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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think anyone would be surprised if she didn't go, I just think that a lot of people are really hoping that she will.
  2. Here's hoping, since he's the one they just announced, haha. Putting those sleeves to work, sir!
  3. True, but mandatory sign in wouldn't have changed anything about this situation. The guy wasn't bullying anyone, and he didn't threaten anyone. He made a comment that he thought SA was using his celebrity to bilk his fans. So, he uses a screen name to make that comment, and...then what? SA can rant at an actual name rather than an anon? The guy didn't do anything that was against the ToS, so...not sure what SA wanted to come out of it. Anyway, I have to register to be able to comment on comicbook.com, so it seems like they do track their anons - randoms can't just go on there and post (unless there's something I'm missing).
  4. I don't disagree with you, but I guess this is where I'm losing SA's argument. He doesn't like anonymous posting, that's cool. Put a name next to what you post, but...it's still not your real name. You can still troll with it. Him getting upset with CBR for not making people register makes no sense, because even if users did register, how is that really any different than what goes on now? I mean, like I wrote above, whether the comment comes from "anonymous1405450" or "stephenamellsucks,"or someone using a first and last name which may or may not be real, he STILL doesn't know who that person is, haha.
  5. I don't think he's a bully at all, but I do think that his anti-anon stance is misguided. I mean, even if that guy had registered with a real username, does it change anything if he'd commented under "grnarrowh8r14"? Nothing that guy wrote was far enough out of line to get him banned, so...who cares? What was SA going to do, ask for his real name and email address? Ask CB.com to ban his IP? There are ways around that. The only way to have real accountability is to require people to sign in with their real name, and who even knows if they are who they say they are? I get that people writing shit about him on the internet is bothersome, but it's just something he's got to learn to deal with. I know he thinks Facebook is the be-all, end-all of social networking, but I have a dummy account on there myself, after an unpleasant experience of someone coming after me personally after I posted an opinion they didn't like on a friend's post. Hell, I wouldn't even comment on the CW's Facebook page under my real name, with how over-the-line people go with the name calling and whatnot. So, the comfort of anonymity goes both ways.
  6. I'm gonna laugh so hard if we've given all this thought to Oliver being mayor and it turns out he just works on someone's campaign or something (which will, at some point down the line, I'm sure, result in him being mayor).
  7. He doesn't necessarily have to be in press conferences while Laurel and Thea play hero. Sometimes he would be, I'm sure, but it could be a nice return to one of the things I liked in S1 and S2, which is Oliver showing up late to events and trying to hide that he's been out suiting up. Could just be that he's late to a press conference or fundraiser or whatever because he was out being vigilante. He desperately needs a life outside of the foundry though, so I'll take what I can get. Oliver as mayor, deputy mayor, county comptroller, whatever.
  8. I think it'll add an interesting dynamic now that everyone in his inner circle is aware of his alter ego. When a crisis hits the city, he's got to be in charge instead of out there in his suit. I think it could be a good way of balancing Oliver's story while including the others instead of having to make him disappear like they did last season.
  9. As a guess, it'll go something like this: The candidate will be Moira's friend, the one Oliver and Thea were close to when they were younger. Her daughter (the one she'd do anything for, or however the description worded it), will get into some trouble/will already be in some trouble, and Oliver and/or Thea are going to find out about it. Will the lady want to be mayor because of this? Is there some foul plan underfoot? Both? They're going to have difficulty reconciling the lady they knew with this one, who is willing to abuse her power, and someone will convince Oliver that the best way to stop her (and any future crazy candidates, since the city has had a few), would be to run for mayor himself. Or, like Carrie Ann wrote, he'll be deputy for a while before the actual mayor bites it.
  10. I would actually prefer something like this.
  11. Yeah, she's one candidate. There should be at least one more, unless she's running uncontested.
  12. If "the candidate" is Oliver and not some other person whose place he'll eventually take in the mayoral race, they're getting him involved in politics awfully quickly, haha.
  13. I guess a "proper character" is one who isn't in a relationship with Oliver because OMG ROMANCE IS TURNING THIS INTO A SOAP OPERA!!11111!
  14. I like that Felicity's only useless as long as she's in a relationship with Oliver, lmao.
  15. I'm tempted to allow it, but I really need a "good guy" with glowing red eyes spewing Exorcist-level nastiness for at least one episode to mark that checkbox.
  16. It's not a full-on soap until someone gets possessed by the devil!
  17. I didn't see his. Yeah. Since SA seems to have a financial stake in this, I'm pretty sure he's going to try to get people there the fans want to see, so I wouldn't worry about only people from the fight club promo attending. I mean, they might, but I don't think it'll be for lack of trying.
  18. No, this definitely seems like something he put together with Walker Stalker.
  19. KC and Robbie Amell are the only two whose pictures are from that promo-probably because those are the two least ridiculous photos of them in costume.
  20. Probably because of the content of the post, since the commenter was accusing him of using his fans to make money. Which he is, I suppose, but in much kinder words, haha.
  21. According to the first comment, someone posted that screen cap to his page - he didn't go looking for it. I was worried there for a sec, haha.
  22. MG said in an interview today (I can't find the link yet) that he's not a Nazi in this iteration, and they brought him in because of his connections to Shadowspire. So...I guess H.I.V.E. isn't the only crime syndicate we've got coming our way this season.
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