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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think Iris is hugely popular though? She's canon, so that helps her with a certain segment, but all last season I saw comments about her being a whiner, awful, and the "new Laurel." I don't think any of those are true, although the writers/EPs over on The Flash didn't really put her in a very good position for most of the season. I like Iris and CP, and would be perfectly happy if she wins.
  2. It's a terrible promo, but it works as something to play during the VMAs, which is the only place I've seen it so for.
  3. It could be this year - since MG said the FBs start in Coast City and then move to a "secret" location (for us).
  4. I don't know. But no offense, I highly, highly doubt that the demand to see any of them would be as high as it is to see SA. ETA: Nevermind, I get what you mean - it's been a long day, haha.
  5. Could be that he wants to give people as many chances as possible to see him.
  6. I've tried to find the interview, and I can't. But I do recall MG (or WM, I can't remember) saying something about them settling down at some point on their trip in Coast City because Oliver had a friend there.
  7. MG gave an interview over the summer where he said that Green Lantern wouldn't be appearing in the show, but that there would still be GL easter eggs around, like Ferris Air, etc. I'm sure that billboard is part of it.
  8. Yes, that was in an interview, but I can't remember where. I seem to recall something about O&F having settled there at some point over the summer?I think Coast City is both a past and present location.
  9. I don't care who he forgives about the lie first, because of course that's going to be Laurel (even though...meh to that, but whatever). I am going to be irritated if he's still got issues with some vigilante behavior, but not that of his daughter. I'm basically tired of the ally/adversarial swap they've got going on with Quentin. It does his character no favors - it makes him both a hypocrite and an idiot, which would be fine if it was a jumping off point for character growth, but it's not.
  10. IDK, him accepting the Green Arrow is meaningless to me at this point. Quentin disavowed vigilantism, then worked with vigilantes, then disavowed it again (but turned a blind, if disapproving eye to his own daughter doing it). Why would anyone trust being in his good graces? He could just as easily turn on them all again (except for Laurel). He hated the vigilante/Hood, but then he was okay with him once he saw him doing good, but then turned on him again because he was easily swayed by an imposter. He never believed that Roy was the Arrow - he knows it was Oliver - so why would seeing the Green Arrow (who he will also probably know is Oliver) doing good make him moving back to the vigilante side of things any different than before? He's already been there. Done that. Reversed his stance. Lather, rinse, repeat. That was enough to sour me on Quentin, but then when he punched Oliver for saying that he loved the Lances? After he saved or had a hand in saving Laurel how many times? I know he was supposed to be irrationally angry with grief, but I'm tired of Oliver being his target. I'm really tired of Oliver being his target.
  11. He should be angry at Dinah for letting her get on the boat. Be should be angry at Sara for going back into the League when she had an out. He should be angry at himself for standing on the dock and waving at her as she got on the boat to Nanda Parbat like she was going back to freaking summer camp. The anger at Oliver for the Gambit and the aftermath is played out at this point, seriously.
  12. If he's talking about the Sara secret, then I still think it's stupid, and if he's talking about approving of Laurel's vigilantism over Green Arrow's, then he's a freaking hypocrite. Neither one of those options make him look particularly good at all. And I know that QL's anger was misdirected grief, but it will always, always be stupid to me that he got angrier at Oliver/Arrow for keeping the secret than he ever did at Laurel. BECAUSE SHE DRESSED UP AS HER SISTER AND PRETENDED TO BE HER TO TRICK HIM INTO THINKING SHE WAS STILL ALIVE.
  13. Bleh. Quentin getting angrier at Oliver than Laurel for keeping Sara's death a secret continues to be INCREDIBLY STUPID, and that he's still on it this season is even more stupid.
  14. Just to be clear, I don't feel like we're being misled at all. I think SA did what a good person and a good friend would do as someone who has a particularly large social media reach and a strong desire to help people, and I'm not calling him out about it. He did the right thing. Like I wrote above, parental abduction can be a messy, messy thing, and when I think about why a parent would abscond with their child, to me it's down to two reasons: a) they are a nasty, hateful, messed-up person who deserves to be brought to justice, or b) they were trying to get themselves and their kid out of a bad situation. My hope is that it's a, not b, that's all. It seems like (based on the information posted on the page SA linked to) the mother is or has been in contact with the father and his family, but she won't let him speak to or see his son. So I do appreciate that SA's video appeals directly to Tyler and focuses on him, probably hoping that he'll somehow see it and reach out on his own. That makes me feel better about the situation on the off chance that it is more of a b than an a (and I am not saying it is).
  15. I don't think there is anything wrong with bringing the public's attention to a missing child. I also don't think there's anything wrong with what SA is doing, and if the mother was in the wrong then I hope she's brought to justice and the father is reunited with his son. And I probably wouldn't feel uncomfortable about it if the guy a) wasn't a personal friend of Stephen's and b) there were more publicly known facts about the case. Parental abduction can be messy, and isn't always done for terrible or nefarious reasons. Hopefully SA's involvement leads to the right outcome for everyone involved.
  16. It's a great dig, just aimed at the wrong person. It'd be funny if it was in response to a showrunner's question, but for SA, who has no control over the material he's given and was posting a fun question for himself and his fans? Not so much.
  17. Yeah. And I think he's focusing on his arms more, since those are actually visible in his costume now. At least, he seems to be focusing more on his arms, if the workouts he's been posting are any indication.
  18. Probably because she had been keeping up on what was going on with Oliver's company when he shipped himself off to Lian Yu, knew Isabel/Stelmoor International's history of gutting companies - since she filled Oliver in on the state of things, and because Oliver probably trusted her more than anyone else who worked at the company to look out for his best interests. Just a guess.
  19. To be honest, I look at situations like this through the lens of my personal experiences, and sadly I know and am related to quite a few women who are or were in abusive relationships who I wish would take off with their child, never to be heard from again - for both their sakes. I am NOT saying this man is an abuser or that his wife was justified in absconding with his child, not at all. I just always wonder if there isn't more to the story in the case of parental abduction, that's all - I mean, for all I know this man could've been a loving father, and his wife could be a terrible, awful person. And I know that men can be in abusive relationships just as much as women can, but I personally have never experienced that. SA putting a call out for a child whose father kidnapped him would raise red flags in a different way for me, that yeah, based on my personal experiences, would favor the mother. I'll also say that I wouldn't be entirely comfortable with that though, either (although I will be honest and say that it wouldn't make me as uneasy as this does). I don't feel that a child belongs with its mother over it's father or anything of the sort - I lived with my mother primarily when I was growing up, then moved in with my father when I was 14, and I was by far happier and more cared for living with my dad than I ever was with my mom. I personally don't think there's anything fishy about the father here, I just know that family matters are complicated and can be messy, and that people who want to get their child out of certain situations aren't always the bad guys. I hope this particular case is cut-and-dry, black-and-white, and that the mother deserves to be brought to justice and that the guy gets reunited with his kid.
  20. I mean, it could just be that the guy happened to mention it to SA, and SA said, "Hey, I have a huge network of followers - I can spread the word that way and maybe we can find your kid," and absolutely had good intentions. If the guy approached SA to do it, I think it would be difficult for him to say no, and if he works with the guy and knows him, he probably 100% believes the father's side of the story (which could absolutely be true). I just hope for everyone's sake that the mom truly is in the wrong and that she didn't manage to get out of a bad situation only to get dragged back into it again.
  21. I didn't mind Sara/Oliver at all. But I suspect they would've gotten a lot less backlash if they hadn't had Oliver say that "I can't be with a person I could really care about" line to Felicity only a few eps before.
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