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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Most people I saw responded to those things by questioning Felicity's judgment, which was dancincnancy's point? We've been shown time and again that were supposed to trust her, but she mooned over Ray without calling him out on his shitty behavior, and put Sara down in order to make Laurel feel better about herself-both things that are unlike her.
  2. When did the show paint that she was evil/a bad guy specifically for the way she treated Felicity? They were two women who didn't like each other - they spelled out the reasons why Felicity didn't like her in the very first episode, and followed through with her being uncomfortable around Isabel. They showed Isabel being kind of a bitch to her (mainly in 2x06), and making snide comments about the office rumors and Felicity's clothing choices to show that Isabel didn't think much of Felicity, either, but nothing in-show ever suggested that we shouldn't like Isabel just because Felicity didn't. The fact that she tried to take over Oliver's company was reason enough for that.
  3. I wonder if the "meh" is sarcasm, and it's ultimately a big episode. I know CH said he'd be back, but I don't think it'll be for anything other than a small part.
  4. Uh...she planned a hostile takeover of Oliver's company, and planned on firing most of the employees - of which Felicity was one. Then she did an about face and decided to be equal partners with Oliver - the guy who's company she wanted to take over in a hostile manner...is there some reason why Felicity shouldn't have been wary of her?
  5. Since Anarky has already been cast, and "Alex" isn't appearing until ep 5, isn't it likely that they are two separate people?
  6. SA's a good looking man, but he looks like he's trying to poo here.
  7. I guess I'm not following your argument. Isabel was going to take over the company and lay off the employees - Felicity said as much when she and Diggle went to the island to get Oliver back (she herself was going to be out of a job). Felicity was right not to trust her. I'm not sure what Ray has to do with it since he purchased the company on the up and up.
  8. I can't really remember, but didn't Isabel stage a hostile takeover of QC? Ray put a bid on a company that was in receivership or whatever. Those are two very different things. Felicity was right to not trust Isabel wanting to work with Oliver since she was trying to take over the company in the first place - her motivations were suspect. Ray outright got approval from the board to purchase QC.
  9. Isn't another series premiering next week (I think it's ANTM)? Maybe they're skipping repeats for new programming those weeks, and just need to skip those eps in order to finish the season in time for the S4 premiere. Probably has nothing to do with the ratings or watchability of any of those episodes.
  10. The facial hair SA has now works for him. He'd look stupid with a Van Dyke, and he looks like a douchebag when he's clean shaven. Perfect for pre-island Oliver.
  11. I loved Draw Back Your Bow. It was big on the O/F despite Ray. It was trope-y, but I don't care. I'd watch it again and just do something else during the Ray parts.
  12. I don't think that's true. I think a person can become commissioner without being an officer, but I'm pretty sure you have to have experience as a law enforcement officer to become a chief. He wouldn't have had to be a cop with the SCPD, but he would've had to have been a cop somewhere else. Not that real world rules apply to TV, I guess.
  13. I will laugh forever if Damien Darhk is the police chief, because that means he would've worked his way up through the ranks. Since the SCPD has shown (with Ray) that they can be bought and influenced by people in power, I think it's more likely that DD has influence in SC and uses that influence on the SCPD. I think they just had the Chief mention that Oliver and Ra's were responsible for the attack because they needed Oliver to get shot for the whole Felicity in Ray's suit scene, and they needed someone of authority to have ordered it so that Quentin could a) warn Felicity, and b) stop looking so awful and ridiculous.
  14. They did try to get him out of it. Felicity drugged him and they attempted escape, and after that didn't work and Oliver said he was going to stay, Diggle encouraged him to just leave with them anyway (Diggle, outside Ra's Pier 1 compound: "Oliver, the jet's less than a mile away." Oliver: "Where are we gonna fly it to?"). Oliver stood firm in wanting to stay, so I'm not sure what good another scene would've done if they weren't going to do anything with it.
  15. Yeah, that could be it. I can't really remember what he told Felicity during his grand speech to her, haha.
  16. I think that's exactly what it was, since when he was making his hard sell to Oliver about becoming Ra's he mentioned that he knew that Oliver was in love with a woman he couldn't have. Let him have her, then take her away.
  17. I meant to write "smarter" instead of "smartest," but I do think it was a good decision not to tell Diggle and Felicity that Ra's planned on destroying the city at some undetermined point in time, so...eh.
  18. Agreed. Because the problem wasn't so much about giving them the information, it's that he didn't have much information to give them. And the Diggle I know? If Oliver had told him that he was going off of information that Malcolm had given him - that Ra's was going to make him destroy Starling City (the city where Diggle, his wife, and his daughter live) as part of his ascension - Diggle never, ever would've sat idly by and waited for it to happen. He would've told Felicity, and Ray, and Laurel, and they would've done something to take out Ra's, and it very likely could've gotten them all killed AND doomed the city. I don't blame Oliver for not telling them. At all. It was one of the smartest things he did in a season full of idiocy, IMO.
  19. I think we're safe from the network making him grow stupid-looking facial hair.
  20. They aren't ever going to make him grow a goatee for the simple reason that he's the lead on a popular show, is hot, and that would look fucking ridiculous.
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