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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe it was the most accurate out of the group it was in the running with? IDK, I don't watch those other shows, although I do agree that it was a mess.
  2. No one from Orphan Black submitted any episodes for the award, so she wasn't in the running. Arrow/Katie were up against arcs from Dallas, Graceland, and The Killing.
  3. Personally, I don't really care about any of the Lances anymore. I spent half of last season worrying that Quentin was going to die from a heart attack when Laurel finally told him about Sara, then wished he actually had because he became completely ridiculous. Laurel could've been interesting, but her motivations are all over the place, and I did like Sara the first time she came back from the dead. But Lance family drama seems to follow her, and I'll have to see how different she is from the LP - I have a feeling that I won't be that sad to see her go over to LoT. ETA: just realized that I meant to post this as a reply in another thread, but...eh, it fits.
  4. IDK, the way PB spoke in that interview with Seat42 made it seem like Quentin knows he's getting involved in something dark, but he thinks he's doing it for the right reasons. So I'm not sure if there's going to be any manipulation. I guess we'll see!
  5. If he's off the wagon and desperate enough, he'd probably agree to whatever. He seemed to be in a better place about it all at the end of last season, what with calling Felicity to let her know that Oliver was about to be shot instead of just letting him get shot. This seems like something the batshit!Quentin would've done. So, who knows.
  6. He probably wouldn't, but I imagine he would want whatever QL would have to give him in exchange very badly.
  7. Yeah, I think it's safe to say that she'll be back on Arrow relatively soon.
  8. Good for her! The Flash was also nominated for an Emmy for the special effects for Grodd.
  9. He said that what happens would haunt the rest of the season. It could be that the thing that Quentin does to get Sara back is what "haunts" it.
  10. If it is Lance working with Darhk, I wonder how that even comes about? Is DD masquerading as some businessman in Starling, who gets in good with the chief (or whatever it is Quentin is), and then Quentin tells him about his dead daughter and DD says, "Hey, I've got some magic water that'll fix that up right quick, just show me where her grave is!" and Quentin's poor alcohol-addled mind is all, "YES, OKAY." Then DD gets him to do some shady business in the PD? Or does Malcolm pull some kind of rat bastard move and offer to bring Sara back in exchange for something? If Quentin's drinking again, I can see how he could be tempted by the offer, although I would've thought he'd be more likely to fall for something like that back when he was in his idiotic mania over Oliver lying to him about Sara being on Lian Yu (forever stupid, btw), not that things on this show necessarily have to be in character, as we've seen. I'm up for whatever the twist is as long as it doesn't involve Oliver, Felicity, Diggle or Thea.
  11. He said during the Nerd HQ panel that he might not be be actually wrestling, just involved somehow.
  12. Bracing myself for more Lance family dramz, but at least it involves Quentin this time. Is he working with Darkh, or what? Or did he make some kind of deal with Merlyn (or Darhk, I guess, since he has Lazarus Pit water) to get Sara back? Yikes.
  13. The women on Ninja Warrior also complete a whole obstacle course before they get to the salmon ladder. It is not out of the realm of possibility that KC could grab the bar and go up a couple of rungs.
  14. Thinking you can do something, and feeling the need to prove it by having someone film you are two different things? Maybe she doesn't care all that much. And if she did post something like that, she'd be reamed for it anyway.
  15. Seriously. Who knows if she can or not? I wouldn't be surprised if she could do at least a rung or two.
  16. I didn't say you were body shaming her, I said that the conversation of Caity vs Katie usually devolves into some kind of body shaming because Katie can't do the same things as Caity. Why would she have trained in the beginning when she was still supposed to be a lawyer? She could've been told that her "evolution" was going to be shown on screen, and that she should hold off bulking up until it was time, we don't know. I mean, I think Laurel absolutely sucks, but I'm not going to criticize KC when I don't know what she was being told behind the scenes. It also seems like a lot of the cast (SA, DR, etc) don't go hard in their workouts until right before the season starts - they even tweet about it. Caity's obviously really into parkour and martial arts and whatnot, and it seems like she does that year 'round. Good for her.
  17. I realize Dr. Who showed up in fic before this season, but it is canon that she likes it. When she was talking to Donna about why Ray's such a catch, she mentioned that he knew the plots to all the Dr. Who episodes, so I think it's safe to say that she's a fan since she thinks that's a selling point.
  18. I understand what the person meant. Caity is physical, she's been doing this stuff her whole life, that's great for her, she's a natural. She comes off very believable on screen. We don't know what Katie does to train, but she doesn't have the same physique as Caity and no matter what she does, she'll never look the same. The comparisons don't do anything but devolve into some kind of weird body shaming on Katie for not being able to do the same things Caity can, and it's gross IMO.
  19. I don't think the time travel matters. If there's any kind of crossover potential, then they're going to have to be on the current timeline at some point, and the floater could always time travel with them, or show up in the current timeline before they go on some new time traveling adventure.
  20. You know what I meant - Oliver is the only one on the show who absolutely without a doubt would not be the floater. Felicity is highly unlikely, I agree, but we were discussing the possibility of all the characters who could possibly fill that role (even though MG said it wouldn't be Felicity or Laurel). I think it's likely to be a regular or recurring guest star though. It's going to be someone we've seen a lot of IMO.
  21. But Oliver would never be the floater - the characters who could fill that role are the ones the OP was talking about.
  22. Wouldn't Sara working with the dude who killed her be the kind of dramatic crap the people who run these shows love? Besides, if Malcom's the floater, it doesn't necessarily mean anyone has to work with him at all. He could just be a general thorn in everyone's side.
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