamford supposed to be 4x06?
  20. I mean, you can be a ditzy genius. I think Ray fits that description way more than Felicity does, though.
  21. Silly, scatterbrained, and still manages to do a hell of a lot to save her city and the hero. They can have their misogynistic backhanded compliments - I'll take Felicity as she is.
  22. Friendly PSA: If you read the comments, prepare to drown in fanboy bitterness, haha.
  23. Oh yeah, dead can definitely happen. Just the thought of it to me is so gross, since Sara's been dead a year, and wasn't properly embalmed or anything. They buried her in an unsealed wooden box, I mean...the state of her would just be ungodly.
  24. Yes, this could be Lazarus Pit: Star(ling) City.
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