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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Doesn't he have his own portable LP full of water he stole from Ra's in a U-Haul? He probably puts that water in a kiddie pool in is backyard for an occasional dip. They should just go to him.
  2. If I had to guess, I would say that is never, ever going to happen. IDK, but they did mention in the comics that there were consequences to using the LP without permission, and that it would be addressed on the show - I've been waiting for that to happen. Just the thought of Laurel and Quentin trudging through the desert for a mile and somehow managing to get into the compound and then dip Sara's disgusting, rotting corpse in the LP makes me laugh for days. I hope that's not how it happens.
  3. They failed Laurel in pretty much every way from the get go. The backstory between her and Oliver was insurmountably terrible, they were unable to balance writing her feelings toward Oliver (anger, etc) in a way that made her sympathetic even while the audience was also sympathetic toward Oliver, while watching him go through hell on the island and after. I mean, KC has a certain way of delivering her lines, but she isn't the one who wrote them. And they edited out a lot of material that would've softened her/made some of her actions make more sense. I don't think I could've ever gotten behind O/L, mainly because there was TOO much history there, and most of it was gross, but at no point did they ever do her relationship or her character any favors.
  4. I'm of two minds on the fern. Basically, I'd prefer if someone set it on fire or deep-sixed it into a large body of water. But it seems to irritate people, so at the same time...it can stay.
  5. Treated like what, exactly? For all we know, that picture was her idea.
  6. Not to mention the fact that someone can be both heroic and occasionally selfish (if you can even call it that, since Felicity had nothing to gain personally from Oliver retaining his family's assets, and she was concerned about keeping him ALIVE in the S3 finale). I mean, she stayed behind during an earthquake to help Quentin figure out how to defuse the earthquake machine. She offered herself up to help find a serial killer. She allowed herself to be used as bait so she could get close enough to inject Slade with a mirakuru cure. Telling Oliver to get Thea to sign those papers above all else changes absolutely none of that.
  7. Felicity was concerned with Oliver's family assets partly because they, you know, are what funded their whole protecting the innocent operation.
  8. He needs to tug her onto his lap, she needs to wrap her arms around his neck, they need to kiss, and then maybe finish it off with a forehead touch.
  9. Everybody knows that this fine gentleman invented time travel: Sorry, Emily. There's one thing you cannot do!
  10. I don't go to GATV, but the petty bitterness amuses me. That's not even snark - I truly am entertained by it.
  11. Seems like it's all info based on assumptions about who this character is in DC Comics lore.
  12. If Jessica Danforth's political ambitions put her in the crosshairs of some kind of villain that winds up targeting her daughter for whatever reason, and Oliver is a) running for political office and b) finding out about his kid this season, then I can definitely see the daughter getting killed for plot purposes.
  13. Yeah, the casting info for the mother indicated that she would do anything for her daughter, but I always figured that said more about the mother than it did about the girl. I figured her daughter would be someone who either was in trouble or got in trouble, and mom would do something illegal/morally questionable to get her out of it.
  14. Is there any legit source that says she has a lasting impact in Oliver's life, or was that just on Reddit?
  15. If to had to bet, I'd say she appears and dies in one episode.
  16. I think that comment was definitely about the flashback love interest. He threw that out there to rile people up (which he did), but he seemed pretty good-natured about it. I do think O/F will break up at some point, but I don't think it'll happen this year AND accompany a new, present-day love interest for Oliver.
  17. Felicity not having a code name, while stupid, really doesn't bother me at this point. It's only because TPTB are conflating having a codename with having a mask, and I guess they interpret it as something the general public refers to them as, not something they refer to each other as. If all the masks are out in the field and start calling each other "Green Arrow" or "Black Canary" or whatever and are still calling Felicity by her name out in the open like that, it'll get to me. But as far as I can remember, that hasn't happened so far.
  18. I don't think using a hacking codename as a crimefighting codename is such a good idea, haha. It'd be smart to have a completely unknown, previously unused codename if Oliver and co. are going to be using it out in the field where other people can hear.
  19. The first ep of Vixen is already up, so hopefully they release a trailer sometime today (or soon, please soon).
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