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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They did that for the crowds at the boxing match in "The Calm" - but they had a handful of real actors close to the ring - I'm guessing that kind of thing is difficult to make look realistic on a CW budget unless they're super, super blurry in the background.
  2. I'm sure it's exciting for him, getting to "interact" in real time, but depending on how he does that (like reading random comments), watching could be a real slog.
  3. I think he intended to, because he gave users a time that he would be on, but he had technical issues, so he was 45 minutes or so late. He said he'd be back on later - so I guess he'll do one then?
  4. Ugh. I use a Mac, so no comment. But the guy has BEEN ON Periscope. It's not like the tech exists on some other device that he doesn't use/know about.
  5. His tweet about Facebook "changing the game" made me laugh. Does he not know that there are other sites where people can live stream? That this is not new? FB changed its own game - it added existing technology to its site. I think live streaming is kind of iffy - filming people who don't know you're doing it is meh to me, and as tarotx wrote, it's going to blow up one day. Maybe not him, but some celebrity. Although I'd be careful about filming someone and saying "Hey, (so and so), you're live on Facebook!" without telling them beforehand, haha. His love for FB runs deep, that's for sure.
  6. I thought they did a nice nod to it already. It was organic and fun. Not sure how they could duplicate it without being cheesy and/or stupid.
  7. The Queens lost ownership of the mansion because of the idiotic plot regarding Isabel. Then someone who hated Oliver set it on fire.
  8. The coloring is definitely touched up, but it is a really pretty pic anyway. Felicity was a little too bookish looking IMO in S1, but I liked her early S2 look a lot - the boob window dresses and such aren't really my thing. It made sense to me that she'd change her wardrobe when she started working as Oliver's assistant - being a little dressed down seems to be typical of IT people, since they have to climb behind computer towers and under desks a lot. I don't think Oliver/SA is ungodly, unfairly hot. He's the kind of guy who needs things to be just so to reach peak hotness, IMO. He needs the right length hair, and facial stubble - anything else and he kind of looks like a douche, haha.
  9. I wonder if this is a setup for something at Summer Slam, since he canceled his Sunday appearances at Wizard World Chicago, or if he canceled WWC for something else.
  10. So that Ray could accuse Oliver of murdering all those people while Ra's and co were traipsing around Starling City pretending to be the Arrow. They got to have their little showdown, with Felicity caught in the middle.
  11. Laurel goes and they have the talk, and she chastises him about drinking again. She tells him that he can disappear into the bottle, or do something that would make his daughters proud and help save the city. I'm pretty sure it's this that makes him decide to help, because the next we see of Quentin is a 10-second shot of him talking to Felicity and jotting down the locations where the virus will be released. She asks him something - maybe if he's back on their side, IDK - and he says, "I don't know, we'll see about that." Then he goes and gets his guys. Seems like he was just waiting for the locations? It's hard to rally people when you don't know where they're supposed to go to help.
  12. I think Laurel's reaction was less about Oliver, and more about the mention of Sara and herself. Like I wrote above, she watched the anchorperson talk about Oliver - it wasn't until the woman mentioned Laurel's name that she turned off the TV. I mean, in addition to the fact that Oliver cheated on Laurel with her sister, AND in addition to the fact that Oliver and Sara died, Laurel most likely was gossiped about. And hey, there it is being brought up again, right in front of her coworkers. I would've turned off the TV too, instead of standing there watching someone on television talk about something very personal and private in front of people I worked with, especially when said thing was hurtful and humiliating. If they were that curious, they could've found the news another way, like, say, when they weren't at work.
  13. I checked - Felicity let him know where the virus was going to be released, but Laurel was the one who convinced him to help.
  14. No, I think it was Laurel who convinced him with her speech about making his daughters proud and helping save the city. Quentin called Felicity to tell her that the chief had ordered them to shoot Oliver and Ra's, but she didn't have anything to do with him getting there IIRC. ETA: Wait, she did tell him the 4 locations the virus was going to be released once she and Ray figured it out - but I wouldn't really call that rallying him - I think Laurel did that, by asking him to make her and Sara proud.
  15. To be fair to Laurel - she didn't just walk up and turn off the TV. She stood there and watched the report until the anchor mentioned Sara's name and her picture popped up on the screen. Completely understandable reaction IMO.
  16. No, she turned off the TV right after the anchor mentioned that Sara Lance was lost in the accident, and she was survived by her sister Laurel. I always figured it was a big story, everyone knew about it, and she was embarrassed. One of the guys in the background even looked down when she walked past him before she turned off the TV. (I just rewatched)
  17. Under normal circumstances, sure. But she was in an office environment where all of her coworkers were gaping at a news story about her ex boyfriend and dead sister who ran off behind her back, when she had apparently just found out that the ex was still alive. It's rude, but understandably emotional. I honestly don't understand what the issue is.
  18. I really don't get what the big deal with Laurel turning off the TV is, and I'm not just talking about the reaction here, I've seen it in other places. It's rude, yeah, but she was upset, and it's not like she broke the thing. To me, it's not really any different than Felicity turning off the lights in the Foundry when she told Digg and Roy that there was no mission without Oliver after he died, and they were still standing down there in the dark while she walked off. It's a simple fix: you want the lights back, turn them on. You want to watch the TV again, find the remote.
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