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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think that the idea of some time away after the year she had was probably incredibly appealing, and difficult to say no to at the time. I can't blame her for that. It would've been nice for her to take a leave of absence, but I'm guessing the quitting aspect has something to do with Ray exploding himself into mini status. If she was still an employee of the company, she would've been required to return.
  2. Yay for adding another POC character! Boo for what's beginning to be another case of cast bloat, because damn. Hopefully she's in the flashbacks.
  3. I mean, he could be running for any office, doesn't have to be mayor. But I'm pretty sure that if Oliver's got a political advisor working for him, he's running for office, not working for someone who is.
  4. Could be, but I don't really see why a political advisor would be working for Oliver, if Oliver isn't a candidate.
  5. And then right before Tommy died (after Oliver thought he had killed Malcolm, and he lied to Tommy about it), he thanked Oliver for not killing Malcolm, even though he knew what a PoS his father was. So, I can see Oliver's reasoning about Malcolm being twisted in his mind, at least in that respect.
  6. If they had ignored Tatsu, then they wouldn't have walked right into the trap Ra's had set for them. If he had told them what he was planning, no way would they have just sat back and waited for whatever Oliver was planning to come to fruition, especially when Malcolm told him it would take years. Especially not if he had told him that destroying Starling City was part of the plan - not when Felicity, Diggle, and Diggle's family live there. They would've done what they could to stop it beforehand, and probably gotten them all killed. Not saying they would've been wrong to try, but it's understandable why Oliver didn't tell them.
  7. From the Starling City Times thread: I think another issue Oliver has clouding his judgment with Malcolm is that the very last thing Tommy said to him was a thank you for not killing him. I get him believing Malcolm when he said he didn't kill Sara, because he had been successfully evading the League for over a year, logically speaking, why would he bring attention to himself? Since he'd been running scared for however long, worried about Ra's collecting on his blood debt, I can see why Oliver wouldn't think that he was planning something bigger. After he found out that Malcolm was behind it, he was worried about Malcolm turing over that video of Thea killing Sara to Ra's - who knows how many digital copies he could've had that Felicity wouldn't have ever been able to find - and when he came back, he needed Malcolm's inside knowledge of the LoA too much to off him or turn him over. Even him going after Malcolm after Thea turned him over to Ra's makes sense for that reason alone.His insistence on Thea being around him based on him being her biological father doesn't make much sense, but...eh. I don't even think his outing Thea as Malcolm's daughter was SO stupid after he initially let it slip that Malcolm had a daughter and swore on her life that he didn't kill Sara (which yes, was dumb). Nyssa said the League heard rumors about her, and that Nyssa would make her pay if he didn't reveal who she was and Nyssa had to discover that information on her own, so...IDK. There are other ways they could've told that story, but at this point, none of it makes me think Oliver is terrible or more of an idiot than I already thought he was.
  8. ETA: moved my response over to the Oliver Queen thread.
  9. I think it means that he's Oliver's political advisor - there was a spoiler out not too long ago that that's what his occupation is.
  10. Since this guy is supposed to be a political advisor (per earlier spoilers about her love interest), I'm guessing Oliver starts running for mayor (or some other office) straight away? Good luck, Star(ling)!
  11. My guess is that now that word's out about it, he'll say that Olicity shippers are cheating cheaters who cheat and only care about winning, which is kind of where he went with the GATV poll results, IIRC. So, same old, same old.
  12. If I hated him to the point where I thought he was a flaming moron? Probably, especially since Diggle and Felicity's stories will most likely always be tied back to his. I'd probably still keep up with what was happening and decide if I wanted to pick it up at a later time, though. For example: I liked everyone on The Office but Michael, and when he drove a car into a lake just because the GPS told him to keep going straight, I turned the show off and never picked it up again - I don't know how it turned out. Depends on the show and the circumstances, I guess. Although that's the only time I stopped watching something for any reason other than just losing interest.
  13. I never wrote that people should stop watching shows if they don't like the protagonist though? I wrote that *I* (as in *myself*) would've stopped watching before I got to the point of writing anonymous diatribes about a character that I hate - that's why I find it interesting when people don't do that.
  14. I guess I just don't see the point in taking the time to write out a long list of reasons why I hate a character. Seems like a waste of precious time to me, just hate them and move on. But to each their own.
  15. I want to see what the "more" is - too bad that's not on there. I'm always so fascinated by people who take the time to write diatribes like that, because if I ever get to the point where I start hating the main character of a show, I just stop watching it. Seems counterintuitive to spend any kind of time on something that you no longer enjoy.
  16. I forgot about Paul Blackthorne, oops! I knew I was forgetting someone. For some reason I recall seeing "Emily-Bett Rickards" in some old yearbook photo someone posted of her, but I could be wrong about that. I don't think the Bett is part of her last name.
  17. And, even in alphabetical credits, she'd still be #2, so...win for her. Unless I'm forgetting someone who would go before her.
  18. Honestly, I think most people won't care, especially since they started laying the groundwork for it last season.
  19. I'm pretty sure they did. MG said as much in an interview at Comic Con (although to be fair, he said something like, "Some people might not be calling it Starling City anymore." - whether "some people" means that there's a groundswell to change the name, or if he just misspoke, IDK). I think that changing the name is stupid, but this is the kind of fan service I can get behind. It's a little shout out that gets the comic fans excited, and basically has no real impact on the show or the characters whatsoever.
  20. I've been to ones where my time has been limited, and ones where it hasn't. I'm not sure what you're getting at here though - are you implying that the poster isn't telling the truth? Judging by her Twitter count, she seems to be super into Arrow, so if she took a second of however much time she had with RR to ask her about it (since RR apparently tweeted that she watches Arrow, IDK), that doesn't seem strange to me.
  21. That sandwich was the only good thing he had going on in his life!
  22. Not if it was at a book signing and that woman was trying to start some small talk.
  23. Yeah, Phoebe and Joey getting dumber was annoying. Ross was best for me when he was being a jackass about Unagi, or having rage issues because someone stole his sandwich. I probably would've liked him more if the Ross/Rachel thing didn't exist.
  24. I liked Ross a lot in the beginning, probably the first two seasons. He just kept getting worse and worse after.
  25. Should we start calling you Miss Chanandler Bong?
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