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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I can't imagine Nyssa or Malcolm agreeing to it. They've both seen what the LP can do to people, and Malcolm was opposed to using it on Thea when she wasn't even dead yet. Not that I think Malcolm gives a shit about Sara, but he cares about himself a whole lot, and I doubt he'd want a crazy pants woman he drugged Thea to kill running around out there. Diggle would for sure be against it, and so would Thea. Anyone outside of those people that know about the League, Laurel should be suspicious of their motives. The basis of this is going to be so stupid, I can tell. What could be so bad that they specifically need Sara back? Surely someone would warn Laurel that Sara would come back not right, and wouldn't they worry about what she'd do to Thea, since they all know that she killed her? I don't care about Sara returning, but I am interested in how they do it.
  2. She wouldn't necessarily need help - she got Sara's dead body down into the lair on her own. She can take her to NP on whatever weird-ass charter service they all seem to use, and Nyssa and Malcolm could tell her no, then she could just throw her in there when no one is looking, haha. I'm not saying it would go down like that, just a thought.
  3. In the 2.5 comics there was something to do with there being consequences for using the Lazarus Pit without permission, and that we'd see what they were on the show. I thought that was supposed to be in S3, but no one ever used it without permission, so I wonder if Nyssa, Malcolm, or whoever she asks says no, and she just puts her in there anyway? Maybe that's where Constantine comes in?
  4. I don't know why Laurel would even mention considering it to Oliver - it's not like he has control of the LP or has ever been in it. If anyone should be able to convince her not to put Sara through that, it should be Thea - who is supposed to have issues from her "resurrection" over the break, and Laurel's been working with her in that time. But obviously that's not going to be an issue since it seems like Laurel goes through with it anyway, haha.
  5. I don't even think Laurel would bother going to Thea or Oliver to get to Malcolm. I think she'd go straight to him, or contact him through Nyssa. I think she'll do it without him knowing at all.
  6. I figured the new lair TPTB talked about would be one that Diggle, Thea, and Laurel worked out of while O&F were gone. Isabel got it, but then Thea bought it back with Malcolm's money early in S3.
  7. Yeah, at this point he could mean familiar because it's a place we've seen before—like Thea's, or...god forbid, Ray's—or because it's a familiar place repurposed to look like another one, like Laurel's place was. I'm not sure if her apartment was Maseo and Tatsu's place, but it was definitely the room Oliver woke up in when he first got to Hong Kong at the end of S2 - it was in some kind of commentary.
  8. I'm hoping that if they do that they'll have him holding his helmet so you can see his face. Or something.
  9. He might be getting one - the tweet listed that Felicity's is part of Arrow's second series. I assume there's more than one in a series.
  10. I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I honestly can't see Felicity ever living in a dank basement underneath a club. Spending hours a day there fighting crime, sure. Sleeping and living there when they've relocated to another lair? Not so much.
  11. Maybe it's something that's initially supposed to be temporary? Since it seems like they get called back to the city for an emergency, when they get back they won't have anywhere but Thea's place to stay (or a hotel, I guess), since Felicity moved out of her apartment, per MG. So, I can see them setting up shop in Thea's (hopefully) vacated apartment with the intention of finding a new place, and just never getting around to it, what with Oliver running for whatever office, and Felicity doing whatever she's doing with Palmer Tech.
  12. It could be interesting as long as, like, Quentin is suddenly pro-vigilante (or ambivalent about them, not as crazy pants batshit as he was last season), but has to (unwillingly) crack down as part of his job, and the order comes from some higher up who is not him. And Oliver—as whatever kind of candidate he is—has to work really hard not to be nabbed by them.
  13. Could be. I just wish they'd call it something different so it didn't sound like such a rehash. There's been an anti-vigilante task force for 2 1/2 seasons, change it up a bit. I mean, those vigilantes saved the city from dying from a virus in May, but sure. Go after them again! haha
  14. Another anti-vigilante task force? No thank you.
  15. I think it probably also has something to do with the fact that (with the exception of last season for the most part), they get to be lighter with her, and write cute little quips that aren't in character for the others.
  16. Seems like Sara is getting resurrected in Ep 5? “It’s a great one-shot episode,” CW President Mark Pedowitz said. Following the panel, Pedowitz teased that “a character will get resurrected” during the installment. Unless someone else dies and gets resurrected.
  17. Fingers crossed it's an island location that requires shirtlessness.
  18. Happy for Constantine fans, but hopefully it's just for one ep.
  19. I love that song, but the lyrics make no sense at all, haha.
  20. I have 3 Olivers, 1 Diggle, and 0 Felicitys. Glad that's gonna change!
  21. Ah, I put this in another thread, because I wasn't sure where it should go. Yay!
  22. Not sure where to put this exactly, but Felicity is finally getting a Funko! https://twitter.com/OriginalFunko/status/631178270814253057
  23. He could be! I think the only argument against it is that WM said at comic con that they were still trying to figure out how to work Felicity's dad into a storyline. Seems to me that since fans have been asking about him for a while that if they did a) know who he was and b) when he'd show up, they would've teased that a little.
  24. I think the tweet about Arrow fans being happy is actually just about Arrow. Most people seem to think that the tweet to Constantine fans is about a cameo on Arrow. So, I think it's really that people think the Constantine announcement seems Arrow-related, not the other way around.
  25. Same! Stephenie Meyer is a terrible writer, but she somehow managed to tell a really compelling story for the most part. I love the movies, but for mocking purposes. I find them truly hilarious and entertaining.
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